Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1893 Peng Hongda's Attack

C1893 Peng Hongda's Attack

Before he could walk out of the auction hall, a youth with thick eyebrows and big eyes said to him, "Junior brother, wait a moment."    


"Yes, what's the matter senior brother?" Lin Long could not help but turn his head to look.    


After sizing up the other party, he couldn't help but be somewhat surprised in his heart, because this youth with thick eyebrows and big eyes was actually an expert with the strength of an Iron Sword.    


"You just entered the Stone Wood World and you've already bought the Stone Tattooing Steps. It's really amazing." The other party laughed.    


"Well, that's just a coincidence. Plus, I felt that the Stone Tattooing Steps were more suited for escaping in the surrounding forests, that's why I bought the Stone Tattooing Steps. Otherwise, I would have bought some other items, such as the Stone Tattooing Robe." Lin Long smiled slightly.    


"No matter what, it still shows how powerful you are." The man paused for a moment, then asked, "Junior Brother, why don't we make a friend?"    


"That's fine." Lin Long nodded.    


"Senior's surname is Peng and I am Hong Da. May I know junior's name?" The young man said.    


"Junior's name is Lin." Lin Long replied.    


"So it's Junior-apprentice Brother Lin." The other party nodded before saying, "If junior brother doesn't mind, how about we go out together to hunt fierce beasts in the future?"    


"However, with your strength, Senior Brother, are you still going out to hunt fierce beasts?" Lin Long asked doubtfully.    


"It's boring to stay in the camp forever, not to mention junior's talent. Sooner or later, you will have the strength of an Iron Sword. So, I might as well reserve a companion with great potential like you." Peng Hongda laughed.    


"Well, let's talk about it when we have a chance." Lin Long said.    


He originally wanted to directly reject him, but then he thought that the other party was after all, an Iron Sword expert, that's why he said that.    


"Alright, if junior has any thoughts, you can come and find me." Peng Hongda said.    


"Then junior apprentice-brother will take his leave." Lin Long cupped his hands and left the auction hall.    


The other party didn't seem to have anything strange about him, so he didn't pay much attention to him. However, what he didn't expect was that this Peng Hongda was the one that Miao De had instructed to deal with him.    


Looking at Lin Long's leaving figure, Peng Hongda frowned and thought to himself, "This kid has only been here for a short while, and he actually has crystal profound stones to buy the Stone Tattooing Steps. It seems I cannot underestimate him too much."    


Of course, although he thought this way, Peng Hongda actually did not put Lin Long in his eyes at all.    


After all, he was an Iron Sword Innate Ranker, he was much stronger than Lin Long. Even if Lin Long had the strength of a Stone Sword Expert, he was still a far cry from.    


In his opinion, no matter how gifted Lin Long was, he would at most have the strength of a Stone Sword.    


How could Lin Long have known that there would be such a Peng Hongda? After returning to his living quarters, he started to seriously study the Stone Mark Steps.    


After spending two days of time, Lin Long managed to completely master the Stone Marking Steps, however, he hadn't completely mastered it yet, and it would still take him some time to completely master it.    


As long as he could create the Rune Stone Sword, he would be able to leave the Stone Wood World and go to a stronger world. Therefore, he naturally hoped to be able to leave quickly, because only then would he be able to find a way to remove the Rune Mark on his body faster.    


Unknowingly, a few days had passed.    


What made Lin Long depressed was that in the past few days, he had already used up all his remaining crystal profound stones, but he still had not completely crafted the Rune Stone Sword.    


Looks like he has to go out to earn crystal profound stones again, Lin Long thought.    


That afternoon, he left the camp and headed east.    


Now that his strength had increased, he could hunt stronger fierce beasts and earn Profound Crystal Stones faster than before. This kind of speed naturally couldn't compare to stealing another person's Profound Crystal Stone.    


On one hand, he felt that it was beneath him to do so. On the other hand, if the Symbol Literature Academy were to find out about this, the consequences would be very serious.    


Of course, if anyone was blind enough to try and snatch him away, then he was not to be blamed.    


The moment he came out, Lin Long's expression changed slightly, because he discovered that there was someone following him from behind. Although the other party seemed to only be one person, their strength couldn't be compared to someone like Sun Yi.    


This person definitely had the strength of an Iron Sword! Lin Long guessed in his heart.    


