Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1899 Elder Song

C1899 Elder Song

Very quickly, Lin Long arrived at a large hall. This large hall was where Elder Song and the other senior brothers taught the Symbol Literature to the disciples.    


Upon entering the hall, Lin Long saw that there were more than thirty to forty people inside.    


Scanning with his eyes, Lin Long realised that most of them had Rune Stone Swords on their waists, and only a few had Rune Copper Swords.    


Clearly, they were all newbies that had just entered the Copper Iron World.    


Although Lin Long had already grasped the Runic Copper Sword, it was still the Runic Stone Sword that was hung on his waist.    


"Please wait for a moment. Elder Song will be here soon." In front of them, a senior brother spoke to them in this manner.    


"Yes." The new disciples responded in unison.    


Lin Long found an empty seat and sat down. After he sat down, a youth who looked to be around twenty years of age came over and greeted him, "Brother, I don't think I've met you before. You just entered the Copper Iron World, right?"    


"Yes, a few days after I came in." Lin Long nodded.    


"I've been here for more than twenty days, but I'm still a new disciple." The youth laughed, then said, "My surname is Mei and my name is Dong. What is your name, brother?"    


"My surname is Lin." Lin Long said politely.    


"So it's Brother Lin." The other party nodded.    


After a short conversation, the other party asked, "Brother Lin, you have just arrived in the Copper Iron World, you probably haven't joined any team yet, right?"    


"What team?" Lin Long asked with some doubt.    


"Naturally, it's the team that goes out to hunt fierce beasts in the future." Mei Dong laughed.    


"Hunting fierce beasts? Didn't you not grasp the Runic Copper Sword yet? Lin Long could not help but ask.    


Naturally, he was not referring to himself, but to Mei Dong. Mei Dong had a rune stone sword hanging from his waist, so he probably didn't grasp the bronze rune sword.    


"Cough, cough." Mei Dong felt a little awkward and then said, "Naturally, this is to prepare for the future ? ? "I've already looked for a few people. There are still a few left, and if you want to join, you can let me know."    


"About this, let's talk about it in the future. Right now, I need to focus on how to grasp the Runic Copper Sword." Lin Long smiled slightly.    


He didn't even have the thought of joining the party, so he naturally wouldn't listen to Mei Dong's suggestion.    


"Yes, of course." Mei Dong nodded.    


Seeing that Lin Long had rejected him, Mei Dong did not seem to take it to heart.    


At this moment, an old man walked into the hall.    


Seeing this old man, all the disciples in the hall shouted, "Greetings, Elder Song."    


Amidst the shouting of the disciples, Elder Song walked in front of everyone.    


Glancing at the disciples in front of him, Elder Song said, "I am truly sorry. Some of you have already been here for quite some time, but I have never taught you a lesson."    


He paused for a moment before continuing, "So, today I plan to start with the most basic Symbol Literature in the Copper Iron World. Of course, the Symbol Literature in the Copper Iron World is based on the Symbol Literature in the Stone Wood World, which is even more difficult than the Stone Wood World. If you guys are unable to even master the Symbol Literature in the Stone Wood World, then you guys don't need to listen to my class."    


At this time, all of the disciples inside were listening intently. Who would dare say that they didn't understand the knowledge of the Symbol Literature in the Stone Wood World?    


However, Elder Song did not start the lecture immediately. Instead, he suddenly asked, "Can Lin Li come?"    


Lin Long was a little surprised, but he still stood up and said: "Clan Elder Song, Lin Mu is here."    


"You just came from the Stone Wood World, Lin Li?" Elder Song asked again.    


"Exactly." Lin Long nodded, then asked suspiciously, "I wonder what business does Elder Song have?"    


"Nothing." Elder Song laughed, then said: "I just heard Teacher Yao Hong Sheng speak of you, saying that you have some talent in the Symbol Literature, so I was curious to see if you came today ? "Well, you may sit down."    


"Thank you, Elder Song." With that said, Lin Long sat down.    


Lin Long was naturally shocked that Yao Hong Sheng would mention him in front of Elder Song, but thinking about it, he was relieved. After all, his talent was way too outstanding.    


After that, Elder Song began to teach the Symbol Literature.    


Unknowingly, four hours had passed.    


In these four hours, although Elder Song was speaking about basic things, Lin Long had benefited greatly, and some things that he did not know about, were suddenly enlightened because of Elder Song's words.    


After that, the class was over.    


After leaving the hall, Mei Dong, who was standing beside him, could not help but say, "Brother Lin, you're really amazing. To think that you would receive such praise from Elder Song."    


