Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2151 Zhang Cheng

C2151 Zhang Cheng

"This, I can't." Lin Long immediately shook his head.    


"It can't be. Aren't they effective against cold qi? Why can't they?" Miao Feng couldn't help but ask.    


"Because these medicines require a certain amount of time. Think about it, when you're dealing with that Elder He, would he give you time to catch your breath?" Lin Long asked.    


"This ?" Miao Feng was instantly at a loss for words.    


"Then... Can we take it in advance? " Dong Luo asked.    


"Even if I have to consume them in advance, I can't. The moment these medicinal herbs enter my body, they would spread throughout my body. I simply can't wait until the true cold qi reaches my body." Lin Long still shook his head.    


Hearing his words, everyone was naturally disappointed.    


"Then, can Young Master refine an even better medicine? The kind that can dissolve true cold qi once consumed." Qian Jiayi asked.    


"Very difficult." Lin Long still shook his head.    


Refining these pills was already his limit. He was racking his brains and was unable to concoct any more of the correct drugs in a short period of time.    


These words made everyone feel disappointed.    


Lin Long was naturally disappointed as well. If there was any medicine that could immediately dispel the cold energy within his body when he swallowed it, or if there was any medicine that could resist the cold energy's invasion, he could create an opportunity to take down people like Elder He. At that time, he would use his methods to make them spit out information related to the Level 6 Ice Talisman Paper.    


But unfortunately, he didn't have this type of medicine, so he was utterly incapable of taking down someone like Elder He.    


"So you're saying that right now, we can only try our best to avoid any one of Old He, Grandmaster Zong, and the others?" Young Master Gu said.    


"That's the only way." Lin Long nodded.    


After that, after some consideration, Lin Long decided to bring Zhou Yingxue and the others into the Imperial City's Secret Realm. It was, after all, the safest there, and he was worried that he would be discovered at any other place.    


After making this decision, Lin Long had Qian Jiayi and the others send the Zhou Family over.    


As for him, he brought a few people with him to the Mask Academy.    


The reason he went to the Mask Academy was naturally because he had heard that Grandmaster Zong had sent people to the Mask Academy.    


Soon, they arrived at Heyuan City. After inquiring for a while, their faces turned ugly.    


The people that Master Zong had sent had already captured Wu Ziheng, and some of the people related to Wu Ziheng were wanted. The entire Mask Academy was also under the control of Gu Heng.    


Lin Long was not afraid of Gu Heng, he was afraid of the old man who came along with Gu Heng.    


"Young master, what should we do now? We have to kill our way into the Mask Academy and rescue Dean Wu Ziheng, then ask him if he wants the Purple Tiger Blood? " Miao Feng said as he came over with Lin Long.    


"Very difficult." Lin Long shook his head, "Wu Ziheng will definitely be under strict watch, I am afraid we will be discovered before we even get close to him. At that time, we will be in trouble if we attract an expert who can activate the Level 6 Ice Talisman ? It would be better to enter the Mask Academy through the extreme cold path and then hunt for the Purple Tiger. "    


"Extreme Frost Passage? What is that place? " Miao Feng and the others were stunned.    


Thinking that Miao Feng and the rest did not know about the spatial crack, Lin Long immediately explained it to them. When Miao Feng and the others understood what he meant, they brought them directly to the spatial crack that was similar to the one in the extreme cold tunnel.    


Soon, they arrived at the location of the spatial rift.    


This was a hidden spatial tear. After some investigation, Lin Long's face turned a little ugly.    


"Young master, could it be that the spatial rift has disappeared?" Dong Luo could not help but say.    


"It has not disappeared. It is just that it is currently unstable. If we force it over, it might die." Lin Long said.    


"Then what should we do?" Miao Feng, Dong Luo, and the others naturally became anxious.    


"Stay here for a few days." Lin Long said.    


He could not see the specific situation, so he could only stay here and observe.    


After that, Lin Long would come to the spatial tear every now and then to take a look and see if there were any changes to it.    


? ?.    


In a small yard, a young man was practicing his sword. Suddenly, someone walked in from outside and said to the young man as they walked, "Brother Zhang, it's big news, big news."    


"Yes, what news?" The youth stopped and said to the man.    


"I just heard that Vice Commander Gu Heng brought his men into the Mask Academy and captured Wu Ziheng and his direct descendants. Some people related to Wu Ziheng are even wanted!" The person that came in said.    


Hearing this, Brother Zhang's face changed. However, he hid it well, so the person who just came in didn't notice anything.    


"What did they do to make His Majesty send them out?" Brother Zhang asked curiously.    


"I heard that Dean Wu is related to Lin Long, Qian Jiayi and the others, that's why His Majesty sent Vice Commander Gu Heng to deal with them."    


