Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1877 Old Uncle Hu

C1877 Old Uncle Hu

"Big Brother Guo." Walking to the side of Guo Fa, Lin Long immediately whispered.    


Turning his head, Guo Fa saw Lin Long and immediately said, "So it's Brother Lin."    


Then he said, "Brother Lin, I'm sorry I couldn't help you deal with Zhu Xian and the others."    


"Big Brother Guo, don't even mention it like that. At that time, even if I was in that kind of environment, I wouldn't have helped. After all, you weren't familiar with me, and Zhu Xian and the others were so powerful." Lin Long laughed.    


"Ahem, that's true." Guo Fa said awkwardly.    


"Big Brother Guo, do you know how to remove the blood essence from the rune stone sword?" Lin Long asked softly.    


"What?" Hearing Lin Long say that, Guo Fa couldn't help but to be shocked, he then looked around quickly, seeing that there were no people around, he said softly, "Could it be that Yang Yun was truly killed by Brother Lin?"    


The moment Lin Long entered the stone and wood world, he was able to purchase Wood Rippling Steps. Now that he still had the Rune Sword and also had to remove the blood essence from it, he was naturally convinced that Yang Yun had been killed by Lin Long.    


"This, I won't say clearly ?" Lin Long said.    


Naturally, he would not say it out loud.    


If he didn't believe Guo Fa, he would have denied it.    


"Brother Lin, don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Moreover, Yang Yun's death was basically asking for it." Guo Fa said coldly.    


Without waiting for Lin Long's reply, he continued, "Brother Lin, I don't know how to remove the blood essence from the Rune Stone Sword. Furthermore, the majority of the people in the camp do not know about it, even Fang Liang does not."    


"Who would?" Hearing his words, Lin Long could not help but frown.    


"I know someone who I know, but I don't know if he's willing to help you ?.. But don't worry Brother Lin, he won't reveal your secret. " Guo Fa said.    


"Since that's the case, let's give it a try." Lin Long immediately replied.    


"Then Brother Lin, come with me." With that, he walked out of the library. As for Lin Long, he was naturally following behind him.    


Not long after, Lin Long followed Guo Fa and arrived at a house on the east side.    


"That person is here." Guo Fa said.    


After turning left and right for a while, they arrived in front of a wooden house.    


Guo Fa walked up and knocked on the door. Moments later, the wooden door opened, revealing a cold face.    


It was an old man in his fifties.    


Although there were many youths in the Stone Wood World's camp, there were also some elderly people.    


The reason that such a situation had occurred was because some of the older people had entered the Blue Cloud Symbol Literature Academy to seek knowledge. There were also some people who were even more outrageous, which was that they had stayed within the academy for several tens of years without improving.    


The old man in front of him was probably under one of the two circumstances, so Lin Long did not feel anything amiss.    


"Uncle Hu, I have a friend who wants you to help me with something." Guo Fa said to the old man.    


"Oh, come in." The old man said. Then, he opened the door, and Lin Long and Guo Fa walked in.    


After sitting down, Guo Fa went straight to the point, "Uncle Hu, this friend of mine wants you to remove the blood essence from the rune stone sword."    


After a short pause, he added, "Old Uncle Hu, you can rest assured that he won't leak this information."    


"That's fine." Old Uncle Hu nodded, and then changed the subject. "However, I need two thousand crystals and profound stones."    


Two thousand crystal profound stones! Lin Long's face twitched. He had already spent the remaining Crystal Profound Stones on him in this period of time, which meant that he was completely broke.    


Moreover, he felt that this was a bit tricky. A new rune stone sword was only worth five thousand crystal profound stones. This Uncle Hu only needed to clear the blood essence and directly asked for two thousand crystal profound stones.    


"This matter carries a bit of risk, so I hope you can understand." Old uncle Hu seemed to be able to read what Lin Long was thinking, and replied immediately.    


Guo Fa hurried to say, "Uncle Hu, this friend of mine just entered the Stone Wood World. He doesn't have much Crystal Profound Stones on him, could he spare a few?"    


"No." Uncle Hu immediately shook his head.    


"Then, I can only go and earn some crystal profound stones to come back." Lin Long laughed bitterly.    


"Brother Lin, I can't help much, I've basically used up all of the Profound Crystal Stones I had previously saved. Otherwise, I would have been able to help you." Guo Fa also said.    


"Then it's fine." Lin Long could not help but smile.    


At this time, Uncle Hu suddenly said, "It's fine even if you don't want the crystal and profound stone, as long as you can get a piece of the black ink stone."    


