Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2160 Stratagem

C2160 Stratagem

"So what if we can't go out? You won't be able to come in and deal with us!" Wang Ying said coldly.    


"Don't worry about it, I'll be satisfied if I keep you trapped inside. I don't believe that you'll be able to live inside for the rest of your lives." That Young Lord said.    


He knew that if Lin Long was here, there would definitely be a way, but the problem was that Lin Long was not there. Furthermore, Lin Long did not know where they would be trapped either.    


"Alright, you guys stay inside for a while. This young master won't be long to come see you." Up ahead, the young master's proud voice sounded again. As he said this, he suddenly paused before continuing, "However, if you change your mind, this young master might let you pass."    


"Well, what is it?" Qian Jiayi frowned.    


She didn't think that the other party would have any good intentions.    


"It's simple, you will always be this young lord's slave. You can do whatever you want to me. If you want me to play the dog, you can play the dog!" That Young Lord said.    


As expected, Qian Jiayi was not worried about the kindness in her heart. With this thought flashing through her mind, she immediately said, "That's impossible!"    


"Really? Then you guys can slowly wait inside. This young master will leave first, hahaha." That young lord laughed complacently.    


After that, there was no more sound. It was obvious that he had left this place.    


? ?.    


Li Tong and the others who were waiting at the pier knew that something was wrong as they didn't see Qian Jiayi and Wang DeCheng coming back. They had wanted to follow Qian Jiayi and Wang DeCheng, but they couldn't find them when they entered the river.    


"Miss Qian and Young Master Wang are most likely in trouble, what should we do now?" Elder Liang said with a worried expression.    


"Due to the boat ride, Miss Qian and Sir Wang could not leave any marks, and we have no way of finding them. Right now, we can only tell Lin Gongzi about the situation, I believe with Lin Gongzi's ability, we should be able to find them." Li Tong frowned.    


"That's the only way." The others all nodded in agreement.    


They had no other choice but to inform Lin Long of the situation and let him find a way.    


Soon after, Li Tong once again headed towards Heyuan City.    


Soon enough, he once again arrived before the spatial crack and saw Miao Feng, Dong Luo, and the others who were waiting for Lin Long.    


"Hey, Brother Li, why are you here again?" Seeing Li Tong, Miao Feng could not help but ask in confusion.    


"When Miss Qian and Young Master Wang went with them to meet Zhang Cheng, they didn't come back. I think something happened to them, because they went by water, we couldn't follow them, and they couldn't leave a mark. Therefore, there's no way to find them." Li Tong had an unsightly expression.    


"Then what should I do?" Dong Luo could not help but say.    


"We have no other choice. We can only come to Lin Gongzi, hoping that he can find a solution." Li Tong replied.    


Then, he asked, "Has Lin Gongzi never come out?"    


"Yes, Young Master hasn't come out yet." Miao Feng answered.    


"Could something have happened to Lin Gongzi as well?" Li Tong couldn't help but ask.    


"This, I don't know." Miao Feng and Dong Luo were somewhat at a loss for words.    


After all, Lin Long was only one person, not only was there a lot of strong warriors in the Mask Academy, there were also people who could activate the Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper.    


"Has this spatial rift always been this unstable?" Saying this, Li Tong looked towards the spatial crack in front of him.    


"Yes, it has always been like this. Otherwise, we would have gone in to help you." Dong Luo nodded.    


"In that case, we can only wait here for the Lin Gongzi to come out." Li Tong said helplessly.    


"Mm, that's the only way." Miao Feng said.    


Right now, Li Tong could only wait here with Miao Feng and the others.    


? ?.    


While they were waiting, within the world of the catacombs, Lin Long was frowning. He had already searched for a few days, but he did not find any Purple Tigers.    


Although Feng Ze said that there was a purple tiger near the western palace, Lin Long had not run into it for a long time. Thus, he could only search for it in other places, but not any purple tiger.    


Could it be that Gu Heng and his men had already taken action against the purple tiger? Lin Long could not help but have this thought pass through his mind.    


As he was worrying, Bamboo Mouse suddenly felt the aura of the Purple Tiger.    


There was a purple tiger! The Bamboo Mouse's reaction naturally made Lin Long extremely happy.    


