Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2124 Ice Source City

C2124 Ice Source City

After searching the area, they did not find anything.    


"Young master, what should we do now?" Miao Feng couldn't help but ask as they regrouped.    


"Since this clue has already been broken, let's return to Heyuan City. At that time, let's see where the Flaming Winged Bird can be found. We can then head over there to check on the situation." Lin Long said.    


"Yes." Everyone nodded.    


After that, the group of people returned to Heyuan City.    


Not long after he returned to Heyuan City, he received another message.    


After hearing the news, the City Master of Heyuan came over quickly to tell Lin Long.    


"Young master, I heard that there was a Flaming Winged Bird half a day ago in the Bright Flower Village between Heyuan City and Ice Origin City." The Mayor of Heyuan said.    


Lin Long's eyes lit up, and immediately said: "Then go immediately!"    


He immediately brought everyone to Ming Hua Village.    


After half a day, they arrived at Ming Hua Village. At this time, Ming Hua Village was the same as the villages that Lin Long and the others had seen before, they were all burned into a mess by the Flaming Winged Bird.    


Upon seeing the situation, everyone's complexion turned awful once more.    


"These damned flamingos!" Feng Yi began to curse even more.    


At this moment, a group of people walked over, and one of them asked from afar, "Who are you people? Why have you come to Ming Hua Village?"    


These people were all wearing official clothes.    


"It's the people from Bingyuan City." The City Master of Heyuan City explained to Lin Long.    


Then, he shouted, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am He Qin from Heyuan City. I heard that a Flaming Winged Bird has appeared here, so I personally brought people here to check it out... Who are you guys leading the team? "    


The other party clearly recognized the City Lord of Heyuan City. Thus, when they heard the City Lord's words and saw the City Lord standing out, they immediately nodded their heads, "So, it's the City Lord of Heyuan City, He Yuan City."    


While they were speaking, these people had already arrived in front of them.    


The frontmost person cupped his fists towards He Qin and said, "City Lord He, I am the captain of the Ice Origin City's patrol, Liang Chao Fei."    


"So it's Captain Liang." He Qin nodded.    


After a short pause, he asked, "Captain Liang, you came here before us. Do you know the situation here? Do you know how many flamingos there are and where they went?"    


"According to our investigation, there should only be one Flamewing Bird. As for where, we don't know. That Flamewing Bird doesn't seem to have left any traces behind, so there's no way to find it. No nearby villages were attacked." Captain Liang shook his head.    


"Captain Liang, can you allow us to check?" He Qin said.    


"Of course." Captain Liang nodded.    


"Then investigating is more important, let's not nag Captain Liang anymore." He Qin said.    


Soon after, Lin Long and the rest began searching by themselves in the Ming Hua Village.    


Before arriving here, Lin Long had already released the Bamboo Mouse, but the Bamboo Mouse wasn't able to sense the Flaming Winged Bird's aura, so they could only search for it like this.    


Relying on his rich experience, Lin Long quickly found the direction in which the Flaming Winged Bird left in.    


Afterwards, he brought everyone to chase in that direction.    


This situation left Captain Liang and the others dumbstruck, because no matter how they looked at it, they didn't feel that the Flamewing Bird had left in that direction.    


After closely chasing for a while, Lin Long's eyes lit up because the Bamboo Mouse had already detected the aura of the Flaming Winged Bird.    


Seeing Lin Long stop, the Bamboo Mouse seemed to have noticed something, so Qian Jiayi asked quickly, "Young master, did the Bamboo Mouse find anything?"    


"Yes." Lin Long nodded, "They are right in front of us. Let's chase after them!"    


With that, he led his men and continued to chase forward.    


It was obvious that the Flaming Winged Bird was also moving. Therefore, after chasing for half a day, everyone still wasn't able to catch up to it.    


What made Lin Long's expression turn ugly was that after chasing for a while longer, the Flowing Winged Bird's aura shockingly disappeared.    


No matter how the Bamboo Mouse tried to sense it, it could not sense its existence.    


Could it be that someone put it into that ring again? Lin Long frowned.    


"Young master, what's wrong?" Qian Jiayi noticed that something was not right and quickly asked.    


"The Bamboo Mouse can't sense the Flaming Winged Bird's aura anymore." Lin Long said with an ugly expression.    


"Then what should I do?" The surrounding people could not help but comment.    


