Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2174 Wang Tongtian

C2174 Wang Tongtian

Who would have thought that after searching for a long time, they were still unable to find anything.    


"Master Yang, that person can't be in the Great Recovery Mountain, right?" Elder He frowned as he looked at the Grand Master beside him.    


"He's here. He's right in the middle of Mt. Tai." Master Yang replied hurriedly.    


"Is that his absence today?" Lord Xu said.    


"I don't know. How about we come back another day?" Master Yang said helplessly.    


"Come back another day? This is an order from His Majesty, and the matter of the Flaming Winged Bird is extremely urgent. A sullen expression immediately appeared on Elder He's face.    


"Then... Let's keep searching. " Master Yang said with a bitter face.    


In his heart, he could only silently curse Wang Tongtian.    


Just as he was about to order his men to continue searching, a monkey suddenly ran over from the distance. The monkey stopped in front of them and unexpectedly waved at them, then turned around as if to signal them to follow it.    


"This damn monkey is actually using us as entertainment!" Master Yang couldn't help but retort in anger.    


Saying so, he wanted to teach this monkey a lesson.    


Elder He suddenly said, "Don't attack it, let's follow it!"    


"Since that Wang Tongtian can order around a black wolf, maybe he's the one who called the monkey over. Patriarch He is right, let's follow it and see." Lord Xu also said.    


The group of people immediately followed behind the monkey.    


After walking for a short distance, the monkey stopped in front of a huge boulder.    


What's different here? Everyone was puzzled.    


It was also at this time that a 'ka ka ka' sound actually sounded from the huge rock. Following that, a hole had actually cracked open in the middle of the huge rock.    


This kind of special scene made everyone exclaim in admiration, because the surface of the huge rock was too smooth. No one would have thought that there would actually be a hole in it.    


Below the entrance was a flight of stairs leading down.    


"Let's go down." After looking down a few times, Old He said.    


With that, Elder He took the lead and left while the others quickly followed behind him.    


The cave entrance was somewhat dark, but the deeper they went, the brighter it became. When they arrived at the end, they discovered a cave in front of them. At the top of the cave was a fist-sized Night Pearl.    


After carefully inspecting the cave, everyone frowned. The cave was empty, with nothing inside. Furthermore, there was no passage to other places.    


"Could it be that there is another world to it like before?" Master Xu muttered to himself.    


After he said this, a voice suddenly sounded out in the air, "Who are you people? Why have you come to find me, Wang Tongtian?"    


"I am the Magistrate of the County Magistrate's side. This is the Senior Xu of the Imperial City, and this is Elder He. He is one of the most powerful experts of the Imperial City and is highly regarded by His Majesty." Master Yang hurriedly started his introduction.    


"Hmm? Someone from the Imperial City! Wang Tongtian was clearly surprised. After a slight pause, he asked again, "Then what do you have to do?"    


"Great Master Wang, the Ice Peak is currently in a difficult state. The Blazing Winged Birds are wreaking havoc and killing the citizens of my Ice Peak Country. Your Majesty hopes that you can join hands to deal with the Blazing Winged Birds!" Master Yang said loudly.    


"Flaming Winged Bird? Is that the legendary Flaming Winged Bird? " Wang Tongtian was even more surprised.    


"That's right, it's the legendary Flamewing Birds. Furthermore, there are many of them, and from our observations, we discovered that they should have come from somewhere. As long as we can find that place, we will definitely be able to deal with them ? However, those Flamewing Birds are very difficult to track and we have no choice. When we heard that you had the ability to follow us, Elder He and I came to Great Recovery Mountain to look for you. " Lord Xu said respectfully.    


Sir Xu thought that he would talk about Wang Tongtian, but who would have thought that Wang Tongtian only coldly said, "So what if it's the legendary Flaming Winged Bird? It has nothing to do with me, I won't leave Mount Dashu!"    


"Wang Tongtian, you're clearly looking down on His Majesty!" Old He could not help but retort in anger, "Do you know the consequences of that? You plan on dealing with all of the strong practitioners from the Ice Peak Empire? "    


"Old He, don't try to suppress me like this. I, Wang Tongtian, am not going to do this!" Wang Tongtian said in a tit for tat manner.    


"Well, Wang Tongtian, you can't blame me for this!" Elder He said coldly.    


Seeing that Elder He was about to kill himself, Sir Xu quickly said, "Great Master Wang, if you help His Majesty deal with the Flamewing Bird, His Majesty will definitely reward you handsomely. Why aren't you willing to do that?"    


Unexpectedly, Wang Tongtian completely ignored him and directly said, "Everyone, please go back!"    


"Please go back? Wang Tongtian, you are wrong, if I don't drag you out of this hole, I won't go back! " Old He sneered.    


"Old He, you don't even know where I am, how could you find me?" Wang Tongtian couldn't help but laugh.    


"In my opinion, there should be a hidden door in the surrounding walls. As long as we open this door, we will be able to pull you out!" Elder He looked around and said.    


"Since Elder He wishes to try, then please do so." Wang Tongtian said.    


Elder He didn't pay any more attention to him. Instead, he began to inspect the surrounding stone walls. After going around in a circle, his expression became somewhat unsightly. This was because he didn't see anything.    


