Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1970 Refining Yang Enhancing Pill

C1970 Refining Yang Enhancing Pill

"What do you want?" Lin Long who was in the room frowned.    


"Lin Long, I heard that you are very skilled in alchemy, we would like to spar with you, do you dare to accept?" One of them shouted directly.    


"Who are you and why am I fighting with you?" Lin Long said indifferently.    


"You ?" Hearing Lin Long's words, the man was so angry that he was at a loss for words.    


"Senior brother Zou Ha, are you qualified?" The other person immediately said, "Senior brother Zou Ha is someone that even Senior brother Fan Yong admires. In terms of alchemy, he is not someone that you can compare with!"    


"Zou Ha? Who is it? I've never heard of it. " Lin Long immediately shook his head.    


These words made Zou Ha's face immediately turn red, who in the courtyard didn't know he was Zou Ha? Lin Long actually said that, it was obvious that he looked down on him, Zou Ha.    


Immediately, he said coldly, "Lin Long, you are truly amazing, to not even put Zou Ha in my eyes."    


Lin Long said indifferently, "I'm sorry, I've never heard of you before."    


Lin Long had never heard of them before, after all, he had been studying under Elder Ling ever since he came here, and had never come into contact with them. It could be said that other than the names of Fan Yong and the others, he did not even know who else was in the courtyard.    


"Good boy, it seems that after studying for a few days with Master, you have become so arrogant that you don't even know anyone!" Zou Ha shouted in anger.    


The talented Liu Ming would usually hear people flattering him. How could he be belittled like this? Thus, how could he restrain the anger in his heart?    


"To think that even senior brother Zou Ha doesn't put him in his eyes. Brothers, let's go in and beat him up!" Someone said.    


"Right, beat him up!"    


All of a sudden, the people outside were in an uproar.    


However, no one dared to rush in. After all, the rules here were very strict. If Elder Ling was unhappy, he could kick you out of this courtyard and remove your name from the list of disciples.    


Thus, they only dared to curse and not a single one of them dared to attack.    


"From the looks of it, I am willing to accept your challenge. However, I am someone who has some problems. I won't accept challenges without bets." At this time, Lin Long's voice came out from inside.    


Although Lin Long wasn't that interested, these people would always be shouting outside, there was nothing he could do.    


"Alright, I'll bet with you!" Zou Ha's voice immediately came from outside.    


"Betting on what?" Lin Long said.    


"Betting ?." After pondering for a moment, Zou Ha said, "If you lose, take off that big bamboo hat on your head and let us see what you look like!"    


"Maybe he has a pig's head!" Someone directly answered.    


"Pig head? If you can't speak, then that's the right thing to do! " The other person said.    




Hearing the words of the two, the people outside burst out into laughter.    


"And if you lose?" Lin Long's incomparably calm voice came from inside.    


"I lost? How could I lose? " Zou Ha said proudly.    


"Then I believe you won't lose, but at least give me a bet." Lin Long said.    


"Fine, then if I lose, I'll just kneel on the ground and learn to bark like a dog." Zou Ha said.    


From his point of view, he definitely would not lose. Thus, even if he could not accept such an action, he would not hesitate to say it out.    


"Alright, if I lose, I'll take the bamboo hat off my head. If you lose, you'll kneel on the floor and start barking." Lin Long said indifferently.    


"Yes, that's it." Zou Ha nodded.    


"Very good, but I need someone to bear witness. Otherwise, it won't be good if you don't keep your word." Lin Long said again.    


"Perfect, I had the same idea." Zou Ha also directly said.    


"How about calling Eldest Brother over?" Lin Long said.    


Lin Long only recognized his eldest senior brother Fan Yong, and he believed that Fan Yong would choose to be neutral.    


"Alright." Zou Ha nodded.    


To him, Fan Yong was extremely suitable.    


Fan Yong had long known that Zou Ha had brought people to cause trouble for Lin Long. However, he did not want to get involved with this kind of thing.    


Who would have thought that the two of them were going to make a bet and even wanted him, the Eldest Senior Brother, to be a witness?    


At this time, as the eldest senior brother, he had no choice but to show himself. Thus, he had no choice but to come. Of course, he was not stupid, so not only did he come, he also brought quite a number of people with him.    


That way, there would be more witnesses.    


Before long, almost everyone in the courtyard had gathered outside Lin Long's room.    


At this time, in the small open space outside, there were already two tables. On the tables were cauldrons, alum, medicine cans and other necessary tools for refining pills. Lin Long and Zou Ha were sitting at two separate tables.    


