Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1981 Two Families United

C1981 Two Families United

On the other side, after returning, the Lu Family's Patriarch immediately gathered his most trusted Elders together.    


These elders included the Great Elder, the Second Elder, the Third Elder, and the Fourth Elder.    


"Patriarch, did something happen?" Seeing that only the Lu Family's Patriarch had come back by himself, these few elders that were gathered together by him naturally had worried looks on their faces.    


"There is an ambush in that medicine store. Fortunately, I did not enter with the two elders. Otherwise, I would have already been captured by them!" The expression on the Lu Family's Patriarch's face turned awful.    


"An ambush!" The others were naturally surprised when they heard his words.    


"In my opinion, there must be a traitor amongst our elders. Otherwise, no one would even know about the three of us going to investigate that medicine store!" The expression on the Lu Family's Patriarch's face turned awful.    


"Well, I think so too." The Great Elder nodded in agreement. The others also nodded their heads.    


"I wonder who you think is the traitor?" The head of the Lu Clan said to the others.    




After pondering for a moment, no one could say who they suspected. Some of them naturally had suspects, but the problem was that there was no evidence, so how could they dare to casually say what they suspected?    


Seeing that no one could say anything, the Lu Family's Patriarch could only let such a matter go for now.    


"What do you think we should do next?" The Lu Family's Patriarch asked.    


"I suggest directly killing our way to the medicine store to get their two elders back. We can say that they entered by accident, and that they didn't have any ulterior motives!" The Second Elder immediately said.    


"Second Elder, how could he come back so easily? If we go, we'll have to start a war with the Guo Family." The Great Elder frowned.    


"That's right, if this goes on, we'll only be at war. The Guo Family won't let us take him away at all." One of them nodded.    


"And if it really is a war, then we will lose two elders, and we will not be able to gain the upper hand." The Third Elder said.    


The strength of their Lu and Guo Families were already around the same level.    


"Can it be that we can only suffer such a loss?" An elder said unwillingly.    


"That can't be helped. Those two elders were caught red-handed." The Great Elder frowned.    


"If this goes on, the Guo Family's Sage Tranquil Spirit Pills will become more and more popular. Our Lu Family won't be able to fight back in the future, right?" Then, the Third Elder said.    


Hearing his words, the others all became silent, because what he said was the truth.    


"How about this, we'll join forces with the Shi Family, we'll go straight to the Guo Family and test them out. We'll get some benefits from the Tranquil Spirit Pill business!" The Second Elder suddenly said.    


"This is a good idea, but the Shi family seemed to be very close to the Guo family. How can we persuade them to join us?" Some elders asked doubtfully.    


Hearing this, the second elder couldn't help but laugh, "Don't worry, the news that I found out from the people in the Shi family is that the Shi family is not allied with the Guo family. Furthermore, Guo Shan has not told the Shi family about the position of the head of the family, so the Shi family has a grudge because of this!"    


Hearing the second elder's words, the head of the Lu family couldn't help but light up and immediately said, "Then do as you said, second elder. We'll talk to the Shi family and see if they are willing to join hands!"    


"Patriarch, leave this matter to me!" The Grand Elder immediately said.    


"Alright, I'll leave this matter to you, Great Elder!" The Lu Family's Patriarch immediately replied.    


"Yes sir!" The Great Elder replied.    


However, it was already the middle of the night, so he naturally could not go look for her now. He could only wait until daybreak.    


After a moment of discussion, the head of the Lu Family dismissed the crowd.    


In the morning, the Head Elder would bring people to the Shi family and he would be back in two hours.    


As soon as he returned, the head of the Lu family impatiently asked, "Chief elder, how was it? What did the head of the Shi family say?"    


"The head of the Shi family said he is willing to see the patriarch and discuss this matter." The Great Elder said.    


"That's great!" The head of the Lu family was naturally overjoyed.    


The headmaster changed the topic, "However, the head of the Shi family has requested to meet him at the Shi family."    


"Going to the Shi family?" The head of the Lu Family frowned.    


Wouldn't it be a disaster if the other party ambushed him?    


"At that time, I had a bad feeling about this, so I wanted to have the Shi family head move out of the way. However, the Shi family head wanted to meet him at his place, and if he didn't come, then it would be fine." The Great Elder said.    


