Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2053 Zhou Yingxue's Talent

C2053 Zhou Yingxue's Talent

After running for a short while, the three of them had a drastic change in expression. This was because the other party's footsteps were getting closer and closer to them.    


It was at this moment that Brother He's complacent voice came from behind. "Don't run away, you won't be able to escape from me!"    


Zhou Yingxue said to Zhang Yue and Shen Jun, "Don't worry, we'll just flee to the west. We aren't a match for those vicious beasts in the west, so this person won't be a match for those vicious beasts as well!"    


"Yes." Zhang Yue and Shen Jun nodded their heads heavily.    


Even so, the three of them were still running at the edge of the western border. After all, if they entered the western side, they might not be able to make it back.    


After chasing for a while longer, they could even see the figure of the person behind them when they turned around.    


If he continued to run away like this, he would be caught by the enemies. He had no choice but to escape to the west! Such a thought flashed through Zhou Yingxue's mind.    


"Let's rush to the west side!"    


"Yes." Zhang Yue and Shen Jun nodded their heads at the same time and followed Zhou Yingxue into the western region.    


Seeing the three of them rush in, Brother He, who was in hot pursuit behind them, frowned. However, he only stopped for a moment. Afterwards, he also followed behind Zhou Yingxue and the others as they rushed in.    


"This person is really putting his life on the line!" Shen Jun couldn't help saying as he looked at Brother He, who was rushing in behind him.    


As he spoke, he naturally followed closely behind Zhou Yingxue.    


The three of them ran in front and Brother He chased after them.    


What they did not expect was that after they rushed westward for a while, no berserk beasts actually attacked them.    


With this, Brother He's group got closer and closer to them.    


Could it be that we are going to be stopped by Brother He before we even meet a fourth level ferocious beast? This situation caused Zhou Yingxue and the other two to frown.    


After running for a while, no ferocious beasts had arrived.    


Seeing that Brother He behind her was really catching up to them, Zhou Yingxue could only bring Shen Jun and Zhang Yue with her as they charged into a hole in the ground.    


At this time, she didn't care if there were any ferocious beasts in the cave or if it was a dead end. She would just rush in first.    


Shen Jun and Zhang Yue also had no other choice, so they followed closely behind Zhou Yingxue as they rushed in.    


The three were surprised when they rushed in because the underground cave was very wide. Moreover, it was crisscrossed and looked like a maze.    


Perhaps this place will allow us to escape from the enemy's clutches!    


Thinking this, Zhou Yingxue said to Shen Jun and Zhang Yue behind her, "The two of you, follow me closely!"    


She was afraid that the two behind her would lose her.    


Shen Jun and Zhang Yue naturally stopped Zhou Yingxue and followed closely behind her.    


Zhou Yingxue did not care about the direction nor did she care if they were lost. Once they entered, they would just walk east and west, trying to get rid of Brother He behind them.    


This method seemed to have worked. They didn't notice that Brother He was following them after a while.    


However, just as he heaved a sigh of relief, the sound of Brother He's footsteps came from another direction.    


Evidently, the other party was still searching the area. If he wasn't careful, the other party might be able to bump into him.    


Following that, the trio of Zhou Yingxue's group of three continued to play hide and seek with the other side. As soon as the other side approached, they would immediately take turns, making it impossible for the other side to stop them.    


Brother He felt that this method wouldn't do well two hours later and threw out these harsh words.    


"I'll wait for you at the exit. I don't believe that you'll never leave this burrow!"    


As he spoke, his opponent took a step back. Clearly, he was waiting for them at the exit.    


Seeing the other leave, Zhou Yingxue and the others naturally heaved a sigh of relief. Afterwards, their brows naturally furrowed again, because if the other party was really guarding the exit, there was no way for them to leave!    


"This is no good, Brother Lin, the longer this goes on, the more dangerous it becomes." Zhou Yingxue said with a frown.    


"Yes." Zhang Yue also nodded.    


Although they had enough rations on them to last for a long time, Lin Long would be in even more danger if they were to persevere on like this.    


"How about this, I will try my best to raise my strength from within and see if I can raise my strength to the level of being able to trigger the third grade Ice Talisman Paper. If that's the case, the two of you, together, should be able to deal with this Brother He." Then, Zhou Yingxue said this.    


"Miss Zhou, the third rank Ice Talisman Paper is not that easy to master." Hearing her words, Shen Jun couldn't help but comment.    


"I know, but I can only use this method now." Zhou Yingxue said in a deep voice.    


