Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C226 Mutation(part Ii)

C226 Mutation(part Ii)

A Ying and the others arrived at the cave first, and were treating the heavily injured elder.    


After feeding one pill to the elder, A Ying smeared some powder on the wounds on the elder's body.    


After he finished what he needed to do, A Ying could only sigh as he looked at the elder, who did not seem to have improved at all. Then, he turned around and went to save the others in the tribe.    


The fingers of Aaron who had entered the cave could not help but tremble, because he discovered that there were only sixty-eight people inside, which meant that there were still more than a hundred people outside the cave, and their fates were unknown.    


Although their fates were unknown, looking from the momentum of the murine outside, they basically had no hope of surviving.    


Ah Long never thought that his tribe would be annihilated like this all of a sudden.    


Thinking that these close people could leave him forever like this, Ah Long, who had always been incomparably strong, couldn't help but to have tears flowing down his cheeks at this time when he had to compare himself to his brothers in killing those murine.    


After crying for a while, Ah Long wiped his tears away as he thought of Abu's orders. Then, with a resolute expression, he walked towards the entrance of the cave.    


After reaching the cave entrance, he said to Boo, who was currently looking outside, "Big Brother Boo, I've counted all sixty-eight of you."    




The warriors in the twenty or so tribes were all stunned when they heard this. They didn't expect the number to be so small.    


A warrior who was previously covered in blood said dejectedly, "Boo, these murine came too suddenly and ferociously. The people living in the east side simply don't have the strength to run away."    


Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but sigh.    


"Ah Yue, why are there suddenly so many murine here, and all of them are extremely irritable? Could it be that the pagans that were chased away are back again?" Abu couldn't help but say.    


When A Ying and the others returned to Black Cloud Cave, they naturally told everyone about what happened on the way there. As a result, the people of the tribe all knew that the other races could order murine around.    


The warrior called A'Yue, whose body was covered in blood, shook his head. "I don't know. We didn't see any foreigners. We only saw waves of murine charging towards us."    


"Is that so?" Boo began to ponder.    


"Big brother Abu, Ah Fang is injured. He's barely holding on. Is there anyone around to change him?" At this time, one of the people who was defending against the murine shouted.    


Boo didn't say anything, but someone next to him immediately shouted, "Boo, I'll go."    


"Right." Seeing him, Boo nodded, then patted his shoulder. "Be careful."    


"Relax." The man laughed loudly and walked towards the cave entrance.    


Boo took a deep breath and said loudly to everyone, "You've all seen the current situation. The tribe is at the brink of life and death, so I hope everyone can hold on. But don't try to force it.    


"Yes sir!" The warriors at the cave entrance responded loudly.    


His tone was filled with endless passion, causing the young Ah Long's blood to boil.    


After that, Boo continued to walk to the entrance of the cave and observe the outside. With a single glance, his expression changed again, because in a short period of time, there were hundreds of murine outside.    


Fortunately, the cave entrance was relatively small, and only three people would be able to block the murine's attacks. As long as they changed people in time, everyone would be able to endure for a long period of time.    


However, if the murine outside continued to maintain their numbers, even if they were made of iron, they would not be able to hold on.    


After all, there were only twenty or so of them.    


Just as he was thinking, his expression changed again. His line of sight focused on a large tree not far away.    


He saw a man dressed in black standing there. He looked extremely handsome, but his eyes looked extremely demonic, especially when he was standing in the middle of a group of murine.    


This seemed to be the alien? Even though Boo hadn't really seen the Others, he had made this judgment at the first possible moment.    


Seeing that Boo was looking at him, the man's eyes locked with his own. Seeing the man's gaze, Boo was so shocked that he quickly looked away.    


When they looked away again, there was no longer any trace of the alien under the tree.    


It looks like this time, our tribe is doomed. Boo couldn't help but sigh in his heart.    


Although he had not really seen the appearance of the Others before, he had fought with them before. However, compared to the current Alien, the Alien back then was pitifully weak.    


But luckily, this pagan seemed to only display the ability to order murine around.    


Unknowingly, a day and a night had passed in this kind of fighting.    


Every once in a while, regardless of whether or not the combatants were tired or not, Abbud was determined to replace them, because he knew that if he did not, they would soon be unable to hold on.    


Fortunately, the cave had enough food and water to replenish their energy.    


Even though this exchange had allowed them to maintain enough battle strength, Abu still frowned deeply, because the number of murine outside had not decreased.    


