Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1876 Woody Step

C1876 Woody Step

They shouted for a while, but didn't see any reaction. They quickly rushed over from other directions.    


Soon, they arrived at Yang Yun's location. At this time, they saw a black bear that was happily eating.    


"Damn it!" Seeing something, Zhu Xian's face changed. He hurriedly rushed forward to deal with the black bear.    


The others quickly followed and under their combined efforts, they killed the black bear.    


Seeing that the one the black bear had eaten was obviously Yang Yun, their eyebrows wrinkled even deeper.    


"Why can't Yang Yun deal with a black bear?" One of them asked curiously.    


Zhu Xian didn't say anything, but carefully examined the broken corpse on the ground. Soon, he found the sword wound, and he also discovered that there was no spatial ring on Yang Yun's finger that had yet to be bitten by the black bear.    


As for the rune stone sword, it had disappeared.    


Seeing all this, how could he not see that Yang Yun had been ambushed?    


He frowned, pointed at the sword wound on Yang Yun's back, and pointed at the invisible space ring on his finger. "Yang Yun must have been ambushed by someone while fighting this black bear!"    


Seeing him point it out, the others naturally recognized it as well.    


"Who is so shameless as to actually sneak attack Yang Yun from behind!" Once they confirmed this point, all of them began to curse furiously.    


"Could it be that Lin Li we're chasing?" Someone guessed.    


"That Lin Li is so weak, how could he have ambushed Yang Yun?"    


"Except, other than him, there should be no one else nearby."    


The few of them argued.    


"That Lin Li is the most suspicious. Of course, there could also be someone nearby. After seeing such a good opportunity, they directly went to deal with Yang Yun." Zhu Xian concluded.    


Afterwards, the few of them naturally began to search carefully in the vicinity. It was just that Lin Long had already run far away, and had not left any traces behind.    


Lin Long, who had fled far away, found a cave to hide in, and then took out the spatial ring on Yang Yun's hand. Other than the fact that there were a few ingredients inside the spatial ring, Lin Long was the most happy to see that there was actually a large amount of Profound Crystal Stones.    


Yang Yun was so rich? Lin Long was suspicious.    


How could he have known that Yang Yun had accumulated this much money for who knows how long?    


After that, Lin Long took out a crystal profound stone from his rune space ring. This crystal profound stone was dropped from the crystal profound stone that was inside the cave just now. Of course, Lin Long did not have such a great divine ability that it could cause the crystal profound stone inside to fly into his own rune space ring.    


He had secretly released the Bamboo Mouse just now and the Bamboo Mouse had snuck into the stone cave in front of everyone's eyes.    


Of course, this was because the Bamboo Mouse was small and could not gnaw on it. Otherwise, he wouldn't mind giving it to Zhu Xian and the others.    


This kind of crystal profound stone was formed from many crystal profound stones, and between them, there was a strange suction force that allowed them to gather together once they drew near.    


It was easy to separate them, as long as he tried to break them apart.    


It was precisely because of this that the Bamboo Mouse was able to take back this piece.    


The Bamboo Mouse had sneakily gone over to Lin Long just now, and then Lin Long had easily taken it in.    


As the Bamboo Mouse was small, coupled with the fact that Zhu Xian and the rest's attention was on the other party, how could they have known that Lin Long had this kind of trump card?    


The reason why Lin Long did this was not because he wanted to snatch the Profound Crystal Stone from Guo Fa, but because he had long since noticed that Zhu Xian and the rest were hiding on the other side.    


He was thinking that there would definitely be a fight when the time came, so he directly let the Bamboo Mouse out.    


Roughly counting, there were actually more than three thousand crystal profound stones.    


With the three thousand plus the eight thousand from just now, Lin Long had a smile on his face after calculating it, because he could totally buy a set of Wood Ripple Steps.    


Being chased by Zhu Xian just now made him realize the benefits of having a movement technique like the Wood Rippling Steps.    


If he had this movement technique just now, how could Zhu Xian catch up to him?    


He could tell that Zhu Xian's movement technique was only the Wooden Marking Steps.    


Only after resting here for a while did Lin Long finally leave and directly return to the campsite, sharpening his blade so that he did not waste any time, so naturally, he wanted to obtain the Wood Rippling Steps first.    


Soon enough, he returned to the camp. After returning to the camp, he did not go to his own residence, but instead went straight to the hall where the goods were sold.    


After arriving at the main hall, he went straight to the front of the Wooden Marking Steps.    