She had completely mastered rank 2 Ice Talisman paper, which was why she was able to learn rank 3 Ice Talisman Paper.    


Of course, she also had confidence in herself, because the Extreme Tranquility Rune she had previously mastered made the Ice Magic Talisman paper much easier to master.    


Otherwise, she wouldn't even have had such a thought.    


Immediately, she said to Zhang Yue and Shen Jun, "You two keep watch for me. I will wholeheartedly study level 3 Ice Talisman Paper. The moment that Brother He approaches, you two should remind me."    


"Alright." Shen Jun and Zhang Yue both nodded their heads.    


They had no other choice but to see Zhou Yingxue.    


Afterwards, Zhou Yingxue focused all of her energy on the third level of the Glacial Talisman Paper.    


She had already started cultivating rank 3 Ice Talisman Paper before, so she had some books on rank 3 Ice Talisman Paper.    


Unknowingly, several days had passed. In this period of time, perhaps the impatient Brother He had walked down, but because the interior was too complicated, he was unable to find the place where Zhou Yingxue and the others were.    


In this way, he could only continue guarding the exit.    


I don't believe that you won't come out in time! He spoke coldly in his heart.    


After that, another few days passed.    


At this time, the poison of the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill had already started to take effect on Yang Yan Liang and Ren Kaicheng. The two of them rolled on the ground in pain.    


The Yang family members guarding Yang Yan Liang's side naturally had a big change in expression, especially that Alchemist Rong. Because after studying for so many days, he was still unable to remove the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill from Yang Yan Liang's body.    


F * ck, where did that kid get this Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill! Apothecary Rong could only curse in his heart.    


"It seems that the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill is not to scare people. It can really make its poison act up within half a month!"    


None of the surrounding people spoke in such a manner.    


This situation made the president and elders of the Mask Academy even more determined to catch Lin Long.    


At this time, Elder Liang from the Yang family, who had come with Alchemist Rong, had already found Principal Zhang Yunfeng.    


"President Zhang, Yan Liang is about to die. We can't just sit by idly. I hope the dean can allow our Yang Family members to go to the Underground World!" Not only that, the Headmaster even sent experts to accompany us! It's impossible to always wait at the entrance of the catacombs world! " Elder Liang went straight to the point.    


The poison in Yang Yanliang and Ren Kaicheng's bodies flared up, letting Principal Zhang Yunfeng know that this couldn't go on any longer. He immediately nodded and said, "Okay, I will let two powerhouses who can activate the rank 5 Ice Talisman paper accompany you!"    


"Thank you very much, Principal Zhang." Elder Liang nodded.    


To be honest, he was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Yunfeng, he felt that Zhang Yunfeng would have long ago sent experts inside and caught Lin Long.    


However, this was, after all, the territory of the Mask Academy, so he didn't dare express his dissatisfaction.    


At this time, Zhang Yunfeng called two elders who could activate the level five Ice Talisman paper. In addition, he also called some people who could activate the level four Ice Talisman paper.    


These people, together with some people from the Yang family, could easily run amuck in the Underground World, except for the north.    


In their hearts, the most Lin Long could do was stay in the western part of the Underground World.    


Thus, they first went to explore the western part of the catacombs.    


Just as they were about to go in, an elder suddenly said, "Principal, I feel that Lin Long has probably already gone to the north side of the catacombs world!"    


"That Lin Long was only able to activate a level 4 Ice Talisman Paper, how did he manage to reach the north side of the catacombs world?" Hearing this, someone couldn't help but comment.    


"That's what you said, but don't forget that Lin Long and the others could use the joint attack. Other than that, there is another secret only a few people know about, and that is that the palace in the western part of the catacombs world has a secret passage that leads to the northern palace!" The elder replied.    


The reason why they said this was because some of the elders did not even know about this secret passageway.    


"But, why would that brat go to the north? "He can't kill a fifth level vicious beast with his strength?" Someone asked doubtfully.    


"It's very simple. Because he's going to study the rank 5 Ice Talisman, with his status, he can't even touch the rank 5 Ice Talisman in the Mask Academy. Therefore, he can only go to the northern palace!" The elder said again.    


"Could it be that there is a rank 5 Ice Talisman paper related knowledge in the northern palace?" Someone asked doubtfully.    


Obviously, not many people knew about this.    


"That's right, the northern palace has this kind of knowledge. With Lin Long's terrifying learning ability, there's a reason for us to suspect that Lin Long entered the underground cave world this time round for the sake of entering the northern part of the underground cave!" The elder said.    


