Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C2004 Contest

C2004 Contest

Although the Kong Family was a large power, there were not many people who were qualified to participate in the competition. There were only twenty or so people, and after all, there were not many who studied medicine refining and Symbol Literature at the same time.    


After the first day of competition, Kong Yang won the first place in the competition of the Ice Talisman Paper as expected. The second young master Kong Li was not weak either. He was placed third, so the next day's competition was up.    


Everyone in the Kong Family knew that in the field of alchemy, Kong Li's face was much worse than Kong Li's. Thus, the one who would be the champion would naturally be Kong Li.    


Soon, the second day arrived. On the second day, the twenty or so participants still participated.    


On this day, the Kong Family Head personally arrived at the scene.    


When everyone had arrived, the Kong Family's Great Elder immediately said loudly, "The competition begins on the second day. The first round will be to refine the Four Qi Pills and the Natal Opening Pills, to see who can refine the fastest and the best pills! This round, 16 people would be eliminated. In the end, only 8 would enter the next round! "Alright, now everyone, stand in front of the table!"    


As the voice of the First Elder faded, the twenty-four of them immediately walked toward the table that was already prepared.    


On these tables, there were already medicine cauldrons, various tools, as well as the ingredients for refining the Four Qi Pill and the Natal Opening Pill.    


The Four Qi Pill and the Natal Opening Pill were ordinary pills. The Kong Clan clearly wanted to test out their fundamentals by competing with them.    


Just as Kong Yang walked up to a table, another person walked up to his side. It was his second brother, Kong Li.    


"Third brother, I hope you can pass this round. If you don't, I'm ashamed of your name." Looking at Kong Yang, Kong Li snickered.    


"Second Brother, don't worry. This time, even if Third Brother doesn't get first place, I will at least get second place. It will be easy for you to get the invitation letter." Kong Yang said with an indifferent smile.    


"Tsk tsk, third brother, you really know how to imagine things?" Kong Li sneered.    


The two of them did not continue bickering because the Grand Elder's business had started once again.    


"Alright, let the competition begin!"    


After the Great Elder's voice sounded, the twenty plus people immediately focused on the ingredients.    


Kong Yang first made the materials to refine the Four Qi Pill. Before Lin Long had even taught him, he was confident that he would be able to enter the top eight. After receiving Lin Long's guidance, he was even more confident.    


Upon seeing Kong Yang's reaction, Kong Li snorted coldly and returned to his task of preparing the ingredients. He believed that his skill in alchemy was something that no other member of the Kong Family could compare to, so he was confident in this as well.    


The first pill he concocted was also the Four Qi Pill.    


After spending a bit of time, he successfully refined the Four Qi Pill. After refining the Four Qi Pill, he looked around and saw that it was he who refined the pill first. He revealed a proud expression on his face.    


Afterwards, he naturally turned his attention to the table beside Kong Yang.    


Seeing that Kong Yang had reached the final stage, the small cauldron began to emit a medicinal fragrance.    


"It doesn't seem to be a problem, but your speed is so far from mine, how can you be faster than me in the later stages?" Kong Li proudly said to Kong Yang.    


"Cough, cough, cough..." Seeing Kong Li speak such insulting words at such a crucial moment, the Great Elder, who was standing at the front, could not help but let out a few dry coughs.    


He was obviously reminding Kong Li. After all, the family head was sitting right in front.    


Kong Li naturally knew what the Great Elder meant by his dry cough. Without further ado, he began to concoct the ingredients for the Natal Opening Pill.    


Just as he made his move, Kong Yang had already successfully refined the Four Qi Pill.    


With Kong Li's rich experience, he could easily tell that there was nothing wrong with Lin Long's Four Qi pellet just by smelling the medicinal fragrance.    


"Not bad at all, but I'm still a long way off," Kong Li thought proudly.    


After spending some time, he successfully refined the Origin Opening Pill, and he was still the first person to successfully refine a Origin Opening Pill.    


For him, pills like the Four Qi Pill and the Natal Opening Pill were too child's play.    


Seeing Kong Li's outstanding performance, Zhou Han and the others who were standing beside Lin Long had ugly expressions on their faces.    


"Young master, Kong Li is so powerful, I'm afraid Kong Yang is no match for him!" In the next moment, Zhou Han started to worry.    


Lin Long did not speak. His brows slightly knitted, showing that he was also worried.    


