Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C503 Gift

C503 Gift

The first thing Lin Long took out was a small booklet. Receiving the small booklet, Murong Xue was stunned, he did not know why Lin Long gave her the small booklet.    


Subconsciously, she opened the booklet and saw that the first page had the words《 Heavenly Art》.    


"Senior-apprentice Brother Lin, this is …?" Murong Xue asked doubtfully.    


"This is a very powerful cultivation technique, your Mr. Pei's personal《 Heavenly Evolution》 is far inferior to it." Lin Long said lightly.    


Lin Long was not exaggerating, although the Mr. Pei had astounding talents, but the《 Heavenly Evolution》 and《 Heavenly Mystery》 that he trained were indeed very different.    


"Is the 'Heavenly Evolution Tao technique' far inferior to it?" Murong Xue said in disbelief.    


All along, the《 Heavenly Evolution》 had always been very strong in Murong Xue's heart, even if it wasn't the Chaotic Continent's most powerful technique, it would at least be one of the top three. Who would have thought that Lin Long said that the《 Heavenly Arts》 was much stronger than it.    


Honestly speaking, Murong Xue did not dare to accept, but Lin Long's strength had convinced her of one thing, and that was that what Lin Long said should be true.    


"Right." Lin Long nodded.    


"Then Senior Apprentice Brother Lin, do you mean that you want me to practice this' Art of Confusion of Heavenly Secrets'?" Murong Xue opened his eyes wide.    


"Yes. Moreover, this' Art of Confusion 'does not belong to any sect. You can learn it without worry." Lin Long nodded.    


"Thank you, Senior-apprentice Brother Lin." Murong Xue was immediately overjoyed.    


Although she was very satisfied with the《 Heavenly Evolution》, since Lin Long said that the《 Heavenly Arts》 was good, how could she not practice it?    


Murong Xue immediately put away the small booklet and smelled the water and ink that the booklet contained. Murong Xue's heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate, because this was obviously what Lin Long had just written.    


When Senior Brother Lin told me to come in alone, he probably just gave me this "Heavenly Art" to cultivate. Thinking of this, Murong Xue's face unconsciously turned red.    


However, thinking that Lin Long would leave very soon, such bashful feelings were quickly tossed to the back of her mind.    


"Junior-apprentice Sister Murong, although this' Great Heavenly Art 'is not owned by any sect, your senior-apprentice brother does not wish for it to be spread out." Lin Long continued.    


Murong Xue's heart was a little kind, he was really worried that she would spread the news of the《 Heavenly Arts》 in the future.    


Of course, Lin Long had also made some modifications inside, making this《 Heavenly Arts》 only suitable for Murong Xue to cultivate, if others were to cultivate it, it would be easy for them to fall into her trap.    


Even so, Lin Long felt that he still had to warn Murong Xue a little.    


"Senior Brother, don't worry. Junior Sister will definitely not spread it around." Murong Xue nodded very cautiously.    


"Yes." Lin Long nodded his head, then said, "Other than this《 Heavenly Arts》, I have something else to give you."    


"There's something else?" Murong Xue stared blankly at him, then hurriedly reached out her hand to stop him, "Senior Brother, the weight of the《 Heavenly Art》 that you gave to Junior Sister is already heavy enough, you don't need to give her anything else."    


Although it seemed like Lin Long had casually given her the《 Confusion Heavenly Arts》, how could Murong Xue not see how precious the《 Confusion Heavenly Arts》 was?    


However, Lin Long smiled and grabbed the small hand Murong Xue reached out to stop him.    


Lin Long's grab was unintentional, but Murong Xue was frozen still for a moment. Her entire body trembled slightly, and her delicate little face flushed red at the first possible moment.    


Lin Long naturally saw that Murong Xue was embarrassed, and immediately let go of Murong Xue's hand without batting an eyelid, then took out a handful of rune sword s.    


Once the sword appeared, the surroundings immediately became filled with mist, and the temperature of the room dropped by quite a bit.    


"This is?" Looking at the sword, Murong Xue was stunned again.    


She felt that this sword was somewhat familiar, but she could not immediately recall where she had seen it before.    


"This is the Frost Sword that Yang Jian held in front of me. I will give it to you now." Lin Long smiled slightly.    


"Senior brother Lin, forget it, I cannot take this rune sword." Murong Xue hurriedly shook his head.    


The reason why she refused was not because Yang Jian had held onto the sword in the past, but because the sword was originally Teacher Ye Hongyi's.    


Murong Xue definitely did not want Ye Hongyi to feel resentful from the bottom of his heart.    


