Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2067 Master Guan's Ideas

C2067 Master Guan's Ideas

The Rune Palace was a place that was used to make talisman paper, rune sword, and rune clothes. Due to their quality, they were famous around the Imperial City, and most of the things that the people around them needed were bought from here.    


There were four Grandmasters in the Rune Palace, and this Grandmaster Guan was one of them. Therefore, it was not surprising that he had this kind of wealth.    


However, it was obvious that Master Guan could no longer hold on to his finances.    


He didn't know who this person on the second floor was, how could he have so much money? For a moment, this thought flashed across the minds of everyone present.    


Of course, their main concern was whether or not this person would give the master manager face.    


After all, Master Guan was one of the four Masters of the Rune Hall.    


Of course, there was also the rune hall behind Master Guan. The strength of this rune hall wasn't any weaker than those clans in the Imperial City.    


Therefore, to many of them, Lin Long should be giving Master Manager face.    


Just as such thoughts flashed through their minds, Lin Long said indifferently, "I'm sorry Master Guan, I've decided on this mask!"    


Brat, you're really arrogant! These words made Master Guan's heart burn with rage.    


However, he still held his temper. After all, the other party must have some sort of power behind them since they had so much money.    


It would be very unwise for him to have a direct enmity with the other party.    


The first thing to do was to figure out who the other party was.    


Thinking this way, he opened his mouth and said, "I wonder where this disciple downstairs is?"    


"I have no sect, so it would be difficult for Master Guan to find out where I came from." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


"Is that so... Then bro, you're really not giving me any face? " Master Guan's face turned cold.    


"Of course I'll give Master Guan face. It's just that I have to get this mask." Lin Long said.    


"Since that's the case, brother, you can bid!" Master Guan sneered.    


"Alright, then I bid 40 million!" Lin Long said.    


40 million! Even though the price had already reached 38 million just now, it was still 40 million after all!    


Even Elder Hu, Elder Liang and the others looked at Lin Long in disbelief. To be honest, they never expected Lin Long to be so rich.    


Moreover, forty million was probably not Lin Long's bottom line.    


However, when they thought about Lin Long's identity as an alchemist, they understood.    


"Good!" I've lost! " This time, before the auctioneer could say anything, Master Guan had already spoken in a cold voice.    


Thirty eight million was the highest price that he could bid. Lin Long had shouted another two million now, how could he continue bidding? So, he simply admitted defeat on his own accord.    


"Then Grandmaster Guan, I'm sorry." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


"Humph!" Master Guan only gave a cold harrumph, but anyone could hear the discontent and anger contained within it.    


"Looks like Master Guan is going to make a move on this person!" Someone could not help but ask.    


"Isn't this the auction? The entire auction is enveloped in rune array, in this rune array, no one is allowed to attack, right?" Someone asked doubtfully.    


"Of course, Master Guan couldn't possibly attack us from the inside, but with his abilities, isn't it difficult to follow us?"    


"However, how can Master Guan follow us?" Once the other party takes off his mask, how would Master Guan know who he is? "    


"You don't even know that, Master Guan has a special detection talisman. Even if it's the rune array at the auction, it can't be isolated. Once Master Guan planted a detection talisman, the opponent would not be able to escape from his grasp!"    


Below the stage, there were quite a few people who were speaking these words carefully.    


Such people were usually people who were more familiar with Master Guan.    


In the box upstairs, Master Guan's face was gloomy. He was determined to get the mask, but who would have thought that he would encounter such a strong opponent in the middle of his journey.    


"Master Guan, I'll go investigate the other party's identity!" At this time, one of the people in Master Guan's room spoke respectfully.    


"Alright, let's go now!" Master Guan said coldly.    


Even though it was forbidden to inquire about other people's information in the auction house, how could Master Guan not know of the elders in the auction house with his status? As long as he communicated with them, he would be able to find out the origin of the person downstairs.    


If this was possible, Master Guan wouldn't have used the Sense Talisman. After all, it wasn't that easy to create.    


That person returned after a short while.    