The direction in which the Bamboo Mouse could sense was the location of the palace in front of them.    


Lin Long immediately headed towards that direction.    


Not long after, Lin Long saw a purple tiger in the forest outside the palace.    


This situation made him even more happy.    


However, his eyebrows creased as he realized that there was an expert near the purple tiger. From his senses, he could tell that this expert was following Gu Heng and was capable of activating the rank 6 Ice Talisman.    


Lin Long knew that if he were to go over and deal with Zi Hu like this, he would definitely attract that Ranker's attention. At that time, he would probably be taken down by that Ranker before he could even obtain the essence blood of Zi Hu.    


Wait, wait and see if this Ranker would leave or not. He only made his move after he left, Lin Long thought.    


At the same time, he used his own Dantian recording to its limits. He did not want the other party to discover him.    


Time slowly passed. A quarter-hour. An hour. Two hours ?    


Even after a day passed, the expert still did not leave the vicinity of the purple tiger.    


Could it be that the other side knew I would come, so he decided to guard the purple tiger? Lin Long frowned.    


In this period of time, not only would this expert be in the vicinity, there would also be patrols from the Mask Academy.    


Lin Long felt that he couldn't wait any longer. He should think of a way to lure the ranker away.    


Then, let's take out the people from the patrol squad and lure this Ranker away. After thinking about it, Lin Long made this decision.    


After that, Lin Long followed a patrol squad. Not long later, the patrol squad left the Western Palace.    


Lin Long did not make his move at this time, because the opponent had more people, if they were to fight, even if he won, it would not benefit him, but if other people were to come, it would not be good.    


He planned to do it when someone was alone.    


What made him depressed was that no one had left the patrol.    


In the end, Lin Long could only give up on this patrol and follow another one.    


What made him happy was that not long after following this patrol, one of the powerhouses who could activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper had actually left alone. Moreover, it was in the world of the catacombs.    


This was a good opportunity, how could Lin Long let it go, he immediately followed.    


When the time was right, he would immediately stand in front of the opponent.    


"What are you doing?" Looking towards Lin Long, the other party said coldly.    


This person was obviously not from the Mask Academy, but was brought here by Gu Heng.    


And from the other's point of view, Lin Long was obviously someone from the Mask Academy, who then ate some sort of leopard's gall bladder that actually dared to stand in front of him.    


"I am the person you are looking for, Lin Long." Lin Long said indifferently.    


"You're Lin Long, you might want to laugh me to death, right?" The other party didn't seem to mind.    


Lin Long was too lazy to waste words with him and directly took out a Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


"Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper?" Seeing that Lin Long had also taken out the level 5 Ice Talisman Paper, the other party's face could not help but reveal a surprised expression.    


"You're not from Mask Academy?" You are really Lin Long? " The next moment, the other party said this.    


Everyone in the Mask Academy knew who the person in front of them who could activate the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper was, so seeing how unfamiliar Lin Long was, he could naturally tell that Lin Long was not someone from the Mask Academy.    


"I've already said it, but you don't believe me." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


Even though Lin Long said this, the person in front of him was still skeptical.    


At this time, Lin Long had already activated the level 5 Ice Talisman Paper in his hand, and the opponent was the same.    


In the next moment, waves of ice-cold qi were sent to attack the opposite party from their position.    


The other party's face quickly became ugly, because he discovered that the ice cold Qi that Lin Long had ignited was obviously much stronger than his.    


"Since you can completely activate the level five Ice Talisman paper, I think it's really Lin Long!" At this moment, the other party could not help but say this.    


Lin Long did not reply, but used all his power to activate the Level 5 Cold Rune in his hands.    


His opponent was not able to fully grasp the level five Ice Talisman paper, so he was no match for him. Not long after, his body became stiff from the cold.    


At this time, Lin Long revealed a smile, because he heard the other people coming over. It was obvious that the people from the same patrol squad heard the commotion and rushed over.    


By the time they arrived, this expert was already so cold that he knelt onto the ground.    


"Sir Jiang, are you alright?" The people who had rushed over quickly shouted.    


"I... I'm fine. Quickly go and chase that Lin Long ? "He, he ran over there. He might be going to save Wu Ziheng ?" After catching his breath, this person quickly pointed in front of him and shouted.    


