Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2105 Miao Feng in Danger

C2105 Miao Feng in Danger

After the two of them activated the cold talisman in their hands, the rest of the people immediately slashed towards the Symbol Grammar Array.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang ?"    


Amidst these sounds, the Symbol Grammar Array was astonishingly broken, and then, a passageway appeared in front of everyone.    


It was clearly easier for them to break through the Symbol Grammar Array than Lin Long and the others. Other than knowing the method, it was also because their strength was completely stronger than Lin Long and the others.    


"Hmm ?" Looking at the passageway in front of him, the emperor nodded and said, "Let's go in and capture those people!"    


As far as he was concerned, with their strength, it would be extremely easy for them to catch the person within.    


But just at this moment, their expressions changed greatly.    


This was because the runes around the passageway in front of them had actually started to flash violently.    


"Not good, we have to hurry over or else we won't be able to make it in a while!" Those who saw what was going on couldn't help but shout out.    


Following that, a few people immediately headed towards the passageway. The three people at the front disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.    


The fourth person followed behind them, but in the next moment, he let out a blood-curdling screech.    


In front of everyone's eyes, his arm was actually crushed in that instant.    


Fortunately, he was running a bit slower, or else he would have died.    


All of them were experts. They could see that this person's severed arm was entirely due to the fact that the runes around the tunnel were flashing even more violently. These flashes had formed an irregular flow of energy, and this energy was directly crushing that person's arm.    


With a blood-curdling screech, that person quickly retreated before falling to the ground. His face was currently pale, and it was obvious that he still had some lingering fear from what had just happened.    


The emperor frowned when he saw the runes that were still flashing crazily. He said coldly, "What's going on?"    


"Your Majesty, it should be because the Symbol Grammar Array has not yet stabilized, so if we were to continue attacking, this would happen." One of the eunuchs said immediately.    


"That should be it." Quite a few people nodded in agreement.    


"This way, we can only wait for the Symbol Grammar Array to completely stabilize. If we force our way in again, I'm afraid that we will die." A middle-aged man said.    


"Do you know how long it will take?" The Emperor frowned.    


"From the looks of it, the Symbol Grammar Array will not be stable in a short period of time. As for how long it will take, I don't know." One of the eunuchs spoke up.    


"It should be as Eunuch Wu said." Many people agreed.    


What could the Emperor do? He could only wait here with the others.    


Right now, he could only hope that the three people who entered earlier would be able to catch the person inside.    


Fortunately, only powerhouses with the ability to activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper were able to enter. It was only a matter of time before they would catch the person inside.    


Of the three people who went in, one of them was none other than Eunuch Liu, who had come out to seek help.    


With a flash of white light, he appeared in a dense forest.    


Because he had entered so suddenly, there was no one else by his side.    


Where are the people who came in? This thought flashed across Eunuch Liu's mind.    


After some thought, he walked towards the front and left side of the hall. He knew about the fourth floor and knew that there were no berserk beasts around. Thus, he was not on guard against any berserk beasts.    


As he walked, he carefully observed, hoping to find some clues on the ground.    


At first, he did not discover anything. However, after walking for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up as he discovered the footprints left behind by someone. Although the footprints were so small that he could not see them, he was still able to catch them.    


It should have been left behind by those people! Eunuch Liu was secretly delighted.    


He immediately followed the trail and followed it.    


Before long, the joy on his face deepened, because there was clearly someone standing in front of him. Moreover, this person was a young man. It was obvious that he was someone who had forcefully entered the fourth layer.    


He didn't immediately rush over, but carefully looked around. In the end, he felt relieved because he was only one person.    


Was it just a single person coming in? He had some doubts in his mind.    


But after thinking about it, he felt that it shouldn't be a single person. The others should be somewhere else or near this person.    


'Forget it. Let's take him down first. 'Thinking of this, Eunuch Liu activated his movement technique and rushed towards that person.    


In next to no time, Duan Ling Tian had arrived in front of him.    


"Eunuch Liu!" Upon seeing Eunuch Liu, the man couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.    


This person was none other than Miao Feng.    


"Kid, who are you? You actually dared to forcefully break into the fourth floor. You are tired of living!" Eunuch Liu looked at Miao Feng and said coldly.    


"Eunuch Liu, try to catch me first!" Miao Feng frowned.    


