Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2043 Five Vicious Beasts

C2043 Five Vicious Beasts

"What's your name?" Lin Long asked.    


"My surname is Shi Mingxu." The person wearing a dark red mask said.    


"My name is Yang Ming Sheng." said the man in the white mask.    


"You guys don't seem to understand much about the academy?" Combined with their previous performances, Lin Long asked.    


"We rarely return, especially recently when we have been taming the Frigid Sword Tiger. That's why we don't know much about the current situation of the academy." Yang Sheng said.    


Hearing his words, Lin Long immediately understood.    


"Have you entered the central palace?" Lin Long immediately asked.    




What surprised him was that the two of them shook their heads as they spoke.    


"Oh, is it difficult to enter?" Lin Long could not help but ask.    


"It's very difficult to get in. The most important thing is that there isn't anything worth getting, so we tried once and stopped thinking about getting in." Shi Xu said.    


"Oh." Lin Long nodded before asking again, "It is said that there is a secret passage leading to the palaces deep in the north, do you guys know?"    


"We've heard of it before, but we don't know if it's true or not." The two of them said.    


Hearing this, Lin Long continued to bring them inside.    


The deeper they went, the more dangerous it became, even if they had six people and one Cold Sword Tiger. But because of Lin Long's powerful consciousness, they eventually arrived at the palace in the centre without any danger.    


After going through this process, Yang Sheng and Shi Xu both realized how terrifying Lin Long's telepathic thoughts were and why he had bypassed them.    


After confirming that there was no danger in his surroundings, Lin Long let Yao Lei go forth to open the palace's gate.    


"Creak." The large door to the palace was pushed open by Yao Lei. Everyone immediately looked inside and discovered that it was empty.    


No, it was not completely empty. At the center of the palace stood five ferocious beasts, surrounding the city in a circle.    


What puzzled them was that these vicious beasts did not run or charge at them when they saw them.    


"Hey, what's going on? Why are they only looking at us? " Yao Lei asked in confusion.    


"Let's go in first. There won't be as many beasts as us." Yan Sheng said.    


As he said that, he looked towards Lin Long, obviously asking for Lin Long's opinion.    


"Mm, let's go in first." Lin Long nodded.    


The few of them immediately entered the gate. After entering, the five ferocious beasts did not move at all, as if they did not notice the few of them.    


After looking at the fierce beasts for a moment, Lin Long shifted his gaze towards the four sides of the palace.    


It should be related to the content of the Level Four Ice Talisman Paper, Lin Long thought.    


As they walked, they came to a spot not far away from the five beasts.    


"Young Master, let me test the strength of these fierce beasts." Yao Lei volunteered at this moment.    


Amongst these people, he was clearly the weakest, so he naturally had to seize this opportunity to show off.    


"Alright." Lin Long nodded.    


Yao Lei immediately walked in front of a fierce beast in front of him and provoked, "Come on, you beast, attack me!"    


Who would have thought that the vicious beast would still not move.    


The beast looked like a leopard, but it had the head of a vicious dog.    


Seeing that the fierce beast still ignored him, Yao Lei simply took out a level four Ice Talisman Paper.    


As he chanted the incantation, the paper started to burn. In the next moment, waves of freezing air started to invade the beast in front of him.    


It was also at this time that the originally motionless fierce beasts finally moved. With a move, they moved at the same time. They charged towards Yao Lei at the same time.    


At the same time, an even more powerful cold energy enveloped Yao Lei.    


In a short moment, Yao Lei felt as if his body had been frozen.    


Seeing this situation, hall master Xing, who was standing to the side, quickly joined the battle. The moment he activated his cold talisman paper, he immediately broke free from Yao Lei's encirclement.    


Yao Lei had just let out a breath, when another vicious beast charged over. The three vicious beasts combined together immediately suppressed the cold aura coming from the two of them. The two immediately felt uncomfortable.    


Elder Wang quickly took action. The moment he did, the situation returned to its normal balance.    


At this time, the fourth berserk beast had entered the fray. As soon as they entered the fray, all three of them were put into a passive state.    


Seeing that, Yan Sheng activated his own cold runes and added himself into the battle. On the other side, the fifth beast immediately added in.    


