Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2023 Zhu Jiaming and Li Qian

C2023 Zhu Jiaming and Li Qian

Shen Jun rolled his eyes and asked, "Miss Zhou, why are you asking this?"    


Hearing Shen Jun's words, Zhou Yingxue could not help but sigh, and then said, "It was because I encountered trouble comprehending the Zenith Tranquility Rune, so I came over to ask, to see if you have any tricks for comprehending the Zenith Tranquility Rune in such a short period of time."    


"So that's how it is." Shen Jun nodded his head, before saying, "Actually, I was just having a flash of inspiration. I don't have any tricks up my sleeve."    


Shen Jun naturally had a trick up his sleeve, and the trick was Lin Long. It was just that, in the situation that he was not clear about Zhou Yingxue's identity or goal, he naturally would not push Lin Long out.    


If he really harmed Lin Long like this, he would really let him down.    


"Is there really no trick to it?" Zhou Yingxue could not help but ask.    


"Really." Shen Jun still shook his head.    


"If there's none, then forget it ?" "Thank you, though." Zhou Yingxue said with a face full of disappointment.    


"Miss Zhou, you're welcome." Shen Jun said.    


After that, Zhou Yingxue left with a sense of loss.    


When he saw Brother Lin speak of this matter to him, he saw Zhou Yingxue's back as she left. This thought flashed through Shen Jun's mind.    


? ?.    


On the other side, Lin Long couldn't help but frown after entering the world of the catacombs, because he discovered that two people were following him.    


The other two had been standing near the entrance to the catacombs. They had followed him in the moment they saw him, and now they were right behind him. Clearly, they had some sort of motive.    


What were they trying to do? Lin Long was extremely suspicious.    


Fortunately, these two people seemed to only be able to activate the third grade Ice Talisman Paper. If they were stronger, it would be a little troublesome.    


Lin Long quickened his pace. The other party seemed to be afraid of alerting him, so he did not follow closely behind.    


Lin Long took this opportunity and quickly disappeared from the two people's field of vision.    


The two people who had followed them were naturally sent by the Black Killing Group. They were naturally shocked to not see Lin Long after a while.    


"Did this kid discover us?" One of them could not help but say.    


"I don't think so. It should be him stopping behind some rock or tree. Let's catch up and take a look!" Another person said.    


"Yes." This argument received the approval of another.    


Immediately, the two of them went in pursuit of the place Lin Long had disappeared from just now. Only, after circling around this place, they still could not find any trace of Lin Long.    


This situation made their expressions even uglier.    


It was impossible for the mission to fail like this, so one of them immediately suggested, "That kid must be nearby, let's expand the search area!"    


"Yes." The other immediately nodded in agreement.    


The two of them immediately expanded their search, they did not know that Lin Long did this on purpose.    


Seeing the two of them split up, Lin Long followed behind one of them.    


When the two of them were at a sufficient distance, Lin Long immediately appeared and stood behind this person. Hearing the sound of movement from behind him, this person quickly turned his head, and with a turn of his head, he saw Lin Long.    


"You brat, you've been hiding behind me?" Seeing Lin Long appearing, the man could not help but blurt out.    


"That's right." Lin Long nodded.    


"Why did you do that? Do you think you can deal with me?" The man in front of him sneered.    


According to the intelligence, Lin Long could only activate the level 2 Ice Talisman Paper, so how could he care about Lin Long? It was also because of this that the two of them dared to separate like that.    


"That's right." Lin Long said again. As he said that, he took out a piece of Ice Cold Talisman Paper, which was the third grade Ice Cold Talisman Paper.    


"Level 3 Ice Talisman Paper?" Looking at the talisman in Lin Long's hand, the man could not help but exclaim in shock.    


"You aren't blind." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


"But, didn't you only activate the second rank Ice Talisman Paper? Why did you take out the third rank Ice Talisman Paper?" the other party asked doubtfully.    


Thinking about it, even now, he still believed what his superiors had told him.    


After all, there had been no mistakes in the Black Killing Group's intelligence gathering.    


Of course, this couldn't be blamed on the Black Killing Group, because who would have thought that Lin Long could actually raise his strength in such a short period of time?    


"Take a closer look and you'll know how strong I am." Lin Long laughed again, and in the next moment, began to recite the terms of the symbols.    


After that, the talisman in his hand started to burn.    