"Isn't it easy to catch you?" Liu Gonggong sneered before taking out his own Glacial Talisman Paper.    


Naturally, he took out the level five Ice Talisman paper.    


Then, a surprised expression appeared on his face, because the person in front of him had also taken out a level five Ice Talisman Paper.    


"You can also activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper?" Eunuch Liu could not help but be surprised.    


"Of course." Miao Feng said proudly.    


"It's just that ? if you had the strength, how would you have entered the secret plane?" Eunuch Liu really couldn't understand, because if the other party had the power, the Symbol Grammar Array, he wouldn't have allowed him to enter the secret realm.    


"Could it be that you entered the secret realm through some other method?" He could not help but shout as he thought of something.    


"Eunuch Liu, what if I say that I only leveled up after entering the secret realm?" Miao Feng smiled.    


"After entering this secret realm?" You must be deceiving me. No matter how great the lucky chance in this secret plane is, it's impossible for you to advance in such a short period of time! " Eunuch Liu laughed coldly.    


He was well aware of the situation, so how could he believe Miao Feng's words?    


"Eunuch Liu, if you don't believe me, then there's nothing I can do." Miao Feng said as he spread out his hands.    


"As long as I take you down, I will know everything!" Eunuch Liu said coldly.    


Even though Miao Feng looked like he could trigger the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper, he was not scared at all. He could tell that Miao Feng was no match for him no matter what.    


With that, he began reciting the words of the rune in silence. Miao Feng, who was standing opposite him, did the same thing.    


In the next moment, waves of ice-cold qi were sent to attack the opposite party from their position.    


Miao Feng had indeed mastered a Level 5 Glacial Talisman Paper. However, there was still a huge gap between him and Eunuch Liu. Therefore, he was frozen to his knees by Eunuch Liu's chilling aura after only a short while.    


Seeing that Miao Feng no longer had the power to resist, Eunuch Liu dispelled the cold Qi and walked in front of Miao Feng.    


"Kid, tell me your name. How did you get into the secret realm? "Where are your accomplices? There's a total of a few of them, how strong are they?" Looking at Miao Feng, Eunuch Liu said in a cold voice.    


"Eunuch Liu, do you think I'll tell you?" Miao Feng said with an indifferent expression.    


"Is that so? I don't believe that you're so stubborn that you didn't even say anything! " Eunuch Liu laughed wickedly, and in the next moment, he took out his rune sword.    


"I'll cut off two of your fingers first. If you don't say anything, I'll cut off your right palm. If you don't, I'll cut off one of your arms and go down like this!" Eunuch Liu said with a savage expression.    


As he said that, he waved the rune sword s around.    


At this moment, he suddenly heard a sound not far behind him.    


Hm? Where is he? Such a thought immediately flashed through his mind.    


He decided to let Miao Feng go first and go take a look. Immediately, he dragged Miao Feng and walked behind him.    


Miao Feng didn't have the power to defend himself at the moment, so he could only allow Eunuch Liu to drag it on.    


There were a few people standing at the place where the voice came from. These people were Qian Jiayi and the others.    


Qian Jiayi and the rest frowned as they looked at Eunuch Liu, who was dragging Miao Feng towards them.    


"I didn't expect that Miao Feng would bump into Eunuch Liu just as he left." Wang Ying Xiang frowned.    


Initially, they had only let Miao Feng take a look around before returning immediately. Who would have thought that they would be captured by Eunuch Liu in such a short period of time?    


"Miss Qian, can we even be a match for Eunuch Liu?" Dong Luo said with an ugly expression.    


"According to what the young master has taught us, we can at least chase him away, but we are afraid that he still has companions." Qian Jiayi frowned.    


As they spoke, Eunuch Liu had already arrived in front of them.    


Qian Jiayi immediately said, "Let's go!"    


Before she finished speaking, she had already walked out, and the others followed behind her.    


Seeing so many people appear, Eunuch Liu couldn't help but reveal a surprised expression. He couldn't believe it, "So many of you actually came in!"    


He hadn't expected so many people to come in.    


The next moment, his gaze shifted to Qian Jiayi and he said coldly, "Miss Qian, it seems like you are the leader of these people!"    


"Eunuch Liu, you are wrong." Qian Jiayi shook her head.    


"Am I wrong? Is there someone else? " Eunuch Liu frowned.    