Shi Xu also quickly joined in.    


Logically speaking, if Shi Xu had joined the fray, both sides should have been back in balance. However, what had caused their expressions to change was that the Frost Qi that they had released was obviously much weaker than the five beasts.    


What was going on? They were all shocked.    


Three of them had mastered the level four Ice Magic Talisman, yet they were still no match for these five beasts.    


They could only shift their gazes towards Lin Long.    


Lin Long did not attack because he knew that even if he did, he would not be able to defeat these five fierce beasts.    


The reason was simple. These five beasts seemed to be using a combination attack technique. This combination attack was used on the Ice Talisman paper, causing the cold energy released by these five beasts to be much stronger than Elder Wang's group of five.    


With such power, even if Lin Long joined, it would be useless.    


Previously, when Lin Long and the other four people had activated the Ice Cold Talisman at the same time, it was considered a kind of combination attack, but compared to these five beasts, it was still far too lacking.    


"Hurry up and retreat!" In the next moment, Lin Long spoke in a low voice.    


Although they felt that they couldn't retreat under the attacks of the five fierce beasts, hearing Lin Long's words, Elder Wang and the others still tried to retreat.    


What made them happy was that they had only suffered a tiny bit of obstruction and then had safely escaped the attack range of the five fierce beasts.    


What they could not understand the most was that the five beasts returned to their original positions and did not attack them again.    


"What is happening? Are these five Fierce Beasts protecting the place where they are standing and only attack when attacked?" Yao Lei asked in confusion.    


"They're not living creatures, but wooden beasts!"    


"What? A wooden beast?" The few of them were shocked when they heard this.    


However, no matter how they widened their eyes, they still felt that the vicious beasts in front of them were living creatures.    


"Are they wooden? I think it's alive no matter how I look at it. " Yao Lei scratched his head.    


Elder Wang suddenly said, "Could it be that they are rune beasts?"    


"It seems like there really is such a possibility." Yang Sheng also nodded.    


"Wooden rune beast?" "Did you see anything?" Yao Lei asked in confusion.    


He naturally knew what these two were talking about. They were puppets made of special wood and had special runes engraved on them to give powerful fighting strength to things that originally had no souls.    


"No, we didn't see it either." Who knew that Elder Wang and his son would shake their heads.    


"If you want to know, then we'll know after we knock them down." Lin Long said.    


"Young master, I don't think we can deal with them." Yao Lei shook his head.    


Doubt appeared on the faces of the other four as well. They also didn't think that they were able to deal with these strange beasts. The situation just now proved this point.    


Lin Long did not reply. Instead, he looked at the five beasts' feet, and discovered that there were many deep cold runes on the ground beneath their feet.    


His opponent had a good understanding of the combination, so he could easily see that these runes were related to the combination.    


Could it be that the following method was a combination attack, and the five vicious beasts' circulation method was related to them? Such a thought immediately flashed across Lin Long's mind.    


As he thought about this, he began to carefully examine the runes below.    


Seeing Lin Long staring at the runes below, Elder Wang and the others also started to look at the runes.    


However, after looking for a while, all four of them shook their heads.    


The Mask Academy didn't have any sort of combination attack, so how could they tell what it was?    


As Lin Long was clearly thinking, they did not speak, and stood silently at the side.    


In this silence, time slowly passed. Unknowingly, two hours had passed.    


Even after such a long time, the Lin Gongzi still could not see anything.    


Just then, Lin Long suddenly moved, he suddenly rushed towards a fierce beast.    


Furthermore, he did not activate the Ice Talisman Paper, but waved the rune sword in his hand and struck towards the fierce beast.    


The moment he went over, the two fierce beasts in that direction immediately moved, and charged towards Lin Long at the same time. At the same time, waves after waves of ice auras immediately invaded towards Lin Long.    


Lin Long did not choose to face them head on, but immediately retreated. The moment he retreated, the two ferocious beasts did so, and everything became calm once more.    


Following that, Lin Long tried to head towards the other three directions. Every time two fierce beasts moved, he would quickly return, and as a result, he was not injured by them.    


