Martial Emperor Reborn(Completed)

C225 Mutation(part I)

C225 Mutation(part I)

Another seven or eight days passed.    


On this day, Lin Long suddenly opened his eyes, a satisfied smile plastered on his face.    


In these past few days, while he was continuously studying, he had actually managed to comprehend a sword style from the runes on the cage, relying on his understanding of the runes.    


Although he had never used this sword technique before, from his deductions, he could feel how powerful this sword technique was. Once he used it, the cage that held him and the demons would not be able to withstand it.    


This sword technique was not comprehended out of thin air, it seemed to be something the sect master of the Purple Sun Sect had deliberately prepared for a rainy day.    


Hundreds of years ago, he was already worried that the Demon Suppressing Pagoda would not be able to suppress this demon, hence he fused this kind of sword technique into the runes on the cage before him.    


Firstly, he had to possess the violet sun sword, secondly, he had to obtain the Pearl of the Bright Sun, and lastly, he required the user to be proficient in the Symbol Literature, becoming familiar with some of the methods to activate the Demon Suppressing Pagoda's Rune Circle. Otherwise, it would be impossible to activate this sword art.    


Unfortunately for them, Lin Long had actually fulfilled more than half of these conditions.    


Previously, Lin Long did not have many thoughts about the demon in Demon Suppressing Pagoda, his main goal was to obtain the spirit fire in there.    


However, after comprehending this sword technique, he started to get restless.    


Another thing was that the Spirit Fire in the Demon Suppressing Pagoda did not have any clues. Maybe, the only way was to deal with this Spirit Fire demon.    


It was also because of this that after careful consideration, Lin Long was sure that he needed to activate this sword technique to deal with this demon.    


Although dealing with this demon would put him in great danger, after all, this demon's strength was countless times stronger than his own, but right now, he didn't have to worry about so much.    


After making a decision, Lin Long immediately chanted the inscriptions. The incantations for the runes were meant to be used to leave the Black Cloud Cave, and would naturally be comprehended from the inscriptions on the cage.    


Hearing Lin Long silently chanting the terms of the runes, the demons in the cage were immediately shocked. They hurriedly urged their demon Qi to deal with Lin Long.    


With a thought, the surging devil energy immediately transformed into a huge palm that grabbed at the nearby Lin Long. However, just as his palm arrived in front of Lin Long, the powerful energy on the chain immediately rebounded back.    


The palm formed from huge amounts of devilish qi was directly turned into endless devilish qi.    


"Damn it!" Amidst the demons' scolding, Lin Long had already disappeared in a burst of white light.    


Seeing Lin Long leave, the demon's face immediately became unsettled.    


"No, this kid probably comprehended something from these runes. If it's something left behind by that old ghost Xuan Yangzi, then that's terrible. I'll have to send out an even stronger avatar to kill him in order to avoid any future troubles. I'll even have to obtain the Pearl of Ming Yang as well!"    


The evil demon seemed to have made a very important decision. The next moment, the rolling demon qi around him gathered again. In a very short time, another person who looked exactly like him appeared in this demon qi.    


When this person appeared, the demon's complexion immediately became extremely unsightly. It seemed as if his cultivation had been greatly damaged.    


"This doppelganger used up a third of this prince's cultivation. I wonder how many times stronger he is than the other two? I don't believe that I won't be able to kill you, brat!" The demon's face was gloomy.    


Then, he turned to the clone and said, "Go, kill him!"    


His tone was incredibly ethereal, as if he had just emerged from the ground.    


After that, the doppelganger flashed several times and came out of the cage that seemed to be filled with endless defenses.    


Then he leaped into the air and disappeared into the darkness of the Endless Wilderness.    


After the doppelganger disappeared, the demon's face looked extremely uncomfortable. Not only that, his entire body immediately looked incomparably old. At first, he looked young, but now, he looked like a middle-aged man in his fifties.    


The reason was that he had lost a fifth of his cultivation to open up the outside world. Otherwise, his clone wouldn't have been able to leave this Black Cloud Cave so easily.    


Such self-harm was naturally done to his soul, causing endless damage to it.    


However, in order to kill Lin Long and obtain the Pearl of Ming Yang, he didn't hesitate at all.    


With a flash of white light, Lin Long's body appeared in a valley. What made him speechless was, once again, he discovered that his spiritual will and profound energy had disappeared without a trace.    


Moreover, the place he appeared at wasn't the entrance of the Black Cloud Cave, but this nameless valley.    


He naturally did not think that A Ying and the others were still waiting for him. He was helpless because she had appeared in such a nameless valley and her divine sense had disappeared.    


