Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1890 Kill

C1890 Kill

On the other side, the faces of Meng Han and Xiao Yan naturally became ugly when they heard two miserable cries. They did not need to think to know that the two miserable cries were being emitted by Cao Shi and Xiao Yan.    


"It seems like Cao Shi and Xiao Yan have been viciously murdered again!" Sun Yi couldn't help but say.    


Even though he was the strongest amongst them, he couldn't help but feel a bit panicked.    


They were eight people, but who would have thought that they were the only two left?    


"Looks like it." Meng Han also said with a frown.    


"Could it be that Lin Li really has a Rock Sword Level expert helping him out in the dark?" Monk Hood then said.    


"No, if it was the Iron Sword class, they would not have hidden themselves to help us. At most, they would have only had the help of the Stone Sword class, and they would not have sent more than one of them." Sun Yi analyzed.    


"That's true." Feeling that Sun Yi was right, Meng Huan couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.    


If he really was an Iron Sword expert, there was no point in having a few more of them.    


After confirming this point, the two immediately ran in the direction of the scream.    


Very quickly, they arrived at the place where Cao Shi and Xiao Yan were killed.    


"Your Highness, be careful. The other side seems to be good at attacking, so you should pay attention to your surroundings and not let them have the chance to attack you." Sun Yi reminded.    


"I know." Actually, he didn't even need Sun Yi to remind him of it.    


Saying this, Sun Yi began to carefully examine the two people on the ground. After a thorough inspection, he said with an ugly expression, "Their opponent really does use a rune stone sword!"    


"In other words, the other party must have had people of the Stone Sword rank helping them in the dark!" Meng Wen frowned as well.    


They only thought that Lin Long had such a person helping him in the dark, but they never thought that Lin Long himself had such strength.    


Because of this speculation, the two became even more cautious. They carefully searched the area, but it was very quiet. It didn't look like there was anything abnormal.    


In this silence, the two discovered that their palms were already soaked with sweat from their nervousness.    


"Lin Li, you cowardly turtle, do you dare to come out and fight with me!" He couldn't bear the nervousness anymore, so he started shouting like this the next moment.    


Lin Long was hiding at the side, but he did not plan to leave immediately. After all, Sun Yi from the Stone Mark Steps would not be easy to deal with, and with the cover on the side, if he left like this, he might be defeated by them.    


After shouting for a while and seeing that there was no response from the surrounding people, Meng Hen finally stopped.    


"Crown Prince, this place is too dangerous. Let's go back first." Sun Yi suddenly said.    


Such a quiet environment made Sun Yi somewhat unable to bear it. He vaguely felt that if he stayed any longer, something would happen, so he directly brought up this idea.    


Meng Han naturally wasn't willing to leave just like that. However, he knew that staying like this would be dangerous, so he immediately nodded, "Alright."    


After saying that, the two of them wanted to leave this place.    


However, at this moment, Sun Yi's expression changed, because he discovered that there seemed to be quite a few berserk beasts surrounding them from the left.    


Without waiting for his warning, the beasts had already discovered them and charged towards them.    


After clearly seeing what kind of berserk beasts they were, Sun Yi's expression became even uglier, because they were actually four fourth level berserk beasts.    


If he was chased by a vicious beast like this, in addition to the fact that there were people of the Stone Sword rank eyeing him covetously, then that would be even more dangerous.    


Therefore, Sun Yi directly said, "Prince, run!"    


Meng Hen's reaction was obviously slow, so before he could run away from the beasts, he was already charging towards them. Very quickly, they were pushed away by the beasts.    


One of the beasts was chasing Meng Han, while the other three were chasing Sun Yi.    


There was actually such a good thing, seeing the two of them being chased like sh * t by these fierce beasts in an instant, Lin Long was a little dazed.    


This was naturally a good opportunity to chase after and deal with the two of them. After thinking for a moment, Lin Long chased after Sun Yi.    


Sun Yi was, after all, a Stonecutter, and he also knew the Stonecrop Steps. It would be better to deal with him first.    


As for Meng Han, he wasn't worried about letting the tiger return to the mountain, because he had already made the Bamboo Mouse memorize the scent of the other party and then turn around to deal with him after killing Sun Yi.    


Just like that, Lin Long directly followed behind Sun Yi.    


Even though these berserk beasts were level four berserk beasts, their speed was not fast. As a result, they were quickly left behind by Sun Yi, who knew the Stone Tattoos Steps.    