Lin Long knew what Murong Xue was thinking, so he did not continue to persuade him, but said, "Let's go out."    


Murong Xue thought that Lin Long had given up on letting him take the cold ice sword, and in her heart, she could not help but heave a sigh of relief.    


The two of them walked out of the room one after another. Outside, Wei Zhanpeng and the other instructors were still standing there respectfully.    


Other than Wei Zhanpeng, the rest of the instructors in the academy were present as well. There were also many disciples of the Sky Spill Academy.    


Presumably, Wei Zhanpeng had informed them that he was leaving, Lin Long thought.    


"Greetings Senior Lin!"    


Seeing Lin Long coming out, all the people outside shouted in unison.    


Although Lin Long did not like such a scene, he did not say anything and raised the ice sword.    


Seeing Lin Long suddenly raising up a handful of rune sword, everyone's gaze immediately turned to the Cold Ice Sword.    


After seeing this sword, all the people who had seen it revealed puzzled expressions, especially Ye Hongyi. He felt that this sword was very familiar to him, but they could not remember where he had seen it before.    


Seeing everyone present, Lin Long smiled indifferently, "I think everyone feels that this sword is very familiar, right? The reason is because it is's Instructor's Frost Sword."    


After leaving the secret realm, he had known from the beginning that Yang Jian had taken away the Cold Ice Sword, but he had never dared to ask Lin Long for it.    


Seeing Lin Long taking it out now, he naturally felt embarrassed.    


Of course, he still couldn't wrap his head around it. Even though he could already tell that this rune sword was the Cold Ice Sword, it was very different from the Cold Ice Sword from before.    


The greatest difference was not on the sword, but on its coldness. Its frost attribute was clearly much stronger than before.    


Ye Hongyi had only taken a few glances when he felt the profound energy in his body freeze over.    


Could Lin Long use a certain method to refine and change it in a short day? Ye Hongyi thought in shock.    


Because if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have been able to explain it at all.    


However, a day's time was simply too short. Even the strongest Charm Magician in the Southern region did not have the confidence to accomplish this.    


It was not only Ye Hongyi who was shocked, even Wei Zhanpeng and the other instructors who were familiar with the Symbol Literature were also extremely shocked in their hearts.    


While everyone was still in shock, Lin Long slowly spoke up, "This sword has changed a lot from before. The reason it has changed so much is because I fused a piece of thousand year old ice into it."    


Millennium Ice?    


Hearing Lin Long's words, everyone who knew about the thousand year cold ice opened their eyes wide in shock.    


Even if it was just a small piece, it would still be priceless and priceless. But who would have thought that not only did Lin Long possess such a treasure, he had even melded it into the cold ice sword.    


In addition to being shocked, Ye Hongyi and the rest were somewhat relieved. This was because only a treasure like the thousand-year-old ice could cause such a great change to the ice sword in such a short amount of time.    


This Lin Long really made people unable to see through him. Thinking about how Lin Long not only had numerous methods, but also had such a treasure, Ye Hongyi and the others couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.    


"However, Senior Lin, what do you mean by taking out this sword?" Soon after, Wei Zhanpeng asked with some doubt.    


The others also shifted their gaze onto Lin Long, they did not think that Lin Long only wanted to show off.    


"I am going to give this Frost Sword to Murong Xue now, do you have any objections?" Lin Long said indifferently.    


We have an objection? What can we say? I'll give it to whoever you want.    


Hearing Lin Long's words, everyone broke out in cold sweat, especially Ye Hongyi, because he could tell that Lin Long's words were directed at him.    


"No objections." Ye Hongyi was the first one to shout.    


"Alright then." Lin Long smiled slightly, turned around, and handed the cold ice sword over to Murong Xue.    


"I can't." Murong Xue shook his head.    


The thousand year cold ice was too precious, how could she accept it?    


"Xue'er, why haven't you received what Senior Lin personally gave you yet?" At this time, Wei Zhanpeng's stern voice sounded beside his ears.    


Since the Principal had spoken, how could Murong Xue not understand?    


Murong Xue could only accept the cold ice sword from Lin Long's hands and nodded as she thanked him.    


Receiving the Cold Ice Sword, Murong Xue was naturally happy in her heart, because this was something that Lin Long had personally given her in front of everyone in the entire academy.    


Looking at Murong Xue who was wielding the ice sword, many people in the surroundings could not help but become envious and jealous. They were jealous that Murong Xue had such a good relationship with Lin Long, to the point where Lin Long even took out the ice sword that was refined with a thousand years old ice.    


These people even included a few instructors.    


Once Murong Xue's matter was settled, Lin Long immediately shifted his gaze towards Mo Tian.    


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