Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2103 Access Channel

C2103 Access Channel

"Eunuch Liu, the direction in which the First Prince has been caught is in the front left!" The Fifth Prince pointed to the left front the moment they left the cave.    


"Alright, Fifth Prince, bring me there immediately!" Eunuch Liu said.    


He naturally wanted to settle the matters over there and then return back here. As none of the people who entered this place could be stronger than him, he was not worried that he would not be able to catch the First Prince's captors in the past.    


"Yes." Nodding, the Fifth Prince quickly walked in that direction.    


Only after the two of them had left did Lin Long, who was hiding on the other side, come out. He then waved his hand, signalling the others to follow.    


Upon seeing him wave his hand, Qian Jiayi, Miao Feng and the others hurriedly followed behind him.    


Before they could even reach the entrance of the cave, Lin Long had already went in.    


When the others came in, they discovered that Lin Long was standing in front of the wall furthest away, as if he was thinking about something.    


Naturally, they did not disturb Lin Long and started strolling around the small palace.    


After a moment, Lin Long who had been deep in thought revealed a smile. He had already confirmed that there was a Symbol Grammar Array in front of them, and once they broke through it, they would be able to enter the place behind the Symbol Grammar Array.    


In his opinion, the one behind the Symbol Grammar Array must be the fourth floor.    


He then said to the crowd, "Everyone, come here!"    


Hearing his words, Qian Jiayi and the others quickly came over.    


"Young master, could it be that there's another world behind this wall?" Miao Feng asked in confusion the moment they arrived.    


He didn't see anything special about this wall.    


"There is a Symbol Grammar Array on this wall. As long as we break through this Symbol Grammar Array, we should be able to enter the fourth floor." Lin Long said.    


"Is there a Symbol Grammar Array on it? "How come I can't tell?" Dong Luo could not help but say upon hearing his words.    


"I don't see it either." The others followed suit.    


Some of them even widened their eyes, but weren't able to see anything.    


Lin Long smiled slightly, then took out his own rune sword, and hacked towards the wall in front of him with his sword.    


Before the Sword Qi could strike the wall, runes had already appeared on it. Then, a formless energy had directly blocked the Sword Qi Lin Long shot out, causing Lin Long's Sword Qi to be unable to do any damage to the wall.    


At this moment, Qian Jiayi and the others could tell that there was a Symbol Grammar Array on the wall.    


"This Symbol Grammar Array seems very strong, how do we break it?" At this moment, Qian Jiayi frowned.    


The block of Symbol Grammar Array just now allowed her and the others to see just how powerful this Symbol Grammar Array was.    


"Don't worry, as long as we attack together, we should be able to break through this Symbol Grammar Array." Lin Long said.    


"Then, should we use rune sword s to attack?" Wang Yingyu asked.    


"Yes." Lin Long nodded, then said to the rest, "Everyone take out the rune sword!"    


Hearing his words, everyone immediately took out their rune sword.    


"Alright... Everyone, activate the rune sword first. When I tell you to attack, everyone attack the Symbol Grammar Array in front of us together. " Lin Long said.    


"Young master, don't we have to attack one point at the same time?" Qian Jiayi couldn't help asking.    


"There's no need. Just choose your own front." Lin Long said.    


After a brief pause, he shouted, "Attack!"    


With that, the rune sword in his hands immediately attacked the Symbol Grammar Array in front of him.    


At the same time, the other rune sword s also hacked out.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang ?"    


When the Sword Qi clashed with the Symbol Grammar Array, it produced such a sound, and at the same time, the entire small palace started to shake.    


Everyone thought that he would be able to break through the Symbol Grammar Array with a single strike, and they couldn't help but smile.    


However, their smiles quickly froze on their faces, because the Symbol Grammar Array in front of them calmed down once again. The small palace no longer swayed, as if nothing had happened.    


"Young master, are we going to continue attacking?" Miao Feng couldn't help but ask.    


He had seen the effects of the previous strike, so he naturally asked this question.    


Lin Long did not reply. Instead, he frowned as he looked at the Symbol Grammar Array in front of him.    


Seeing Lin Long meditating, how could anyone disturb him? They were all looking at the Symbol Grammar Array in front of them as they pondered.    


On the other side, the Fifth Prince had already brought Eunuch Liu away for a long time.    