"You can really activate a Level 3 Ice Talisman Paper!" At this moment, the other party couldn't help but cry out in alarm.    


Immediately after, the look of shock on his face became even thicker, because he realised that Lin Long had not only activated the third level of the Glacial Talisman, he had also completely mastered the third level.    


He wasn't his match! Seeing this, he couldn't help but be startled.    


However, he had no other choice now, he could only fight against Lin Long head on.    


The result of their clash was that he was immediately frozen by the ice energy that Lin Long released.    


Not long after, Lin Long had subdued him.    


After that, the other person who had heard the commotion had also arrived behind Lin Long.    


However, because Lin Long had already thrown the man in the uniform into the grass, the man did not notice that his comrade had already been subdued by Lin Long.    


"Kid, where's the Zhu Family?" Seeing that it was only Lin Long, and his companion was nowhere to be found, he could not help but feel suspicious.    


Just now, his comrade was here, so naturally, he would be suspicious of Lin Long since his companion was nowhere to be seen.    


"Your companion has already been overpowered by me." Lin Long said indifferently.    


"Are you kidding? You can control the Zhu Family with your strength? " The person in front of him scoffed.    


He also believed in the Black Killing Group's intelligence capabilities like the Zhu Family Ming did, so he felt that Lin Long was simply lying.    


It could be said that in order to ensure their safety and to ensure that the Black Killing Group had sufficient manpower, they had to send out the two of them. Otherwise, they would only need to send one person.    


"If you don't believe me, you can test my strength." Lin Long said again.    


The reason why Lin Long left the Zhu Family in the grass was so that he could not scare this person away. With this person's strength, if he was scared off, it would be really troublesome to chase him down.    


"Hehe, since you are courting death, then don't blame me for this!" The man in front of him sneered.    


Saying that, he took out his own Ice Talisman Paper. Just as Lin Long had guessed, this person also took out his third grade Ice Talisman Paper.    


At this time, Lin Long also took out his own Level Three Ice Talisman Paper, and the moment he took it out, it also surprised the other party.    


Surprise was astonishment. Naturally, this person who felt that he would win would not turn around and flee.    


However, after the two of them activated the cold energy, this person was as regretful as Zhu Qiming, because Lin Long could really activate a Level Three Ice Talisman paper, and he had already completely mastered the Level Three Ice Talisman paper.    


The result was naturally the same as the Zhu family member, this person was quickly controlled by Lin Long.    


Only after restraining this person did Lin Long bring out the Zhu Family Ming.    


Seeing that the Zhu Family had been subdued before him, this person's face couldn't help but twitch. If he had known this earlier, when he saw Lin Long run away, he wouldn't have dared to fight against Lin Long. After all, the Zhu Family's strength was slightly stronger than his.    


"Who the hell are you people?" Looking at the two, Lin Long said coldly.    


Even now, he still could not figure out the origins of these two people. After all, Senior Qian had already submitted to him, so there was no reason for them to come and deal with him.    


"Who are we? If we say anything, we'll scare you to death!" The Zhu Family sneered.    


"But you better not know, it's not good for you ?" "Anyways, quickly release us!" The other person said.    


"I don't even dare to say what it is. What do I have to be afraid of?" Lin Long said indifferently.    


"No matter what, he's someone you can't afford to offend!" The Zhu Family couldn't help but retort in anger.    


"Is that so?" Lin Long smiled lightly.    


Saying that, he no longer wanted to waste time talking with these two and directly placed a restriction on the Zhu Family Ming who spoke at the end.    


Once the restrictions were activated, Zhu Jiaming rolled on the ground in pain.    


What kind of technique was this? This situation caused the expression of the person who did not have a restriction placed on him to greatly change.    


Although the restriction didn't hit him, he could see that if it was him, he wouldn't be able to withstand this kind of pain.    


After a while, Zhu Family Ming started begging, "Spare me, I'll tell you ?"    


Seeing him in such a state, Lin Long removed the restrictions and said, "Speak honestly, otherwise I wouldn't mind letting you experience this kind of pain again."    


At this time, how could the Zhu Family dare to refuse? They could only say with a bitter face, "We are ? "Black Slaughter."    


The other one who wanted to stop Lin Long but was afraid that Lin Long would place the restriction on him, hence, he swallowed his words.    


"Black Killer? "What kind of organization is this?" Lin Long frowned.    


