Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2055 Yao Lei Came

C2055 Yao Lei Came

When they arrived at the entrance of the underground cave, Elder Ma had just caught up with them. The few of them hurriedly rushed into the hole.    


Upon entering the underground cave, Elder Wang and the others let out a sigh of relief because the underground cave was crisscrossed. It would not be easy for Elder Ma and the others to catch them if they rushed over.    


Zhou Yingxue and the other two who were familiar with the route naturally brought Elder Wang and the others as they sprinted inside.    


Elder Ma, who had been chasing after them, paused for a moment before rushing in.    


The moment he entered, his expression became unsightly. Because the interior was crisscrossed, he didn't know which direction the few people from before had fled in.    


If he chased after them like this and got circled by those people and then ran away, that would not be good. This thought flashed through Elder Ma's mind.    


Because of this, he did not immediately chase them into the cave. Instead, he waited at the cave entrance for the others to arrive.    


Not long later, the people behind him also rushed over.    


When they came over, Elder Ma said to two of them, "The two of you stay guard at the entrance while the rest of you follow me in!"    


"Yes sir!" These people responded in unison.    


Soon after, the two men he had called out were guarding the cave entrance while the rest of the men followed him into the cave.    


Upon entering the cave, Elder Ma immediately frowned. He really did not know how to search for those people.    


After thinking for a while, he continued, "Everyone, split up and search for those people in two groups. Once you see them, warn them immediately and tell the others to help!"    


It was naturally dangerous to be separated, but Elder Ma felt that it was impossible for those people to kill two people from a small group in a short period of time. No matter what, they would be able to last until the others went to support them.    


Immediately, they divided themselves into groups and began searching within.    


Not long later, two of them arrived near Elder Wang and the others. Seeing this situation, the faces of Elder Wang and the others naturally revealed joy.    


This was because with their strength, they could easily take care of these two before the others arrived.    


This was naturally because of their combined attack. Their combined attack wasn't only capable of being performed by five people, but four people as well. It was just that its power was weaker than five people.    




Immediately after Elder Wang gave the order, he and the other three immediately used a combination attack to deal with the two approaching people.    


Seeing a few people rushing over, these two people quickly gave out warning sounds. At the same time, they activated the Level 4 Glacial Talisman Paper in their hands.    


Elder Wang's group of four also activated the rank 4 Ice Talisman Paper in their hands. In an instant, the small cave was immediately covered by waves of icy cold Qi.    


The weak Zhou Yingxue and the other two couldn't help but shiver at this moment.    


On the other side, those two people thought that they could hold on for a while no matter what, but they realized that they were wrong, because the other party's ice-cold Qi was much stronger than theirs.    


In a short period of time, they were frozen immobile.    


Then, the other party took out a rune sword and attacked them.    


After two miserable shrieks, the two of them died.    


Even if Elder Ma and the others heard the warning, it was already too late to immediately rush over. When they arrived, Elder Wang and the others had already disappeared without a trace.    


"These people should be using a combination attack!" Elder Ma frowned as he looked at the scene in front of him.    


He could see that if it wasn't for the combination of their attacks, Elder Wang and the others definitely wouldn't have been able to kill the two of them in such a short period of time.    


"A combination attack?" Hearing his words, the faces of the people who came with him immediately changed.    


One of them hurriedly said, "Elder Ma, since it's like this, let's go together. Otherwise, it wouldn't be good to be defeated by them all."    


Elder Ma could see this, but he did not do so because doing so would make it difficult to find Elder Wang and the others as soon as possible.    


He immediately said coldly, "There's no need to go together. We can just form a team of three!"    


From his point of view, the rest of them would definitely be able to come in time to support him with a team of three.    


Although this was very dangerous, since Elder Ma had given the order, the others could only obey.    


Immediately, they split into two groups of three. As for Elder Ma, he was naturally by himself. In other words, there were a total of three groups.    


After splitting into three groups, they began to search within again.    


Before long, three of them had arrived near Elder Wang and the others.    