"Fifth Prince, are we ready?" Noticing that the Fifth Prince had no intention of stopping, Eunuch Liu could not help but feel anxious.    


"Eunuch Liu, it's about time. We'll arrive in half an incense's time." The Fifth Prince immediately said.    


"Alright." Eunuch Liu said helplessly.    


He was about to continue walking forward when Eunuch Liu spoke, "There's someone ahead!"    


Very quickly, three people appeared in front of them.    


"Eunuch Liu?" Seeing that it was Eunuch Liu, the three men's eyes widened.    


It had to be known that Eunuch Liu was a powerhouse who could activate a level 5 Ice Talisman Paper. Logically speaking, it was impossible to enter the secret realm, so they were naturally surprised to see Eunuch Liu standing right in front of them.    


After they recovered from their shock, they hurriedly said to the Fifth Prince, "Greetings Fifth Prince!"    


"Did you see the First Prince?" Eunuch Liu asked directly.    


"First Prince?" The three of them were stunned for a moment, then shook their heads and said, "We did not see the First Prince."    


"Aren't you guys coming from the front? How could you not see the First Prince?" Eunuch Liu asked again.    


As far as he was concerned, according to what the Fifth Prince said, the First Prince was right in front of him. The three of them should have seen him, so he was naturally puzzled.    


"We really haven't seen the First Prince. There's even no one in the direction we've come from." One of the three quickly replied.    


"Fifth Prince, what's going on?" Eunuch Liu could not help but look towards the Fifth Prince.    


"Perhaps they brought the First Prince to another place." The Fifth Prince said.    


This was indeed possible, so Eunuch Liu didn't suspect anymore and said, "Take me to the place where they were first!"    


With that, he looked towards the three people in front of him and said, "The three of you follow us."    


"Fifth Prince, Eunuch Liu, this is ?" What are you trying to do? " The leader of the three of them could not help but say.    


"The First Prince has been captured. Eunuch Liu and I need to go and rescue him, so the three of you should follow us!" The Fifth Prince said.    


"It can't be, the First Prince was actually caught?" "Who's so bold?" These words naturally made the three of them surprised.    


"Cut the crap and come with us!" Eunuch Liu frowned.    


Knowing that he was anxious, the Fifth Prince did not dare to delay any further. He immediately strode forward with Eunuch Liu and the other three following closely behind him.    


His goal was to stall Eunuch Liu as long as possible, so he naturally thought of every method he could think of.    


From the situation now, he did not seem to be in a hurry, because he had a way to hold Eunuch Liu back. He was afraid that Lin Long did not figure out the secret of the small palace.    


After all, he could not drag Eunuch Liu forever. If he could not find the First Prince, Eunuch Liu, he would eventually return to that small palace.    


On this side, Lin Long finally moved his gaze away from the Symbol Grammar Array in front of his.    


Seeing him turn his head, Qian Jiayi could not help but ask, "Young Master, did you find anything?"    


Lin Long meditated for an hour straight, she was naturally worried that Lin Long had not found a way, at that time, Eunuch Liu would rush over again and it would be troublesome.    


Lin Long continued, "I found another way, try it and see if I can break through this Symbol Grammar Array."    


With that, Lin Long looked at Dong Luo and Miao Feng who were at the side, "Then the two of us will activate the Ice Cold Talisman together, and the others will use rune sword to attack the Symbol Grammar Array at the same time, just like before. They will also attack from the front."    


All he said was that Miao Feng and Dong Luo would immediately take out their cold talismans.    


As for Lin Long, he took out the cold paper talisman at the same time.    


Then he said, "Let's activate the Ice Magic Talisman first. I'll tell you to attack first."    


"Got it." Qian Jiayi and the others answered in unison.    


Lin Long said to Miao Feng and Dong Luo, "We will activate the Ice Cold Talisman paper now!"    


The moment he finished speaking, he started chanting the inscriptions silently. Miao Feng and Dong Luo also started chanting at the same time.    


In the next moment, the level four Cold Talisman paper in their hands burned, and waves of cold Qi immediately surged towards the Symbol Grammar Array in front of them.    


At this time, Qian Jiayi and the others had already tensed up. As long as Lin Long gave the order, they would simultaneously attack the rune sword in their hands.    


After a few breaths, Lin Long suddenly shouted, "Attack!"    


Before Lin Long even finished speaking, they immediately brandished the rune sword in their hands.    