"Senior brother, I want to buy this book on Wooden Marking Steps." Lin Long pointed to the book on the Wooden Marking Steps and said to the male disciple in charge of sales by the side.    


"This is a ten thousand crystal profound stones. Junior Brother, are you sure you have that many crystal profound stones?" The twenty-something year old male disciple could not help but say.    


He could tell that Lin Long was a disciple who had just arrived, so he was naturally worried that Lin Long didn't have that many crystal profound stones.    


"Senior Brother, please count." Lin Long said while taking out a crystal profound stone.    


Seeing the Profound Crystal Stone, the male disciple was naturally surprised, but he quickly put away his expression and extended his hand to measure the Profound Crystal Stone.    


After weighing it, he knew that there were exactly ten thousand crystals and Profound Stones. He immediately nodded and said, "It just so happens to be ten thousand crystals and Profound Stones. You can take Junior Brother's Wood Ripple Steps."    


With that, he took out the Wood Ripple Steps and gave it to Lin Long. Receiving the Wood Ripple Steps, Lin Long did not care about the shocked gazes of the people around him and directly walked out.    


Some people recognized Lin Long as a new disciple, and they were naturally surprised that a new disciple could actually purchase such a Wood Pattern Steps so quickly.    


The news spread like wildfire, and soon enough, it reached the ears of many people.    


Zhu Xian, who had just returned to the camp, also heard this message.    


Could that person be Lin Li? Such a thought suddenly flashed through his mind.    


He then started to carefully inquire about the appearance of the person who had bought the Wooden Marking Steps. After asking, he was even more sure that his guess was correct.    


How could a new disciple who had just arrived in the Stone Wood World earn that many Crystal Profound Stones in such a short amount of time? Therefore, Zhu Xian immediately suspected that Lin Long had killed Yang Yun and snatched the Crystal Profound Stones from him before he was able to obtain that many Crystal Profound Stones.    


With a dark expression, he immediately called the other two over.    


After some discussion, these people similarly approved of his guess.    


Therefore, the three of them immediately and aggressively charged towards Lin Long's residence.    


After coming to the vicinity, after asking around for a bit, they found the room Lin Long stayed in, and then walked over.    


"Bang, bang, bang ?"    


Once they arrived in front of Lin Long's room, they immediately knocked with all their might.    


Lin Long opened the door to see Zhu Xian and a few others.    


"Senior Brother Zhu Xian, what are you people doing here? This is the camp, don't act recklessly." Lin Long said, calm and unruffled in the midst of the chaos.    


He was not afraid of what these people could do in this camp.    


"Lin Li, did you kill Yang Yun? Did you steal his Profound Crystal Stone, that's why you were able to buy the Wood Ripple Steps!" Zhu Xian said coldly.    


Hearing his words, Lin Long knew that they had heard of him buying the Wood Vein Steps, which was why they came to find him so quickly.    


"What?" Is Senior Yang dead? " Lin Long said with a face full of shock.    


"What are you pretending for, if you didn't ambush and kill Yang Yun, how could you have so many Crystal Profound Stones to buy the Wood Tattooing Steps?" A person beside Zhu Xian said with his eyes wide open.    


"Senior brother, you are wrong." Lin Long shook his head.    


"Wrong? What's wrong with that? " Zhu Xian and a few others said in a cold voice.    


Lin Long, on the other hand, said indifferently, "I did indeed buy the Wood Ripple Steps, but that was my own Crystal Profound Stone and I didn't steal it."    


"You must be joking, you just arrived a few days ago, where are you going to ask for that many Crystal Profound Stones?" Zhu Xian said with a gloomy face.    


"I was lucky enough to find a large piece of crystal profound stone on the ground after being chased and killed by you. After counting, I actually found over ten thousand crystal profound stones on it. Naturally, I'm here to buy the Wood Rippling Steps." Lin Long laughed.    


"Aren't you just talking nonsense? Where in the world would one be able to pick up Crystal Profound Stones just by walking on the road? " The few of them shouted in anger.    


"If you don't believe me, then I can't help it. I wasn't stolen, so of course, you can go and call Senior Brother Fang Liang or even Instructor Yao Hongsheng here to see if they believe you or believe me." Lin Long laughed again.    


Since these people had no evidence, he wasn't worried at all.    


"Good boy, you are ruthless!" He knew that even if he called Yao Hong Sheng over, it would be useless. Thus, Zhu Xian could only say this.    


After all, Yao Hongsheng and company usually didn't care about what happened outside the camp, let alone such things.    


"Brat, don't let us meet you next time. Otherwise, you won't even know how you died!" Someone beside Zhu Xian threatened again.    