Elder Wang and the others had a total of seven people together, but their goal was quite huge. However, because Zhou Yingxue and the others were familiar with the interior and because it was indeed very complicated, it was naturally very difficult for Elder Ma and the others to discover them.    


Although the opposing side had three people at this time, it was still an opportunity for Elder Wang and the others. They were also confident that they could kill these three people in a short period of time.    


With Elder Wang's order, the four of them immediately rushed out and simultaneously activated the Ice Magic Talisman paper in their hands.    


The three of them were shocked and naturally activated the Ice Magic Talisman in their hands.    


In that instant, waves of ice-cold qi enveloped the passageway once again.    


The moment Elder Wang and the others received the icy cold Qi, their expressions immediately changed. This was because they discovered that the other party's icy Qi was much stronger than theirs.    


Indeed, in a short period of time, they were all frozen immobile.    


Even though the situation was much better than it was with the two of them, they were still unable to resist.    


In the next moment, these three people were killed by Yang Sheng's sword qi.    


Only after they had killed the three and escaped did Elder Ma arrive late.    


He had still underestimated their strength! Elder Ma's expression was ugly as he thought.    


Subsequently, the expression of Elder Ma, who had thought of something, became even more unsightly.    


Since the other three didn't rush over, they were obviously stopped by the other party.    


Crap! Astonished, Elder Ma quickly rushed in the direction of the other three.    


However, when he arrived, the three people waiting for him were already on the ground.    


In other words, in such a short period of time, besides the two guards at the entrance, the rest of the people following him had all died.    


How could Elder Ma still dare to stay in the cave? He was afraid that the other party would rush out of the cave while he was still inside.    


Immediately, he returned to the entrance of the cave and couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them were still standing there unharmed.    


"Elder Ma, what's wrong?" One of them couldn't help but ask when he saw Elder Ma come out.    


"The others were all killed by them!" Elder Ma's expression was unsightly.    


"It can't be?" These two people widened their eyes when they heard his words.    


"I underestimated the power of their combined attack. I never thought that they would be able to use it to such an extent with only four people." Elder Ma frowned.    


"Elder Ma, what should we do?" The other person couldn't help but say.    


"You two, immediately go find Elder Liang and tell him what happened here. Afterwards, ask him to send someone over to support us!" Elder Ma immediately said.    


He didn't want to look for Elder Liang at first, but now that he was at this stage, he had no choice but to do so.    


"Yes sir!" After nodding their heads, the two of them quickly left the place.    


This time, Elder Ma was staying at the entrance of the cave. He had already decided that if there was no one to help him, he would at most only enter a few dozen feet and would absolutely not venture any deeper.    


After inquiring for a while, Elder Wang and the others knew of Elder Ma's intention. Immediately, their faces became ugly.    


This was because if Elder Ma stayed at the cave entrance like this, there was no way for them to charge out.    


After all, the four of them together weren't a match for Elder Ma.    


Although Elder Wang and the others didn't say it, how could Zhou Yingxue and the others not see through it?    


The next moment, Zhou Yingxue said, "Elder Wang, can you tell me about the combination attack? Maybe I can help you guys after learning it."    


"You're too weak, it's useless." Elder Wang shook his head.    


Although Zhou Yingxue could activate the third grade Ice Talisman Paper, there was still a huge gap between him and them. That was why he directly rejected her offer.    


What's more, they did not learn the attack together just because they wanted to learn it. At that time, it was only because Lin Long taught them that they were able to learn it quickly.    


"Elder Wang, this is not necessarily true. Perhaps after I learn it, I can really help you." Zhou Yingxue said.    


It was because of the talent she displayed after mastering her rune, otherwise she wouldn't have said such words.    


"Elder Wang, let Sister Zhou try. She is very talented, and perhaps she can really help you." At this time, Zhang Yue also spoke up from the side.    


Zhang Yue was the same age as Zhou Yingxue, but because Zhou Yingxue was older by a month, she called him older sister.    


Hearing Zhang Yue's words, Elder Wang also thought that since there was no way out, he might as well let Zhou Yingxue try. Perhaps there really might be some sort of pleasant surprise.    


