Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2066 Bidding

C2066 Bidding

"It doesn't seem like anything happened. Anyway, I heard that the Zhou family in Yongjiang city is calm on the surface. As for what happened inside, I have no idea." Qian Jiayi said.    


"Oh, I understand." Lin Long nodded.    


"Rumor has it that because of this matter, the Imperial City even suggested sending someone to ask His Majesty if what happened in the Zhou Mansion was true, and whether what they said was true or not." Qian Jiayi said again.    


Qian Jiayi's words did not surprise Lin Long at all. After all, things like the Tranquil Spirit Pellet could increase the strength of the entire Ice Peak Country. The people of the Ice Peak Empire's Imperial City definitely wanted to see the Tranquil Spirit Pellet for sale in large quantities.    


After the morning had passed, Lin Long immediately called for Elder Hu, Elder Liang, and the others.    


Thinking that Lin Long was asking about the mask, they immediately replied, "Young master, we're useless, we haven't found any clues."    


Lin Long continued, "I am not asking about the mask. I am telling you all to scout around, to see what happened in the Yongjiang Zhou family, why it took so long before they were able to refine the Tranquil Spirit Pill."    


"I know about this as well. However, why does Young Master care about this? Could it be that the Zhou family has something to do with you?" Elder Liang asked.    


"That Zhou family's Zhou Han is my subordinate, and I was the one who gave him the Tranquil Spirit Elixir Recipe." Lin Long said indifferently.    


Hearing Lin Long's words, everyone present opened their mouths wide in shock.    


Elder Liang asked, "Young Master, according to what you said, you're the mysterious alchemist at the Sage Tranquil Spirit Pills Shop?"    


"That's right, I was the one who concocted the Tranquil Spirit Pill." Lin Long nodded.    


"Young Master, you're too amazing! How did you do that?" In that moment, these people immediately exclaimed in admiration.    


Never in their dreams had they imagined that the person they would submit to before them would actually be that mysterious alchemist.    


At this time, even if they were to forever submit to Lin Long, they did not feel any regret.    


After all, where could one find such an alchemist, such a genius in the area of cold talisman paper?    


"You don't need to know." Lin Long said indifferently.    


Elder Liang continued, "Young master, I am not clear about the matter of the Zhou family in Yongjiang city. I only know that at that time, the Zhou family announced that they wanted to refine a Tranquil Spirit Pill, but they did not manage to refine a single one.    


"Well, you guys need to find out more about it. Also, send someone to Heyuan City..."    


Before Lin Long could finish his words, elder Hu could not help but ask, "Young master, what are we doing in Heyuan City? Did something happen to the Vice Principal of the Mask Institution?"    


"No, I just told you to find a man from the Zhou family in Heyuan City. That man is my subordinate, but if you come with me to Heyuan City, I want to ask him about the matters concerning the Zhou family in Yongjiang city." Lin Long said.    


From his point of view, Zhou Ling was definitely in touch with the Zhou family during this period of time. As long as he brought Zhou Ling here, he would know what happened to the Zhou family.    


As for Zhou Han, if anything happened, the first to contact him would be Zhou Ling.    


"Then I'll go over myself. I can't help with anything else here." Feng Tian immediately said.    


"Alright, then you will go over ? "That person is called Zhou Ling ?" Lin Long immediately informed Zhou Ling's residence.    


He was sure that without his orders Zhou would still be waiting for him, unless something happened.    


Feng Tian immediately left the area.    


As for the others, they immediately scattered.    


Very quickly, they returned back to normal. However, they gave Lin Long an answer that told him that they did not know what happened to the Zhou Family in Yongjiang City.    


Looks like the Zhou Family was secretly digesting this matter, Lin Long thought.    


Two days later, Feng Tian brought back a person. This person was none other than Zhou Ling.    


Seeing Lin Long, Zhou Ling was overjoyed, "Greetings Young Noble."    


To be honest, he thought something had happened to Lin Long after not seeing him for so long.    


Lin Long immediately asked, "Zhou Ling, what has happened in the Zhou Family during this period of time that we haven't even refined a single Tranquil Spirit Pill?"    


Zhou Ling immediately said: "Young Master Zhou Han contacted me about this, he said that the pill formula for the Tranquil Spirit Elixir was stolen from him!"    


"No way, someone actually stole it!" Hearing this, Feng Tian, Elder Hu, and the others looked at each other in dismay.    