"Perhaps it's because I'm a little familiar with Elder Yao Hong Sheng that he mentioned me in front of Elder Song." Lin Long said humbly.    


After leaving the camp, Lin Long went back to his residence and paused for a while before heading towards the southern gate of the camp.    


He was going to the place where Hu Wen had given him the map.    


That place is south of the camp near South Wind Mountain.    


After walking a distance out of the southern gate, Lin Long entered the vicinity of the forest. As soon as he arrived, he saw a fierce beast not too far away staring at him.    


Of course, it wasn't something an ordinary mouse could compare to. It was at least half the size of a calf.    


Upon seeing Lin Long, it immediately bared its fangs, exposing two incomparably sharp fangs.    


This Blackrat was a first-level vicious beast in the Copper Iron World. It was also the weakest of the vicious beasts. Of course, this was different in the Stone Wood World.    


If Lin Long hadn't grasped the Runic Copper Sword previously, he would have definitely turned his head and run when he saw this Blackrat. However, he naturally did not place this Blackrat in his eyes now.    


As a result, he directly walked towards Blackrat while holding the bronze rune sword in his hand.    


When the Runic Copper Sword was in his hand, the runes on it immediately started to flicker, and this was naturally because Lin Long had stimulated the Qi in his body.    


This Blackrat was obviously not afraid of Lin Long, as soon as it saw Lin Long walking towards it, all the black fur on its body stood up straight, and then pounced towards Lin Long.    


As it approached, Lin Long swung his sword at it. In that instant, a bronze colored sword qi immediately flew towards Blackrat.    


This Blackrat was clearly afraid of Lin Long's sword aura, so when Lin Long's sword aura struck out, it immediately dodged to the side.    


How could Lin Long give it a chance to dodge? He held the Rune Copper Sword horizontally, and the Sword Qi swept towards Blackrat again.    


"Puchi ?"    


In the next moment, as soon as this sound was heard, Lin Long's sword qi impressively streaked across Blackrat's body.    


At the same time, a stream of blood also erupted from Blackrat's body.    


After taking such a huge hit, Blackrat turned and ran at an astonishing speed.    


How could Lin Long give it a chance to escape? He directly used the Copper Tattooed Steps, and in the blink of an eye, he caught up to the Blackrat before slashing at it with his sword.    


This time, the strike directly split Blackrat into two halves.    


Fortunately he had mastered the Copper Tattooed Steps, otherwise, he probably wouldn't even be able to kill this Blackrat. Seeing the dead Blackrat, Lin Long thought to himself.    


After a slight delay, he continued to walk forward.    


After the time it took to make a cup of tea, he suddenly heard someone speaking in front of him, as if someone was begging for mercy.    


Lin Long originally wanted to go around it, but he suddenly felt that this voice was very familiar, it seemed to be Qi Ying who had introduced him to the Copper Iron World when he first arrived.    


Could it be that Qi Ying had run into senior brother Sun and then been bullied by him? Lin Long frowned as he thought in his heart.    


Originally, Lin Long wanted to go around it, but with Qi Ying's previous warmth, Lin Long still walked towards the direction of the voice.    


Very quickly, he saw a few people surrounding a person. The person that was surrounded had blood all over his face and was even kneeling down and begging for forgiveness.    


Lin Long could tell at a glance that the few people at the side were Senior Brother Sun and a few others. Although he could not see the face of the person who was surrounded, but from the voice, Lin Long was sure that he was Qi Ying.    


"Senior Martial Brother Sun, please spare me ?" "I've already given you all my belongings ?" Qi Ying pleaded.    


"We must definitely spare you. Otherwise, who else can we bully after we beat you to death?" Senior Martial Brother Sun chuckled.    


"Senior Martial Brother Sun is right." The surrounding people immediately burst into laughter.    


After saying that, he punched Qi Ying a few more times before stopping.    


"Let's go!" After that, Senior Martial Brother Sun proudly said this sentence before leaving with the others.    


After seeing them leave, Lin Long walked over.    


Qi Ying was shocked again when he heard footsteps, but he heaved a sigh of relief when he saw that it was Lin Long.    


"Senior Qi, why are they bullying you like this?" Lin Long frowned.    


"Hai." Qi Ying sighed and said, "Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, this is my problem, you don't need to worry about it. In the future, if you see me, you can take a detour, otherwise, they might cause trouble for you."    


Hearing Qi Ying's words, Lin Long did not plan to continue asking.    


It was also at this time that the sound of footsteps came from the place that Senior Brother Sun and the rest left from. Very quickly, Senior Brother Sun and the others appeared in front of Lin Long and Qi Ying.    


