Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C1862 He Had Been Overtaken

C1862 He Had Been Overtaken

"You should shake off these Dark Spirit Birds first." The other party replied in this manner.    


Lin Long immediately sprinted towards the right side, and after spending a lot of effort, he shook off the group of Black Spirit Birds.    


The scholarly young man and the other man followed closely behind him.    


After stopping, Lin Long quickly asked, "Does this big brother have any way to shake off these Dark Spirit Birds?"    


"These Black Spirit Birds chased you through the scent of the Black Spirit Fruit. I just happen to have a male yellowstone here. Just put it on your body." the man said.    


As he said that, he threw a yellow stone over, and Lin Long immediately caught it.    


Lin Long naturally had a way to hide the scent, but since the other party said that the Master Yellow Stone was useful, he didn't want to waste time.    


He immediately placed the yellowstone on his body.    


Sure enough, in the following period of time, those black birds did not appear again. This caused Lin Long to let out a sigh of relief.    


Although with his strength, he could risk his life to rush forwards, that would be a great price to pay. If he were to be entangled by some other vicious beast, or just happen to be caught by the black-clothed woman, it wouldn't be worth it.    


"Thank you very much." Seeing that the yellowstone was really useful, Lin Long could not help but express his gratitude.    


"You're welcome. Actually, the reason I helped you was because I wanted you to help me with something." The scholarly young man laughed.    


"Oh, what is it?" Lin Long said.    


"I found a purple moon stone in a nearby cave, but it was guarded by a powerful fourth level vicious beast. We were no match for that beast, so we wanted to find someone to help us. We just happened to see you, so we wanted to ask for your help." The elegant youth said.    


"That's fine." Lin Long nodded.    


"That's great." The scholarly young man could not help but exclaim: "We will go immediately!"    


He then turned around and led Lin Long to the back.    


"Little brother, how should I address you?" The elegant youth said as he walked.    


"Surnamed Lin Long." Lin Long said.    


"My name is Feng Minghao." Then, he pointed to the woman beside him and said, "This is my younger sister, Feng Ting."    


The girl named Feng Ting immediately smiled at Lin Long, she did not seem to like to talk, and did not say a word.    


"My sister doesn't like to talk, so don't take it to heart, little brother." Feng Hao said.    


"Of course." Lin Long laughed.    


"Little brother, you want to come to the Symbol Literature Academy to practice Symbol Literature, right?" Feng Hao asked.    


"Yes, that's right." Lin Long nodded.    


"That's really rare. Your strength is so strong, and you're even so focused on the Symbol Literature. It's really surprising." Feng Hao said again.    


"It's not a bad thing to learn one more thing." Lin Long laughed, then asked, "What about the two of you, do you also want to enter the Symbol Literature Academy?"    


"As for us, we have already been in the Symbol Literature Academy for a few years. We were out for some matters during these two days, and when we returned, we coincidentally discovered that purple moon stone. Feng Hao said.    


"I've already been in the Symbol Literature Academy for a few years!" The other party's words naturally surprised Lin Long.    


"Haha, Brother Lin, if you need anything from me in the future, you can look for me." Feng Hao laughed.    


With that, he pointed to a stone cave in front of them. "We're here. The purple moon stone is in that cave."    


Lin Long immediately looked towards the cave. With his strong spiritual will, he could feel that there was a fierce beast inside, and it did not seem to be weak.    


"There's a Mountain Pangolin inside, its armor is too thick. Otherwise, it would have been blown away by my rune bombs." Feng Hao said.    


Lin Long knew that the rune bomb was the thing that the green clothed lady had thrown at him previously at Lotus Flower Town. This was something that he found out later on when he asked Qing Lian, the Chaotic Continent did not have this kind of thing.    


This thing used runes to confine the energy within the ball. When it met an enemy, it would activate the runes and throw it out.    


"Can I lure it out?" Lin Long asked as he looked at the small cave.    


"I can't either." Feng Hao shook his head, "This Mountain Breaking Beast is very skilled. It knows that most of the purple moon stone that was lured out will be taken away, so it won't come out no matter what."    


"In that case, Miss Feng and I will enter." Lin Long said.    


He could kill this mountain penetrating beast by himself, but he didn't want to expose his own strength. It was better to keep a low profile at any time.    


"Alright." Feng Hao nodded and then looked to Feng Ting, who was at the side, and said, "Sister, just follow him in. I'll help you guys."    


"Alright." Feng Ting nodded.    


Immediately, the three of them walked towards the cave. The moment they arrived outside the cave, they heard the low roar of the Mountain Piercing Beast.    