After the test was over, he said to Elder Wang, "The five of you will attack these vicious beasts and also retreat like me, not giving them a chance to attack."    


Elder Wang's group of five immediately attacked the fierce beast in front of them. After they rushed forward, they immediately retreated, not giving the five fierce beasts any chance to injure them.    


Lin Long finally got them to stop after trying in several other directions.    


Following that, Lin Long once again fell into deep thought, as if he had encountered something difficult.    


After an hour, Lin Long left his original position, and walked toward a wall at the side. Then, he walked along the surrounding walls, as if he was trying to comprehend something from the knowledge written on the wall.    


After walking three laps, another two hours passed.    


In the end, Lin Long walked in front of the five fierce beasts.    


"Got it." At this time, he suddenly said this.    


"Young master, have you already found a way to attack these five berserk beasts?" Elder Wang couldn't help but exclaim.    


"Let's give it a try." Lin Long said.    


Then, he looked towards Elder Wang's group of five, "The five of you attack these five vicious beasts together, and you're constantly changing directions."    


"Aren't you going to retreat this time?" Yao Lei couldn't help but say.    


"If you don't retreat, that is unless you can't take it anymore!" Lin Long said in a serious tone.    


Following that, Elder Wang's group of five activated the Cold Talisman in their hands to fight against the five beasts, and they followed Lin Long's instructions to constantly change their direction of attack.    


Only, after a short while, they couldn't hold on anymore. Yao Lei, the one with the weakest strength, was the first to collapse. His body couldn't help but tremble.    


However, he did not dare to retreat.    


When he could really no longer hold on, Lin Long said, "It's done!"    


Hearing Lin Long's words, the few of them hurriedly retreated.    


The moment he retreated, Hall Master Xing hastily asked, "Young master, is it done?"    


Hall Master Xing was only slightly stronger than Yao Lei. It could be said that if Yao Lei couldn't hold on, he would be next.    


He was looking forward to hearing what Lin Long had to say, but who knew that Lin Long would also shake his head and say, "Still not enough, you guys have to experiment a few more times."    


Hearing Lin Long's words, the faces of Elder Wang and the others could not help but twitch.    


Fortunately, in this situation, if he couldn't withstand it and had to retreat, he wouldn't lose his life under the attacks of these vicious beasts.    


After waiting for Yao Lei to have a good rest, Lin Long said, "Alright, let's continue."    


Elder Wang's group of five continued to deal with the five fierce beasts.    


After trying a few times, and spending nearly an hour worth of time, Lin Long finally got them to stop.    


But this time, a smile appeared on his face because he felt that he had found a way to kill these vicious beasts.    


The next moment, he said, "All five of you attack the beast in front at the same time, keep attacking it and don't change directions!"    


Elder Wang's group of five immediately activated the level four Ice Talisman Paper and began to deal with the beast at the front.    


As soon as they moved, the five beasts in front of them immediately began to move.    


After a moment, Lin Long who was originally standing behind them suddenly moved, he suddenly slashed his sword towards the fierce beasts that were attacking Elder Wang's group of five.    


When the sword was unleashed, he immediately felt five streams of cold air attacking him at the same time.    


At this moment, he even had the feeling that he would be immediately frozen into an ice cube.    


However, he did not retreat. Not only that, the rune sword in his hand had left a strange mark.    


"Kacha kacha!"    


The next moment, such a sound suddenly rang in the air.    


What caused Elder Wang's group of five's complexion to change greatly was that the mid-air Lin Long had actually been frozen into a thick layer of ice by this kind of voice.    


But even so, that figure still remained unchanged, and the rune sword in her hands continued to attack that fierce beast.    


At this time, the fierce beast suddenly pounced towards Lin Long.    


This situation caused the expressions of Elder Wang's group of five to change drastically.    


This was because if Lin Long were to be hit by this, he would most likely be smashed into dust. At that time, his life would not even be left.    




The first one to fall apart was Lin Long's rune sword. In the midst of this voice, the rune sword that was already wrapped in a thick layer of ice directly broke into two pieces.    


This situation caused Elder Wang and the others to be even more surprised, because even such a strong rune sword could not withstand such a strike, so how could Lin Long, who only had his own body, withstand it?    


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