Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1963 Grade 2 Cold Glyph Paper

C1963 Grade 2 Cold Glyph Paper

On the other side, Zhao Bianchi went straight to his grandfather, Zhao Le, after he had returned to the village.    


"Life, what happened?" Noticing his grandson's hurried look, Zhao Le could not help but ask.    


"Grandfather, I just met an unfamiliar middle-aged man on my way back. That man asked if anything big happened to Third Young Master when he first came to our village. In order for me to say such a thing, he even lured me with a bag of coins!" As he spoke, he took out the money pouch that Lu Jing had previously given him.    


Zhao Le was surprised by his words. She took the purse from him and upon closer inspection, her frown deepened. With the fabric of the purse, the person who came was probably from Bingxuan City.    


Could it be that the people from Bingxuan City found out that something was wrong and came over? He could not help but have such a thought.    


"Grandfather, what's wrong?" Zhao Disheng couldn't help but comment when he saw Zhao Le's expression.    


Zhao Le did not answer, instead she asked, "Life, how did you answer that time?"    


"I say, something big has indeed happened in our village. A single Silver Wolf injured many children, so we stayed in the village for such a long time in order to deal with the Silver Wolf Third Young Master." Zhao Disheng said.    


Zhao Le could not help but heave a sigh of relief when she heard him say so. She immediately praised him, "You did well in your life."    


"Grandfather, seeing how cautious you are, do you really think that the people who have come are here for Big Brother Lin and the others?" Zhao Danchen asked.    


The so called Big Brother Lin was naturally Lin Long. These days, Lin Long's performance had caused the younger brother Zhao Biao to worship him endlessly.    


"It's very possible that he's here for your big brother Lin and the others. Moreover, it's very likely that he's from Bingxuan City." Zhao Le nodded.    


"Then what should we do?" Seeing that his grandfather was certain, Zhao Danchen could not help but be worried.    


"We will first inform the Patriarch and your big brother Lin about this matter. We will decide when the time comes!" With that, Zhao Le brought Zhao Sheng to Clan Chief Wang Tian, Lin Long and the rest.    


He first saw Clan Leader Wang Tian, and after telling him about this matter, Wang Tian immediately called Lin Long, Yan Hao and the rest over.    


When everyone arrived, Zhao Le explained the general situation before taking out the money bag that Lu Jing had given her.    


"This purse does not belong to our Ice Xuan City!" Yan Hao could not help but frown and say when he saw this money bag.    


As a young man of the Ice Proclamation City, Yan Hao naturally had a better understanding of the money that was used by most people in the city.    


"Could it be that he is an unexpected person in Bingxuan City?" Someone could not help but ask.    


Yan Hao didn't answer, instead, he looked at Zhao Lie and asked, "Hey, do you remember what that man looks like?"    


"That person was a middle-aged man in his forties. He looked a bit shady, and there was a big mole on the corner of his mouth. There was even a long hair growing on it." Zhao Disheng replied immediately.    


He remembered Lu Jing's face very clearly.    


"It's someone from my elder brother's family!" Hearing his words, Yan Hao couldn't help but exclaim in shock.    


"That's right, he's from Eldest Young Master's family. I remember his name is Lu Jing, he seems to be an elder from the Lu family!" The fat middle-aged man behind Yan Hao said.    


Lu Jing had come to Ice Proclamation City a few times, so they naturally knew that there was someone like Lu Jing.    


"It's Lu Jing ?" "However, I remember that Lu Jing wasn't in Ice Proclamation City before we came here. Why would he suddenly appear in the Gu Stone Village?" Yan Hao asked doubtfully.    


"No matter what, since Lu Jing has appeared, it means that Eldest Young Master might have his suspicions about this place. It would be best if only they had their suspicions. If even the City Lord knew about this, then it would be troublesome!" The fat middle-aged man said.    


"I only hope that they're the only ones who suspect. If it's Lu Jing himself, that's even better." Yan Hao said.    


"In your life, other than that middle-aged man, have you seen anyone else?" At this time, Wang Tian looked at Zhao Biao and said.    


"No, I just saw that middle-aged man." Zhao Liansheng shook his head.    


Zhao Le, who was at the side, said, "Eldest Young Master Yan Si and company should be hiding at the side. After all, if so many of them were to appear at the same time, anyone would suspect them."    


"According to what I've heard in my life, they're definitely still nearby to scout for information. Therefore, at this time, we should go out and take a look to see just how many of them there are and how much they know about our situation." Yan Hao said.    