"So that's how it is... This is big news. " Brother Zhang nodded.    


After a short pause, he continued, "Ah Sheng, it's all thanks to you taking care of me during this period of time."    


Ah Sheng was the owner of this courtyard. Brother Zhang was here to borrow a place to live. Since Brother Zhang was powerful, he was an expert who could activate Level 3 Ice Talisman paper. Therefore, Ah Sheng didn't even charge a room rent.    


"Brother Zhang, what do you mean by that? Are you leaving?" Ah Sheng could not help but exclaim.    


He had learned a lot from Brother Zhang during this period, so how could he bear to have Brother Zhang leave?    


"Yes." Brother Zhang nodded and then said, "Something has happened to the Mask Academy. It's a good opportunity for someone like me to show up. Therefore, I'm going to Heyuan City to look for an opportunity."    


"Brother Zhang, then you have to be careful." Ah Sheng couldn't help asking, "Brother Zhang, do we still have a chance to meet again?"    


"Of course, you and I will meet again one day!" Brother Zhang patted Ah Sheng on the shoulder.    


This sentence made Ah Sheng's nose sour. Unknowingly, tears began to roll down Ah Sheng's cheeks.    


With that, Brother Zhang walked out of the room.    


Ah Sheng quickly followed him out.    


However, there was no banquet that didn't end. In the end, he could only send Brother Zhang off with his eyes.    


Master, I didn't expect your worry to be true. Rest assured Master, I, Zhang Cheng, will definitely fulfill your promise! Brother Zhang thought to himself as he walked.    


This Zhang Cheng was none other than Wu Ziheng's most trusted disciple.    


When Wu Ziheng was worried, he hid in this remote mountain village in order to not let others know of his whereabouts. Now that he knew that Wu Ziheng was in danger and the Mask Academy was under his control, his first thought was naturally to complete what Wu Ziheng had instructed him to do, and deliver the blood essence of the Purple Tiger into Lin Long's hands.    


As he walked, he put on a mask. Even though this mask wasn't made by a master craftsman like Qin Shu, it was made by a master teacher, so ordinary people wouldn't be able to see through it.    


He was going to the Piercing Wind City to find the Lu Family's Patriarch Lu Wenfeng, because only by borrowing Lu Wenfeng's strength would he be able to find Lin Long, Qian Jiayi and the others.    


Wu Ziheng had saved Lu Wenfeng's life before. He knew that Lu Wenfeng was a trustworthy person, so he sent Zhang Cheng to look for him.    


After a long journey, Zhang Cheng arrived at the Lu family.    


When they reached the gate of the Lu family, several guards of the Lu family walked up to them. One of them shouted, "Who are you? What business do you have here?"    


Since Zhang Cheng was dressed in ordinary clothes, they naturally did not place him in their eyes.    


"I'm here to look for the Lu Wenfeng Patriarch Lu." Zhang Cheng said.    


"How could you be able to meet the Patriarch? "Where did you come from? Go back to where you came from!" The guard said coldly.    


He didn't think that Zhang Cheng had the ability to see Lu Wenfeng.    


Zhang Cheng frowned, but he did not say anything. Instead, he took out a Level 4 Glacial Talisman Paper from his body.    


He didn't reveal his true strength in front of Ah Sheng. In fact, he was a powerhouse who could activate the rank 4 Ice Magic Talisman.    


The moment they saw him take out a Level 4 Ice Talisman Paper, the guards' faces changed. They knew they had underestimated this young man.    


"I didn't expect that you would have such strength, but you can't see our family head with just this." The guard from before said.    


Naturally, they, the Lu Family, would not be scared by a person who could trigger the level 4 Ice Magic Talisman.    


At this point, Zhang Cheng took out a pen and handed it over, "Give this pen to Patriarch Lu. After he sees it, he'll come and see me. If you don't hand it over to Patriarch Lu, the consequences will be unbearable for you!"    


As he spoke, Zhang Cheng's tone turned incomparably cold, causing the guards to break out in a cold sweat.    


Hearing Zhang Cheng's tone, even though the pen looked ordinary, they did not dare to be careless anymore.    


"Alright, I'll bring this pen back to the clan head immediately. You just wait here!" As the guard spoke, he took the pen that Zhang Cheng handed to him. After taking a few glances, he turned around and walked into the courtyard.    


The guard didn't meet anyone along the way. Soon, he met the Lu Family's Patriarch, Lu Wenfeng.    


"What is it that makes you so flustered?" Seeing that there was something wrong with the guard's expression, Lu Wenfeng immediately asked.    


"Patriarch, a young man who can activate the rank 4 Ice Talisman Paper said he wants to see you with this brush." The guard handed over the pen and said.    


