Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2082 Entering the Secret Realm

C2082 Entering the Secret Realm

The people around the emperor were all staring at the people walking in front of Eunuch Liu with fiery eyes. This kind of situation made Qian Jiayi worry for Lin Long.    


Under this kind of inspection, there were indeed people who had been found out.    


Following that, the king gave the order to behead that person, causing two people who were scheming to come forward and confess.    


Although this kind of confession could save him from being beheaded, it was still unavoidable that he would be thrown into the dungeon.    


Before long, it was Qian Jiayi and Lin Long's turn.    


Qian Jiayi basically knew all these people in the Imperial City, so their eyes were mainly focused on Lin Long and the other person.    


Fortunately, Lin Long did not reveal anything wrong, and as for his identity, because the Qian Family hid it well, these people could not see anything wrong with him.    


Just like that, Lin Long passed the examination.    


After Liu Gonggong finished his inspection, he said, "Start opening the entrance to the secret plane."    


As he finished speaking, a few rankers who could activate the Level 5 Cold Talisman paper stood up, and formed a circle in front of Lin Long and the others, and took out their Level 5 Cold Talisman paper.    


In the next moment, they chanted the inscriptions in silence and activated the Level 5 Glacial Talisman Paper in their hands.    


Waves of cold energy spread out in all directions with them as the center.    


After a few breaths of time, some runes began to appear in the center of the encirclement. These runes were becoming more and more numerous and flashing faster and faster.    


After a short period of time, the runes suddenly disappeared.    


However, the moment they disappeared, a circle of light appeared in the center of the circle they had formed.    


Only at this moment did these few experts step back.    


Eunuch Liu said, "Alright, the entrance has been opened. You may all enter, but ?"    


After saying that, Eunuch Liu changed the topic, and said coldly, "Still, don't even think about entering the last layer of the secret realm! The violators will be beheaded and the nine families will all be united! "    


"Got it." The people who wanted to enter the secret realm answered in unison.    


Eunuch Liu then nodded, "Alright, you can all enter now!"    


As his voice faded, all of them dashed towards the halo.    


After entering the ring of light, they would appear somewhere on the first level, unless they came into contact with each other.    


Such contact included contact with clothes, so Lin Long who had entered the secret realm grabbed Qian Jiayi's clothes while the other grabbed the corner of Lin Long's clothes.    


If not, they would not have appeared in the same place at the same time, even if they were standing very close together.    


If that wasn't the case, Wei Loulan, who was glaring at them like a tiger, would have already charged towards them.    


With a flash of white light, Lin Long found himself in a dense forest. Beside him were two people, Qian Jiayi and the other person.    


The other person's surname was Miao Feng.    


"Let's take a stroll on the first floor and wait for the blue light to appear. Also, let's see if we can meet Wei Lu Lan's group." Lin Long said directly.    


Given their strength, there was no need for them to encounter any sort of lucky chance here on the first floor.    


Every level of the secret realm had its own lucky chance. In such a lucky chance, everyone's ability to comprehend the Ice Magic Talisman would increase. If they had any sort of enlightenment, they would even be able to break through.    


Because of this, they tried their best to enter the secret realm.    


Generally speaking, each level of a secret realm would have a corresponding level of opportunity to comprehend the Ice Magic Talisman paper.    


For example, the first floor would have a chance to comprehend the first and second level Ice Magic Talisman paper. As long as he searched for it, he would be able to find such a lucky chance.    


As for the second level, it was the place where one had the chance to gain insights into the third level of the Glacial Talisman paper.    


And so on. The third level would have the opportunity to comprehend a level four Ice Magic Talisman.    


For example, the first floor would have a chance to comprehend the third level of the Ice Talisman Paper, the second floor would have a chance to comprehend the fourth level of the Ice Talisman Paper, and the third floor would have a chance to comprehend the fifth level of the Ice Talisman Paper.    


However, the probability of this happening was very low.    


However, even though it was very low, everyone still rushed to it. The reason was simple: if one could find such a lucky chance on the first level, then there was no need to risk being in a more dangerous level.    


The lowest ranked among Lin Long and the rest was only Qian Jiayi. However, Qian Jiayi was also able to control Level 3 Ice Rune, so she did not need to look for opportunities on the first level.    