"Black Ink Stone, what is that?" Lin Long asked with some doubt.    


Although he had read a lot of books recently, he had never seen these four words before.    


"The Black Ink Stone is even harder to find." Guo Fa who was standing at the side couldn't help but ask.    


"I don't care about that. In short, it would cost two thousand crystal profound stones, or it would be a Black Ink Stone." Old Uncle Hu said.    


"Then it can only be you, Brother Lin, go and think of a way." Guo Fa said helplessly.    


Then, he started to explain for Lin Long. "This Black Ink Stone is a black palm-sized stone, square in color, with a surface as black as ink ?"    


"This is it." Before Guo Fa could finish, Uncle Hu took out a black stone the size of a palm. It was square.    


"What's the use of this stone?" Lin Long asked curiously.    


"I'm not too sure either. I only know that it's hard to find." Guo Fa said.    


"I don't have time to explain it to you." Old Uncle Hu replied in this manner.    


"Alright, I'll try my best to find two thousand crystal profound stones." Lin Long immediately replied.    


As for this Black Ink Stone, Guo Fa had already said that it would be difficult to find it. Therefore, he had no intentions of finding it.    


After that, the two of them left the place.    


"Brother Lin, I really can't help anymore." Guo Fa said again after they left the store.    


Presumably, he had been blaming himself for not being able to help Lin Long deal with Zhu Xian and the others.    


"Big Bro Guo, don't worry, I'll be able to earn it after spending some time." Lin Long smiled slightly.    


"Then you can only work hard." Guo Fa nodded.    


After a brief pause, he continued, "Why don't you come with us to hunt fierce beasts? It's still faster than you going to earn Profound Crystal Stones by yourself."    


"Mm, I'll think about it." Lin Long nodded.    


That was all Lin Long said, of course Lin Long wouldn't consider following Guo Fa and the others, earning the Profound Crystal Stones with them alone.    


Guo Fa also did not say anything else and took his leave.    


After Guo Fa left, Lin Long headed directly towards the outside of the camp, he still chose to head towards the north side of the camp.    


When he arrived at the north gate of the camp, his eyebrows were already wrinkled because he realized that someone was staring at him. Without a doubt, it was either Zhu Xian's group or Meng Hanyi's group.    


"Woof woof woof ?"    


At this moment, a black wolfhound suddenly rushed out from behind a nearby stone tablet and barked at him.    


This wolfhound was clearly a fierce beast, but since it could appear here, it must have been raised by someone.    


There were two reasons for this. That was, when the wolfhound was born, it would come into contact with its owner. This way, even if it grew up and became stronger, it would still be able to betray its owner with the ruthlessness of a vicious beast.    


The other reason was that the wolfhound had been injured and then saved. After that, it would treat its rescuer as its master and be willing to listen to its master's words.    


Lin Long subconsciously retreated. This wolfhound was not weak and had the strength of a Level 2 Beast.    


"Come back!" Suddenly, a sound like this came from behind the wolfhound. It was a person who had also walked out from that direction.    


This person was around 30 years old with a rune stone sword hanging from his waist.    


Only after hearing that voice did the wolfhound stop and turn around to walk to the side of the man.    


The man looked at Lin Long expressionlessly for a moment, then, without saying anything, he brought the wolfhound to the side.    


Frowning, Lin Long continued to walk outside.    


The moment he left, he quickened his pace towards the front.    


Behind him, there were people quickly following him. Since this was still outside the camp, they wouldn't act so quickly. They would act when they were further away.    


After turning a corner, Lin Long immediately increased his speed and used his own Wood Rippling Steps.    


Seeing him rush forward, the people behind him naturally chased after him even faster.    


What made Lin Long frown was, there were quite a few people following them, and it was obvious that Zhu Xian and Meng Hen had arrived.    


Lin Long had also pushed his own speed to the limit, and the consequences of being chased by these people was unimaginable.    


Fortunately, there were a lot of trees here and it was easy to hide, so after using the Wood Rippling Steps, Lin Long quickly left them behind.    


Why did this brat disappear all of a sudden! The faces of Zhu Xian, Meng Han, and the others who were following closely behind naturally became unsightly.    


Due to the numerous trees, they couldn't tell that Lin Long had used the Wood Rippling Steps, or else they would have been extremely shocked.    


"Senior Brother Zhu Xian, what should we do?" This situation caused him to furrow his brows.    