As soon as Master Guan returned, he impatiently asked, "How is it, have you found out the other party's identity?"    


"Master Guan, we didn't manage to find out. Elder Meng said that that person's identity is a secret, and other than a few people in the auction house, no one else knows. Even he doesn't know, so it is impossible to provide information about that person." The man said.    


"What?" Elder Meng does not know the other party's identity either? " Master Guan did not frown.    


He really did not think that something like this would happen, but there was one thing that he did not know, and that was that this Elder Meng had actually been bribed by the Elder Liang, who was standing by Lin Long's side.    


Of course, that Elder Meng only knew that Lin Long was related to Elder Liang.    


If they really wanted to pursue him, they could only do so from Elder Liang's position.    


"That's right." The man nodded.    


"In that case, I can only use the Sensory Talisman!" Master Guan frowned.    


"Follow me to the second floor!"    


As he spoke, he brought his men out of the room and walked towards where he was staying.    


Very quickly, the few of them arrived at Lin Long's private room. At this time, he directly signalled for his subordinates to knock on the door.    


"Who is outside?" This sound came from inside.    


Master Guan suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "Brother inside, I am Master Guan, I would like to get to know you."    


Master Guan felt that with his identity, the other party would open the door no matter what. Who would have thought that such a voice would come from inside, "I'm sorry, I won't get to know strangers."    


How could Master Guan believe a stranger's words? He could tell that the other party's words were directed at him.    


Good lad, you actually don't place me, Master Guan, in your eyes! Master Guan was so angry that his lungs were about to explode.    


If this wasn't an auction, he would have already had his men break the door in front of him.    


Master Guan could still tolerate it, but his subordinates were already unable to hold it in.    


One of them immediately flew into a rage, "Good boy, even if Master Guan personally came to find you, you still wouldn't give him face. How arrogant!"    


This person's voice wasn't soft. In an instant, everyone in the room heard him.    


All of them came out to see what was going on. They realized that Master Guan had personally come to look for them, but the other party had actually not even opened the door. For a moment, all of them burst into an uproar.    


Who in the world was this man that he didn't even put Master Guan in his eyes? Even the young masters of the big families would not dare to shut Master Guan down like this! Such a thought flashed across their minds.    


Anger was anger, and such a situation made Master Guan feel extremely uncomfortable.    


He, Master Guan, had actually closed the door on him. If news of this matter were to spread, how could he, Master Guan, still have any face in the Imperial City?    


His expression turned extremely ugly and he wanted to leave immediately. However, when he thought of leaving, there was no way to plant an Detection Talisman on him. Thus, he was in a dilemma.    


This Detection Talisman was not that easy to cast. His subordinates had never come into contact with it before. In other words, he was the only one who could use it.    


Otherwise, he would have just left, leaving his subordinates behind.    


In a dilemma, Master Guan finally chose to stay.    


"Kid, today I will return all the humiliation Master Guan suffered to me!" Master Guan thought angrily in his heart.    


Because like this, the few of them chose to stay outside Lin Long's private room.    


News like this quickly spread throughout the auction.    


Those with a discerning eye would definitely see that Master Guan wanted to plant an Intuition Rune on Lin Long, but Lin Long not giving Master Guan any face at all was truly unexpected.    


Was this person's background really that big? Some people could not help but have this thought.    


In their opinion, if that were the case, Master Guan might end up suffering a huge loss.    


At this time, in Lin Long's private room, Lin Long asked softly, "The few of you, are you able to see through Master Guan's intentions?"    


"I heard that there is a Sense Talisman in the Hall of Rune. I feel like Master Guan is here to place a Perception Talisman on your body." Elder Liang replied directly.    


He would definitely say something like that before Lin Long left, so when he heard Lin Long's question, he would naturally answer directly.    


"Sensory Perception Symbol huh." Lin Long could not help but ask.    


"If it's this Sensory Talisman, he wants to make a move on us after we leave the auction house." Elder Hu said.    


"That should be the case." Feng Tian also nodded.    


The few of them spoke calmly, not worrying about anything happening at all.    