Lu Wenfeng's eyes immediately focused on the brush. Upon seeing this, his pupils immediately shrunk and a surprised expression appeared on his face. However, he kept it well and did not let the guard in front of him discover it.    


"Yes sir!" "Yes." The guard quickly left.    


After exiting, he saw that Zhang Cheng was still waiting for him outside. He heaved a sigh of relief and quickly greeted respectfully, "Young Master, please follow me inside."    


With that, he led the way while Zhang Cheng followed behind him.    


Before long, the guard brought him to a middle-aged man.    


Without the guard's permission, Zhang Cheng already guessed that this middle-aged man was Lu Wenfeng.    


Indeed, at this time, the guard said, "Patriarch, it's this young master."    


"Mm, you can leave." Lu Wenfeng said.    


The guard quickly left.    


The moment he left, Zhang Cheng said, "Greetings, Patriarch Lu!"    


After sizing him up for a while, Lu Wenfeng asked, "Who are you? How come you have this pen in your hand?"    


As he spoke, he waved the pen in his hand. This pen was for Wu Ziheng to use. He had been by Wu Ziheng's side for a period of time, so he was able to tell at a glance.    


"I am Master's disciple, Zhang Cheng. Master told me to do something, but I am unable to do it with my abilities. Master told me to bring this pen to you, hoping that you could help me." Zhang Cheng replied respectfully.    


"Who is your master?" Lu Wenfeng frowned.    


"My master is Wu Ziheng." Zhang Cheng said.    


"So he is Brother Wu's disciple." Lu Wenfeng nodded. His attitude had already become more gentle, completely disregarding Zhang Cheng as an outsider.    


"Is Brother Wu well?" Lu Wenfeng asked immediately.    


"I heard that he was arrested ?" Because I left the academy a long time ago, I don't know what happened exactly. " Zhang Cheng said.    


"What did Brother Wu tell you to do?" Lu Wenfeng asked again.    


In his opinion, since Wu Ziheng wanted Zhang Cheng to come looking for him, it must not be a small matter.    


"Brother Wu wants you to find Lin Long and Qian Jiayi. Give them something in my hand." Zhang Cheng said.    


Lin Long, Qian Jiayi! Hearing these two names, Lu Wenfeng's expression changed drastically.    


The names of Lin Long and Qian Jiayi had long been spread throughout the entire Ice Peak Country. As the patriarch of the Lu Family, he naturally knew who the two of them were.    


"What is that thing in your hand?" Lu Wenfeng couldn't help asking.    


"It's Purple Tiger blood essence." Zhang Cheng said.    


Wu Ziheng chose to believe in Lu Wenfeng. Naturally, he would not hide the reason.    


"Purple Tiger Blood!" Hearing Zhang Cheng's words, Lu Wenfeng exclaimed in a low voice.    


He knew that this was just a hot potato. If the emperor knew about this, their Lu family would definitely be exterminated.    


For a moment, his face flickered between bright and dark.    


Wu Ziheng did not say anything. He knew that Lu Wenfeng was making a decision. After all, this was not a small matter. Perhaps the entire Lu Family would disappear forever because of this.    


After a while, Lu Wenfeng suddenly raised his head, "Zhang Cheng, I will help you find Lin Long, Qian Jiayi and the rest!"    


In this short period of time, Lu Wenfeng remembered what happened back then. He remembered the grace that Wu Ziheng had given him by saving his life.    


"Thank you, Uncle Lu." Zhang Cheng said gratefully.    


"Zhang Cheng, you came out of the Mask Academy, so you are not familiar with the surroundings. Therefore, you should stay in my Lu Family to recuperate, once you find Lin Long and Qian Jiayi, I will inform you." Lu Wenfeng said.    


"Yes." Zhang Cheng nodded.    


After that, Zhang Cheng settled down in the Lu family while Lu Wen Feng went to look for Lin Long and Qian Jiayi.    


The Lu family wasn't any big family, but they still had some connections. Adding to that, Qian Jiayi and Lin Long had appeared in the Imperial City recently, so they had some connections.    


Apart from settling Zhang Cheng, Lu Wenfeng had also called in the guards, warning them not to spread the news that Zhang Cheng had come to the Lu family.    


Without realizing it, two days had passed. On the morning of the third day, a person appeared in front of Lu Wenfeng.    


This person was none other than Lu Wenfeng's only son, Lu Xuan.    


At this moment, Lu Xuan's face didn't look good.    


"En, Xuan'er, what's the matter?" Lu Wenfeng asked doubtfully.    


"Father, I know that you are doing something that will bring destruction to our Lu Family, so I hope that you can stop it!" Lu Xuan said expressionlessly.    


Hearing this, Lu Wenfeng was naturally shocked. He didn't know how Lu Xuan knew.    


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