"Let me do this." Lin Long, who had been silent all this time, said.    


"Lin, of course you're the best candidate." Hearing Lin Long's words, the surrounding people all nodded.    


Immediately, Lin Long brought Black Monkey, Xiang Rong and Shao Yong and walked out of the village.    


The reason he brought Xiang Rong and Shao Yong along was naturally because their strength would be able to help him.    


Their only weakness was that they could not control the Deep Ice rune sword, and would not be able to withstand a single blow from anyone who could activate the Ice Cold Talisman. However, Lin Long did not need them to fight their opponent head on, and only used their divine intents.    


After probing outside for half an hour, Lin Long discovered a middle-aged man who was sneaking around sneakily. Behind the middle-aged man, he also saw a few other people.    


Even from far away, he could still see the mole on the corner of this middle-aged man's mouth. Furthermore, he had a very sinister look on his face. It was obvious that this was the middle-aged man, Lu Jing, that Zhao Bian had spoken of.    


Remembering the appearances of the few people behind Lu Jing, Lin Long immediately had Xiang Rong and Black Monkey keep an eye on them, while he himself returned to the village to tell everyone this kind of information.    


"There is indeed a middle-aged man, and he isn't just one person. There are seven other people behind him as well ?" Lin Long said.    


At this time, he naturally roughly described the appearances of the other people, and spoke a few more words to one of the other seven youths.    


The reason for this was that this young man was different from the others. The others obviously followed his lead.    


"Hearing Brother Lin's words, that young man is obviously my big brother Yan Si!" Yan Hao immediately said.    


"Is he your big brother? Only, he doesn't seem like you." Lin Long could not help but ask.    


"Brother Lin, you don't know. Although my elder brother is half a father to me, I don't know why, but he doesn't look like me at all." Yan Hao explained.    


"Is that so?" Lin Long nodded his head to express his understanding.    


"Lin, what do you think we should do now?" After which, Patriarch Wang Tian looked to Lin Long and said.    


Hearing his words, the others also focused on Lin Long.    


"They only have eight people in their group. The only thing we can do now is to capture them and ask them if there are others who are as suspicious as them." Lin Long said.    


"Mm, that's the only way." Wang Tian and the others also nodded their heads.    


"Yan Hao, it should not be difficult for us to deal with those people, right?" Lin Long looked at Yan Hao and said.    


"It shouldn't be difficult. We have more people, so it shouldn't be a problem to take them down." Yan Hao said.    


"Alright, then let's go out right now and capture them as fast as we can!" Lin Long said with determination.    


Immediately, he led the group outside, and soon enough, they met Xiang Rong, who was in charge of the investigation.    


"Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, their group is right behind that hill. Since they are already close to the village, they don't dare to get too close ? From the looks of it, they seem to want to infiltrate the village at night. " The moment Lin Long arrived, Xiang Rong pointed to a small hill in the distance.    


"Are you sure they're all there?" Lin Long asked.    


"Yes, it's all over there!" Xiang Rong nodded.    


"Alright, let's surround them!" Lin Long said.    


Immediately, the group of people headed towards the small hill.    


Once they surrounded him, Lin Long was sure that Xiang Rong was right, all eight of them were behind the small hill.    


When they got closer, Lu Jing and the others naturally discovered that something wasn't right.    


"Who are you people?" Their expressions changed, and they hurriedly shouted in this manner.    


"We are from the Valley Stone Village. Who are you people? Why have you sneaked into our village?" Patriarch Wang Tian said coldly.    


"Who said we were sneaking around!?" Lu Jing frowned. He didn't know which segment had the problem that caused their whereabouts to be leaked.    


"Um... Isn't that Li Mu? Why did you tie him up? " At this moment, Zhou Yiming pointed at the person behind Lu Jing.    


This person was Li Mu, who had been captured by Lu Jing and the rest earlier. He had been tied up after he got close to the village, which was why Lin Long and Xiang Rong hadn't noticed him previously.    


"What do you want?" Seeing Li Mu being tied up, Wang Tian shouted loudly.    


"Third brother!"    


At this moment, Yan Si, who was beside Lu Jing, suddenly shouted as he saw Yan Hao, who had just walked up to them from the other side.    




Afterwards, Yan Si, Lu Jing, and the others cried out even more. The reason they cried out like that was naturally because they saw Lin Long and the others.    