The others also looked at it closely like him, but none of them could discover anything.    


"Everyone, use your rune sword to attack the surrounding stone walls. Let's see if they have any flaws." After thinking for a moment, Elder He said this.    


After he finished speaking, he took out the rune sword first, and chopped towards the stone wall in front of him with his sword.    


Wang Tongtian immediately sneered, "You're useless. Give up, don't waste your energy."    


Elder He did not give up. Instead, he continued to use his rune sword to strike at the stone wall.    


The others followed his example.    


However, no matter how hard he tried, there was no response.    


Elder He still did not give up. He suddenly took out his own Ice Talisman Paper. It was clear that he wanted to try using the cold energy.    


"Don't do such a tiresome thing." Seeing him take out the Ice Talisman Paper, Wang Tongtian couldn't help but sneer.    


But at the next moment, his laughter abruptly stopped and he exclaimed, "What kind of Ice Talisman Paper is this? Why is it so special? "    


He could tell that Old He was definitely capable of activating the level five Ice Talisman Paper, and now that Old He had taken out a different one, he was naturally surprised.    


"Let me tell you, this is a Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper." Old He said proudly.    


"Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper?" Wang Tongtian's surprised voice came from the void, "Could it be that this is a talisman paper that is even stronger than the Grade 5 Cold Talisman Paper?"    


"Of course, otherwise how could it be called a level six Ice Talisman Paper?" Elder He said arrogantly.    


"However, how could there be even more powerful Ice Magic Paper in this world?" Wang Tongtian couldn't believe it.    


"That's because you're ignorant." Old He said.    


"Since you said it's a Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper, then you should try activating it." Wang Tongtian said.    


Obviously, he wanted to see the might of the rank 6 Ice Talisman Paper in Old He's hands.    


"Then I'll show you the power of a Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper!" Old He said.    


With that, he activated the rank 6 Ice Talisman Paper in his hand, and in the next moment, a strong ice-cold Qi attacked the stone wall in front of him.    




What no one expected was that the stone wall that was being attacked would emit such a sound. Following that, the surroundings started to tremble.    


Could it be that the rank 6 Ice Talisman Paper was really useful? Such a thought flashed across the minds of everyone present.    


However, to their disappointment, as time passed, the entire cave remained the same as before. There were no changes at all.    


Was his strength not enough? Old He frowned.    


Thinking this, he immediately said to the others, "Everyone activate the Ice Cold Talisman paper and attack the same place as me."    


Hearing his words, the others also held the cold talisman in their hands.    


At this time, Wang Tongtian's voice came from the void, "Wait!"    


"What, are you afraid?" Old He said.    


"Of course I'm not afraid. I told you to stop because I changed my mind. I promise you, but I have a condition!" Wang Tongtian said.    


"What condition?" Old He said.    


"I want to learn more about rank 6 Ice Talisman paper. If you teach me, I will follow you to the Imperial City!" Wang Tongtian said.    


"You really have a good plan!" Old He frowned.    


"If not for this, I would never have left Great Recovery Mountain!" Wang Tongtian firmly said.    


"Fine, I promise you. However, you must listen to His Majesty and Grandmaster Zong's orders!" Old He said.    


Master Xu thought that Wang Tongtian would definitely refuse, but unexpectedly, the next moment, a single word came out of his mouth, "Okay!"    


"Very good, then it's a deal!" A smile appeared on Old He's face.    


Before he could finish his sentence, the wall in front of them creaked open again. The cave then cracked open to the side. Everyone looked inside and their mouths gaped in shock. There was actually such a magnificent palace inside.    


In the center of the palace sat a middle-aged man with a stern expression. Beside this middle-aged man stood a black wolf. When it saw Old He and the others, the black wolf's gaze immediately swept over to them.    


Clearly, this middle-aged man was Wang Tongtian, and the black wolf beside him was that night.    


Looking at the black wolf, Old He said, "Before that, I want to test your ability as a black wolf."    


"Whatever you want." Wang Tongtian had an indifferent expression.    


At this time, Patriarch He took out a black pearl, and said, "This pearl has a special smell, I'll let you, this black wolf, have a look, then I'll have someone take this pearl and throw it somewhere outside. If you, this black wolf, can find me, I believe you have that kind of strength."    


"No problem." Wang Tongtian didn't care.    


Before he finished speaking, Elder He had already thrown the pearl over. He hurriedly took it and placed the black pearl in front of Black Wolf after receiving it. Within a breath's time, he had already thrown the pearl back.    


Then he opened his mouth and said, "You can throw it anywhere you want. You just need to find it in the dark night of the Great Revitalizing Mountain!"    


Elder He looked at the person beside him and said, "Take this pearl out and throw it as far away as possible!"    


"Yes." The person took the bead and immediately left.    


The person returned after the time it took to make a cup of tea. Then, he said to Old He, "Old He, I've already placed the pearl outside."    


"Very good, then your black wolf can now take action." Elder He looked at Wang Tongtian.    


"I won't let you down." Wang Tongtian arrogantly said. Then, he directly said to the black wolf, "Go!"    


He did not say anything unnecessary, but the black wolf clearly understood what he meant. In the next moment, it was already running outside.    


He then disappeared from everyone's sight.    


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