"Let's hurry to the place where the Bamboo Mouse disappeared first. We'll see what we can find there!" Lin Long said.    


They immediately brought everyone to the place where the Flaming Winged Bird had disappeared.    


Before long, they arrived at the place where the Flaming Winged Bird had disappeared, the place where the Bamboo Mouse had last sensed the Flaming Winged Bird.    


Only after arriving here did they realize that not far from them was Ice Origin City. From their perspective, they could already see the words "Ice Origin City".    


"Could it be that the people from the Burning Wing Clan put the Flaming Winged Bird into their ring and then entered Ice Origin City?" Wang Yingyu could not help but guess.    


After leaving the secret realm, Wang Yingxiu, Young Master Gu and the others had been following by Lin Long's side the entire time.    


Young Master Gu and his subordinates did not have anywhere to go, so it was better to follow beside Lin Long.    


The reason why he stayed by Lin Long's side, was because of the prophet's prophecy previously. He indistinctly felt that following Lin Long was the right choice, and did not leave.    


"It's very possible." The others all nodded.    


"Let's search the area first. We'll act when the time comes." Lin Long said.    


Everyone immediately began searching the area, but they didn't find any clues.    


After thinking for a while, Lin Long said, "Looks like it really was the people from the Burning Wing Gate who brought the Flaming Winged Bird to Ice Origin City ? How about this, we'll take a look around Ice Origin City, and after a few days, we might be able to find something. "    


"Yes." Everyone knew that this was the only option for now, so they all nodded their heads in agreement.    


After arriving at Ice Origin City, He Qin relied on his identity and contacts to actually get the identity of a patrol member for Lin Long and the rest. This way, they could use this identity to increase their search scope.    


Naturally, they were not in the same team, but had been placed in different patrolling teams.    


Of course, other than Qian Jiayi and Feng Yi, there was nothing else.    


Qian Jiayi was wearing a veil, while Feng Yi and the other two were not completely convinced of Lin Long.    


Unknowingly, a few days had passed.    


In the past few days, their footprints had covered the entire Ice Origin City, but they did not discover any information.    


He Qin also did not get any information on the Flaming Winged Bird from the Ice Origin City's City Lord.    


This made Lin Long feel that he should return to Heyuan City.    


However, after some consideration, he still chose to stay in the Ice Origin City because he felt that the person from the Burning Wing Gate must still be in the city.    


It was just that for some reason, he did not show himself.    


In another two days, the Bamboo Mouse, who hadn't been able to discover it until now, suddenly sensed the Winged Bird's presence again.    


As expected, his guess was not wrong. Lin Long rejoiced in his heart.    


He then gathered Miao Feng and the others and headed straight for where the Flaming Winged Bird was.    


Very quickly, they arrived outside a tavern. When they arrived, the Flamewing Bird's aura astonishingly disappeared.    


Looks like that person must have put the Flaming Winged Bird back into the storage ring, Lin Long thought to himself.    


According to the reaction of the Bamboo Mouse, the last place where the Flaming Winged Bird had appeared was on the second floor of this tavern.    


Therefore, Lin Long directly brought Miao Feng and the others and walked in.    


"Milords, are you here to drink?" Upon entering, the waiter immediately welcomed them with a smile.    


"That's right, take us to the second floor." Lin Long immediately replied.    


There were a lot of people on the first floor, so Lin Long would not reveal his reason for coming here.    


The waiter immediately brought Lin Long and the others up the stairs.    


When they reached a place upstairs that had fewer people, Lin Long revealed his identity card and said to the waiter, "We didn't come here for drinking, but because there are fugitives hiding in the second floor. Waiter, you should know what to do!"    


The waiter immediately said with a bitter face, "Sir, I have to talk to the shopkeeper about this."    


"Wait till you tell the shopkeeper that the yellow flower vegetables are cold, just lead the way!" Miao Feng said as he grabbed the collar of the waiter and carried him to the front.    


What else could the waiter do? He could only obediently lead the way.    


Following Lin Long's instructions, the waiter brought Lin Long and the others to a room on the left.    


The location where the Bamboo Mouse had detected the Flaming Winged Bird was in this room.    


Seeing this room, the waiter's expression changed. He hurriedly said, "Sir, the people in this room are not to be trifled with. You'd better not search this place."    


"Oh, who is this?" Lin Long asked.    