Lin Long frowned, then asked, "And then?"    


"At that time, I knew about this and immediately wanted to contact you. However, I had no way to contact you, so I could only wait outside."    


As for Young Master Zhou Han's side, he had contacted me at the beginning, but he did not contact me soon enough. I wondered if something had happened, so I chose to be scolded by Young Master, and decided to leave Heyuan City and head for Yongjiang City. After arriving at Yongjiang City, I first met a good friend of the Zhou family, and when this good friend saw me, he immediately told me to leave the Zhou family, saying that something had happened to the Zhou family.    


At that time, I asked him what had happened, and he said that our Zhou family's Great Master had come out, and using the matter of the Tranquil Spirit Pill formula being stolen as an excuse, he directly sat on the Patriarch's seat. He even locked the Zhou family head and young master Zhou Han in the dungeon, saying that they had caused the Zhou family to miss out on the chance to rise to prominence.    


"At that time, I said that if that was the case, then I must stand up for you, young master, because I can ask you for the Tranquil Spirit Pill Recipe. However, that good friend of his told me that he felt that the Grand Elder was merely an excuse. The root cause of all this was because the Grand Elder wanted to seize power. "    


"I was thinking that the Utmost Exalted Elder had a grandson. It is very likely that he wanted that grandson to become the next head of the Zhou family. Thus, I believed his good friend's words and chose to avoid him."    


"What happened afterwards confirmed this fact. The Zhou family secretly sent people to arrest me. It is fortunate that I was vigilant. Otherwise, I would not be able to see you right now."    


Zhou Ling said this long sentence.    


"In that case, it's because of the Zhou family's Great Master!" Lin Long said coldly.    


"According to the rules, I believe that the matter of stealing the pill formula was done by that Supreme Elder." Elder Liang said.    


"Mm, that's a possibility." Lin Long nodded.    


Then, he looked towards Zhou Feng and asked, "Then what's the strength of the Supreme Elder?"    


"The Grand Elder has already grasped rank 5 Ice Talisman paper." Zhou Ling said.    


Hearing him say that, Feng Tian immediately said, "Young Noble, let me deal with him!"    


Lin Long immediately shook his head, "You can't do it alone."    


After thinking for a while, he continued, "Let's put this matter aside for now. We'll talk about it when there's news regarding other matters."    


If Elder Hu, Elder Liang, and the others were to follow him, they would definitely be able to settle this matter. However, the problem was that there was no way to do the things he had instructed them to do after they left.    


Although Zhou Ling was anxious, he naturally listened to Lin Long's words, and did not say anything else.    


Elder Liang had heard from the black market in the imperial city that there would be an auction in a few days, and at that time, there would be a mask for sale. Furthermore, this mask was suitable for Lin Long to use now.    


Hearing this kind of news, Lin Long was naturally concerned with this matter, and immediately let Elder Liang seriously look into this matter.    


After a long time, Elder Liang returned.    


"Elder Liang, how is it?" Seeing him, Lin Long could not help but ask.    


"Young master, I've already asked the appropriate auctioneer to confirm that there will be a mask for sale in a few days, and that it is suitable for you to use now." Elder Liang said respectfully.    


"Oh, then is it difficult for us to bid?" Lin Long asked.    


"It's difficult. Many people would fight over this mask for it. Without enough money, there is no chance of getting the mask." Elder Liang said.    


"Money? No need to worry." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


He had previously obtained the Tranquil Spirit Pill from the sale, and with his recent wealth accumulation, it would not be difficult for him to snatch the mask away even if he did not have enough Deep Ice Coins.    


"If it's not enough, I can go get some from the Yang family." Elder Liang said.    


Lin Long had already discussed with him, once the matter on the side was settled, he would be able to use his identity as an elder of the Yang family to capture the Yang family.    


After all, he had obtained the token representing the Yang family's family head, and no one knew the death of the family head of the Yang family. He could use it to his advantage.    


Hence, he was afraid that Lin Long would not have enough money at this time, hence he thought of the Yang Family's assets.    


"There's no need for that." Lin Long immediately shook his head.    


Time passed quickly, and soon, the day of the auction arrived. On this day, Lin Long brought Elder Liang and the others to a village outside of the imperial city, and this was the location of the auction.    


The location of this black market was not fixed, and every time, it would be placed in a different place.    