"Lin Long? But really? How did he get in? " Naturally, this made those who had arrived extremely surprised.    


At the same time, some people chased after the direction pointed out by the person. Some people immediately turned their heads around to tell the old man that they had activated the rank 6 Ice Talisman Paper.    


That old man was the strongest in the entire Mask Academy, and he was also the closest to them. Naturally, they had to inform him of this as soon as possible.    


Soon, a person appeared in front of the old man.    


"Elder Yan, I heard Lord Jiang say that Lin Long snuck into the Underground World, and after injuring Lord Jiang, he went to save Wu Ziheng!" The man said to the old man.    


"Mm, is this true?" The old man who was addressed as Elder Yan asked with narrowed eyes.    


"Lord Jiang said it himself."    


"In that case, I'll go take a look." Elder Yan immediately said.    


Sir Jiang was brought here by Gu Heng, and his strength was not bad, so Elder Yan naturally believed his words.    


With that, he sprinted towards the center of the catacombs.    


At this time, Lin Long was hiding not too far away, and seeing that his plan had succeeded and he had lured the old man away, a happy expression surfaced on Lin Long's face.    


He had purposefully not killed that Sir Jiang and told him that he was going to save Wu Ziheng in order to lure this old man away.    


He didn't think that this old man would be so easily fooled.    


However, thinking about it, Lin Long felt relieved. After all, Wu Ziheng also had the Purple Tiger Blood Essence, so the old man was naturally afraid that Lin Long would save Wu Ziheng, and then the Blood Essence would fall into Lin Long's hands.    


After the old man left, Lin Long directly arrived in front of the purple tiger.    


Lin Long's strength could not be compared to the past, so it was naturally easy for him to deal with this purple tiger.    


However, just as he was about to make his move, a skinny old man suddenly appeared in front of him.    


Feeling the other party's strength, Lin Long's expression immediately changed, because the other party was clearly an expert who could activate a level 6 Ice Talisman.    


It was obvious that Elder Yan was relieved to leave because there was still such an expert here.    


Lin Long was worried that this would happen, but he felt that it was impossible for the other party to place two Rankers capable of activating the Level 6 Ice Talisman in such a place, hence he was at ease. He never expected them to actually place two Rankers at such a place.    


Seeing this old man, Lin Long naturally stopped in his tracks.    


"You came here for the purple tiger blood essence, so you should be that Lin Long right?" The skinny old man looked at Lin Long and said.    


"Old man, you are right, I am Lin Long." Since the other party could tell that Lin Long was doing it, then there was no point in denying it.    


"You are really bold and cautious. However, I'm afraid that even in your dreams, you would not even think that there would be two powerhouses like this here, right?" The skinny old man laughed.    


"Indeed." Lin Long said.    


"Such a rare talent ?" Looking at Lin Long, the skinny old man could not help but nod his head and say, "If you join us and join Master Zong, Master Zong and I will plead for mercy from His Majesty and spare you and Qian Jiayi."    


"Unfortunately, I don't believe you." Lin Long said directly.    


He didn't want to place his fate in the hands of these people, and of course, he definitely wouldn't join them.    


"So it's like that? That's fine. As long as I take you down, I'm not worried that you won't beg for forgiveness." The skinny old man said indifferently.    


Just as he was speaking, Lin Long took out her level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


Seeing Lin Long like that, the skinny old man also took out his own Ice Talisman Paper, but very obviously, it was a Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper.    


"Let me show you the power of a Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper." The skinny old man indifferently said.    


What he did not expect was that right before he finished speaking, Lin Long, who had originally wanted to fight him head on, suddenly turned and ran frantically.    


"You want to escape?" The skinny old man frowned.    


At this moment, he suddenly chanted the incantation.    


In the blink of an eye, a strong gust of cold energy attacked Lin Long.    


Even though Lin Long's speed was extremely fast, he was still affected by the powerful cold energy and immediately slowed down.    


The skinny old man couldn't help but laugh: "No one can escape the attacks of a level six Ice Talisman. Kid, just accept your fate!"    


As he said that, the ignited ice energy wrapped around Lin Long.    


In his opinion, Lin Long would quickly kneel on the ground due to the cold energy.    


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