Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2117 Flamewing Birds Reappearance

C2117 Flamewing Birds Reappearance

"Young Master, why don't we bring everyone to Heavenly Roc Kingdom?" Wang Ying Xiang suddenly said.    


"The Tian Ying Country is indeed a good place!" Several people's eyes lit up when they heard Wang Juechu's words.    


After all, Wang Jiexi was the fourth prince of the Heavenly Roc Kingdom, so it would not be dangerous for them to go there.    


"However, we are currently rather far from the Heavenly Roc Kingdom. I'm afraid that we would have already been discovered before we could even get there." Qian Jiayi frowned.    


Knowing that Qian Jiayi was right, worry appeared on the faces of those who were happy a moment ago.    


"How about this, let's head into the Royal Secret Realm. No matter what, those people won't be able to find that place." Lin Long said at this time.    


"But isn't opening that passage very troublesome?" Qian Jiayi asked doubtfully.    


"It will be a bit troublesome when we come out. It wouldn't be so troublesome if we enter." Lin Long said.    


"Then let's go there. It's definitely safe there." Hearing Lin Long say that, everyone nodded their heads.    


Immediately, Lin Long led the group towards that direction.    


They were actually not far from here. They would arrive in an hour.    


After walking for a while, Lin Long frowned, because he realized that there were a few people in front of him. Furthermore, they were obviously strong experts who could activate the Ice Talisman Paper, so he immediately said, "Everyone stop where you are, I will go take a look!"    


"Young master, what's wrong?" Qian Jiayi asked.    


"There are a few people ahead. I'm afraid they came from the Imperial Palace, so I'll first take a look." Lin Long said.    


"Be careful, young master." Qian Jiayi nodded.    


"Yes." Nodding his head, Lin Long immediately moved forward, while Qian Jiayi and the rest stopped in their tracks.    


Not long after, Lin Long saw a few people in front who were resting at the same place.    


The moment Lin Long came over, he heard one of them say, "I really wonder where the Fifth Prince and the rest are hiding."    


"Why didn't you show yourself earlier? You've caused us so much trouble." Another person complained.    


"You can say that in front of us. If you say that in front of others, you might lose your head!" Another person quickly replied.    


"Isn't it just because we're good that I dare to say that? How could I dare to say that in front of others?" The person complaining could not help but say.    


"In the future, don't even mention it in front of us!" The other person still persisted.    


"Alright, I won't mention it in the future." The man spread his hands helplessly.    


"Let's rest a bit more before continuing our search." At this time, the person who had been silent the entire time spoke up.    


This person was clearly the leader of these people. Upon hearing his words, the others immediately responded, "Yes!"    


Hearing these words, how could Lin Long not know that these people were here to search for the Fifth Prince and Qian Zheng.    


Fortunately, my divine sense was strong, and I noticed these people ahead of time, Lin Long thought.    


These people were not weak, Lin Long did not plan to deal with so many people by himself, and immediately went back to his original place.    


"Young master, how is it?" Qian Jiayi and the others asked him upon his return.    


"There are a few experts up ahead that have come from the Imperial City for the sake of searching for the Fifth Prince and the others." Lin Long said.    


"Fortunately, young master, you discovered them in advance. Otherwise, the consequences would have been unimaginable." Miao Feng could not help but exclaim.    


Lin Long said again, "Lady Qian, Miao Feng, Dong Luo, the three of you, come with me and capture them!"    


"Yes." Qian Jiayi and the other two nodded their heads.    


Immediately, Lin Long brought them to the direction of the few men.    


When they got there, they were still there, but they looked like they were about to leave.    


How could Lin Long let them leave just like that? He immediately brought Qian Jiayi and the other two and surrounded them.    


At the beginning, these people had some doubts as to who was so audacious as to come and cause trouble for them. However, after seeing that one of them was Qian Jiayi, their expressions changed drastically.    


"Money... Young miss Qian, aren't you in the secret realm? Why are you here right now? " One of them could not help but ask in a trembling voice.    


Even if the Emperor sent so many experts in, they still wouldn't be able to obtain any benefits. They didn't think that they would be able to gain any benefits.    


"Naturally, it is because we have already left the secret realm." Qian Jiayi said indifferently.    


"But, didn't His Majesty already seal off the secret plane?" The leader said.    