As for many people, they still wanted to come across an opportunity to comprehend the third grade Ice Talisman Paper on this level. However, since the chances of encountering such an opportunity were very low, most people would definitely only search a little and would immediately enter the next level if they were unable to find it.    


Of course, for those who hadn't fully grasped the second level Ice Talisman Paper, they would naturally need to find an opportunity to comprehend the second level Ice Talisman Paper on this level.    


In other words, the number of people on this level was not small.    


The reason why Lin Long wanted to meet Wei Loulan was naturally to deal with this problem immediately. Otherwise, when he left Qian Jiayi's side, there would be no way to guarantee that Qian Jiayi wouldn't be in danger.    


After walking for a while, Lin Long and the others found an opportunity. This chance was in a cave, it looked normal and they could only feel its difference when they got close.    


After entering, they were sure that this was a lucky chance.    


The reason why Lin Long entered was naturally to see what kind of place was this type of lucky chance land.    


After entering, he discovered that the surface of this lucky chance looked like an ordinary cave.    


But if you sense it carefully, you will find yourself in a magical rune array. This rune array can obviously help you gain a deeper understanding of the Cold rune paper.    


This kind of Symbol Grammar Array was naturally enough to make Lin Long praise him.    


He also wanted to figure out the beauty of it, but after thinking about it for a while, he realized that he didn't have any clues, so he gave up.    


He didn't come here to do this.    


After that, Lin Long brought Qian Jiayi and Miao Feng and left the place.    


Unknowingly, an hour had passed, but the blue light still did not appear.    


Along the way, they met two teams of people. However, these two teams left after greeting Qian Jiayi.    


After a while, the voices of a few people could be heard.    


"Who could it be?" Qian Jiayi said.    


She could hear one of them in a familiar voice, but for a moment she couldn't remember who it was.    


After a few more steps, they could see the silhouettes of those few people.    


"So it's someone from the Yan Clan." Qian Jiayi said at this moment.    


Miao Feng, who was standing beside them, looked at one of them and said, "Miss, that seems to be the Yan family's second young master, Yan Ru."    


"That's right, that's him." Qian Jiayi nodded, "No wonder I felt that the voice was so familiar."    


At this moment, the others also saw them.    


After seeing them, Yan Ru Lin's eyes lit up. Yan Ru Lin then said, "Qian Jiayi, I didn't expect to bump into you so soon!"    


While they were speaking, the few of them had already dashed over, and directly surrounded Lin Long and the other two.    


"Second Young Master Yan, what do you mean by this?" Qian Jiayi frowned.    


"Miss Qian, I'm sorry, but someone wants us to deal with you, so we can only do this." Yan Ru Lin chuckled.    


"Is it Wei Lu Lan?" Qian Jiayi asked.    


"The young miss is extremely intelligent and it only takes a guess." Yan Ru Lin said with a smile.    


"Second Young Master Yan, aren't you afraid of offending our Qian Family by doing this?" Qian Jiayi said coldly.    


"It's always better to offend your Qian Family than the Wei Family. Miss Qian, don't you know that Wei Loulan has a good relationship with the Fifth Prince?" Yan Ru Lin said.    


"In that case, are we enemies?" Qian Jiayi said.    


"Of course it's the enemy ? Young miss Qian, Wei Loulan told me to keep one of your hands, but I think it would be unfair to a delicate beauty like you. So, I'll just kick you out of the secret realm. " Yan Ru Lin said.    


After a short pause, he continued, "If the young miss Qian cooperates, she will automatically leave the secret realm. Then, I don't need to take any action."    


In this secret realm, one only needed to mutter the words of a rune to be able to walk out.    


Yan Ru Lin's thought was very simple, that was, to let Qian Jia Yi and Lin Long mutter the terms of the Runes silently before they leave.    


Although this did not seem like an attempt to make things difficult for Qian Jiayi, it was simply unacceptable. After all, this secret plane was only opened once every few years. Furthermore, this was a rare opportunity for so many people to enter.    


Qian Jiayi had also found a strong Ranker like Lin Long. If she was told to leave now, she might even want to die.    


Thus, how could she possibly agree to his request?    


She immediately said in a cold voice, "Second Young Master Yan, I can't agree to such a request of yours!"    


"Since young miss Qian is unwilling, then, this young master will have to make a move!" Yan Ru Lin immediately laughed coldly.    


The moment he said that, the people surrounding Lin Long took out the Ice Cold Talisman Paper.    