After all, he had only taught Kong Yang for a short period of time. Although he was an outstanding teacher, it would still be difficult for him to surpass Kong Li, who was already very strong.    


After Kong Li refined the Natal Opening Pill, several people followed suit and refined it. After five or six people refined the Natal Opening Pill, Kong Yang was also able to do so.    


There was nothing wrong with the Natal Opening Pill Kong Yang had refined. As he smelled the medicinal fragrance drifting towards him, Kong Li thought to himself.    


After a period of time, the others had also refined the two pills.    


"Everyone's doing well." Seeing this, the Kong Clan Head could not help but nod his head.    


"Alright, since everyone has already refined it, let's let the three elders inspect it one by one to see who can enter the next round!" The Great Elder replied in this manner.    


At this moment, there were two other elders standing next to him.    


After saying this, the three of them began their inspection.    


They first walked to a table and saw the three of them approaching. A youth standing in front of the table could not help but reveal a nervous expression.    


The first thing the three of them examined was the Four Qi Pill. After a while, the first elder said, "This Four Qi Pill is not bad, but it is a pity that it is not considered to be a top-grade Four Qi Pill. Therefore, you have been eliminated!"    


These two pills were both ordinary pills. If he could not even refine a pill of such quality, then it would be impossible for him to enter the next round.    


The three of them understood the strength of the participants, so they immediately came to this conclusion.    


Hearing the words of the Great Elder, the young man's face naturally turned ugly. However, he still bowed and walked out.    


After which, the three of them arrived at a table at the side.    


After a round of inspection, this person was similarly eliminated, and the quality of the Natal Opening Pills he refined were too poor.    


The three of them went to the next table.    


After a while, they arrived at Kong Li's table.    


After some inspection, the three of them nodded their heads and the Great Elder said, "Second Young Master's refining speed is the fastest. Moreover, the Four Qi Opening Pills he refined were all top quality pills. Thus, he entered the next round!"    


Kong Li already knew this would happen, so he wore an expression of absolute indifference.    


"It's the third young master's turn!" With that, the three Elders walked to Kong Yang's table.    


After some testing, the three of them revealed smiles. The first elder then said, "The Four Qi Opening Pills refined by the third young master are all top quality pills. Therefore, he has entered the next round as well."    


After saying this, the three walked to the next table.    


After spending some time, the three of them inspected all the Four Qi Opening Pills and the Natal Opening Pills that everyone had refined. In the end, sixteen people were eliminated. By then, there were only eight people remaining.    


"Right now, there are already eight people. The next round will be a competition between the Soul Dividing Pill and Profound Nether Pill. It will also be a competition of speed and quality. Whoever is stronger will enter the next round and then four will be eliminated ?" Alright, let's take a break first. We'll compete after the tea is over! " The Great Elder replied in this manner.    


With that, Kong Yang, Kong Li, and the others walked out and stood next to their men.    


"Kong Yang, are you confident?" Zhou Han asked as soon as Kong Yang returned.    


"To be honest, I'm not sure that you can ask me this before Master teaches me." Kong Yang smiled.    


"What do you mean?" Zhou Han asked curiously.    


"Because my previous mastery of the Profound Nether Pill was not deep, but Master had specially taught me about this Profound Nether Pill the day before yesterday, so I was naturally confident." Kong Yang smiled.    


This kind of competition was usually a pill that Kong Yang and the others had come in contact with before, because this was the only way Lin Long would teach Kong Yang's Profound Nether Pill. With his experience and strength, he was naturally able to let the talented Kong Yang to quickly grasp the Profound Nether Pill.    


"I can master it in a short period of time. After hearing what you said, I also want to learn alchemy." Hearing Kong Yang's words, Zhou Han couldn't help but comment.    


"Zhou Han, you might not be able to learn it then." Kong Yang said.    


"Why?" Zhou Han asked doubtfully.    


"Naturally, it is because you are not interested in alchemy. Moreover, your talent in alchemy is absolutely not comparable to mine." Kong Yang said with pride in his voice.    


"Tsk, I haven't tried it out yet, how would I know? Moreover, I just haven't come into contact with alchemy before. Maybe after young master teaches me, I'll become interested in alchemy." Zhou Han said.    


Lin Long was not interested in taking in another disciple, so he ignored the two of them.    