At night, the auction started. In the building that Lin Long and the rest were in, there were at least a few hundred people, all of them wearing masks.    


As for Lin Long, he was wearing a big conical hat.    


Of course, like before, he still asked Elder Liang to book a room first. Although it was expensive, with his wealth, he didn't care about this at all.    


As night fell, the auction also began. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the auctioneer began his auction.    


Seeing what the auctioneer took out, Lin Long's face could not help but twitch. He thought that it was actually a Tranquil Spirit Pill that he had refined.    


"This is the Tranquil Spirit Elixir Shop's Tranquil Spirit Pill. There are 50 of them in total, the starting price is 500,000 yuan!" The auctioneer shouted.    


The starting price of 50 pills was 500,000 gold, this price made the creator of the pill Lin Long was dumbfounded.    


If he had sold it at this price, the money he had earned would have been enough to kill him.    


On the contrary, Elder Liang and the others were not surprised.    


Elder Liang even said, "Young master, this starting price fits the market price perfectly."    


"Alright." Lin Long was a little speechless.    


If it wasn't for the fact that he treated money like dirt, he would have refined the Tranquil Spirit Pill overnight.    


The starting price was high, but in the end, it was only seven hundred thousand. After all, this kind of pill couldn't make a person become strong after consuming it.    


As time passed, more items were being auctioned. Lin Long did not care about these items, so he did not plan to bid.    


After bidding on those ten items, it was finally the mask's turn.    


The moment the mask appeared, everyone's eyes immediately widened.    


"This is the Golden Silk Mask that Master Qin Shu also made ?" As the auctioneer spoke, he took out the mask from a dark green box and showed it to everyone.    


After displaying it for a bit, he then said, "The starting bid for this mask is 10 million Deep Frost Coins!"    


Ten million dark cold coins! This price caused the crowd to suck in a breath of cold air.    


Even though he was shocked, after the auctioneer finished his sentence, someone immediately shouted, "I bid 11 million deep cold coins!"    


Before this person could finish his sentence, another person shouted, "I bid 12 million!"    


The bids continued to rise and fall, quickly reaching twenty million.    


After 20 million, there were fewer people bidding, but there were still two or three people bidding. Only two people bidding after 25 million.    


What was unexpected was that the two of them kept shouting until they reached 30 million. Only then did the voice of the other person stop.    


Once the voice stopped, there was no more response. The auctioneer immediately said, "Thirty million going once ?"    


"Thirty million times ?"    


At this point, he couldn't help but say, "If no one bids anymore, then this mask will belong to this mister in the private room on the third floor!"    


At this time, Lin Long, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, "Thirty-one million!"    


"32 million!" The person above him spoke up without hesitation.    


Clearly, this person was determined to obtain this mask.    


Lin Long could only hear the voice of a middle aged man and did not understand much about him, but this did not stop him from bidding.    


He raised the bid again, "33 million!"    


"34 million!" The other party remained unhesitatingly.    


Lin Long immediately added.    


When Lin Long shouted out 37 million, the other party finally stopped.    


There was no sound for a long time after this pause.    


"It seems like no one above has enough Deep Frost Coins!" This situation caused everyone to start discussing amongst themselves.    


"That's more like it. If he continued shouting, I would think that the Deep Cold Coins were created by him." Some people cursed.    


"37 million going once ?"    


"37 million twice ?"    


At this point, the auctioneer paused again before continuing, "If the mister on the third floor still doesn't bid, the mask will belong to him!"    


"38 million!" Before he could finish his sentence, the voice of the person upstairs could be heard again.    


However, he continued, "That friend downstairs, can you give me some face so that I won't participate in the bidding anymore?"    


Although these words clearly violated the rules of the auction house, the auctioneer did not say anything. After all, the other party had already called out the price.    


"Who cares about this person? The one on the second floor is the master of the Rune Hall! " Upon hearing that person's voice, quite a few people in the audience exclaimed.    


"That's right, I am the judge of the rune hall!" The man on the third floor laughed.    


"So you're Master Guan, no wonder you're so rich!" For a time, everyone could not help but nod their heads.    


Knowing who they were, they understood why they were so rich.    


Rune Hall, Master Guan!    


After hearing the other party's registration number, Lin Long could not help but frown.    


After staying outside the Imperial City for so many days, he already knew what kind of place the rune hall was.    


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