Although he felt a little helpless, Lin Long could only start walking in the right direction.    


He naturally went to the tribe for the Ming Yang Pearl, because the Ming Yang Pearl was in the hands of the people of the tribe.    


Lin Long still did not know what the Ming Yang Bead was, because he did not have much information about it from the cage s runes.    


Inside a house in the tribe, looking at the scenery outside the window, A Ying was a little disappointed.    


After waiting for more than ten days and exhausting all her food and medicine, A Ying and the others had no choice but to return to the tribe. But after more than a month had passed, there was still no news of the Mister in her heart.    


I hope that Mister isn't trapped inside the Black Cloud Cave. A Ying prayed in her heart.    


Suddenly, the sounds of people fleeing and screaming came from outside.    


A Ying quickly ran out of the room and stopped a woman, "What happened to Aunt?"    


The woman looked flustered, "There are a lot of murine outside, so many of them are dead. A Ying, quickly run."    


"Aunt, you should go with them first." After saying that, A Ying quickly climbed onto her own roof.    


After looking in the direction where the shouts were the most intense, A Ying's expression immediately changed, because there, a huge group of murine was currently surrounding and attacking over a dozen of the tribe's warriors.    


Behind these warriors were the tribesmen of the tribe who were running towards them, crying and crying.    


What was going on? How could there be so many murine s? Could it be that the foreign races that had just been driven into the Black Cloud Cave were running out again?    


Just as he was thinking about going over to help, another group of people ran over. These people were the brave warriors of the tribe. Their bodies were covered in blood. The one in the middle was holding an old man who seemed to be heavily injured.    


A Ying took a closer look. Who else could that old man be other than the elder?    


She ran down from the roof and shouted nervously, "Elder, what happened?"    


"The elder is severely injured. A Ying, quickly come with us to the cave and find a chance to save the elder." When one of them saw that it was A Ying, his face lit up.    


"Alright." A Ying nodded her head heavily, but she did not immediately follow behind the group. Instead, she went back to her room to get some medicine and other tools before running back out of the cave.    


The cave was not far away, just one hundred zhang away from the tribe. It was an extremely sealed and sturdy place for a tribe to avoid disaster.    


Before they could leave the tribe, the ten warriors who had gone out to hunt came back from another direction.    


They had naturally seen the panic of the crowd and were extremely nervous as they asked.    


"In front of us, there are more than a hundred murine attacking our tribe. Ah Chong is holding on with a dozen warriors, but the situation is getting worse and worse because there are more and more murine than just these one hundred."    


"In order to preserve the tribe's lifeline, we can only hide inside the cave. As for Ah Chong and the rest, we can only sacrifice them."    


Someone replied dejectedly.    


"Is Brother Chong over there?" "No, I have to help."    


For a moment, a few people wanted to rush towards that direction, but they were all stopped by these people covered in blood.    


"It's too late to go now. You will all be sent to hell!" someone shouted.    


It was also at this time that a dozen or so murine suddenly scuttled over. These murine's eyes were completely red, they were unusually violent, and when they saw them, they immediately pounced on them to bite.    


Even so, under the combined efforts of everyone, they were quickly exterminated.    


Just as they let out a sigh of relief, their expressions changed once again. That was because the direction they were heading in just now was where another wave of murine had been used.    


"Hurry up and leave! If you don't leave now, it'll be too late!"    


With these shouts, they quickly retreated towards the cave.    


Half a quarter of an hour later, after resisting a few waves of attacks from the murine, they finally arrived at the cave's location safely.    


They all let out a sigh of relief after entering the cave, which was easy to defend and difficult to attack.    


After heaving a sigh of relief, their expressions once again became grave. This was because they were clearly the last group of people to arrive at the cavern. There was a high chance that the others who failed to reach the cavern at this time would not be able to survive.    


This was because they had already seen wave after wave of murine heading in their direction.    


"Ah Long, go and see how many people from the tribe have arrived here. Then, you go and help your Sister A Ying." A seven feet tall man holding a large sword stained with the blood of murine said to Ah Long.    


The man's name was Abu, and he was a Warrior who was about the same strength as Ah Chong. Now that Ah Chong was gone and the elder was injured, he had to take on the responsibility of leading the tribesmen to live.    


"Big Brother Abu, I want to stay here and kill these murine." Ah Long looked at the murine in front of him, and said with a determined expression.    


"Ah Long, you have plenty of chances, now listen to me, go in and help your Sister A Ying." Boo's face immediately turned solemn.    


"Yes sir!" Seeing Boo like this, Ah Long didn't dare to disobey and quickly nodded.    


After he finished speaking, he quickly walked into the cave.    


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