Seeing the danger far away from him, Sun Yi couldn't help but sigh in relief.    


F * ck, there were actually three people chasing after me. If there were two, I could have killed them by relying on the ingenuity of the Stone Tattooing Steps. Sun Yi cursed under his breath after stopping for a while.    


Not good! Suddenly, he sensed something and turned his head to look behind him.    


Unknowingly, a person had appeared behind him. It was Lin Long.    


"Lin Li, just you alone?" Staring at Lin Long, he could not help but exclaim, and at the same time used his spiritual will to scan his surroundings.    


What made him heave a sigh of relief was that it seemed to be Lin Long alone.    


"That's right, I'm alone." Lin Long said indifferently.    


"Lin Long, you are brave, you actually dared to follow me here alone." Sun Yi laughed.    


However, he quickly thought of something and couldn't help but ask, "Could it be that you have the strength of a Stone Sword Master?"    


"You're not stupid." Lin Long slightly smiled, and then, he pulled out the rune stone sword on his body.    


Staring at the rune stone sword in Lin Long's hand, Sun Yi's pupils couldn't help but constrict: "Could it be that you were alone just now?"    


"That's right. If I had two people, it wouldn't be so troublesome to deal with you two." Lin Long said.    


"Good boy, it seems that we have really underestimated you!" Sun Yi said coldly, "However, do you think that you're completely wrong if you think you can deal with me with the strength of a Stone Sword!?"    


Although he knew that Lin Long had the strength of a Stone Sword Stage, he didn't have any worries at all after confirming that Lin Long was alone. This was because he had the Stone Tattoos Steps, and was even able to unleash the full might of the Rune Stone Sword, so he wasn't worried at all that he wouldn't be able to deal with Lin Long.    


Saying that, Sun Yi's sword struck towards Lin Long.    


Seeing the incoming Sword Qi, Lin Long welcomed it with his own sword.    




In the midst of this muffled sound, Lin Long directly retreated a few steps backwards.    


Lin Long was still unable to fully unleash the power of the Stone Talisman Sword, so he was not surprised that such a situation would occur.    


And after confirming that Lin Long was weaker than him, Sun Yi was even more at ease.    


"Brat, you actually want to deal with me. You really overestimate yourself!" Sun Yi immediately scoffed.    


Before his voice fell, he once again struck his sword towards Lin Long.    


Knowing that he was not his opponent's match, Lin Long quickly used his Wood Rippling Steps.    


After using the Wooden Marking Steps, the pressure on his body loosened. Sun Yi coldly said, "It's just a mere Wooden Marking Steps!"    


As he spoke, Sun Yi directly used his Stone Mark Steps.    


This Stone Tattooed Steps was much more exquisite and nimble than the Wood Tattoo Steps. Sun Yi used it and instantly suppressed Lin Long.    


Unknowingly, the two of them had just finished a few moves, and Sun Yi had almost hit Lin Long a few times.    


If not for Lin Long's fast reaction speed, he would have been injured by Sun Yi's sword.    


This situation made Sun Yi's face fill with smiles.    


"Brat, let's see how long you can last!" With that said, Sun Yi's rune stone sword swept towards Lin Long again.    


In the next moment, a splash of blood came out from Lin Long's left arm. It was Lin Long's left arm that was hit by the sword.    


"Brat, you're finished!" This situation made Sun Yi laugh.    


The rune stone sword in his hand began to attack even more urgently.    


After another two moves, he struck Lin Long's back again, and for a moment, the clothes on Lin Long's back were dyed red with fresh blood.    


After being struck twice in a row, Lin Long's speed had obviously slowed down, which made Sun Yi even more confident in being able to win.    


After two more moves, he directly struck his sword towards Lin Long's left chest.    


But unexpectedly, Lin Long did not choose to block, and instead thrusted his sword towards his left chest.    


This was clearly a battle of mutual destruction. Sun Yi, who had thought himself to be at the advantage, was not going to fight Lin Long like this, and immediately retreated, then continued to walk beside Lin Long.    


In the process, Lin Long had always wanted to use a battle style that would cause both of them to suffer, but Sun Yi had never given him this kind of opportunity. The moment Lin Long used this method, he would directly retreat, and then, with the help of the exquisite Stone Mark Steps, he would attack Lin Long.    


As a result, after a dozen or so moves, Lin Long was injured again.    


In the end, he fell to the ground.    