He had already planned to beat Lin Long up the moment he caught up to him, so that Lin Long would know the price of offending him.    


"Let's search around here for a while." Zhu Xian frowned.    


He couldn't wait to capture Lin Long, so he was naturally unwilling to give up just like that.    


Everyone immediately started to search for Lin Long.    


Lin Long originally wanted to leave, but seeing that Zhu Xian and the rest were split up in search for him, his heart was naturally set ablaze.    


Naturally, he wanted to teach Meng Han and the others a lesson.    


Furthermore, Meng Hen was with one of his people, and not with Zhu Xian and those other people holding the rune stone sword. This naturally gave him an opportunity.    


If he missed this chance, then there would be no more opportunities, so Lin Long would definitely not leave right away.    


After these people distanced themselves from each other, Lin Long directly chased after the two people from Meng Huan.    


Because this place was very close to the campsite, there were very few beasts. Lin Long thought that it would be very difficult to use the method he had used to kill the beasts with Meng Wen and then sneak attack on them.    


Therefore, he planned on using a sneak attack.    


This was naturally because his Dantian recording's ability to conceal his presence was still useful, otherwise he wouldn't dare to make such an attempt.    


Right now, his ability to conceal his aura was naturally not as strong as his spiritual will, but it was still effective.    


If he wanted to sneak attack like this, he would have to wait in front of the two, so in the beginning, Lin Long had made a huge detour, and very quickly, he arrived in front of the two.    


With his powerful spiritual will, he could confirm that the two of them were not far ahead.    


What made him happy was that Meng Han and the other man walked directly from his front. He didn't even need to change seats.    


"That kid can really dodge!" The person beside Meng Huan silently cursed.    


"Be serious, don't talk." Monk Hood frowned.    


The man didn't dare to say a word. He just kept walking and searching.    


Very quickly, they arrived in front of Lin Long. At this time, the other person was walking in front while Meng Huan was walking behind.    


Never would they have thought that Lin Long's one strike would be able to deal with two people.    


After confirming that it was within his attack range, Lin Long made his move, and directly swept his sword towards the two of them.    


The person who was closest to him was the first to be struck, and with a miserable scream, he directly retreated while clutching his chest. At the same time, Lin Long's Sword Qi had already streaked past Meng Huan's chest.    


The reason why Lin Long had been able to attack them so easily was because the two of them had never thought that Lin Long could launch such a sneak attack without making any sound.    


After the Sword Qi slashed across, Lin Long's expression changed slightly, because he discovered that a few runes had actually appeared on Meng Huan's body, and then, an invisible energy had directly blocked most of the Sword Qi. Only a small portion of the Sword Qi had acted upon Meng Huan's body.    


Lin Long could immediately tell that Meng Huan had something like the Stone Tattooed Cloak, if not it would not have such an effect.    


Naturally, he wasn't able to kill Meng Huan with this attack, but Meng Hen was still pushed back by the attack.    


Having failed in one move, and knowing that the other party was wearing the Stone Patterned Robe, Lin Long naturally would not chase after him recklessly, because he did not have the confidence to kill Meng Huan while the others were rushing over to support him.    


After all, Meng Huan could also use rune wood swords. He was not much stronger than his opponent.    


As such, he turned and fled.    


Having suffered a great loss, Meng Huan, who was slightly injured, naturally did not dare to continue chasing and just watched as Lin Long left.    


Before long, Zhu Xian had led the others and rushed over.    


Seeing that the other person had died and Meng Huan looked injured, Zhu Xian naturally knew that he was being toyed with by Lin Long again.    


However, it was different this time around. Meng Han and the others weren't distracted by any berserk beasts, so he quickly asked, "How could that brat sneak attack you?"    


"That brat is like a rock in front of us, we can't even sense his existence. When we get closer, he suddenly made his move, and Shen Ming was directly killed by his sword. Luckily, I have the Stone Tattooed Armour, otherwise, I would have died at his hands." Meng Han said with an ugly expression.    


"To think that the brat can hide so well." Zhu Xian exclaimed.    


He only thought that it was because Meng Huan and Meng Li didn't notice, but who would have thought that it was because Lin Long had the ability to conceal his presence.    


"It seems like the next time we can only push forward when he leaves the camp!" Someone on the side said in a cold tone.    


"That's a good idea." Zhu Xian nodded.    


"Senior brother Zhu Xian, can you let that wolfhound help us? With its sense of smell, even if Lin Li can hide in this place, he will definitely be found!" Meng Huan replied in this manner.    


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