Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2106 Altar

C2106 Altar

Since Lin Long wasn't here, they naturally followed Qian Jiayi's lead.    


After some thought, Qian Jiayi said, "The most important thing is for us to raise our own strength. If we increase our strength, no matter how many people enter, we will still be able to deal with them."    


"Miss Qian is right." The others all nodded.    


Qian Jiayi continued, "I think there must be more people coming in with Eunuch Liu. However, there shouldn't be many people coming in. Otherwise, we wouldn't only have met Eunuch Liu, we might have met two or three ?"    


"If that's the case, then we won't be able to stay in the outskirts. If we encounter two people with strength like Eunuch Liu, we will be in danger, so we have to go inside. Of course, with our current strength, we cannot go too far."    


"Then we'll do as Miss Qian says." These words once again gained the approval of everyone.    


After that, they left and headed straight for the interior.    


Miao Feng had already recovered by this time. Previously, he had only been frostbitten and had only suffered superficial wounds. He hadn't suffered any major injuries.    


Naturally, he was glad that Eunuch Liu had not killed him after taking him down. Otherwise, how could he still be alive?    


As Qian Jiayi and the rest were walking in, Lin Long's eyes suddenly lit up as he noticed the altar in front of him.    


This altar wasn't small, it was comparable to the size of the palace of the Ice Mountain Kingdom.    


To be able to reach the altar so quickly, Lin Long was a little surprised. This way, he could see that the fourth floor was not very big, and was obviously much smaller than the third floor.    


Other than the buildings, the altar was completely empty. Lin Long did not discover any living beings, nor did he discover the spatial tear that he was most concerned about.    


Could it be that he had to enter the altar to discover it? Such a thought flashed through his mind.    


Immediately, he walked towards the altar.    


What he did not expect was that he had not even taken a few steps before he was blocked by an invisible energy.    


It was obvious that there was an invisible barrier in front of him, and even he was blocked by this barrier! Lin Long thought.    


At this moment, he naturally understood why there were no ferocious beasts in the altar.    


This way, he could only try to attack and see if he could break through this invisible barrier.    


Immediately, Lin Long took out his rune sword and struck at the invisible barrier in front of him with his sword.    


The sword qi soundlessly hacked at the invisible barrier, and then, impressively, runes appeared where the sword qi hacked.    


In the blink of an eye, these inscriptions disappeared without a trace.    


Frowning, Lin Long tried to use his sword again. The effect of the sword was the same as before, he was still unable to break through the invisible barrier.    


After that, Lin Long changed his position for a few more times, but the results were all the same, he was still unable to break through the barrier.    


After a few tries, he walked to a seemingly special spot.    


The reason was because there were two neat rows of big trees around the place he was standing. Not only were these big trees neat, they were also the same size.    


Looking at the altar again, Lin Long understood. Very clearly, if there was no barrier, then this would be the main road leading to the altar.    


Seeing this, Lin Long immediately slashed forward.    


This time, the sword Qi did not meet any resistance, and directly cleaved through.    


After being stunned for a while, Lin Long understood that there was no barrier in front of him.    


Sure enough, after he walked over, he was no longer stopped.    


Clearly, this place did not stop humans, but vicious beasts would do so. Otherwise, vicious beasts would have rushed here long ago.    


After taking a few more steps, Lin Long was still not stopped by anything.    


Was it that easy to enter the altar? This caused him to be puzzled in his heart.    


But in the next moment, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind two stone pillars in front of him. At first, Lin Long thought that it was a ferocious beast, but upon closer inspection, he noticed that it was a Runic Beast.    


The beasts blocking this place were definitely not weak, so Lin Long did not plan to fight with it, but rather to avoid it.    


However, no matter where he went, this rune beast would always block his path.    


He could see that if he did not finish off this rune beast, he would not be able to take another step forward.    


At this moment, he could only take out his Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


After he chanted the incantation, the Ice Talisman paper in his hand started to burn. Then, a stream of cold energy attacked the beast.    


At the same time, the rune beast also released a powerful icy aura.    


What made Lin Long's face turn ugly was that the Ice Qi of the Rune Beast was obviously stronger than him.    


In that short moment, Lin Long was unable to hold on, he could only retreat, but luckily the Runic Beast did not continue its attack, otherwise, it would have been difficult for him to escape.    