"There are indeed pagans..." "Third brother, why are you with these non-humankind beings? Don't you know that these non-humankind beings are a disaster for us?" Yan Si said coldly.    


"Big brother, you are wrong. Aliens will not bring us any trouble." Yan Hao shook his head.    


"Third Young Master, I really didn't expect that you would actually be obsessed with these people!" Lu Jing, who was standing beside Yan Hao, could not help but ask.    


He really didn't expect that Yan Hao would actually stand together with an outsider.    


"Third brother, as long as you help me take down these pagans, I won't tell father about your cooperation with these pagans when I go back ?" As for your people in the Valley Stone Village, as long as you guys follow me and take down the pagans, I will not let the City Lord commit any of your faults! " Yan Si said loudly towards Yan Hao and the rest.    


"Eldest Young Master, at this point, can't you tell that we surrounded you all so many times just to deal with you?" Wang Tian smiled at this time.    


"Clan Leader Wang Tian is right, the reason we surrounded you all was to deal with you all ? Big Brother, don't waste your breath anymore! " Yan Hao added.    


"From the looks of it, you guys seem to think it's easy to take us down?" At this moment, a strange expression appeared on Lu Jing's face.    


"Could it be, do you think that you people can create such a storm?" Dong Shang said coldly.    


"Tsk, tsk. You're only a person who can activate a rank 1 Ice Talisman. How can you speak with such complacency? Don't you know that there are people beyond the heavens?" Lu Jing sneered.    


"From the looks of it, can you activate a Level 2 Ice Talisman Paper?" Dong Shang couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Lu Jing's words.    


"That's right, I can activate the rank 2 Ice Talisman Paper, it's not something you can deal with!" Lu Jing said proudly.    


Hearing Lu Jing's words, Wang Tian couldn't help but look at Yan Hao and whisper, "Third Young Master, this person can actually trigger a second grade Ice Talisman Paper?"    


If there really was someone with such strength, it was hard to say if they would be able to take him down.    


"I don't know either. Before this, I always thought he could only activate the first level of Ice Talisman Paper." Yan Hao frowned.    


It was also because of this that he had felt that it wasn't difficult for so many of them to take down Lu Jing and the others.    


"Whether or not you have the ability to do so will be known after a try!" With that, he looked towards Patriarch Wang Tian, "Patriarch, let me test this man's strength!"    


"Alright, Dong Shang, go and have a try!" Wang Tian immediately nodded.    


Dong Shang immediately walked out and said to Lu Jing, "Let me, Dong Shang, try out your move!"    


After he finished speaking, he took out the Ice Talisman Paper on his body.    


"It is merely a Grade 1 Ice Talisman Paper ?" Lu Jing sneered again.    


As he spoke, he took out a piece of Ice Magic Talisman paper from his body. His Ice Cold Talisman paper looked no different from Dong Shang's, so no one could see anything.    


In the next moment, both of them started chanting at the same time, and the Ice Magic Talisman paper in their hands started to burn.    


At the same time, the temperature in the surrounding air plummeted.    


What caused Wang Tian's group to have a drastic change in expression was that Dong Shang was clearly at a disadvantage. After his opponent activated the Ice Talisman paper, he, who originally seemed to be nothing much, immediately began to tremble.    


From the looks of it, if he were to continue like this, he would probably turn into an ice cream.    


Lin Long could feel from the side that the temperature of the surrounding air was evidently lower than when the others were activating the Ice Cold Talisman.    


If not for the fact that he could already grasp the deep cold rune iron sword, he probably wouldn't be able to stand still at this time.    


Xiang Rong and Shao Yong, who were at the side, could see that the two of them were continuously retreating, and it was obvious that they were affected by the other party's activation of the cold talisman paper.    


"He can't even withstand a single blow!" Lu Jing withdrew his hand. After he said those words, the coldness in the air immediately vanished.    


After he stopped, Dong Shang, whose lips were purple from the cold and his body was trembling, fell to the ground.    


On Wang Tian's side, someone quickly came out and helped him to the back.    


"Do you see? This is the power of a Level 2 Ice Talisman Paper. It is not something you can handle. So, I hope you will listen to the words of the Eldest Young Master and capture these pagans!" The next moment, Lu Jing said proudly.    


"You guys really aren't Uncle Jing's match, so don't try to fight back for nothing!" Yan Si also said.    


Wang Tian and the others naturally knit their brows when they heard these words.    


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