In the time he had been in the Stone Wood World, by relying on his strong spiritual will and his adaptability with the rune array, he was already able to sense other people's attainments in rune sword with his spiritual will.    


Those who could control rune sword would unknowingly release a unique Qi, and the stronger one was, the stronger the Qi was.    


It was only because Lin Long had a strong divine intent that he could feel this kind of aura, otherwise even he, who had just arrived, would not be able to do it.    


Knowing that there was such a person following him from behind, Lin Long immediately used the Stone Tattooed Steps, causing his speed to immediately reach his limit.    


He could only hope that he could get rid of the opponent this way. After all, with his current strength, it would be very difficult for him to deal with an Iron Sword powerhouse.    


However, what made his expression change was that the other party was not left behind. Furthermore, as time passed, the distance between them had narrowed.    


It seemed that the person behind him could also use the Stone Tattooing Steps! Lin Long frowned.    


This would be troublesome, but right now he had no other choice. He could only continue running forward and see if he could use the surrounding vicious beasts to shake off his opponent.    


Lin Long was worried over this, but the person behind him had a face full of astonishment. This person was none other than Peng Hongda, the reason he had approached Lin Long during the auction was naturally to follow beside Lin Long through this method, and then suddenly strike out with Lin Long when he came out.    


If that really was the case, he would naturally take down Lin Long casually. However, he did not expect that Lin Long had actually rejected the good intentions of an Iron Sword expert.    


Therefore, he could only follow behind Lin Long after he exited the camp and wait for the right opportunity to make his move.    


Who would have thought that they would be discovered not long after they came out.    


Seeing the speed at which Lin Long was fleeing in front of him, he naturally frowned. The reason was simple;    


Could it be that this brat had already mastered the Stone Marking Steps in such a short period of time? If that was really the case, then this brat's talent was too astonishing. In the entire Symbol Literature Academy, perhaps no one could compare to him! After confirming that Lin Long knew the Stone Mark Steps, he was naturally surprised.    


However, he had a mission, and furthermore, Lin Long was not his opponent at the moment.    


With his current speed, catching up to Lin Long was a matter of time.    


"Brat, your talent is indeed astonishing, but offending Elder Miao is still your fault," he thought to himself as he chased after Miao De.    


After a while, the distance between the two grew even closer.    


Seeing Lin Long getting closer and closer to him, the smile on Peng Hongda's face naturally became wider.    


It was also at this time that Lin Long's slightly slower speed suddenly increased again. Furthermore, he changed his direction and sprinted towards the left.    


What he was doing was because there were a few berserk beasts here. He was prepared to bring them into the attacking range of these berserk beasts.    


Lin Long planned to let Sun Yi fall into his trap.    


However, he did not expect that before he even arrived in front of those vicious beasts, those vicious beasts would suddenly become crazy and disperse.    


Lin Long knew that they did not discover him, but because of this reason, he was suddenly surrounded by the beasts.    


Crap! Lin Long frowned.    


He had originally wanted these vicious beasts to deal with the people behind them, but who would've thought that he would be the one to suffer.    


Fortunately, he was still a distance away from the beasts. Otherwise, he would have been surrounded.    


Seeing these fierce beasts charge at him, he quickly raised his Stone Marking Steps to the extreme and quickly dodged. Finally, he was able to avoid being chased by these fierce beasts.    


These fierce beasts only had powerful attacking abilities, their movement techniques were weak, if not Lin Long would not be able to shake them off so easily.    


However, he was able to shake off his opponent, so the distance between them was quickly closed.    


He only thought that Lin Long had accidentally broken into the encirclement of those fierce beasts. Who would have thought that Lin Long wanted him to be surrounded by those fierce beasts, and it was only because of an accident that he had nearly been besieged.    


After a while, before Lin Long could think of another way, Peng Hongda had already flashed and blocked in front of him.    


"Senior Brother Peng!" Lin Long couldn't help but exclaim in surprise the moment he saw Peng Hongda, who had appeared in front of him.    


He hadn't expected that the one stopping him was Peng Hongda, who had been talking to him in the sales hall.    


"Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, I only saw you come out with the intention of following you to deal with the fierce beasts. I didn't expect you to run so fast." Peng Hongda said with a helpless look.    


"Senior Brother Peng, let's not beat around the bush. You must have been ordered to follow me, right?" Lin Long sneered.    