At this time, Lin Long could see clearly that there were traces of being blasted away by the rune bombs inside the cave. It was obvious that Feng Hao had not lied to him, and had even used the rune bombs to fight the Mountain Piercing Beast inside.    


After that, Lin Long and Feng Ting carefully walked in. The outside of the cave was narrow and wide, and could only fit three people outside. Inside, there were five or six people who could pass through at the same time.    


After walking a few meters, Lin Long saw a pangolin beast standing inside. This pangolin was around the size of a calf and its body was wrapped in thick armor.    


"Brother Lin, the weakness of this mountain penetrating beast lies in its abdomen and eyes, it's just that it's very difficult for us to attack its abdomen, so we can only attack its eyes." Feng Ting stood beside Lin Long and said.    


"Yes." Lin Long nodded.    


Before he could finish his sentence, he had already launched an attack towards the Mountain Breaking Beast in front of him. The direction of his attack was naturally towards the Mountain Breaking Beast's eyes.    


How could the eyes of this Mountain Piercing Beast be so easy to hit? Once it saw Lin Long's sword attack, it tilted its head and suddenly charged towards Lin Long.    


Lin Long's figure blurred and he quickly dodged to the side. Being run into by this mountain piercing beast was not comfortable.    


Feng Ting, on the other hand, seized the opportunity to stab her sword into the eyes of the beast.    


Unexpectedly, the Pangolin's tail swept out, and its thick tail immediately swept towards Feng Ting.    


Feng Ting could only retreat. Just as Feng Ting dodged, Lin Long had already sent another sword strike towards the Pangolin.    


Two people and one beast were fighting in such a narrow space. This Mountain Piercing Beast was fierce, but its movement was nothing much, and could not even injure two people while being pummeled on two sides by Lin Long and Lin Long.    


After a dozen or so moves, Lin Long, who relied on the ingenuity of the Mysterious Wind Sword Technique, pierced one of the mountain penetrating beast's eye.    


After taking this strike, the Mountain Piercing Beast immediately rolled in the air in pain. Then, without caring about anything else, it charged towards Feng Ting.    


Feng Ting's back happened to be the wall of the cave, and for a moment, she didn't even know where to dodge to.    


Right at this moment, Lin Long's sword had impressively struck the Pangolin's other eye.    


After this attack, the Mountain Splitting Beast lost all its strength and fell from the sky. Lin Long seized this opportunity to strike at its stomach.    


Even though the Mountain Splitting Beast could feel it, how could it withstand Lin Long's sword? In the next moment, with a "puchi", Lin Long's sword actually pierced a hole through the Mountain Splitting Beast's stomach.    


With this, this Mountain Piercing Beast did not have much strength left, and directly died to Lin Long and Yue Yang.    


After killing the mountain beast, the two continued to walk further inside. A few steps later, they saw a dark purple stone the size of two palms with dark markings on it.    


I guess that's the Purple Mountain Stone, Lin Long thought.    


"Big Brother Feng, the Mountain Pangolin has already been killed. Come in." Lin Long did not take down the Purple Mountain Stone, but said to Feng Hao who was outside.    


He had come to help. Moreover, he didn't know what use these Purple Moon Rocks were for, so he naturally wouldn't snatch them from his hands.    


Hearing the voice, Feng Hao immediately walked in. As he saw the stone, his eyes lit up with a face full of joy. "It really is the purple moon stone!"    


He took two steps forward and took the stone in his hand.    


"What is the use of the violet moon stone?" Lin Long could not help but ask.    


"It's a rare material from the Symbol Literature." As he spoke, he used his strength to split the Purple Peak Stone into two halves.    


Then, he directly passed half of it to Lin Long, "Little Brother Lin, the other half is for you."    


Lin Long didn't hold back and directly received it, then stored it among the rune space ring. Seeing how the other party was acting now, there must be some great use of the purple moon stone, so Lin Long naturally didn't mind obtaining it.    


"I like someone as straightforward as Brother Lin." Feng Hao could not help but laugh.    


As for the armor Feng Hao didn't want, Lin Long had peeled all of it off and kept it in his rune space ring. This was a top quality material, Lin Long would be useful to him in the future if he did not use it now.    


After that, the three of them left.    


After exiting the cave, Feng Hao said, "Brother Lin, you should head over first. We still have some matters to attend to, we can enter the Symbol Literature Academy after we are done."    


"Alright, then I'll be leaving first!" Lin Long nodded.    


The three of them split up just like that, while Lin Long sprinted in the direction where the white light shone.    