He was clearly the calmest one among them.    


"You know there is no such thing as absolute." Miao Feng said.    


"You guys should be very strong, but today we have no choice but to go all out!" The leader frowned, and in the next moment, he shouted to the surrounding people, "Everyone activate the Ice Magic Talisman in your hands!"    


As soon as he finished speaking, he activated the Ice Talisman Paper that he had already taken out.    


This person was an expert who could activate a level five Ice Talisman paper. Hence, the one he could activate now was naturally a level five Ice Talisman paper.    


As for the others, other than the two that couldn't activate the level five Ice Talisman Paper, they could also activate the level five Ice Talisman Paper.    


In this way, the people who were able to activate the Level 5 Cold Rune would be on par with Lin Long and the others.    


This gave them a little confidence.    


However, they lost their confidence very quickly, because they realised that the ice cold Qi released by so many people was weaker than Lin Long and the rest.    


"Don't tell me all of you are powerhouses that can completely activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper?" This situation caused the leader to involuntarily cry out in alarm.    


Because if it wasn't for this, Lin Long and the rest wouldn't have been able to crush them that easily.    


"You guessed it right, we are all powerhouses that can activate the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper." Miao Feng said complacently.    


The rapid improvement in his strength during this period of time made Miao Feng glad that he had made the right choice. Otherwise, how could he have become such an expert?    


It was as if they were all powerful experts that could activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper! These words naturally caused the expressions of the people in front of them to turn ugly.    


Very quickly, they were unable to hold on and were all frozen to the point of kneeling on the ground.    


At this time, Lin Long and the rest dispersed the cold Qi.    


Once they were gone, Lin Long turned to the leader and asked, "Is there anyone else near you?"    


"Our group is made up of us. Of course, there are others nearby, but we don't know where they are." The leader said.    


In order to ensure that he wasn't lying, Lin Long directly placed a restriction on him.    


The moment the restrictions were activated, the leader rolled on the ground in pain.    


This made the others break out in a cold sweat. They all cried out in shock at what sort of method this was.    


After a while, the leader could no longer hold it in and begged for mercy, "What I said is the truth."    


Seeing that he was speaking the truth, Lin Long removed the restriction.    


He did not plan to keep these people here and just let Miao Feng kill them before leading the rest of the group forward.    


On the road after that, they met two more groups of people like this. Although their strength was not as strong as the first few groups, it was still very dangerous if they were discovered.    


After all, if they reported the whereabouts of Lin Long and the others, perhaps the people sent by the Emperor might even be able to find the entrance.    


After settling the two groups of people, Lin Long and the rest finally reached the entrance.    


The entrance was located in the middle of a mountain, it was surrounded by strange rocks and was extremely dense, so it was extremely secretive. If Lin Long and the others did not come out from this place, it would have been impossible to find this place.    


After spending a lot of effort, Lin Long brought everyone in after he opened the entrance. Very quickly, he brought them to the Fourth Floor of the Secret Realm and brought them to a safe haven. Only then did he leave with Qian Jiayi and the other Rankers.    


It was unknown whether it was because the Emperor sealed the entire secret realm or because the secret realm's opportunity was not very useful anymore. Otherwise, Lin Long wouldn't mind letting the Fifth Prince and the others use this opportunity to raise their strength.    


Once he left the secret realm, Lin Long's goal would naturally be the Mask Academy.    


This was because he wanted to obtain the Purple Tiger's blood essence.    


When Lin Long and the others left the secret realm once again, in the Imperial Palace, a eunuch rushed to the front of the Emperor in a hurry, then spoke while gasping for breath, "Your Majesty ? "Oh no..."    


"What's not good? Could it be that he's allowed the Fifth Prince and the others to flee? " The Emperor frowned.    


He had long since known that Lord Li had discovered the Fifth Prince and the others in Little Yue Manor, and was now waiting for Lord Li and the others to bring the Fifth Prince and the others back.    


At this critical juncture, the eunuch thought that the Fifth Prince and the others had escaped.    


"No... It's the Flaming Winged Birds that appeared in Muhe Town. They massacred a village! " The eunuch hurriedly replied.    


Hearing that, the emperor couldn't help but widen his eyes and then hurriedly say, "The Flaming Winged Bird appeared in Mu He Town? Is this real or fake? "    


Mu He Town was just outside of the Imperial City, so even if the eunuch didn't say where the emperor was, the emperor would still know.    