Seeing Lin Long on the ground, Sun Yi let out a breath of relief. From the injuries he gave Lin Long, he was sure that Lin Long no longer had the ability to continue fighting.    


If it was any other person, they would have already fallen to the ground and no longer be able to fight back.    


"Brat, you really have tenacity. If it were someone else, they would have already lost their life." Sun Yi couldn't help but praise him.    


As he spoke, he walked towards Lin Long.    


Then he muttered, "I don't know where the crown prince went, but I hope nothing happened to him."    


If anything happened to Meng Huan, even if he killed Lin Long, he did not know who he would seek credit from, so he naturally hoped that nothing would happen to Meng Huan.    


With that said, he had already arrived in front of Lin Long.    


Although Lin Long seemed to no longer have the ability to fight, he still raised the sword in his hand, prepared to give Lin Long a fatal blow.    


It was also at this time that Lin Long who was originally lying on the ground without any strength at all suddenly sprung up, and with the rune stone sword in his hand, he directly charged towards Sun Yi's chest like a flash.    


How was this possible? How could this brat have such powerful strength? Sun Yi couldn't help but to be shocked.    


As Lin Long's attack was too sudden and was strong, he had no way of dodging it, much less using the sword in his hand to block it. As such, he could only push his Inscription Stone Sword forward.    


He could only hope that both Lin Long and himself would suffer.    


Thinking of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, because he remembered that he had the Superior Grade Wood Tattooed Robe on him. Thinking of something, his eyes suddenly lit up, because he remembered that he had the Superior Grade Wood Tattoo Armor.    


In that split-second, both of them stabbed their rune swords into each other's chests.    


Two muffled groans suddenly rang out. Subsequently, the two of them took a few steps back before falling to the ground.    


Sun Yi felt an incomparable amount of pain. The pain almost made him faint, but he still clenched his teeth to keep himself awake.    


As long as he was conscious, he would definitely be able to live, he thought.    


As for the opposing Lin Long, he didn't think that he would be able to survive, because Lin Long had already been severely injured.    


However, in the next moment, his complexion greatly changed because he heard the sound of footsteps in front of him.    


Is that kid okay?    


This shocked him so much that he struggled to lift his head and look forward. Then, he saw a person holding a rune stone sword walking towards him.    


"Lin Li..." You. How can you? " Sun Yi was shocked.    


Before he finished speaking, Lin Long had already slashed down.    


After a miserable scream, Sun Yi had completely fallen.    


After killing Sun Yi, Lin Long could not help but heave a sigh of relief, his strength was almost depleted and he almost fell down, but with the support of the Rune Stone Sword in his hand, he stood still.    


After slightly recovering his breath, he quickly took out a top-quality healing medicine and consumed it. After consuming it, he quickly sat down on the ground and started to meditate.    


Although his opponent had dealt him a fatal blow, he was still able to endure it with the help of the powerful body technique.    


As for the opponent's previous attacks, they actually did not deal too much damage to him. The way he acted just now was just to confuse the opponent, but of course, this was also because of the body technique.    


After meditating and recuperating, Lin Long finally managed to relax slightly.    


Lin Long knew that continuing to heal in this place would be extremely dangerous, because ferocious beasts could come at any time. Thus, after taking Sun Yi's spatial ring, Lin Long immediately left and hid inside a cave nearby.    


It would be hard to deal with Meng Hen now, so Lin Long could only give up.    


It took him over a day to recover from his injuries.    


Only now did he take out the spatial rings that he had captured. Now, he hoped to find a secret technique like the Stone Tattooing Steps because that way, he would be able to start practicing the Stone Tattooing Steps.    


The ingenuity of the Stone Tattoos Steps made him want to master it as soon as possible. If he had the Stone Tattoos Steps previously, dealing with Sun Yi wouldn't have been so difficult.    


But what made his expression unsightly was that these people did not have any Stone Tattoos on them. Sun Yi, who knew how to use the Stone Tattoos, also did not have any of them in his spatial ring.    


The only consolation that Lin Long had was that these people had quite a few crystal profound stones on them. Although it was not enough to purchase the Stone Streak Steps, it was already giving him hope.    


That Meng Hen should have already escaped, Lin Long thought at this time.    


Because the fierce beast chasing Meng Hen was not fast, Lin Long did not have much hope that the fierce beast would be able to kill him.    


But even so, he still let the Bamboo Mouse out after exiting the cave.    




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