"This is a rich man with the surname Zhou inside. He does not have any right or status of his own, but because his relationship with the City Lord is very good, no one in the entire Ice Origin City dares to offend him ?" Since he's inside, then I believe that the fugitive you all want to capture is also not here. " The waiter said.    


"If that's the case, then we have to go in." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


As he spoke, he reached for the door in front of him.    


He was anxious for the waiter to hurry and grab his hand, but it was already too late. Lin Long had already pushed open the door and walked in.    


The others naturally followed closely behind him.    


Seeing them appear, the seven to eight people inside had stunned faces. They didn't know why Lin Long and the others had entered.    


One of them, who was covered in fat, suddenly stood up with a completely red face, and pointed at Lin Long and the others as he scolded, "What are you doing? "I wonder if I, Zhou Hao, am here?"    


"This must be the rich man Zhou, right?" Looking at the other party, Lin Long said indifferently.    


"What is it?" "You must be a newcomer. You don't even know Lord Zhou?" One of the people beside Lord Zhou stared at Lin Long and said coldly.    


"If you don't want to be stripped of your clothes, quickly kneel down and apologize!" Another person said in a cold voice.    


While they were talking, a few robust men who were standing around Lin Long and the others walked over.    


"Everyone, sorry for disturbing you. We have come here to capture the fugitives. We did not come here to disturb you on purpose." Miao Feng who was beside Lin Long said.    


"Fugitive? You think we're fugitives? "    


"You guys really ate a leopard's guts!"    


Lord Zhou and the others said angrily.    


Lin Long frowned and signaled Miao Feng and the others to attack him. Immediately, Miao Feng and the others took out Level 4 Ice Talisman Paper and activated it.    


Of course, Lord Zhou's subordinates still accepted them. However, they were only people who could activate the fourth level Ice Talisman paper. How could they be a match for Miao Feng and the others? They were quickly suppressed by Miao Feng and the others.    


"You are all courting death... I will definitely report this to the City Lord and lock you all in the dungeon! " Lord Zhou continued muttering to himself.    


However, he was unable to continue talking very quickly because Miao Feng had already stuffed a rag into his mouth.    


At this time, Lin Long took out a Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill and gave it to Miao Feng, saying, "Let him consume this Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill!"    


Lin Long's idea was simple, it was to use the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill to shut up Lord Zhou's mouth. After all, he could not kill Lord Zhou and the rest right now, so he could only do this.    


As for Lin Long, he pulled the waiter to the side and asked, "Who among them entered this room before entering?"    


The reason why Lin Long asked this was because he did not find anything wrong with these people.    


"Other than them who just entered, no one else has ever entered this room. Because Lord Zhou had already booked it yesterday, from yesterday until now, they have only been here." The waiter said.    


"What about the people in your shop? Has anyone entered this room within four hours? " Lin Long asked again.    


Since there weren't many customers that entered, he could only suspect that it was someone from this tavern.    


"Within four hours?" After all, the private room was already cleaned up yesterday, and as you have seen, there is no food in there yet. " The waiter shook his head.    


"Think about it." Lin Long said.    


If no one had entered this room, then the Flamewing Bird wouldn't have appeared here.    


Frowning, he thought for a moment before replying, "If anyone comes in here ?" That should be the manager, right? "    


"Oh, did you see it with your own eyes?" Lin Long asked.    


"I didn't see him with my own eyes, but I saw him stay here for a while." The waiter said.    


Hearing the waiter say that, Lin Long naturally suspected the innkeeper, and asked: "Where is your innkeeper?"    


"You weren't there when you entered, but you should be on the first floor right now." The waiter said.    


Hearing his words, Lin Long immediately brought Dong Luo out of the private room and went downstairs.    


Soon, they arrived at the first floor. The first floor was as lively as before, and the commotion on the first floor wasn't affected by the commotion from above at all.    


Of course, this was because Lin Long and the others solved the problem quickly, and did not make the people in the tavern feel that something was amiss.    


After walking around for a bit, they didn't find the tavern's owner.    


After the waiter asked the people in the shop, he found out that the shopkeeper had already left the tavern before he led Lin Long and the others up.    


Could it be that the shopkeeper has already noticed us coming over? Such a thought flashed across Lin Long's mind.    


Just as Lin Long was about to go out and chase him, a black faced middle-aged man dressed in black walked in from the door.    


Seeing him, the waiter whispered into Lin Long's ears, "He is the shopkeeper."    


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