Fortunately, the increase in the number of murine had also become slower. Otherwise, they would not even have had a sliver of hope.    


"Boo, you should go take a rest. I'll take a look at this place." said a man beside Boo.    


"Alright." Abu nodded.    


He knew that as the leader of these people, if he couldn't hold on, it would deal a heavy blow to their confidence. Thus, without any hesitation, he nodded and headed into the cave.    


He had to go and see the elder before he went to rest.    


When he arrived in front of the elder, he asked A Ying who was standing beside him, "A Ying, how is the elder?"    


"Not good." A Ying shook her head.    


The elder's health was not good to begin with. Now that he was injured like this, it was normal for the situation to get out of hand.    


Instead, he comforted her and said, "A Ying, just do your best. Elder won't blame you."    


Just as he was speaking, the elder's mouth suddenly moved, and his eyes that had been closed opened slowly.    


The elder woke up!    


Seeing this, A Ying was immediately overjoyed. The elder had been in a coma the entire time.    


"Elder, elder!" A Ying immediately shouted in a low voice.    


As if he had seen A Ying in front of him, or perhaps he had heard A Ying's call, a smile appeared on the elder's face.    


"A Ying!" The elder shouted with difficulty.    


"Elder, A Ying is here." A Ying quickly said, and at the same time tightly held onto the elder's hand.    


"Abu!" the elder shouted at the elder with great effort.    


"Boo is here." Boo knelt down.    


The others who saw the elder wake up also surrounded him.    


Grandfather then asked, "What's the situation? Did the murine get chased away?"    




A Ying wanted to tell the truth but Abou had already grabbed his clothes and said to the elder, "Elder, the murine had already been chased away by us. The other tribe members also ran back to the Black Cloud Cave."    


The elder thought that what Boo said was true, so he relaxed. "That's good!"    


After saying that, he reached into his bosom and fished out an extremely ancient box.    


This is?    


A Ying and the others were a little confused. They did not know what the elder wanted to take out this thing for.    


Next, the elder opened the box with his trembling hands. Then, a dark red pearl that looked exceptionally bright appeared before their eyes.    


This bead was only the size of an eyeball.    


The elder said excitedly, "Children, this is the Pearl of the Bright Sun that was passed down by our ancestors!"    


Is this the Ming Yang Pearl?    


A Ying and the others looked at each other. They thought that the Pearl of the Bright Sun was placed somewhere in the tribe, but they did not expect it to be carried by the elder.    


To be honest, this Ming Yang Pearl looked too ordinary.    


However, why did the elder bring out the Pearl of Ming Yang at this moment? They were curious.    


"Boo, A Ying, I hope you take good care of this Ming Yang Pearl Tribe's future."    


With that, the elder tilted his head and closed his eyes.    


"Elder, elder!" A Ying shouted anxiously.    


However, no matter what she did, the elder did not respond.    


At this moment, the crowd finally understood why the elder took out the Pearl of the Bright Sun at this time.    


When they were sure that the elder had passed away, the crowd burst into tears.    


It was not long before they recovered from this state of grief.    


Boo originally wanted to take the Ming Yang Bead for safekeeping, but after thinking about it, he decided to give the box containing the Ming Yang Bead to A Ying.    


"A Ying, take care of this Ming Yang Pearl first." A sermon.    


"This …" A Ying didn't know what to say, because this responsibility was too great.    


"Let's hold on for now. After all, there aren't any dangers in this cave." After hearing what Boo said, A Ying took the Ming Yang Bead and kept it close to her body.    


Boo was not in the mood to rest because of what happened to the elder. Just as he walked back into the cave, someone shouted out from outside, "Boo, Brother Boo, quickly come take a look! What is that thing?"    


With a start, Boo hurried toward the cave entrance. When he got there and looked outside, his expression immediately changed.    


He saw that under the big tree where the pagan stayed, there was actually a murine that was over two meters long and half a meter tall. This murine's eyes were also extremely red.    


If ordinary murine were so hard to deal with, then wouldn't it be even more difficult to deal with them?    


It was also at this time that the gigantic murine suddenly let out a strange cry, and following that, the murine in front of it actually dodged all of them.    


From then on, the gigantic murine sprinted towards the road, its target being Abu and the others.    


Although its body was enormous, its speed was extremely fast. All the way, it would create rolling smoke and dust.    


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