Looks like I can only go raise my strength before dealing with it, Lin Long thought to himself.    


Luckily, there was a lucky chance in this place, which allowed him to increase his strength as soon as possible.    


Lin Long immediately turned his head and started walking. Along the way, he had found many lucky chances, all he needed to do was to enter those lucky spots.    


Before long, he had arrived at the last fortuitous opportunity that he had discovered.    


However, looking at the entrance, Lin Long's face became ugly once again, because there were so many fierce beasts at this place, and they were not weak either. He did not have the confidence to take them down.    


Therefore, he could only continue on his way.    


After walking for a while and arriving near another lucky chance, his complexion became ugly again. This was because there were several vicious beasts that were also near this lucky chance.    


If he went there, he would definitely attract the attention of those vicious beasts.    


Helpless, he could only continue walking forward.    


After walking for half an hour, he finally found a place with no berserk beasts.    


After some investigation, he found out that there was a hidden mechanism at the entrance of the Lucky Faction. A cave entrance appeared in front of Lin Long, and there was a flight of stairs leading downwards.    


Walking down the stairs, Lin Long quickly arrived at a cave.    


After sensing carefully, a smile appeared on Lin Long's face. This was because this was a lucky chance, a lucky chance that he had to be able to sense a Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


When Lin Long entered this lucky place, Qian Jiayi and the others were fighting with four ferocious beasts. They did not have as powerful a telepathic thoughts as they did before, which was why they were able to easily encounter fierce beasts after entering.    


This was their third battle with the vicious beasts.    


They didn't go very deep, and these vicious beasts weren't strong. Therefore, after a fierce battle, these vicious beasts were taken by them.    


To their relief, there weren't any ferocious beasts that had heard the news and rushed over.    


"The location of the lucky chance is near here. Let's carefully search for it!" Qian Jiayi said after killing the beasts.    


The reason they came here was also because they sensed the location of an opportunity.    


Everyone immediately began searching the area.    


After a while, Wang Yingxiu said happily, "It's here!"    


Hearing his words, Qian Jiayi and the others immediately looked at him.    


When they saw who it was, their expressions turned ugly. There was a middle-aged man standing in front of Wang Yingxiu. He was wearing a white beard and was wearing an official's uniform. Obviously, he had come with Eunuch Liu.    


At this moment, Wang Yingyu also noticed his opponent and quickly retreated backwards.    


"Lord Hu, I didn't expect you to come to the fourth floor!" Looking at the other party, Qian Jiayi frowned.    


Having recognized the other party, she naturally started to worry in her heart. This was because Lord Hu's entrance meant that the emperor should also know what was going on inside.    


This way, there would definitely be a lot of powerful people who could stimulate the level 5 Ice Talisman Paper to enter the fourth layer.    


The other people who recognized this Lord Hu also started to worry like Qian Jiayi.    


"Young miss Qian, I didn't expect that the person who broke into the fourth floor would be you!" Could it be that you can already master the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper? " Lord Hu said.    


There was a look of surprise on his face. Obviously, he did not expect Qian Jiayi and the others to have entered the fourth level.    


He never expected Qian Jiayi and the others to be able to make it here. This was because the fact that they were able to do so meant that they had the strength to deal with a level five berserk beast.    


Although he was surprised, he was not worried that he would be unable to deal with Qian Jiayi and the others. No matter how much they improved, they would never be able to deal with him, who had been soaking in the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper for several years.    


"Lord Hu, other than you and Eunuch Liu, how many other people have entered the fourth layer?" Qian Jiayi asked directly.    


"Did you see Eunuch Liu?" Mr. Hu said in surprise.    


"That's right." Qian Jiayi nodded.    


"Then how can you escape? Could it be that you all have only seen him from afar? " Lord Hu could not help but feel puzzled.    


Eunuch Liu's strength was on par with his.    


"Of course not, we have already fought with him!" Qian Jiayi said.    


While she was speaking, Dong Luo, Miao Feng, and the others had already surrounded Lord Hu without a word.    


"You've exchanged blows?" Lord Hu frowned.    


He did not think that Qian Jiayi was lying, because Qian Jiayi and the other three were clearly taking the initiative to attack.    