"It's true!"    


"How many have appeared? Have they been killed? " The emperor said with a gloomy expression.    


He originally thought that sealing up the secret realm would make it fine, but who would have thought that the Flamewing Bird would actually appear in their world.    


"Two appeared. One of them was killed by the experts of the two clans, while the other ran away. They are currently in pursuit." The eunuch said.    


"Do you know where these flamingos came from?" The Emperor frowned.    


"I don't know yet."    


"Send people to help them kill the flamingos and find out where they came from. Are there any other flamingos?" The Emperor said.    


"Yes sir!" With that, the eunuch hurriedly left.    


Just as the eunuch left, another eunuch hurriedly ran in.    


"What now?" The emperor frowned once again.    


"Your Majesty, it's bad. According to the news, Lord Li's group is already missing, along with those from the Little Yue Manor!" The gatekeeper said hurriedly.    


Hearing that, the emperor was enraged. He slammed his palm on the table and shouted, "What? Where did they run off to? "    


"I don't know. Anyway, no one could find any clues in the surroundings!" The eunuch said.    


"Let them search harder!" The emperor said with a gloomy expression.    


"Yes sir!" "En!" The eunuch replied before leaving hurriedly.    


However, right after he left, another eunuch came in and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, an urgent message came from Tai Yi City saying that a few Flaming Winged Birds appeared there, causing hundreds of casualties. They have already killed two of them, while the other two are still in pursuit!"    


As he said that, he handed over a piece of paper and took a look. The emperor's face turned even darker because this piece of paper was passed down by the officials of Tai Yi City.    


"What's going on, why are Flaming Winged Birds appearing one after another, and in different places at that? Is it because of Qian Jiayi and the others? " The emperor said angrily.    


The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible, because only Qian Jiayi and the others could so easily rescue the Fifth Prince and Qian Zheng.    


Only Qian Jiayi and the others could release the Flaming Winged Bird from the secret realm and cause such a situation.    


"Gather all the officials and experts in the palace!" The emperor ordered directly.    


With that, he headed straight for the palace.    


What caused his expression to become unsightly was that on the way to the Audience Hall, another two messages were sent over. They were all about the appearance of the Flaming Winged Bird, and how many people died there.    


When everyone rushed to the great hall, another two messages had arrived. It was the appearance of the Flaming Winged Bird as well as the deaths and injuries of its people.    


It was a good thing that the amount of Flaming Winged Birds mentioned in this information was not many. Otherwise, the Emperor would probably not be able to sit still at this time.    


When they heard this information, the expressions of those who had rushed over naturally became ugly.    


"Your Majesty, could it be that Qian Jiayi and the others are not trapped in the secret plane? They escaped through a passage and then used this passage to release those flamingos, bringing a threat to our cold and gloomy world!"    


When they found out that Lord Li, the Fifth Prince, Qian Zheng, and the rest had gone missing ?    


Almost everyone began to guess this.    


The Emperor had long guessed this, so after hearing them speak, he naturally nodded his head.    


After signalling for the crowd to quiet down, he opened his mouth, "It should be Qian Jiayi and the others. Therefore, from now on, while dealing with the Flaming Winged Bird, all of you must do your best to catch them and pass down the order. Tell the people of Ice Peak Country about what happened in the secret realm and let them know about the culprits of Qian Jiayi and the others.    


The emperor's thoughts were very simple. If he made Qian Jiayi, Lin Long and the others angry, then it would be even easier to take them down.    


"Yes sir!" Everyone answered in unison.    


Lin Long and the rest were not aware of this. After leaving the secret realm, they directly headed for the Mask Academy. On the way, they travelled over mountains and mountains, avoiding places with many people.    


Half a day later, they arrived at Mask Academy.    


"Who are you people?" the guard outside the entrance of the Mask Academy asked when he saw them come over.    


"We want to see Principal Wu Ziheng." Lin Long said.    


Saying so, he took out an item and handed it over.    


This was the keepsake that Wu Ziheng had given them when they left. When they took a look, the faces of the people at the entrance naturally changed.    


One of them hurriedly said, "Please wait outside for a moment, we'll go inform the dean!"    


Then, he hurriedly walked inside.    


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