Saying so, he looked around, but he did not see anyone else.    


"No matter what, I have to capture all of you first!" Eunuch Liu said coldly.    


Qian Jiayi and the others were very young. In his eyes, the person he had captured could at most activate a Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper. Therefore, he was not afraid at all.    


After he finished speaking, he took out his Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


As for Miao Feng, he was kicked right behind him.    


Qian Jiayi shot a look at him, and the four people around him immediately rushed forward to surround Eunuch Liu.    


These people were Dong Luo, Zhao Fei, and two of Young Master Gu's subordinates.    


Once they surrounded him, they took out a cold talisman paper.    


When Liu Gonggong saw the Ice Talisman paper in their hands, a surprised expression appeared on his face. This was because other than one person, the rest of them were able to take out a Grade 5 Ice Talisman paper.    


The person who did not take out the level five Ice Talisman Paper was one of Young Master Gu's subordinates.    


"Are you going to tell me that all five of you can activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper?" Eunuch Liu could not help but shout out.    


"Eunuch Liu, you're really smart. You guessed it right." Qian Jiayi said with a faint smile.    


Eunuch Liu could not help but turn serious. Previously, he did not believe that Miao Feng could trigger the level five Ice Talisman Paper, but Miao Feng had actually activated the level five Ice Talisman Paper.    


Therefore, he did not dare to doubt Qian Jiayi's words.    


At this time, he had no other choice but to activate his Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


In the next moment, he started reciting the words of the rune.    


At the same time, Qian Jiayi and the others also activated the Ice Magic Talisman in their hands.    


During this period of time, their abilities had all improved by leaps and bounds. It was because of this that the four of them and Miao Feng were able to activate the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


It could be said that even if Lin Long knew about their rapid progress, he would be shocked.    


Very quickly, the cold talisman paper in their hands began to burn. Waves of cold energy began to attack Eunuch Liu in the middle.    


Seeing their ice-cold Qi, Liu Gonggong's face naturally changed, because although their individual strengths weren't as strong as his, the ice-cold Qi gathered by the five of them was definitely on par with his.    


Eunuch Liu was worried that he might not be able to escape from this place.    


In the beginning, both sides had been evenly matched, but Eunuch Liu's expression grew uglier by the second. He could tell that the ice-cold Qi that the five opponents had ignited had grown stronger as time passed.    


If this continued, he would definitely be captured by these people.    


Logically speaking, four people with their strength should only be able to fight me to a draw if they were to fight against me together. But why would the fifth person be different? Eunuch Liu frowned.    


Could it be that he couldn't use a combination attack? In the next moment, Eunuch Liu thought of this.    


Because if it wasn't for this, these five people definitely wouldn't have been able to take him down.    


Looks like I'm in trouble today! He thought to himself.    


However, his eyes soon lit up as he discovered that the ice-cold qi released by the five of them seemed to have a flaw that could allow him to escape.    


He didn't think too much and directly rushed towards the opening.    


Not good, he wanted to escape! Qian Jiayi and the others shouted in their hearts.    


However, they couldn't use the cold qi to block this opening. They could only watch as Eunuch Liu fled.    


A moment later, Eunuch Liu had already disappeared from their sight.    


This kind of situation caused their faces to reveal a depressed expression.    


They knew that it was because they weren't familiar with the art of joint attacks. It was because of this that such a flaw was revealed, allowing Eunuch Liu to seize this opportunity.    


"What a pity, if we were even more familiar with each other, Eunuch Liu wouldn't have been able to escape." In the next moment, Zhao Feng could not help but sigh and say.    


"Yeah." The others also agreed.    


"Don't be disappointed. If we can't get Eunuch Liu this time, the next time we meet he will definitely get him!" Wang Yingxian encouraged her.    


"That's right. After this experiment, the next time we will be more familiar with each other. We will definitely not let Eunuch Liu find any flaws." Dong Luo nodded.    


"That is to say. If Eunuch Liu still has companions, then we are in danger ?" And if His Majesty knew, there would definitely be many more powerhouses that could activate the level five Ice Talisman Paper! " Young Master Gu said with a frown.    


These words immediately caused everyone to worry. If that was the case, then how could they be a match for those experts?    


"Miss Qian, what should we do next?" Young Master Gu then turned to Qian Jiayi and said.    


The others also shifted their gaze onto Qian Jiayi.    


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