Very soon, the time it took to make a cup of tea had passed. When the time came, the Great Elder's voice sounded, "Alright, it's time. The second round of the competition has begun!"    


Hearing his voice, the eight of them hurriedly walked over to their own table.    


While they were resting, the ingredients to refine the Soul Dividing Pill and Profound Nether Pill had already been placed on their tables.    


As for the other tables, they had already been cleared out.    


This time, Kong Li did not say anything. The first time the Great Elder had said it, he had focused on making the ingredients. Kong Yang naturally did not care about him as he focused on making the ingredients as well.    


Not long after, Kong Yang finished preparing the ingredients and began refining them with alum.    


Un, Kong Yang seems to have improved? At this time, Kong Li, who turned his head to look at Kong Yang, couldn't help but feel a little surprised.    


He naturally understood just how strong Kong Yang was. Thus, with a single glance, he could tell that Kong Yang had made progress.    


However, he still did not place Kong Yang in his eyes. He was not worried that Kong Yang, who was originally weaker than him, would be able to surpass him in a short period of time.    


Kong Li was still the first to refine the Energy Division Pill. After refining the Energy Division Pill, he turned his head to look at Kong Yang, who was at the side. He discovered that Kong Yang had already reached the final stage.    


Now that he had improved, Kong Li thought to himself.    


After taking a few more glances at Kong Yang, he started to concoct the ingredients needed to concoct the Profound Nether Pill.    


After a while, Kong Yang had already successfully refined the Origin Dividing Pill.    


Before this, other than Kong Li, there were three other people who managed to concoct the Origin Dividing Pill.    


Kong Yang did not dare to pause for even a moment. He immediately began to concoct the ingredients to concoct the Profound Nether Pill. This was because wasting any time at this time might cause him to be unable to enter the next round.    


Soon, Kong Li was the first to refine the Profound Nether Pill.    


After that, another three people concocted a Xuanming Pills before Kong Yang.    


After that, Kong Yang was able to refine the Xuanming Pills.    


Seeing this, Kong Li couldn't help but exclaim in a low voice, "Third brother, you're the fifth person to successfully refine this pill. You might not be able to make it to the next round!"    


On the other hand, Zhou Han who was beside Lin Long had a face full of worry, "Kong Yang has always been the fifth person to refine it, he won't be ranked fifth later right?"    


"There really is such a possibility." Zhou Ba, who was also standing at the side, said the same.    


"Don't worry, Kong Yang will make it to the next round." Lin Long said with an indifferent expression.    


"Gongzi, they haven't even tested for pills yet, how can you believe that Kong Yang can enter?" Zhou Han couldn't help but say.    


"Because the two pills he refined are obviously better than the others ?" "Of course, except for Kong Li." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


"Gongzi, you didn't even see their pills, how did you see through them?" Zhou Han asked again, he did not believe that Lin Long was lying.    


"Smell. These two pills can also be judged by smell." Lin Long said.    


His experience was much better than Kong Li's, so even though Kong Li was so close to Kong Yang, he could not detect anything.    


"Young master, you're really amazing!" Zhou Han couldn't help but exclaim in admiration.    


After a period of time, the remaining three people refined these two medicinal pills.    


At this time, the Great Elder shouted, "We three elders will now begin testing the pills you have refined."    


As they spoke, they walked to the table of the first person.    


After some testing, the two elixirs that this person refined were not bad. However, the Great Elder did not immediately announce that this person had passed the test. The reason was very simple, it was very difficult to tell who would be able to enter the next round with the more difficult pills, the Soul Dividing Pill and the Profound Nether Pill.    


Now they were at the second man's table.    


After repeating this process several times, they finally arrived at Kong Li's table.    


"The Origin Dividing Pills and Profound Nether Pills refined by the Second Young Master are both superior pills. Moreover, he's the fastest so he can directly enter the next round!" After some testing, the Great Elder directly said.    


No one else had any objections to his words, because everyone present could see Kong Li's strength.    


Only after this did they arrive in front of Kong Yang's table.    


Previously, the third young master was the fifth to successfully refine a pill. He didn't know if he would be able to enter the next round. This thought flashed across everyone's mind as they looked at Kong Yang.    


Even though Kong Yang's situation was a bit dangerous, the Kong Family's Patriarch still wore a smile on his face. The reason was simple; Kong Yang's performance this time was clearly much better than before.    


How could he not be happy with such progress.    


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