After some thought, the Lu Family Patriarch said fiercely, "Fine, then let's meet at the Shi Family, this shows my sincerity ? Worse comes to worst, I might even have to bring a few more people with me! "    


"Patriarch, this is very dangerous!" At this moment, the Third Elder, who was standing beside the Lu Family's Patriarch, quickly spoke up.    


"It's dangerous, but I don't think the Shi family will do anything!" The head of the Lu family had arrived.    


Hearing the words of the Lu Family's Patriarch, the Great Elder and the Third Elder did not say anything else.    


"Um... Did he say when we could meet? " The Lu Family's Patriarch asked.    


"He said that you can go whenever you want to, my lord. He's been in Dingxi City for the past few days." The Great Elder said.    


"Alright, then let's go now!" The Lu Family's Patriarch immediately replied.    


He knew that he couldn't drag this matter on any further.    


After that, they went to find a few more elders and left for the Shi family.    


Before long, they arrived at the gate of the Shi family residence.    


"Patriarch Lu!" Seeing the Lu Family's Patriarch, the few people guarding the entrance were naturally surprised.    


"Tell your Patriarch that our Patriarch has come for an audience!" The Great Elder said.    


"Master Lu, the few of you, allow me to ask!" One of them quickly replied.    


Clearly, he had received the order to bring him in if the head of the Lu family came.    


Soon after, this person led the way, bringing the Lu Family Patriarch and a few other people in.    


Before long, they arrived at the great hall.    


After bringing the Lu family's Patriarch in and having the servants pour tea for them, the man said, "Patriarch Lu, please wait here for a moment. Our Patriarch will arrive in a moment."    


"En, we will wait here for your Patriarch." The head of the Lu family nodded his head.    


The person who brought them in quickly walked out.    


Not too long after, the head of the Shi family brought a few men into the hall.    


"Leader Lu, you are truly sincere to actually come to our Shi family!" Upon seeing the head of the Lu Family, the head of the Shi Family couldn't help but exclaim.    


"Ai, the situation is forced, what can we do? Moreover, I believe in your head of the Shi family." The Lu Family's Patriarch sighed.    


"Patriarch Lu, is there something important that brought you here personally?" After sitting down, the head of the Shi family went straight to the point.    


When the Lu Family's Great Elder came, he only said that the Lu Family's Patriarch wanted to see him, but he didn't mention any specific matters.    


"Of course it's for the Guo Family. The Guo Family's strength was similar to my Lu Family's, but now that they have Sage Tranquil Spirit Pellet, their strength has increased by leaps and bounds. If we don't restrict it, then won't they climb on top of us in the future?" Lu Family Patriarch said.    


"Master Lu is right." The head of the Shi family nodded.    


"Master Shi, to be honest, two of my elders went to the medicine store last night and were directly captured by the Guo Family." The Lu Family's Patriarch said.    


"What, is that true?" The head of the Shi family couldn't help but be shocked.    


"The Guo Family is really too arrogant!" The head of the Lu family said angrily.    


"Indeed, they are too arrogant. These days, they have relied on the Tranquil Spirit Pill to get rid of our Shi family!" The head of the Shi family couldn't help but say coldly.    


"Since that's the case, why don't we join hands and use the reason that my two elders were captured to directly attack the Guo Family? I believe that with our strength, we can definitely get some benefits from the Guo Family. If we can get that alchemist from the Guo Family, then wouldn't Dingxi City be ours and yours?" At this point, a sinister smile appeared on the Lu Family's Patriarch's face.    


Patriarch Lu's words clearly moved the Shi Family Patriarch's heart. After thinking for a while, he nodded his head and said, "I agree to join hands with your Lu Family!"    


Then, he changed the topic, "However, if we can get some benefits from the Guo Family, our Shi Family will get 60% of it no matter what!"    


"60%!" These words made those people following the Lu Family's Patriarch frown.    


"Sixty percent, that's not much either. If you don't want to, then forget it, Patriarch Lu."    


"Alright, I'm willing." Hearing the words of the other party, the Lu Family's Patriarch nodded his head helplessly.    


After all, it was their Lu Family who was begging the other side to join hands with them, and the other side didn't want too much either.    


"Alright." The head of the Shi family had an overjoyed look on his face as he asked, "Then when does the head of the Lu family plan to make his move?"    


"After we gather our men, how about we go straight to the Guo Family at noon tomorrow?" The Lu Family's Patriarch continued.    


"Sure!" The head of the Shi family nodded in agreement.    


And just like that, the Shi Family joined forces with the Lu Family.    