Among them, there were three who could activate the Level 4 Ice Talisman Paper.    


"It's just three people who can activate the rank 4 Ice Talisman Paper, and they're so arrogant." Looking at these few people, Lin Long said indifferently.    


"A person who can only activate the rank 4 Ice Talisman Paper?" "Brat, you sure have a big mouth. Don't tell me you're an expert that can activate a Level 5 Ice Talisman?" Hearing Lin Long's words, Yan Ru Shi who was beside him could not help but ridicule him.    


In his and Yan Ru Lin's eyes, Lin Long was only someone who could activate the Level 4 Ice Talisman Paper.    


Therefore, with so many people around, how could they possibly put Lin Long and the other two in their eyes?    


"You're right, I am a powerful warrior that can activate a level five Ice Talisman." Lin Long said lightly.    


"Keep boasting. If you can activate the level five Ice Talisman Paper, I will swallow the stone on the ground!" That person couldn't help but ask.    


"Kid, aren't you afraid of your tongue skipping off when you speak big words!?" The other person mocked.    


At this time, Yan Ru Lin added, "You don't need to waste words with them, just take them down."    


As his side had more people, Yan Ru Lin did not take out the Ice Cold Talisman paper. Instead, he planned to watch his side take down Lin Long and the other two.    


Just as the few people were about to activate the Ice Cold Talisman Paper in their hands, their faces revealed expressions of surprise, because Lin Long had actually taken out a Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper.    


"Don't tell me this kid can really activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper?" One of them couldn't help but be worried.    


"What kind of rank 5 Ice Magic Talisman? This brat is simply using it to scare us. How could someone of his age grasp a rank 5 Ice Magic Talisman?" Another person said.    


"That's right, he was just trying to scare us. All you have to do is activate your own Ice Magic Talisman." Yan Ru Lin also said.    


As he said this, he folded his arms. It was clear that he did not believe that Lin Long could activate the level 5 Ice Talisman.    


Hearing him say that, the rest of them heaved sighs of relief. After that, they began to recite the words of the Runes in their minds, preparing to give Lin Long, who was trying to scare them, a fatal blow.    


In just a moment, the real ice-cold Qi was released from the Ice Cold Talisman in their hands and rushed towards Lin Long and the rest.    


At this moment, they also had another question, and that was why Qian Jiayi and Miao Feng did not make a move. They were just like Yan Rulin, watching the show from the sidelines.    


However, the battle had already started, there was no way for them to think about it anymore. The only thing they could think about was how to beat up Lin Long and the other two.    


But very quickly, their expressions changed, because the ice energy Lin Long released was obviously much stronger than them.    


In such a short period of time, their hands and feet were no longer able to control them.    


This brat could actually activate a Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper! Upon seeing this, they naturally cried out in their hearts.    


Then, he looked at Lin Long with an incredulous expression. He couldn't understand how Lin Long was able to control a Level 5 Ice Talisman at such a young age.    


To think that this Lin Family Ming was actually an elite that could activate a Grade 5 Ice Talisman Paper! At this time, Miao Feng's eyes were also wide open.    


To be honest, he had only thought that Lin Long was just a level 4 Ice Talisman Master like him. He hadn't thought that his power was actually at such a terrifying level.    


"Just who are you ? Unexpectedly... It can actually activate a level 5 Ice Talisman Paper... " Yan Rulin, who was both surprised and confused, could not help but say these words.    


"You don't need to know." Lin Long said lightly.    


"Let us go... In the future, we. "I won't go against you guys anymore ?" Yan Ru Lin quickly replied.    


"Do you think it will be that easy?" Lin Long could not help but laugh.    


"Then what do you want... Could it be ? You want to follow us? To be enemies? " Yan Ru Lin frowned.    


"It's just a small Yan Clan." Lin Long said indifferently.    


"Little Yan family? Do you know. An expert from our Yan family... I can punch you. "Crush him to death!" Yan Ru Lin said angrily.    


"That's fine. Those experts of the Yan Clan are powerful, but they are far away in the horizon. How could they save the current you?" Lin Long said.    


"Heh heh... I was. I don't believe you can do anything to me. "How is it..." Yan Ru Lin said.    


He still did not think that Lin Long could do anything to him. After all, the Yan Clan was considered to be a powerful force in the Imperial City.    


In better circumstances, he could be considered to be helping the Fifth Prince this time.    


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