Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2170 Chase and Escape

C2170 Chase and Escape

Outside the spatial crack, Qian Jiayi, Miao Feng and the others were anxiously waiting. The next moment, they were extremely happy as Lin Long appeared at the entrance of the spatial crack.    


"Young master, you're out!" Qian Jiayi said happily.    


As she spoke, she sized up Lin Long. What made her heave a sigh of relief was that Lin Long didn't seem to have suffered any injuries.    


When the others saw Lin Long's reaction, they also let out a sigh of relief.    


Lin Long continued, "The two people will definitely chase us out later, let's quickly leave this place!"    


Since they could come out of this spatial rift as they pleased, Ku and Elder Meng could naturally come out as well. Right now, they were only being held up by those Flamewing Birds.    


With their strength, it would naturally be easy for them to take care of those Flaming Winged Birds, that's why Lin Long said that.    


Soon after, Lin Long quickly brought Qian Jiayi and the others and left the place.    


Not long after, the two elders finished off the Flaming Winged Bird that was trapping them. They immediately focused their gazes on the spatial crack.    


"Elder Meng, this spatial rift looks very stable. We have to chase out from here." Ku Lao said.    


"Yes." Elder Meng nodded.    


Before he finished his sentence, he had already rushed towards the space crack, Ku Lao was right behind him.    


Immediately, the two of them appeared outside the space crack.    


The moment they came out, the two of them looked around and activated their Divine Sense, but what made them frown was that they did not find any trace of Lin Long and the rest.    


"Those people have run away. We need to see where they have run off to." Ku Lao said.    


Immediately, the two began to search the area.    


As time passed, their expressions became more and more unsightly, because they did not discover any trace of Lin Long and the others remaining.    


This was naturally because Lin Long was very experienced, he had cleaned up all the possible traces left behind, causing the two old men to be unable to find any clues.    


Old Ku and Old Ku were not willing to lose Lin Long and the rest like that, so they continued to search the area, at the same time letting the experts from the Mask Academy join in the search.    


In the end, they gave up, because they still could not find any trace of Lin Long and the others.    


After escaping for a while and making sure no one was chasing after him, Lin Long made the others stop.    


As soon as he stopped, he walked towards Wu Ziheng.    


"Lin Gongzi, what's the matter?" Wu Ziheng asked as he saw Lin Long coming over.    


He could tell what was wrong with Lin Long.    


"Dean Wu, I have used up all of the Purple Fire Talismans I made. So, I would like to ask if you still have some Purple Tiger blood essence." Lin Long asked directly.    


He had originally wanted to leave behind one of them, but who would have thought that he would have to use three in the Mask Academy, including the useless one.    


"I still have a portion of the Purple Tiger's blood essence hidden in the academy. However, that portion has its flaws and is most likely useless, affecting the Purple Flame Talisman that young master created." Wu Ziheng said.    


"Dean Wu, you actually don't know. The drop of Purple Tiger blood essence that your disciple Zhang Cheng brought out earlier was also missing. However, I still managed to refine the Purple Fire Talisman." Lin Long said.    


"So it's like that. That Purple Tiger blood essence might come in handy." Wu Ziheng's eyes lit up.    


"It's just that we don't have the means to enter the Mask Academy right now. How can we bring out the Purple Tiger blood essence?" Dong Luo said worriedly.    


"I'll have one of my disciples take it out." Wu Ziheng said.    


"What if that disciple of yours lured Grandmaster Zong and the others over?" Miao Feng couldn't help but feel worried.    


"Rest assured, that disciple is also loyal to me. Moreover, he is not my disciple even on the surface, so he won't attract any attention from those people." Wu Ziheng said.    


"So it's like that. Then, Dean Wu, think of a way to make him take it out." Lin Long immediately replied.    


The purple tiger in the underground cave would definitely be heavily guarded by the two elders, so Lin Long could only think of giving Wu Ziheng a portion of purple tiger blood essence.    


"No problem." Wu Ziheng nodded and continued, "I need to go to Heyuan City and find that person. Then, I will have that person enter the Mask Academy and inform that disciple of mine."    


"Then I'll go with you, Dean Wu." Lin Long immediately replied.    


He then looked at Qian Jiayi and the others and said, "Miss Qian, you guys wait for me here."    


"Yes." Qian Jiayi and the others nodded in agreement.    


After that, Lin Long brought Wu Ziheng to Heyuan City.    


He had found the person Wu Ziheng wanted to see in Heyuan City. It was obvious that this person was also loyal to Wu Ziheng.    


After some explanation, that person left Heyuan City and went to the Mask Institution.    


Lin Long and Wu Ziheng on the other hand, were waiting for that person's message.    


Not long after, that person brought a young man to the front of Lin Long and Wu Ziheng.    


"Greetings, Principal!" the young man said respectfully when he saw Wu Ziheng.    


"Did you bring out the Purple Tiger blood essence?" Wu Ziheng asked directly.    


"Principal, I've brought it out." The young man immediately took out a glass bottle.    


Wu Ziheng took it over and handed it over to Lin Long.    