In the next moment, the Sword Qi they released immediately struck the Symbol Grammar Array in front of them.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang ?"    


A series of sounds rang out.    


However, what they did not expect was that this time, the Symbol Grammar Array in front of them was directly smashed to pieces. At the same time, the wall in front of them that looked extremely sturdy was also smashed into pieces.    


"This should be the passage to the fourth level. Let's go in!" Lin Long immediately replied.    


After he finished speaking, he took the lead and walked towards the passageway. The rest of the people quickly followed behind him.    


After walking forward for a short distance, they only saw a flash of white light, and then they appeared in a certain part of the forest.    


The dense forest was similar to the third floor, there didn't seem to be any difference.    


"Young master, have we really reached the fourth level?" Miao Feng couldn't help but ask.    


"We'll see." Lin Long said.    


He didn't know, he could only check to see if there were any rank 5 beasts.    


Immediately, they walked forward.    


What they didn't expect was that after walking for a while, they didn't find any berserk beasts. Not only that, the surroundings were completely silent as if there wasn't any sign of danger.    


"Could it be that we didn't enter the fourth floor?" Dong Luo could not help but ask worriedly.    


"First Prince, do you understand the fourth level?" Lin Long looked at the First Prince and said.    


"I don't know much about the fourth layer, but I can be certain that there is definitely a level five beast inside.    


Could it be that they didn't enter the fourth floor? These words caused Lin Long to be extremely worried.    


The others were similarly worried.    


"Eh, there seems to be a lucky chance ahead!" At this time, Lin Long exclaimed.    


With his powerful spiritual will, he could feel that there was a lucky chance not far ahead.    


"A place of destiny? Can we discover our lucky chance before we encounter any danger? " These words naturally made everyone surprised.    


"Let's go take a look." Lin Long said.    


He immediately brought everyone towards the lucky opportunity.    


They quickly arrived in front of this lucky opportunity. This lucky opportunity was hidden within a few giant boulders. Soon, they found the entrance under one of the boulders.    


After triggering the switch, the entrance suddenly opened.    


Using his divine sense, he felt that there was no danger. Lin Long immediately walked in, and the others followed behind him.    


There was only one cave inside, which was no different from the lucky chance he had encountered earlier.    


However, what made Qian Jiayi and the others happy was that this was truly a good opportunity for them to comprehend the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


"It looks like we've really entered the fourth level!" Qian Jiayi couldn't help but respond to this situation.    


"That's right, it should be the fourth layer." Everyone nodded.    


"It should be because there aren't many berserk beasts here, or maybe we're still at the periphery and haven't met any yet." Wang Ying Xiang said.    


These words naturally gained the approval of everyone.    


At this moment, Lin Long frowned, because he realized that although this land of opportunity could help him gain enlightenment on Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper, the knowledge contained within it was very little, and was almost useless to him. It was suitable for people like Qian Jiayi who had not come into contact with Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper before.    


This was a lucky chance that would allow so many of them to gain enlightenment from it.    


Therefore, Lin Long immediately said, "You guys stay here to comprehend it, I will go out to take a look!"    


"Young Master, let's follow you out." Qian Jiayi couldn't help but say.    


She was afraid that Lin Long would encounter some danger.    


"Yeah, let's go out with you." Dong Luo, Miao Feng, and the others followed suit.    


"There's no need. There's no danger outside and even if there is, you guys won't be able to help. Therefore, you should just stay here and raise your strength. If you really run into any trouble, I'll come back." Lin Long said.    


Lin Long's words were reasonable, so Qian Jiayi and the others did not insist.    


After that, Lin Long walked out.    


After exiting the cave, he continued to walk forward. This time, after walking for a while, he discovered that there was a fierce beast in front of him. It was a fifth level vicious beast.    


After carefully observing for a while, he discovered something. After this Rank 5 vicious beast reached a certain place, it stopped moving forward, as if something was stopping it.    


It would be the same when it changed.    


Could it be that there is some Symbol Grammar Array that blocked it, and even I am unable to discover it with this kind of Symbol Grammar Array? Lin Long thought.    


In order to prove this point, who would have thought that he would directly appear in front of this rank 5 beast?    


Even if this fifth level vicious beast found him, he wasn't worried. After all, with his current strength, he was completely capable of dealing with it.    


However, Qian Jiayi and the others would be in danger. After all, they could only activate the Level 4 Ice Talisman Paper.    


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