Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C228 Critical Moment

C228 Critical Moment

The remaining six people desperately blocked the tunnel inside the cave, but they knew that they wouldn't be able to hold on for long under the attacks of the murine.    


Seeing the tragic situation in front of her, A Ying, who had rushed to the cave entrance with a face full of grief, suddenly, a black figure charged towards her with a speed that she could not stop.    


Just as the black shadow was about to pounce and bite her face, a blade suddenly flashed by and directly knocked the murine down to the ground.    


It was Ah Long, who had saved A Ying's life at the critical moment.    


"Sister A Ying, be careful." Ah Long said as he waved the big blade in his hand towards the murine that was scuttling over from the side.    


"Ah Long, be careful." A Ying didn't know what to do, she could only console Ah Long like that.    


At this moment, she wished that she could become a powerful warrior, but that was impossible.    


She suddenly thought of her husband. If he were here, her people might not be in such a dangerous situation.    


"I wonder where mister is now?" Looking at the murine in front who were desperately charging forward, and at those brave warriors of the few tribes who could not hold on for long, A Ying could not help but mutter.    


It was also at this time that A Ying suddenly realised that the murine at the very front suddenly turned around and ran out of the cave entrance. Immediately after, the murine that was attacking the Warriors also did the same thing.    


All of a sudden, almost all the murine that rushed into the cave turned around and started running in the direction of the cave entrance.    


Immediately, the remaining warriors felt the pressure lessened.    


What was going on? Everyone could not help but be stunned.    


After being stunned for a moment, they immediately rushed towards the cave entrance. When they arrived at the cave entrance, they saw that hundreds of murine were all rushing in the same direction.    


In that direction, a person was holding a weapon and fighting with the King of murine.    


The King of murine looked extremely powerful, but it could not resist such an attack.    


"Yes, sir!"    


Seeing that person's face, those who had rushed to the cave entrance all cried out in pleasant surprise.    


At the same time, they were overjoyed as hot tears filled their eyes. This was because the appearance of Mister gave them hope, and if not for Mister's appearance, the people who were still alive in the cave would have probably died miserably by the hands of these murine.    


"Mister, you're holding up!"    


Seeing hundreds of murine rushing towards Mister, they were extremely nervous, because if these murine really charged towards Mister, then Mister's strength would not be able to stop them.    


"Charge over quickly and help mister!"    


It was unknown who shouted, but the remaining six warriors, including Ah Long, immediately rushed out of the cave and chased after the murine. Even though their strength was small, they wished to help Mister buy even that little bit of time.    


Just as they were about to charge out, Lin Long stabbed his sword into the gigantic murine's neck. After a whimper, the murine fell to the ground.    


Truly powerful, Lin Long silently cursed in his heart.    


He could tell that this gigantic murine had been fighting for a long time, and was also completely exhausted.    


Once he killed the gigantic murine, Lin Long immediately turned around and retreated back to the big tree beside him at the same time. He raised the sword in his hand as he faced the hundreds of murine s charging towards him.    


He understood that these murine s were even more difficult to deal with than the gigantic murine s. Of course, if he were to first capture the thief and kill the spirit demon clone, these murine s would definitely run away.    


However, because the situation was urgent and the clone did not know where to stay, he could only use the gigantic murine that seemed to be resting to start the fight.    


Just as Lin Long was about to fight to the death with the remaining murine, the murine suddenly stopped.    


Their eyes were still red, but somehow a sense of panic welled up in them.    


Could it be that this giant murine was their commander, and after seeing it die, they instinctively revealed a look of fear towards the person who killed it?    


Lin Long thought about something.    


He could not help but let out a sigh of relief.    


However, right at this moment, the murine that seemed to be a little timid suddenly became irritable and uneasy. In this uneasiness, they seemed to be extremely aggressive.    


Sensing something, Lin Long suddenly raised his head, and looked towards a large boulder to the left. At that place, a black-clothed person was muttering some words, and his hand was making a strange gesture.    


Seeing Lin Long's gaze, his incomparably demonic face immediately revealed an incomparably strange smile.    


Lin Long immediately understood that all of this was because of this clone.    


Seeing the warriors charging towards the murine, he immediately pointed at the clone and shouted, "Ah Long, go kill the alien."    


Ah Long and the rest had originally been focusing on the murine s, so how could they know where the other pagans were? Looking towards the direction that Lin Long was pointing, they saw that the other pagans were standing there, looking as if they were going to use some kind of secret art.    


Seeing Aaron and the others charge towards them, the face of the demon clone turned ugly.    


Immediately, his hand gesture suddenly changed. This change made a few murine to directly pounce towards these brave warriors.    


These murine were extremely fast, and before Ah Long and the rest could reach the Demonic Avatar, they had already surrounded the seven Warriors.    