This matter made the fourth elder, who came with the head of the Lu family, frown. He had not expected the alliance between the Shi family and the Lu family to be so simple.    


Obviously, they had all been threatened by the Guo Family, the Fourth Elder thought to himself.    


He naturally had to inform Lin Long of this right away, so when he returned to the Lu family, he called over one of his trusted aides.    


"Ah Yu, go to the medicine store right now and tell Elder Guo Ying. Tell him that the Shi Family and the Lu Family have formed an alliance. Tomorrow at noon, the two families will attack the Guo Family and have them prepare!" The fourth elder said to the youth in front of him.    


"Yes sir!"    


A'Yu immediately walked out with quick steps.    


Watching A Yu leave, the Fourth Elder couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.    


He naturally believed in his confidant, and was not worried that he would reveal his secret.    


After leaving the Lu family, seeing that no one seemed to have noticed him, Ah Yu immediately headed in the direction of the medicine store.    


Unexpectedly, after just a few steps, an old man appeared in front of him.    


"Ahh ?" Seeing this elder, Ah Yu couldn't help but be startled. He then asked, "Third Elder, what's the matter?"    


The person who suddenly appeared was the third elder of the Lu Clan.    


"Ah Yu, where are you going?" The Third Elder said with an expressionless face.    


"I, just ? Just out for a walk. " A Yu quickly said.    


"Come out for a walk?" From the looks of it, you seem to be going to the medicine shop? " The Third Elder said coldly.    


A Yu was even more surprised, but he restrained himself. Then, with an indifferent expression, he said, "Third Elder, A Yu is indeed going to the medicine store first, but it's just to join in the fun."    


"Let's join in on the liveliness. I'm afraid they have some hidden motive, right?" The Third Elder sneered.    


Even though the head of the Lu family felt that the few elders that would gather after he had suffered a loss were very reliable and would definitely not sell him out, he still kept an eye out, allowing the Third Elder, who he trusted the most, to observe him secretly.    


It was also because of this that the Third Elder found out that the Fourth Elder had ordered his subordinate, Ah Yu, to leave the Lu Family after the Lu Family had returned.    


The third elder was naturally suspicious and immediately blocked Ah Yu.    


"Third Elder, how could I dare to have any goal? I'm just going to take a walk." A Yu broke out in a cold sweat, but he still pretended to be calm.    


"No matter what, you have to first meet with the Patriarch of my Lu Family. If I'm wrong, I will naturally release you!" The third elder said.    


With that said, the rune sword in his hand shot towards Ah Yu like lightning.    


A'Yu wasn't moved at all. He stood there obediently, his back already soaked in cold sweat.    


"Fine." Ah Yu said helplessly.    


Even though he knew that the matter had gone sour, he had no other choice because he was not a match for the third elder at all.    


"Now, put the rune sword on you into your spatial ring, and then throw the spatial ring over." The Third Elder added.    


Ah Yu could only follow his instructions and toss the spatial ring to the Third Elder.    


After receiving it, the Third Elder immediately kept it and brought Ah Yu back to the Lu family.    


Once he returned to the Lu Family, he took Ah Yu to the Lu Family Patriarch.    


"Yes, Third Elder, what did you find?" The Lu Family's Patriarch said to the Third Elder while staring at A Yu.    


He didn't know Ah Yu, but he could tell that he was wearing Lu Family clothes.    


"Patriarch, I was guarding outside the courtyard after returning from what you said. Then I saw this kid sneaking out of the Lu family. And the direction he was heading towards is clearly in the direction of the medicine store!" The Third Elder said.    


"Oh, so this person is a spy." The expression on the face of the Lu Family Patriarch turned cold. Then he continued, "Who is the person behind him?"    


"His name is Ah Yu. He is a follower of the Fourth Elder. He was obviously ordered by the Fourth Elder to leave our Lu Family in a hurry." The Third Elder said.    


"Fourth Elder?" Hearing this, the expression on the Lu Family Patriarch's face became even gloomier.    


He hadn't thought that the Fourth Elder would be so suspicious. The Fourth Elder had also gotten his trust, although it couldn't be compared to the Third Elder.    


"It's the Fourth Elder." The Third Elder nodded.    


At this time, the Lu Family's Patriarch looked at A Yu and said, "A Yu, tell me, why did you leave our Lu Family in such a hurry, and in the direction of the medicine store?"    


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