At this point, if he still didn't see it, then his years of life would have been in vain.    


He was now much stronger than his opponent, so Peng Hongda did not mind exposing his intentions. He immediately laughed, "Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, you are indeed a straightforward person, I will tell you the truth, I am indeed being asked to do so by someone."    


"Oh, who told you to deal with me?" Lin Long said coldly.    


"I won't tell you this for now. After I take you down, maybe I'll tell you when I'm happy." Peng Hongda said with an indifferent expression.    


"Is that so? Then I'll be listening to Senior-apprentice Brother Peng's Iron Sword strength!" With that, Lin Long took out the Stone Talisman Sword from his body.    


"Stone Talisman Sword, do you really have the strength of a stone sword?" Although he had already guessed this, Peng Hongda was still surprised when he saw Lin Long take out the Rune Stone Sword.    


"If he did not have any strength, wouldn't he have already lost his life in this Stone Wood World?" Lin Long said.    


"No matter what, Brother Lin, you still have amazing talent. If I let you continue developing like this, you might be able to control the Dark Sword in the future!" Peng Hongda couldn't help but say.    


The Dark Sword, the strongest rune sword in the Symbol Literature Academy. Therefore, when talking about the Dark Sword, Peng Hongda's face was filled with yearning.    


After a brief pause, he continued, "Unfortunately, you offended someone you shouldn't have."    


After he finished speaking, he took out the metal sword on his body. Once he took it out, runes began to flash on the metal sword.    


Staring at the iron sword, Lin Long frowned.    


In the next moment, Peng Hongda moved. He directly pierced towards Lin Long with his sword, and in that instant, a strong sword qi attacked Lin Long.    


The other party's sword qi was much stronger than the Stone Sword Stage's man, so Lin Long, who only had the Rune Sword in his hand, did not dare to fight the opponent head on.    


He quickly used his Stone Mark Steps and started to walk around his opponent. When he used it, the pressure he felt from his opponent immediately lessened.    


Peng Hongda coldly snorted, and also used his own Stone Tattooing Steps.    


His attainment in the Stone Mark Steps was much better than Lin Long. When he used it, Lin Long was immediately at a disadvantage.    


He knew that if this went on, he would soon be captured by the enemy.    


Thus, in the next moment, after fiercely chopping down at his opponent with his sword, Lin Long turned and dashed towards his left.    


Want to run? It's not that simple! Peng Hongda sneered in his heart.    


He immediately used the Stone Streak Steps to chase after it.    


Two ups and downs later, he easily blocked in front of Lin Long.    


"Junior-apprentice Brother Lin, you can't escape!" Looking at Lin Long, he laughed complacently.    


With that, he swung his sword towards Lin Long.    


"Bang, bang, bang ?"    


In the midst of these sounds, the two of them had only exchanged a few blows.    


In the end, Peng Hongda directly pierced Lin Long's right chest, and for a moment, blood sprayed out.    


Even more so, Peng Hongda did not give Lin Long the chance to succeed in one move.    


After another ten moves, Lin Long was already riddled with wounds, and in the end, he directly collapsed onto the ground. Even though he was still holding onto the Rune Stone Sword, it seemed like he did not have the strength to continue fighting.    


At this point of time, Peng Hongda naturally did not worry at all. He was already considering where to lock Lin Long up before contacting Elder Miao.    


As he thought about this, he walked towards Lin Long.    


Lin Long didn't seem to have the strength to continue fighting at this time. In fact, the injuries he had suffered had yet to reach this level.    


But what was different from Sun Yi before was that Peng Hongda was clearly much stronger than Sun Yi. He didn't know whether he would be able to succeed or not.    


After all, Peng Hongda had the strength of an Iron Sword, and Sun Yi was only a Stone Sword. The difference between the two was too great.    


But Lin Long had no other choice now, he could only do this.    


Lin Long sensed Peng Hongda's distance at the same time as he pretended to breathe heavily.    


He had to guarantee that he would succeed in his first strike. Otherwise, he would not dare to imagine the consequences.    


Finally, Peng Hongda walked to the nearest distance. At this time, Peng Hongda also stopped.    


He planned to first send the rune stone sword in Lin Long's hand flying.    


It was also at this time that Lin Long made his move. He, who originally looked like he had no strength at all, suddenly shot up from the ground, and the rune stone sword in his hand moved like lightning towards Peng Hongda.    




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