As for the others, they surrounded the two of them.    


"I wonder what you two junior brothers want to bet on?" Fan Yong asked as he looked at the two of them.    


Lin Long said indifferently, "If I lose, I will take off my bamboo hat. If Zou Ha loses, he will kneel on the floor and bark like a dog."    


"You two really are childish." Fan Yong was somewhat speechless.    


"Elder Senior-apprentice Brother, this is not the nature of a child. Today, if I am not dead, then he is dead!" Zou Ha stared at Lin Long and said.    


As far as he was concerned, no matter who lost, it was already embarrassing to stay in this courtyard.    


Of course, he didn't think he would lose at all.    


"Alright." Fan Yong was helpless, then continued, "Then, what do you want to compete in refining?"    


"Senior Brother, you can set the question." Lin Long said.    


Zou Ha also believed in Fan Yong and said, "Yes, Eldest Senior Brother, you set the question."    


"Alright, then, how do you plan to compete? Should we decide the victor in one match or decide the victor in multiple matches?" Fan Yong asked.    


"Let's decide the victor in a single match. This way, it won't be so troublesome." Lin Long said indifferently.    


These words caused the surrounding people's face to clench, because Lin Long's words were just too confident.    


This brat was only putting on an act, how could he have any strength! Zou Ha sneered in his heart.    


"Junior brother Zou, what do you think of Junior-apprentice Brother Lin's suggestion?" Seeing that Zou Ha didn't make a sound, Fan Yong asked.    


"This..." Zou Ha started to hesitate, although he felt that Lin Long was not his opponent, but determining the victor in this battle was simply too sloppy. If Lin Long was the one who was good at this competition, and he was not, then wouldn't he suffer a huge loss?    


Thus, after a slight hesitation, he said, "Let's have three matches, three against two."    


"Three against two, it seems senior Zou doesn't have any confidence in himself." Lin Long smiled indifferently.    


"How can I not have confidence? I'm just afraid that the question Senior Brother came up with just so happens to be your specialty!" Zou Ha said angrily.    


"Alright, then three against two." Lin Long was too lazy to argue with him.    


"Then it's three against two." Fan Yong nodded.    


"Hmm ?" After some thought, Fan Yong said, "The first competition is to concoct the Life Bestowal Pill. What do you think?"    


"Isn't the Elixir of Life a little too easy?" Zou Ha said.    


"It's easy, but it's difficult to quickly refine the Life Pill. Generally, the speed is much faster when compared to the Life Pill." Fan Yong said.    


"Alright, let's compete in concocting the elixir." Zou Ha immediately nodded. He was naturally confident in his speed.    


"Alright." Lin Long said without the slightest hesitation.    


"Do the two of you have the materials to refine the Life Pill?" Fan Yong asked.    


"I do." Zou Ha directly said.    


"I didn't." Lin Long shook his head.    


He had spent most of his time in Elder Ling's refining room, so there was no material available.    


"You don't even have the materials to refine the Life Continuing Pill? Tsk tsk, aren't you too poor?" Zou Ha spoke to Lin Long with disdain.    


As for the people who followed him back then, they didn't dare to say anything to despise Lin Long. After all, Eldest Brother Fan Yong was just beside them.    


"Junior brother Zou, we're all juniors, there's no need to say such words." Fan Yong glanced at him and said.    


Hearing Fan Yong's words, Zou Ha did not continue.    


At this time, Lin Long said, "Eldest Senior Brother, there are materials to refine the Life Continuing Pill in the warehouse. If there are, I can buy them."    


"I do have a warehouse, but it will be quite troublesome if we go to get it. I happen to have it with me, and it's not worth much. I'll just give it to you as a greeting gift from my senior brother." Fan Yong said to Lin Long.    


With that, he took out three sets of ingredients needed to concoct the Life Continuing Pill and placed it on Lin Long's table.    


The Elixir of Life was a type of elixir that ordinary people would use. These people would often refine these elixirs to earn some money, which was why they had some ingredients on them.    


"Thank you, eldest senior brother." Lin Long thanked him.    


On the other side, Zou Ha also took out three sets of ingredients to refine the Life Pill.    


He went over to check the ingredients and saw that there were no problems with the three ingredients. Fan Yong then said, "Alright, the ingredients have been prepared. You can begin refining."    


Lin Long and Zou Ha immediately started to refine it.    


There was also a Life Eating Pill in Chaotic Continent, and the ingredients were all the same, so Lin Long was not worried that he would not be able to compare to Zou Ha.    


