Planned Love



"You, you go …" I pushed him away and staggered to my feet, looking at him, watching him, and then, without realizing it, my face filled with tears.    


"What's the matter, baby?" He looked at me blankly. His voice was so soft that it made my heart melt.    


He came over and tried to hold me in his arms, but no matter how hard I struggled, he still held on to me and pressed me to his chest. He said softly, "I knew I was late, and I didn't expect you to be sad enough to drink. "Sorry, I'll try my best to be earlier in the future."    


Later... Will we have another? Would he still do this to me the day Xiaoyun and the kid appeared?    


He probably didn't know that he couldn't forget that Xiaoyun was on her way here! Furthermore, he was taking his own flesh and blood with him!    


I became even more sad. I lay on his chest with my arms tightly around his waist. I asked him faintly: "Sheng Yun, when will you forget about me?"    


"It's said that when women fall in love, they become sentimental. Xu Shubei, I thought you weren't this type," Sheng Yun's calm voice sounded above my head. I looked up and he held my face, looked me in the eye, and said word by word, "Then listen carefully, I'll say it one last time. "Xu Shubei, I won't let you down, no matter what happens."    


This sentence struck a firm chord in my heart. If my heart was in a state of chaos before this, then his words immediately gave me a sense of tranquility.    


Although I was a bit drunk, I was still very sober. I grabbed his collar and asked him seriously: "Sheng Yun, no matter what happens, can you really do it?"    


"What's the matter with you?" He noticed my strangeness and frowned again.    


"Can you answer me?" I stared at him, and I thought my eyes must have been full of hope.    


"I can do it." He looked at me, enunciating each word.    


A cool breeze blew over, and I shivered in my thin dress. Since the postpartum injury, my body has been more than ordinary people, a little cool wind can make my nose sneeze sneeze.    


"Don't be so willful in the future, I won't allow any accidents to happen to your body again." He picked me up by the waist, carried me through the door, and laid me gently on the sofa.    


His kiss came in all directions, and I held him by the neck for a long time. As I kissed, I opened my eyes to look at his reaction, and I saw that his eyes were closed, and that he was kissing so passionately and earnestly.    


"This time, I'm really tempted." At the bottom of his heart, a sound suddenly "ding" rang out.    


I pushed him away quickly, and he felt my sudden resistance. He looked at me and asked, "Shubei, what's wrong with you?"    


"This isn't a test for me, is it?" I asked cautiously, looking at him.    


I found that I could do anything I did for myself with absolute certainty, except for my feelings, which I always hesitated and dreaded, always fearing to be mispaid.    


A woman like me, who has always felt insecure since childhood, must be whole-hearted when she decides to devote herself to a relationship.    


He laughed and rubbed my ear, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. He said softly, "Our children are already born, and you're still worried about that. Shubei, why didn't I realize that you were so innocent and cute before? "    


This is not simple and cute, "I shook my head. I hugged my knees as I sat on the sofa and helplessly said," I'm really scared, feelings are too unfathomable, like poison, I don't know when I was poisoned, I don't know how deep the poison is already, and I don't know if I can cure it in the future, I … I really can't afford to take any chances. "    


When he heard me say that, he sighed softly and pulled my hands away from my legs. He held my hands together and said to me, "Shubei, look into my eyes."    


I raised my head and slowly met his eyes. His gaze seemed to have a magnetic pull, and his voice, as if hypnotized, rang in my ear. He said, "Shubei, we are each other's poison and each other's medicine. I can go as deep as you want, or even deeper than you. You are the only one who can cure me of my poison. "    


This time, I took the initiative to kiss him. As he spoke these words, I felt the lock in my heart loosen a little, and though I could not completely trust him, I was gradually giving in to my heart, and my defenses were slowly being broken down by him.    


A warm night passed.    


I took off his shirt and pants and rubbed the healing medicine on his still raw wounds. I ran my hand over the ointment as I swam up and down his body, and from time to time he would kiss me, and we would be like two fish swimming freely in the water, and our hearts would be thoroughly released from this heavy warmth.    