"Senior Brother Sun..." You. Why are you guys back? " Qi Ying's complexion changed the moment he saw Shixiong Sun and the others.    


"We have a spatial ring. Come back and see if it was dropped here." One of them said.    


A few of them walked to the side of Qi Ying.    


During this entire process, the gazes of several people had naturally swept across Lin Long's face.    


"Good boy, didn't I tell you not to follow this fellow? You won't listen? " One of them said something like that.    


After he finished speaking, besides Senior Martial Brother Sun, the rest of the people began searching the ground. It seemed that it was really just as they had said.    


"Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, let's go." Seeing that these people did not come back to bully his, Qi Ying quickly said this sentence and then wanted to leave with Lin Long.    


However, Senior Martial Brother Sun coldly said, "Did I tell you to leave?"    


With that, he pointed at Qi Ying and Lin Long and said, "Not only Qi Ying, even you can't leave!"    


He was naturally referring to Lin Long.    


"Senior Martial Brother Sun, what do you mean?" Lin Long frowned.    


Just because he didn't want trouble didn't mean he was afraid.    


"You guys are suspicious of the fact that the items are missing, so how can you leave?" Senior Martial Brother Sun sneered.    


"Oh, so according to Senior Martial Brother Sun's meaning, if we can't find the item, you suspect that it was the two of us who took it?" Lin Long said indifferently.    


"Tsk tsk, kid, you're quite smart." Senior Martial Brother Sun couldn't help but smile.    


At this time, those people had also finished their search and were shaking their heads. "Senior Martial Brother Sun, we didn't find anything."    


"There's no need to look, these two people must have stolen it." Senior Brother Sun pointed at Lin Long and Qi Ying.    


"Senior Martial Brother Sun, we haven't seen any of your spatial rings." Lin Long frowned.    


"Senior Martial Brother Sun, I also haven't seen him. I was just beaten up by you guys and I just climbed up from the ground. Even if I found any spatial rings, I wouldn't dare to pick them up." Qi Ying added.    


"It's easy to prove that you didn't steal it. All you need to do is to take your spatial rings." Senior Martial Brother Sun said arrogantly.    


"I'm sorry, but I will not give you the spatial ring." Lin Long said directly.    


Even if there was nothing in his spatial ring, he would not give it to her.    


"So you stole it?" The losses immediately sneered.    


The moment he signalled with his eyes, the other people immediately surrounded Lin Long in the middle.    


A few of them surrounded Lin Long, and Senior Brother Sun said, "Brat, regardless of whether or not that spatial ring is yours, we'll take everything inside!"    


"It seems like this is an open robbery!" Lin Long sneered.    


"So what if we're fighting for it? "Kid, are you unconvinced?"    


"I already told you not to stay with Qi Ying, but you're still with him. Aren't you courting death?"    


"Since you want to die, we will naturally help you!"    


The others also responded with Senior Martial Brother Sun.    


Seeing that Lin Long did not say a word, someone said again, "Kid, you are really bold, a new disciple actually dares to enter the forest by himself. Even so, you actually dare to provoke us, you really think you have a long life!"    


Senior Martial Brother Sun said, "Don't waste time with him. Hurry up and take care of him!"    


Hearing Senior Martial Brother Sun's words, one of them immediately said, "Senior Martial Brother Sun, let me deal with him!"    


They had so many senior brothers, so it would definitely be shameful if they were to gang up on Lin Long together. Hence, why would they do such a thing, they would naturally just send someone to deal with Lin Long.    


"Alright, Jia Zhi, teach him a lesson and let him know why flowers are so red!" Senior Martial Brother Sun proudly smiled.    


It was as if Lin Long was already placed on the ground by Jia Zhi.    


When Senior Brother Sun agreed, the rest of the people immediately retreated, leaving some space for Lin Long and Jia Zhi.    


Qi Ying did not retreat but said to Lin Long, "Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, you are not his match. Let me deal with him."    


Hearing his words, senior brother Sun was stunned. He didn't know how Qi Ying had dared to say such words.    


After that, Brother Sun shouted at Qi Ying, "Qi Ying, it's none of your business now, scram to the side!"    


"Senior brother Sun, you can bully me alone, but if you want to bully Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, I won't agree!" Qi Ying said again.    


"Tsk tsk, you brat, I didn't expect your bones to be so tough!" Senior Martial Brother Sun sneered and then said, "Since you're looking for a beating, that's fine."    


Saying that, he looked at another person and said, "Han Yang, go deal with Qi Ying!"    


"Yes sir!" The person called Han Yang immediately stood forward and walked in front of Qi Ying.    




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