How could he dare to be careless? He directly took out his Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


Qian Jiayi and the rest also took out their level 5 Ice Talisman Paper. Previously, Young Master Gu's subordinate had been replaced by Miao Feng, so the five people they surrounded Lord Hu with were able to activate the level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


"All five of you took out a level five Ice Talisman paper. Could it be that all five of you have mastered a level five Ice Talisman paper?" Lord Hu couldn't help but exclaim in surprise when he saw the few of them pull out a level five Ice Talisman Paper in unison.    


Right now, he had no suspicion that Qian Jiayi and the others were just lying to him. Therefore, he was surprised that Qian Jiayi and the others could activate the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


One had to know that even if he gained enlightenment from a lucky chance here, his progress wouldn't be that fast.    


"Boss Hu, just try it and you'll know." Qian Jiayi smiled.    


Previously, Eunuch Liu had been able to escape, but now, she was confident that she could make Lord Hu stay.    


Lord Hu frowned and didn't say anything else. Instead, he activated the Ice Magic Talisman in his hand.    


Qian Jiayi and the others chanted the same incantation in silence. The next moment, streams of cold air rushed towards Sir Hu.    


The ice-cold qi that Lord Hu had unleashed also came over.    


Hu Changzai heaved a sigh of relief because he could tell that Qian Jiayi and the rest were not strong individuals. Even if they had more people, they would not be able to do anything to him.    


The next moment, his expression changed again. He realized that Qian Jiayi and the others were much stronger than him.    


Thinking of something, he couldn't help but exclaim, "All five of you together, could it be that you are using some kind of combination attack?"    


At first, he was puzzled as to why there were five of them, but now, he could finally see through it.    


"Mister Hu, think about it carefully." Qian Jiayi said.    


"Where the hell did you guys come up with this combination attack?" In the next moment, Lord Hu exclaimed.    


In this short period of time, he was certain that Qian Jiayi and the others had used a combination attack.    


"Mister Hu, I'm afraid that you will never know about this ever again." Dong Luo said.    


These words immediately caused Lord Hu's back to break out in a cold sweat.    


Lord Hu wanted to escape, so he opened his eyes wide in hopes of finding a weak point in their joint attack.    


In the beginning, he had found a few loopholes, but these few loopholes were gone in a flash and he didn't have a chance to take them.    


This was the reason why Qian Jiayi and the others were familiar with it. If it was before, he would definitely let Lord Hu find an opportunity.    


How could Lord Hu, who couldn't find a chance to do so, hold on? Before long, he was frozen to the ground.    


Seeing that he had no way of resisting, Qian Jiayi and the others dispelled the cold energy.    


Following that, Miao Feng strode in front of Lord Hu and took his spatial ring. Then, he tied Lord Hu's hands with a special rope.    


He did not want Eunuch Liu to be so careless as to let Lord Hu have the chance to escape.    


At this moment, Lord Hu also took a deep breath.    


Qian Jiayi asked, "Lord Hu, other than you and Eunuch Liu, who else came?"    


"Why would I tell you that?" Lord Hu said coldly.    


Qian Jiayi frowned, she did not know how to deal with Lord Hu.    


"Young miss Qian, let me do it." Seeing Qian Jiayi's reaction, Young Master Gu immediately walked over and said.    


"Alright." Qian Jiayi nodded.    


Young Master Gu immediately took out his rune sword, pointed it at Lord Hu and said, "Lord Hu, if you don't say anything, don't blame me for being rude. I will cut off the finger on your right hand first!"    


As he said that, Young Master Gu moved. The rune sword in his hand slashed towards Lord Hu's right hand.    


Lord Hu wanted to quickly withdraw his hand, but in this short period of time, his hand was still stiff and it was impossible for him to do so.    


It was over, his finger was about to disappear! Lord Hu said in surprise.    


"Swish ?"    


Amidst these sounds, a sword light flashed past his right hand. He was relieved that the other party was only scaring him, and did not actually cut off his finger.    


"Lord Hu, I'm only scaring you, but if you don't say anything, I won't be polite!" In the next moment, Young Master Gu spoke coldly.    


Saying that, he raised the rune sword in his hands again.    


Seeing that the other party would not show any mercy, Lord Hu did not dare to say no. He could only helplessly say, "Alright, I'll say."    


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