Immediately, he nodded, "Alright, then I'll tell Miss Zhou about your combination attack."    


He did not say that the reason why he waited until Zhou Yingxue learned it before attempting it was naturally because he did not hold any expectations towards this matter.    


Immediately, Elder Wang personally taught Zhou Yingxue the art of joint attacks.    


Although they were all Lin Long's students, Elder Wang's grasp of the art of joint attacks was obviously better than others, so his teaching could not be any better.    


After Elder Wang finished teaching her, Zhou Yingxue stood to the side and pondered.    


During this process, the others would naturally closely watch Elder Ma's every move, but they noticed that Elder Ma didn't want to go any deeper, and didn't give them any chance.    


Four hours passed in the blink of an eye. Seeing that no one came to help, the bored Elder Ma walked back into the cave.    


Of course, he wouldn't go too deep.    


Just then, a sound came from behind him.    


Could it be that someone was here to provide support? Elder Ma was overjoyed and quickly turned around.    


When he turned around, he saw an unfamiliar person standing at the entrance of the cave.    


Since the other party was clearly a member of the academy, he felt that they were here to provide support.    


He immediately frowned, "Why are you alone?"    


In his opinion, no matter what, Elder Liang and those people shouldn't have just sent one person over. Even if it was just one person, the two people he called out to earlier would have followed him back. Otherwise, this person wouldn't have been able to find this place.    


"Those people were blocked by some fierce beasts, so I came over first." The other party replied in this manner.    


"Is that so?" Hearing the words of the other party, Elder Ma's heart relaxed. He immediately said, "Then you stay at the cave entrance and I'll go in."    


Since there was someone blocking the entrance, Elder Ma wasn't worried about what would happen if he were to enter any further.    


"Alright." The other party answered immediately.    


Elder Ma immediately walked forward when he heard the other party's words.    


Naturally, the reason for walking forward was to probe deeper.    


However, he didn't expect that after taking a few more steps, he would hear the footsteps of that person behind him. It was clear that that person was also following him inside.    


"What are you doing?" Seeing that the other party did not listen to his orders, Elder Ma was enraged. He immediately turned his head and cursed.    


What was even more unexpected was that the other party took advantage of this time to rush into the side passageway.    


Elder Ma felt that something was wrong, so he immediately chased after them. However, after turning left and right, he directly lost the other party.    


Could it be that this person was their reinforcement? Elder Ma couldn't help but have such a thought.    


At this time, he didn't dare to chase further in because if Elder Wang and the others took advantage of this opportunity to escape, he wouldn't have been able to catch up.    


Immediately, he rushed back at full speed. When he arrived at the cave entrance and saw that no one had left any traces of escape, he heaved a sigh of relief.    


So what if you have reinforcements? As long as I guard here, you won't be able to come out! Looking at the entrance of the cave, Elder Ma said coldly.    


Just as Elder Ma was thinking this, the person that rushed into the cave was surrounded by Elder Wang and the others.    


When they clearly saw who it was, Elder Wang and the others immediately revealed looks of joy.    


They had only thought that this person who had rushed in was an enemy, but who would have thought that it was the person they had left behind in the tunnel, Yao Lei.    


Seeing these people, Yao Lei's face revealed a happy expression.    


"Yao Lei, how did you find me?" Yang Sheng could not help but ask.    


I was waiting for you guys to come back, so I wanted to go out and take a look. I couldn't help but to worry, but since I didn't know where to look for you guys, I could only return to the tunnel and continue waiting. Just as I was about to go in, I discovered two people talking about something as they walked, including the four words' combination attack '.    


"Originally, I didn't want to attack them, but after hearing about the combination attack, I immediately started to worry for you guys, afraid that you guys might be trapped by someone." Originally, I didn't want to attack them, but after hearing about the combination attack, I immediately started to worry for you guys, afraid that you guys might be trapped by someone.    


"After that, I let them lead the way and came here."    


Yao Lei said this.    


Hearing his words, the crowd finally understood how he got here.    


"Then, you should have seen that Elder Ma at the cave entrance right? How did you get in?" After which, Yang Sheng asked.    


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