He had not heard of it in this period of time.    


"It's an organization similar to the assassination organization in the outside world." The Zhu Family replied.    


"There's such an organization in the academy?" Lin Long asked with some doubt.    


"Yes, there's such an organization in our academy. This organization doesn't kill people, only breaking the target's hand or leg." The Zhu Family replied.    


"Oh, then do you want to break my leg or my hand?" Lin Long asked.    


"Our task is to break one of your legs." The Zhu Family replied.    


"Breaking one of my legs, are you trying to cripple me?" Lin Long frowned.    


"That has nothing to do with us. We are just here on a mission." Zhu Clan Ming smiled bitterly.    


"Then do you know who told your Black Killing Group to do this?" Lin Long asked.    


"I don't know, we're just here on a mission."    


"Oh, then who is the leader of your Black Killing Group?" Lin Long said coldly.    


"We don't know either. We only know the person who gave us the task."    


"Oh, who is that?" Lin Long asked.    


"We don't know either. We only know that the person is wearing a horsehead mask." The Zhu Family replied.    


"Horse-head mask?"    


"However, it is impossible for you to find that person through the mask." The Zhu Family, however, replied in this manner.    


"Why is that?"    


"That person doesn't seem to have only a mask on him. He shouldn't have appeared in front of everyone with a horse like mask on his face ? Previously, we also intentionally approached the person wearing the horse mask in the academy, but discovered that it wasn't that person. " The Zhu Family replied.    


"How many masks can a person in the academy have?" Lin Long said in surprise.    


"We don't know. In any case, the person who gave us the mission definitely has two masks!" The Zhu Family replied with such certainty.    


"Is what he said true?" Lin Long looked towards the person who was at the side who did not have his restrictions placed on him.    


"It's true!" The man was surprised and nodded his head like a chicken pecking rice.    


After a brief pause, he continued, "There's bad news for you."    


"Mm, what's the bad news?"    


"The people from the Black Killing Group already know that we have failed the mission ? ?" "Earlier, when we were all under your control, I secretly activated a message talisman." the man said.    


"Message Talisman?" Lin Long frowned. Honestly speaking, he did not know much about the other talisman in this world. Because of the limited time, he focused all of his attention on the Ice Cold Talisman paper.    


"This is a type of talisman used to transmit messages. The moment we activated it, the people from the Black Slaughter Tribe already knew that we had failed the mission." the man said.    


Then he hurriedly said, "Brother Lin, please understand. No matter who it is, they would all do the same thing ? So, I hope you can let me live. "    


He didn't want to say it, but after some thought, he decided it would be better to say it all out.    


"Brother Lin, please spare my little life." Zhu Jiaming also quickly said.    


They were afraid that Lin Long would immediately kill them.    


"I can spare your lives, but that won't be impossible. Now, swallow this pill!" Lin Long said as he took out the two Ten Day Heart Attacking Pills and threw it to the two of them.    


"What is this?" The two couldn't help but be shocked.    


"This is the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill. If you don't take the antidote I give you will die within half a month after consuming it." Lin Long said indifferently.    


These words caused the two people's faces to change. Lin Long even had such a strange method of handling things, they would not doubt Lin Long's words.    


"What? Don't you want to swallow it?" Seeing the two hesitating, Lin Long asked again.    


What else could the two of them do? They could only obediently swallow the Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill.    


? ?.    


At this moment, a man wearing a wolf mask suddenly stopped at the west side of the catacombs. After which, a symbol suddenly appeared in front of him.    


The moment the rune appeared, a voice resounded in his ears, "Li Qian and Zhu Jia Ming's mission has failed. They are now in the middle of the underground cave. Go and take a look!"    


"The mission of the 'Black Killing' had actually failed. This is truly unexpected. I'll go over and see what exactly caused this failure!" The man wearing the wolf head mask mumbled these words. Then, he left the place and walked towards the center of the catacombs.    


Not long after, he arrived at the center of the catacombs. As soon as he arrived, he took out a piece of symbol paper and chanted an incantation. The symbol paper began to burn.    


The burning of the talisman made him feel something, and in the next moment, he was sprinting towards the east.    


And that direction was in the direction of Lin Long and the rest.    


His speed was very fast, and before long, he was already very close to Lin Long and the other two.    


And at this time, Lin Long had just given the two a Ten Day Heart Attacking Pill.    


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