Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C508 Daphne

C508 Daphne

Speaking till here, Master Zhuo looked at Lin Long and said, "Lin Long, you should be most concerned about Miss Situ, but after that, I do not know anything more about Miss Situ. I only know that she married Luo Ying in the end, and as for why I have no way of knowing."    


"Is that so?" Hearing Master Zhuo's words, Lin Long frowned.    


"After that, Luo Ying completely controlled the Ten Thousand Beast Valley in his hands." Master Zhuo said at the end.    


"Elder Zhuo, why are there so few people in the valley? Some of the elders, women, and children have all disappeared?" Lin Long asked.    


"Because the rune apparatus that Luo Ying made is easy to learn, they were able to learn how to use it. Of course, this is a good thing, but in the end, that evil Luo Ying used this excuse directly to make them go out to hunt. Their old and young, had never gone out to train before. A few have survived but they were still sent out by Luo Ying, which is probably the case today. " Master Zhuo explained.    


"Could it be that there are so few people in the tribe that Luo Ying has to even send them out?" Lin Long could not help but frown.    


"On one hand, it's not that much. On the other hand, I guess it's because Luo Ying thought it was useless to keep them here and wasted the tribe's rations for nothing, so she used this kind of excuse to get rid of them." Saying this, Master Zhuo's face revealed an angry expression.    


"This Luo Ying is really hateful." Even someone as decisive as Lin Long could not help but reveal a disgusted and disgusted expression.    


"What's wrong with that green crystal?" After cursing, Lin Long asked again.    


"About this … I heard that it was because of the past three months. The number of crystals in some places that were easy to obtain had mysteriously decreased. Some places didn't even have crystals. I heard that the month is more obvious, and it is also because of the people in the tribe that they go out every day." I don't know why this is happening, but if it continues like this, the tribe will be in danger. " Master Zhuo sighed.    


"Is that so?" Lin Long frowned, he did not expect the matter to be so serious.    


After putting aside that thought, Lin Long asked again, "Elder Zhuo, is it possible for you to obtain and research the opponent's complete rune apparatus from someone familiar to you?"    


The complete rune apparatus was the most important thing to do right now.    


"I don't have a chance. The people outside are always watching me. I have no way of contacting them." Master Zhuo shook his head, and then added, "Moreover, this Luo Ying is extremely cautious, the rune apparatus in his hands is always stronger than others, and the six people beside him are always stronger than the others in their tribe, like the person who comes in contact with me often outside who was unable to get her hands on the new rune apparatus."    


"Oh." Lin Long replied as though he was deep in thought.    


"Lin Long, you want to get their rune apparatus to study, right?" Master Zhuo asked.    


"I have such a plan." Lin Long nodded.    


I suggest that you leave the tribe as soon as possible and find a safe place to stay. Otherwise, it'll be troublesome when Luo Ying comes back. Master Zhuo tried to persuade him.    


"Don't worry Elder Zhuo, I know what I'm doing." Lin Long said, and after a quick thought, he asked again, "Elder Zhuo, then where does Luo Ying live?"    


"Could it be that you want to go to Luo Ying's house to search?" Hearing Lin Long's words, Master Zhuo could not help but be surprised.    


"Let's go take a look. Maybe we'll be able to get something out of it." Lin Long said.    


"I advise you not to go, it's already a bit late, Luo Ying and the rest will be back soon, if you run into him while searching inside, it would be troublesome, not to mention that with Luo Ying's caution, there's a high chance that there isn't anything related to the rune apparatus in his house." Master Zhuo quickly replied.    


"Elder Zhuo, I will act according to the circumstances."    


Seeing that Lin Long was like that, Master Zhuo could only point out the place Luo Ying lived at to Lin Long.    


After that, Lin Long took out a healing medicine and gave it to Elder Zhuo, while Lin Long himself took advantage of the fact that the person outside was not paying attention to him to sneak out of Elder Zhuo's house.    


Along the way, they cautiously walked for a while before arriving at Luo Ying's residence, which was near the tribe's plaza.    


This was a newly built stone house. No, it could be said to be a courtyard, and it was seven or eight times larger than the one Lin Long and Situ Feng lived in before.    


Outside the stone hut, there was a person walking back and forth. Obviously, he was the person in charge of taking care of Luo Ying's residence.    


With Lin Long's strength, he could easily dodge this person and climb over the wall into Luo Ying's courtyard.    


According to Master Zhuo, there was an 80% chance that this Luo Ying would not keep her research results in her house. The reason why Lin Long came here was not only because there was still a remaining twenty percent hope, but also because some geniuses had the habit of recording some things by their side at all times.    


Even if these records didn't have anything to do with the Symbol Literature, Lin Long could probably still gain inspiration from it.    


It was precisely because of this that Lin Long wanted to make a trip here.    


After arriving at one of the rooms, Lin Long's expression was a little ugly, because there was a large "double" word pasted on the door.    


Resisting the urge to tear the word "double", Lin Long entered the room.    


After searching through the room for a while, Lin Long still could not find anything useful.    


After that, he could only leave this room to search the other. There were a total of three rooms in the courtyard.    


The room he was in was right in the middle.    


After searching for a while, he still found nothing. Just as he was about to enter the third room, he heard voices not far away. It seemed like there were quite a lot of people outside.    


Needless to say, the other people who had left the tribe, and even Luo Ying, had returned.    


At this time, it was easy for Lin Long to leave, but his gaze suddenly stopped at the wooden door behind him.    


Because above it, there were some disorderly looking lines.    


After looking carefully, Lin Long's face immediately revealed a look of astonishment, because at first glance, these lines looked messy and disorderly, but upon closer inspection, it formed an extremely strange pattern.    


The strangest thing was that these lines could change according to the light, and with every change, the pattern on it would change.    


However, all the diagrams were extremely blurry, even with Lin Long's astonishing eyesight, he was only able to see a rough outline.    


It would take some time to get to the bottom of this.    


While he was focusing on the drawing, footsteps could be heard outside the courtyard.    


It sounded like two voices, and from the looks of it, it should be Situ Feng's and Luo Ying's.    


At this time, Lin Long naturally could not leave.    


The two people outside then walked towards the room in the middle.    


Lin Long frowned slightly, then his figure suddenly moved, in the blink of an eye he was already hanging on the roof of the house like a spider.    


At this moment, he didn't have anything blocking the way, which meant that once someone entered, they would be able to see that there was an extra person in the room.    


Fortunately, this house was built at twice the height compared to the others, otherwise, they would have been able to sense that there was an additional Lin Long when they did not see each other.    


After the door opened with a "creak", a woman walked in. She had a delicate face and outstanding figure.    


Following him was a young man who looked to be in his thirties. His face was white without a beard, and his face looked extremely sinister.    


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