Lin Long used his fastest speed to create the ingredients. Raising his head, he saw that Zou Ha's speed was actually on par with him, which naturally surprised him a little.    


It looks like due to the widespread use of the Life Bestowal Pill in this world, the familiarity of these people in refining the Life Bestowal Pill was not something that the alchemists in the Chaotic Continent could compare with, Lin Long thought.    


He didn't dare to look down on the other party for concocting this Life Continuing Pill.    


Lin Long was surprised, Zou Ha and the others were naturally also surprised. They did not expect Lin Long's speed to be so fast, not only was it fast, his movements were also extremely skilled.    


It looks like if he wanted to defeat this brat with the Life Extinguishing Pill, he would have to take out all of his abilities. Zou Ha thought to himself, he naturally did not dare underestimate Lin Long.    


After concocting the ingredients, he began refining in the small cauldron.    


Lin Long placed the prepared ingredients into the small cauldron, and then lit the fire alum. He thought that with his ability to control fire, he would definitely be able to surpass Zou Ha in this process.    


Unexpectedly, after he finished refining, Zou Ha on the other side had finished refining as well. Although Lin Long was a little bit faster, this bit could not be considered as a victory.    


F * ck, I almost lost! This kind of situation made Zou Ha secretly wipe off his cold sweat.    


Subsequently, Fan Yong started to inspect the medicinal strength of the Life Bestowal Pill the two of them refined, and after a round of verification, he said, "The two of you refined the Life Bestowal Pill at almost the same time, and the medicinal strength was similar as well.    


"To think that it would be a draw. Truly surprising."    


"Zou Ha's speed is already fast enough, and this time he completely surpassed the norm. Who would have thought that he actually failed to defeat Lin Long."    


"Seems like Lin Long has some skills as well!"    


"Of course. Otherwise, how could I let Master refine the Ying Xu Pill?" Someone said.    


? ?.    


"The first question is over. Now the second question, I suggest that you guys try refining the Yang Strengthening Pill. The Yang Strengthening Pill considers various aspects of your abilities, so it's most suitable for you right now." Fan Yong said.    


"No problem." Zou Ha nodded.    


"I don't have a problem with that either." Lin Long also nodded.    


The Yang Strengthening Pill was a type of pill that increased Yang energy. In this world, due to the prevalence of cold energy, many people had excessive amounts of Yin energy within their bodies. Thus, they needed to use the Yang Strengthening Pill.    


Chaotic Continent also had the exact same Yang Strengthening Pills, Lin Long had refined some before, so he was not worried that he would lose to Zou Ha on this.    


"Although the ingredients for the Yang Strengthening Pill are not expensive, Senior Brother does not have them on you. Thus, Junior-apprentice Brother Lin is required to go to the warehouse to purchase them." Fan Yong said.    


"I don't have one either. Let's just get someone to buy it together." Zou Ha said.    


"Sure." Fan Yong nodded.    


"However, Lin Long, do you have money? If you don't, I don't mind lending you some." Zou Ha looked at Lin Long and said.    


"Junior Brother Lin Long is someone that Elder Wang brought over, how could he not have money? Zou Ha, aren't you looking down on him too much?" At this time, someone couldn't help but comment.    


Looking at that person, Zou Ha frowned, but didn't refute him.    


Lin Long naturally had plenty of money, he had taken a lot of spatial rings previously and received a lot of cold money from them. Even if he did not have any, he could still get Lu Jing and the others to pay for it.    


Of course, this was just small money. In terms of big money, such as bidding on green marks, there weren't that many people.    


Afterwards, the two of them took out money and gave a disciple named Fan Yong the money to go to the warehouse to buy materials.    


Elder Ling would store a lot of ingredients in his warehouse, and any disciple could use money to buy them.    


Very soon, this disciple returned with six sets of materials. After returning, he placed three sets of materials on each table.    


After a thorough examination, Fan Yong confirmed that there were no problems with the six sets of ingredients or any omissions, and said, "Alright, the materials have been prepared. You can begin."    


The moment he finished speaking, Lin Long and Zou Ha started to prepare the ingredients.    


To the surprise of the surrounding people, the two of them moved at the same speed, almost at the same speed as each other and created the materials.    


From the looks of it, it was unknown what the result would be! The group couldn't help but sigh.    


Before, many people looked down on Lin Long, but did not expect him to not be at a disadvantage at all.    


Once the ingredients were ready, the two immediately lit the alum on fire and began to refine it.    


Next, it all depended on who had the better skills! Seeing the alum being lit on both sides, everyone could not help but have this kind of thought.    


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