Upon hearing his words, everyone turned their gazes towards the dean.    


At this moment, Elder Liang asked directly, "Principal Zhang, are these words true?"    


"There really is such a secret tunnel. Furthermore, the northern palace also has the knowledge related to the rank 5 Ice Talisman Paper. I didn't think about this because no one has ever passed through that secret tunnel before." Zhang Yunfeng said.    


"That is to say, it is really possible that Lin Long has already reached the Northern Palace and is cultivating the knowledge related to the Level 5 Ice Talisman Paper?" Elder Liang said with a frown.    


"It's possible, but not likely." Zhang Yunfeng nodded.    


Following that, he continued, "Therefore, I suggest that you all go to the western side of the catacombs first. If you can't find him, then look for that secret passageway."    


"Alright." Elder Liang immediately nodded.    


After that, he no longer wasted time with Zhang Yunfeng and led his men straight into the catacombs.    


As soon as they entered the world of the catacombs, they immediately headed west of the catacombs.    


At this time, in the western underground cave, Zhou Yingxue was still deep in thought.    


Seeing this situation, Shen Jun and Zhang Yue couldn't help frowning.    


Every bit of time that passed, they were worried for Lin Long.    


From the looks of it, it was unknown how long Miss Zhou would need to master the third rank Ice Talisman Paper. Shen Jun sighed in his heart.    


Just as he was sighing, he suddenly discovered that Zhou Yingxue had opened her eyes.    


"Miss Zhou, could it be that you've comprehended something?" Shen Jun couldn't help asking.    


"That's right, I have comprehended it. I believe I will be able to master rank 3 Ice Talisman Paper very soon!" Zhou Yingxue nodded.    


Shen Jun wanted to ask something else, but found that Zhou Yingxue had taken out a third grade Ice Talisman Paper.    


Immediately, he and Zhang Yue disturbed Zhou Yingxue as they quietly watched from the side.    


Following that, Zhou Yingxue clearly began to experiment. She had used over a dozen third-level Ice Talisman Paper. When she used one, the third-level Ice Talisman Paper, which had not been able to burn up until now, fiercely burned up.    


What made Shen Jun and Zhang Yue happy was that the ice-cold aura emitted by this level three Ice Talisman Paper clearly had the power of a level three Ice Talisman Paper.    


It seemed that Lady Zhou could really activate a Level 3 Ice Talisman Paper! All of them were filled with joy in their hearts.    


Next, Zhou Yingxue tried another one. This third rank Ice Talisman paper also burned, and it also gave off waves of cold energy.    


Only after this did Zhou Yingxue stop and say to Shen Jun and Zhang Yue, "You two, I can already activate the third rank Ice Talisman Paper!"    


"That's great!" After confirming this point, Shen Jun and Zhang Yue couldn't help asking.    


However, Zhou Yingxue changed the topic of the conversation, "However, I've only just grasped it. It will be difficult for me to defeat that Brother He. I can only rely on your help."    


If he gave her time, she would definitely surpass that Brother He, but she didn't want to waste any more time.    


"Sure!" Shen Jun and Zhang Yue nodded their heads without any hesitation.    


"Alright, let's head for the exit now!" Zhou Yingxue said directly.    


Immediately, the three of them headed towards the exit. Although they were still unfamiliar with the underground cave, they already knew the direction of the exit.    


Soon, they arrived near the exit.    


Brother He who was guarding the exit immediately heard their movements.    


It seemed like the three of them could no longer hold it in! Hearing such a commotion, Brother He was naturally overjoyed.    


In order to make it easier for him to take down his opponent, he didn't make a sound, and continued guarding the exit.    


At this time, someone from the opposing team said, "Senior Brother He, do you dare to come in and spar with us?"    


A competition? These words stunned Brother He.    


He couldn't understand how the three people he chased after before would dare to say such words.    


Then, thinking about it, he directly replied, "Since that's the case, then I don't mind teaching you guys a lesson so that you'll know how powerful I am ? However, you must stand in the middle of this passage so that I can see you! "    


The tunnel in the middle was very straight. If the three of them were to stand there, he would not have to worry about any of them sneaking away.    


"Sure!" Who would have thought that the other party would reply without the slightest hesitation.    


Not only that, he also stood in the middle passage. From the entrance, he could clearly see the three of them.    


Immediately, he no longer hesitated and directly walked into the cave.    


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