At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the other side. A few of them turned around and realized that the crown prince had brought a few people with him.    


"Greetings, Crown Prince." Zhu Xian and a few others said respectfully.    


"Senior Brother Zhu Xian, there's no need to be so polite. Just call me Junior Brother Meng Huan from now on." The crown prince laughed.    


Although status was useful, strength was respected in this world. Thus, he did not dare to put on airs.    


"What's going on? Did Lin Li provoke Senior Brother Zhu Xian?" Meng Hen asked curiously.    


"We suspect that this kid killed one of our brothers!" Zhu Xian said coldly.    


"Tsk tsk, Lin Li, you are so brave. You even dare to kill your senior brother." Meng Wen could not help but say.    


Although he was serious on the surface, deep down, his heart was bursting with joy. Lin Long and a person like Zhu Xian had such a conflict, naturally made him happy.    


"Um, you misunderstand. I didn't kill him." Lin Long immediately waved his hand.    


"No matter what, you just have to wait for my revenge!" Zhu Xian said angrily.    


If not for taking into account the rules of the camp, he would have rushed forward to attack Lin Long.    


"Senior Brother Zhu Xian, let's not bother with this kid and talk about this matter with me first." Meng Wen smiled.    


"Alright." Zhu Xian immediately said.    


Given the other party's identity, he would naturally not decline.    


The three of them followed Meng Han.    


Lin Long naturally would not care about how the other party treated him, since he had already offended him, at that time, he would just have to take care of it.    


After closing the door, he started to study the Wooden Marking Steps that he had just obtained.    


It was not easy to master the Wood Rune Step, and it took him a whole day and a half to completely understand it. It turned out that the Wood Marking Step was made using runes to borrow the energy of the Symbol Grammar Array.    


Inside the Stone Wood World, there was also a rune array.    


After comprehending the Wooden Marking Steps, Lin Long spent an entire day to master it.    


After mastering the Wood Vein Steps, he started to test it out. The moment he activated it, runes appeared on his body, and he was able to borrow the power of the rune array and activate the Wood Vein Steps.    


After a round of experimentation, Lin Long nodded his head in satisfaction. He believed that if Zhu Xian came to chase him again, he would definitely be able to get rid of him.    


With this Wood Rippling Steps, he had gained a few more abilities to protect himself.    


After which, Lin Long did not immediately leave the camp, but used the remaining crystal profound stones to go to the hall to buy ingredients to create the Runic Wood Sword.    


After buying a large pile of ingredients, Lin Long began to refine them.    


With his rich experience, Liu Ming naturally created the Rune Wood Sword faster than an average person. However, he had to spend three days to create one Rune Wood Sword.    


Confirm that Lin Long can pass the requirements on the Rune Wood Sword. Only then will he be able to focus on controlling the Rune Stone Sword.    


In the following period of time, other than going to listen to Fang Liang and the others' lectures, he once again focused his attention on the Compendium Pavilion.    


This time, he spent five whole days to gain some understanding of controlling the rune stone sword.    


If he wanted to control the Rune Stone Sword, he would first need a Rune Stone sword. Coincidentally, Lin Long had something he got from Yang Yun, and took it out immediately.    


However, what made his expression unsightly was that he was unable to channel his force into this rune sword. This way, he would naturally not be able to use the rune stone sword.    


How could this be? Lin Long had a puzzled look.    


Therefore, Lin Long did not ask Fang Liang and the rest. Instead, he went to the Compendium Pavilion to flip through the books and see if he could find out what was going on.    


After spending more than a day, he finally found the reason in a book.    


Presumably, Yang Yun had dripped his own blood essence into the rune stone sword, Lin Long thought.    


This was a special method to prevent his rune stone sword from being stolen by others. Many people in this Stone Wood World used this method.    


It was just that the majority of the books did not mention it, neither did Fang Liang and the others, and Lin Long did not even see any, so he did not know of such a method.    


The book in front of him said that this kind of blood essence could be removed using a special method, but what made Lin Long speechless was that it only mentioned that it could be removed.    


Helpless, Lin Long could only continue searching in the Compendium Pavilion.    


However, what made him depressed was that he couldn't find any way after searching for a long time.    


Just as he was feeling dismayed over the matter, he saw an acquaintance walking into the Compendium Pavilion. It was Guo Fa who he had met in the northern area of the campsite previously.    


Guo Fa should know this method, so he might as well ask him. Thinking about this, Lin Long walked towards Guo Fa who had already walked to a corner.    


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