After a closer inspection, Lin Long frowned, because the situation was as Wu Ziheng had said, the Purple Tiger blood essence was missing.    


"Lin Gongzi, an accident happened while hunting the purple tiger, which was why the essence blood of the purple tiger was missing." Wu Ziheng quickly explained on the side.    


"What a pity." Lin Long sighed.    


Following that, Lin Long started to create the Purple Flame Talisman again.    


He spent most of the day crafting three Purple Flame Talismans. But, what made him frown the most was that these three Purple Flame Talismans were even worse than the last three.    


Perhaps these three purple fire talismans were unable to break through the tunnels of the Royal City's mystic realm! Lin Long was worried.    


Even if he was worried, Lin Long wanted to give it a try.    


After that, he brought Qian Jiayi and the others to the imperial city.    


At this time, Elder Ku and Elder Meng had already arrived at the imperial city and met the emperor at the main hall of the imperial city.    


"What happened?" Seeing the two's strange expressions, Master Zong who was at the side could not help but speak in a low voice.    


"Your Majesty, Grandmaster Zong, we almost caught Lin Long and Qian Jiayi earlier." Ku Lao immediately said.    


"Mm, how did you see them? What exactly happened?" the Emperor asked.    


Elder Ku and Elder Meng explained the entire process.    


"Purple Flame Talisman?" Did he rely on the Purple Flame Talisman to escape from your hands? " The Emperor couldn't help but say.    


"Your Majesty, that is indeed the case." Elder Ku nodded his head.    


"Since you guys came into contact with the Purple Flame Talisman, why don't you have any signs of a headache?" Master Zong asked with a puzzled expression.    


"It's because his Purple Flame Talisman is flawed." Ku Lao explained.    


"Is it because he doesn't have the ability to create a good Purple Flame Talisman, or for some other reason?" the Emperor asked.    


"The blood essence Lin Long used to make the Purple Fire Rune should be the Purple Tiger blood essence that Zhang Cheng brought out. I heard that Zhang Cheng spilled the Purple Tiger blood essence on the way out, and it should have been because of this reason that the Purple Fire Rune Lin Long created was defective." Master Zong said.    


Obviously, they had investigated.    


"Yes." The emperor nodded, then looked at Elder Ku and Elder Meng and asked, "Then does Lin Long still have the Purple Flame Talisman?"    


"From what I see, he only has one Purple Flame Talisman." Elder Ku replied.    


"Then guard the Mask Academy well and prevent those people from obtaining the Purple Tiger's blood essence." The Emperor immediately said.    


"Your Majesty, we will naturally not give them a chance. The only thing we are worried about is whether Wu Ziheng, who they saved, will be able to bring them the essence blood of the Purple Tiger." Elder Meng said.    


These words caused the emperor to furrow his brows.    


The next moment, he said coldly, "Seal off Mask Academy completely, and no one is allowed to enter Mask Academy!"    


The reason he did this was naturally to prevent the Purple Tiger blood essence from being taken out of the Mask Academy.    


How would he know that before he gave the order, Lin Long had already collected the Purple Tiger Blood from Wu Ziheng.    


"Elder Ku, Elder Meng, why would there be so many Flaming Winged Birds in the Mask Academy?" Someone asked curiously.    


Just now, Old Ku and Elder Meng had already said that Lin Long had to escape through the extreme cold passage because of the appearance of the Flaming Winged Bird.    


"I don't know." Elder Ku and Elder Meng shook their heads.    


"Could it be that those Flaming Winged Birds were controlled by Lin Long, Qian Jiayi and the others, allowing them to be released at such a critical moment to save lives?" Someone analyzed.    


"From the looks of the situation back then, those Flowing Winged Birds should have attacked Lin Long with all their might as well, so it shouldn't have been under their control." Elder Meng said.    


"Elder Meng, you're wrong. It's very likely that they have no way to control these Flamewing Birds." The man continued to analyze.    


"That's possible!" Hearing him say this, Elder Meng and Elder Ku's eyes lit up.    


From the situation back then, they had always felt that those Winged Birds had nothing to do with Lin Long. Now that they heard these words, they felt that it was entirely possible.    


"No matter what, I have to capture Qian Jiayi, Lin Long and the others!" The emperor's expression turned ugly as he looked at Grandmaster Zong and said, "Grandmaster Zong, I order you to bring people with you to capture Qian Jiayi, Lin Long and the others!"    


Initially, he did not want to send his Grandmaster Zong to take action, but now that something like this had occurred, it made him extremely determined to capture Lin Long, Qian Jiayi and the others first.    


"Yes sir!" Grandmaster Zong said respectfully.    


"If Grandmaster Zong takes action, there's no need to worry about not catching those people." Everyone present was pleased.    


From their point of view, Grandmaster Zong, who could activate rank 6 Ice Talisman Paper, was not a difficult task for them to catch Qian Jiayi and the others. At most, they would just spend a little more time.    


After the crowd dispersed, Grandmaster Zong immediately took up this matter.    


Lin Long, Qian Jiayi and the others did not know about this. They were on their way to the Imperial City.    


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