Of course, this was because they were strong. After all, they were four powerful experts who could activate the level five Ice Talisman Paper.    


Although this kind of expert wouldn't be so domineering in the Royal Capital, it wouldn't be easy for anyone to deal with him.    


Because of this, they did not put a Charm Magician in their eyes.    


While they were talking, the auction had already reached its end.    


Lin Long said, "Elder Feng, open the door!"    


"Yes sir!" Elder Feng went over and opened the door.    


Immediately, they saw the few people standing outside the door.    


In order to reveal his identity, Master Guan did not wear a mask, so Elder Liang recognized him at a glance.    


He immediately whispered to Lin Long, "Young master, this person is indeed Master Guan."    


Lin Long lightly nodded, and then said to Master Guan, "Master Guan, why have you come looking for us?"    


"Nothing much, I just wanted to befriend you, Young Master." Master Guan smiled.    


At this moment, he naturally suppressed the anger in his heart.    


Although almost everyone knew what he was thinking when he came over, he did not want to show it so clearly.    


"Master Guan, I'm sorry, I won't tell you my true identity." Lin Long said directly.    


"It doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me. I can come in and chat, right?" Master Guan let out a laugh, and directly walked into Lin Long's private room.    


What he did not expect was that Lin Long and the rest did not stop him.    


This naturally made him secretly rejoice, because the closer he was to Lin Long, the more powerful the Sensory Talisman became.    


Afraid that something unexpected would happen, the moment he walked in, he activated his Detection Talisman.    


The talisman was soundless, but it was still sensed by Lin Long who had a strong spiritual will.    


He also had a way to deal with it, so he wasn't worried at all. This talisman was different from the one he had on the Azure Cloud Continent.    


Of course, this was also related to the knowledge he had come into contact with in the palace at the back of Mask Academy's underground cave. Those knowledge had methods to remove these kinds of detection talismans, so he was not worried that these detection talismans would cause him any trouble.    


Because of this, he did not stop Master Guan from activating the Talisman.    


Seeing that Lin Long and the others did not have any reaction, Master Guan was naturally secretly delighted in his heart.    


He immediately said, "Young master, since you do not welcome me, I will not stay any longer. Goodbye!"    


After speaking, he walked out.    


After he left, Elder Liang said worriedly, "Young master, since this Master Guan left like this, he must have activated his Detection Talisman!"    


"It would be bad if he really planted a Sensory Talisman on us!" Elder Hu said worriedly.    


"Don't worry, his Detection Talisman won't be difficult for me." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


Seeing Lin Long like this, they finally felt relieved.    


"Alright, let's go out." Finished, Lin Long brought a few people and walked out.    


Elder Liang and the other two were all wearing masks, and the clothes they were wearing were not what they normally wore, so they weren't worried that anyone would be able to tell their identities.    


After coming out, they changed their masks and left the auction house.    


As for Lin Long, he was no longer wearing a bamboo hat, but a mask that covered his ears.    


Although they weren't afraid of trouble, it was better not to cause trouble.    


Before long, they had arrived at a forest outside. At this time, Elder Liang and the others could clearly sense that someone was behind them.    


"Young master, someone seems to have followed us!" Elder Liang's expression changed.    


"It's Master Guan and the others." Lin Long said lightly.    


"Young master, didn't you say that you could clear Master Guan's Sensory Talisman?" Elder Hu couldn't help but say.    


"I can do it but I didn't do it because I want to take down Master Guan!" Lin Long said directly.    


"So that's how it is." Hearing Lin Long's words, Elder Liang and the others understood.    


At this time, seven or eight people had surrounded them. One of them was Master Guan.    


Obviously, Master Guan was very confident in the person that he had brought with him. He believed that Lin Long and the rest would definitely not be able to escape.    


The reason for this was because one of the people he brought was able to trigger the level five Ice Magic Talisman.    


"Master Guan, I didn't expect that we would meet again." Looking at Master Guan, Lin Long said with an indifferent smile.    


"Hehe, boy, no matter who you are, you are finished today!" Master Guan sneered.    


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