It turned out that love was so beautiful, and the feeling of mutual love was so moving. No wonder so many people were worried about love since ancient times.    


Because my body has not completely recovered yet, Sheng Yun forcefully stopped his attacks just as we were about to enter the city. He embraced me and panted slightly as he said, "If not for the fact that your body has not recovered, I would definitely not have let you go at night."    


"You've suffered such heavy injuries. Are you sure you can still …" I laughed.    


"Do you want to try?" He rolled over on top of me and kissed me on the neck. He grabbed my hand and said, "Darling, there's a price to be paid for provoking me."    


I was suddenly quiet, looking quietly at the man nearest me, his features as clear as a painting, his eyebrows as sharp as a sword, even though he had no family background, his appearance alone was enough to stand out in the crowd.    


"Why are you suddenly so quiet?" When he saw that I was looking at him, he felt embarrassed for the first time. He looked away and asked me nonchalantly.    


"If I told you that I gave you all my first time, would you believe me?" I looked at him and suddenly asked seriously.    


He immediately laughed, and hooked my nose, once again embracing me, "Idiot, from the first time you seduced me, I can see that. "Pretend to be experienced. Actually, the first time I kissed you, your lack of experience meant everything."    


"But you didn't..." When I heard him say this, I suddenly felt that I had been tricked by him.    


But before I could finish, he covered my mouth and kissed me hard. Then he said, "Do you think you can make me fall for you with just that little trick of yours? I admit that I didn't pay attention to you from the start and even wanted to tease you. Gradually, I don't know when I started to feel sad when I saw that you were unhappy. "Maybe it will start from the day when I accompanied you and Yiwa to the orphanage!"    


"I never thought you were a compassionate man, especially to me. I don't know why, but why did we come to this day? " I lay in his arms and thought about everything that had happened before.    


"Not at first, but that day, when I saw you crying alone at the top of the mountain, I realized for the first time that Xu Shubei was just an ordinary woman," he said softly, stroking the ends of my hair.    


He looked at me and smiled even more. He took my hand and said, "Later, be a good cat in my arms, and I will slowly pull out all the fangs from your body. I will make you submit to me obediently, to my knees, to see me fight for you in peace."    


"I can't do it," I denied bluntly. "I'm not such a woman, Sheng Yun."    


His gaze immediately darkened. "Could it be that what we have experienced now isn't enough for you to be dead set on?"    


I couldn't help but fall silent, but there was only one answer in my mind: I'm sorry, I might not be able to do it.    


I was destined to be a wild leopard on the prairie, and if I were kept in a cage, even if piles of fresh meat were placed before me every day, I would not be happy.    


My silence silenced him, too. His arms were still around me, but suddenly it was as if I couldn't feel the heat.    


Finally, he suddenly said softly, "I will slowly change you."    


"I was suddenly afraid," I said, my heart sinking deeper in his words. "I was beginning to fear that you weren't love me at all, that you were just enjoying the process of taming me. "Sheng Yun, don't tell me you think so."    


"Shubei, you've suffered so much. All these years, you've longed for a home …" There was a trace of excitement in his tone, "You've been struggling for such a long time. Aren't you looking for a stable embrace? "I'm willing to give it to you, and I don't think anyone can give you anything better. What else do you want?"    


I stared at him in a daze. What else do I want?    


I can't explain this problem, all that has been lingering in my heart is hatred, endless hatred. Now that the element of love had suddenly flooded into my heart, I could not quell the competition between the two forces in my heart. I wanted this now, I wanted that now, and I found I could not be at ease.    


In addition to love and hate, there is something else in my heart. I don't know what it is, but I know it's always there.    


Perhaps Xiaoyun would be willing to be domesticated by him, and what he desired was a woman who could be obedient to him … When this thought popped into my mind, I was shocked myself.    


His phone rang, and when he picked it up, I caught a glimpse of Chen Mozhu's name on it.    




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