He had only run a few dozen feet when his expression suddenly changed. This was because he discovered that the energy of the green pill on his body had clearly been exhausted.    


In other words, he wouldn't be able to block the woman in black's search from following this.    


Fortunately, he was already at the edge of the bizarre Symbol Grammar Array, as long as he entered, there would be no problems. Thinking of this, Lin Long could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    


Following that, he dashed forward at his fastest speed. Who would have thought that the white light would be so close to him? It was only after running for half an hour did he finally see the edge of the light.    


Just a little more and we'll be there!    


Who would have thought that just as this thought flashed across Lin Long's mind, a few sounds came from the void behind him.    


Lin Long turned his head to look and his face immediately darkened. This was because not far behind him, in the sky, a figure was charging towards his direction as if bringing a ball of fire.    


Although there were fierce beasts with powerful strength in the sky, they were obviously afraid of the black-clothed woman, so they didn't dare to approach her.    


At this time, Lin Long had no hesitation at all as he immediately charged towards the white light in front of him.    


He was very fast, but the woman in black behind him was even faster.    


Fortunately, the moment he rushed into the white light, the opponent had already arrived behind him. In this process, the opponent had already sent a palm strike towards him.    


However, her palm was immediately blocked by the white light of the strange Symbol Grammar Array. Ripples appeared on the white light, and the powerful palm force that the woman in black had launched directly dissipated into nothingness.    


"Brat, quickly come out!" The black clothed female did not know if she was afraid of the Symbol Grammar Array or what, she did not rush in, but instead shouted at Lin Long who was inside.    


Lin Long did not care about her, and continued to walk in.    


He could clearly feel that the force within his body, and even the berserk beast's innate talent, could no longer be activated.    


Obviously, what Jiang Zhixing and Qing Lian had said was the truth.    


Seeing that Lin Long did not come out at all, the black clothed lady could not help but frown, after stomping his feet, she too rushed into the white light.    


Once she charged into the white light, she immediately started to chase after Lin Long, but she was no longer as strong as she was before.    


Seeing that she had actually followed him in, Lin Long turned around immediately.    


Although he was unable to stimulate the innate talent of the fierce beasts and the strength in his body, he could still feel that his body technique was still there, so he was naturally not worried that he would not be able to deal with the opponent.    


"Previously, you made me flee in fear. Now, I'll let you know the consequences of my actions!" Lin Long said coldly.    


"Humph, don't think that you can deal with me here!" The girl in black didn't seem to mind.    


Lin Long did not take her words to heart. Just as he was about to rush forward and beat his up, his face changed, because he realized that he had taken out a Runic Bullet from his body.    


"Kid, quickly squat down obediently. Otherwise, I will let you know how terrifying this rune bomb is!" The black-robed maiden said smugly.    


Looking at the Rune in the opponent's hands, Lin Long's face turned gloomy, he did not dare to test the might of the Rune in his hands.    


Although the body technique was still there, without the help of the Qi in his body, even if he could block the rune bomb, he would still be severely injured.    


"Hurry up!" Seeing that Lin Long had not moved, the black clothed girl urged again, and at the same time, his right hand made a motion as though he was about to throw a Runic Bullet.    


Frowning, Lin Long could only squat down.    


At this moment, the girl in black took out a set of shackles and threw it at him. "Use these shackles to bind your hands!"    


The black female girl thought very carefully, as long as Lin Long's hands were locked up, no matter how much Lin Long jumped, he would only become her prisoner.    


Of course, it was also useful outside because the shackles couldn't be easily broken.    


If he had to lock this hand shackle, he would only be a prisoner under the other party's orders. He could not do this, this thought flashed through Lin Long's mind as he picked up the hand shackle.    


At this moment, he felt that he had to put his life on the line no matter what, so when he pretended to use the shackles to lock himself down, he suddenly rushed towards the opponent.    


What he didn't expect was that the other didn't throw the rune grenade over, but backed away subconsciously.    


This was an opportunity that Lin Long would never let go of. Grabbing the shackles around his hand, he swept it towards the rune bomb.    


In a split-second, he directly sent the rune bomb flying.    


At the same time, the girl in black actually threw a punch at his face.    


What made Lin Long a little surprised was that under the circumstances where he was unable to activate the Qi Qi in his body, the power of the black clothed female's punch was actually not weak at all.    


How could Lin Long allow himself to be so easily struck by his opponent? His right hand directly grabbed at his opponent's wrist.    


When his opponent's fist was about to land on his face, he grabbed his opponent's wrist tightly.    


Due to the momentum, the two of them tumbled to the ground.    


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