Fortunately, Ah Long and the rest had their backs against a boulder, otherwise, if they were attacked from all four sides, they would have been torn to shreds by the murine very quickly.    


It was also at the same time that even more murine s directly pounced towards Lin Long.    


Looking at the densely packed murine s, Lin Long's expression did not change. He muttered to himself, "It seems like I can only use that sword technique."    


In the beginning, it could only be activated using mystical Qi, but on the way to the tribe, after careful consideration, he found that the sword technique could also be used to its full effect, just that its effects were very low.    


However, it was enough to deal with these murine.    


The power of the sword technique was strong, but it consumed a lot of energy, so he did not use it when he was fighting the gigantic murine.    


He knew that if he did not quickly take care of these murine, the seven warriors would definitely suffer heavy losses. Therefore, Lin Long brandished his sword and rushed forward, directly using his sword art.    


Once the sword art was unleashed, the violet sun sword that did not have any light actually flashed with a sword beam. However, the sword beam that appeared was very short, and compared to when he was using profound energy, it was like a piece of heaven and earth.    


But this was also the extent to which the body technique could do it.    


Under the command of Lin Long, the violet sun sword drew a bright arc in the air. All of the murine within the arc were directly split apart by the violet sun sword and fell to the ground with pu pu pu.    


However, there were still too many murine s. Even though Lin Long had used the same sword art, a few of them still charged towards him and started to bite him.    


The murine that bit his leg was immediately kicked away, but those murine that bit his chest found out that they could not bite into it at all.    


The reason was simple. Although Lin Long's Cyan Spirit Armor had not been activated to its strongest state due to the restriction of profound energy, how could these murine bite through it so easily?    


When these murine were stunned, they were immediately thrown off by Lin Long.    


The violet sun sword in his hand used the sword technique once again, and in an instant, another strong Sword Qi attacked the surrounding murine.    


Puff puff puff!    


In the midst of the tremors, another large group of murine was killed by Lin Long.    


In just these two attacks, over a hundred of these murine had died.    


Seeing this scene, Ah Long and the other three all became extremely confident. Originally, they thought that even Lin Long would not be able to resist that many murine, but they never thought that Lin Long would actually be so strong.    


As for the demon clone, the expression on his face became extremely ugly, even he did not expect Lin Long to actually comprehend such a powerful sword technique inside the Black Cloud Cave.    


For a moment, the murine s could not help but reveal terrified expressions. However, because they were ordered by the demon clone, they immediately rushed forward fearlessly after being shocked.    


With a sneer, Lin Long used that sword art once again. This sword art was something these murine could not resist, and with the Azure Spirit Armor on Lin Long's body, he would be invincible.    


After that, in the time it took for an incense stick to burn, Lin Long had completely exterminated all of these murine.    


Seeing that Ah Long and the rest were still struggling to hold on, he smiled slightly and immediately went over to help them. With his participation, all the murine that surrounded Ah Long and the rest were exterminated.    


However, Ah Long and the others had also paid a price, which was that two warriors were bitten into serious injury. From the looks of it, with A Ying's power, he couldn't save them at all.    


Lin Long immediately took out his two top-grade healing pellets and threw them to Ah Long, "One pellet for each person."    


Ah Long was overjoyed. After he received it, he immediately let the two of them consume it.    


At this time, they realized that the situation outside had changed greatly. The murine were almost all killed, and A Ying and many others also ran towards the direction of Lin Long from the cave.    


Lin Long did not have time to bother with them, and turned to look at the demon's avatar.    


"Little fellow, I didn't think that you would be able to comprehend such a sword move in Black Cloud Grotto. You truly surprise me!" The spirit demon clone looked at Lin Long with his bewitching eyes.    


Lin Long knew that although he was just a clone of the demon, his personality was no different from the demon. In other words, the demon clone was comparable to the demon clone, and the only difference was his power.    


"I'm afraid there will be more that will surprise you." Lin Long said lightly.    


"Is that so? "Then I'll let you have a taste of your own death." The demon clone revealed a strange smile.    


Immediately after, a dagger suddenly appeared in his hand. To Lin Long's surprise, at this time, the dagger was actually covered with strand after strand of Demonic Qi.    


No wonder Lin Long was surprised, it was because demonic energy and profound energy were already being suppressed in this world. But even in this situation, the demon still used all his methods to unleash his demonic energy.    


It was obvious that he had put in a lot of capital into this.    


Lin Long cautiously stared at the dagger in his opponent's hand. If he could use Spirit Qi, he would naturally not be afraid of the opponent's small amount of Demonic Qi, but it was different now. Right now, he only had the body technique, so he did not know if the sword technique could handle the Demonic Qi.    


In this situation, he had no confidence at all.    


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