Planned Love



"Ling Yue called." I said to Sheng Yun.    


Sheng Yun nodded, and I immediately picked up the call. The person on the other end of the line, Ling Yue, asked me: "How is it? Have you arrived? What did Sheng Yun say? "    


"Of course Sheng Yun denied it, but I don't believe it. I'm still negotiating with him, I'll call you later. Brother, have you met Master? What did he say? " I asked Ling Yue.    


"Master is very angry. Not only did he deny it, he even said that I suspect him. My lungs are about to burst from anger." Ling Yue said into the phone.    


"Brother, don't be angry yet. I'll look into it first, then you can take a look at it." I said into the phone.    


"Lin Sexi, you better not play any tricks on me. If you play any tricks, your lover's life will not be saved. If I lost Xu Shubei, this world wouldn't be able to stop me! " Ling Yue's terrifying voice sounded on the other end of the phone.    


I was so scared that my body trembled and I almost broke the sound barrier. I said, "I got it, Bro. I've finished my investigation here. I'll go and meet up with you right away."    


I hung up, cold sweat trickling down my forehead. Sheng Yun took out a white embroidered handkerchief from his pocket and carefully wiped the sweat off my forehead.    


"Don't be afraid, they don't have anything to be afraid of. "We already got Lin Sexi unbeknownst to us, and already we're halfway there." Sheng Yun said.    


"I've told you everything that I need to pass on, so I'll be leaving first. "However, you must take care of Lin Sexi. Don't let her get away." I said to Sheng Yun.    


"So fast... "Are you leaving?" When Sheng Yun heard what I said, his tone immediately became a bit weaker. She looked at me so long and so deeply.    


He was dressed in a well-tailored shirt and a dark suit, and the longing between his eyebrows was deep.    


I felt a strange sensation in my heart. This man was thinking about who could cause him to be so heartbroken. Why was it that his brow was covered with scars from wounds? Why couldn't he walk on his legs? Why did he look like that … So lonely.    


I think the woman who lives in his heart must be very happy!    


"Yeah, I'm leaving." I smiled at him, patted him on the shoulder and said, "You should pull yourself together too. I don't know what you've been through, but I think it must be very difficult, right? But everything I believe will pass. The woman you love will come back to you. "    


"Shubei …" He looked at me in shock. "You remember that, don't you? "You're lying to me. You actually remember it, right?"    


"What do I remember?" I looked at him blankly and shook my head. "I really don't remember knowing you. I think if you were important to me, I'd remember you, not forget you, wouldn't I? "    


His gaze became sad again. His lips moved, but in the end, he did not say anything. He said: "Alright, you go back and find Tai Ziqian first. Be careful. "    


"Don't worry!" I'll be careful! "Oh right, there's explosives in that house. We don't know where they are located, so be careful when you come to pick us up." "No," I said.    


I nodded.    


Sheng Yun looked at me reluctantly. His gaze made me feel strange. I smiled and waved to him, then turned around and left.    


I heard a soft sigh behind me. It was very light, but my heart felt an inexplicable pain.    


I quickly turned to look at him. He was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes locked, his face full of sadness.    


This man … It was really painful.    


I sighed in my heart, but I quickly put on my mask, opened the door, and walked out.    


The people sitting outside were silent again. None of them dared to look at me as if I was a demon.    


I cursed Lin Sexi a million times in my heart. Then I quickly took the elevator downstairs and drove back to Ling Yue's place.    


The moment I entered, Ling Yue's car rushed in.    


He looked at me with exasperation, and when he saw me, he grabbed me by the collar and asked, "Lin Sexi, is there any news? Have you found him yet? "    


"No, Sheng Yun has always been in the office. He has no legs right now and has no power. This thing really doesn't seem like he did it. Did you get anything from Master? " I asked Ling Yue.    


Ling Yue kicked my car hard.    


He gritted his teeth and said, "Fuck, the old man said he didn't do it. He said he would come over later to look around and help think of a way to do it. I suspect it was him. He's getting more and more dissatisfied with me, and it's very likely that he's the one who took the person away! "Lin Sexi, what do you think of this family?"    


"Big brother, calm down, calm down …" I exhorted him, and we went in together.    


Ling Yue didn't know that I was Xu Shubei, so he had no doubts about me at all. Once I entered, he took me to the underground.    


The moment the elevator door opened, a ghastly aura rushed out.    


Ling Yue led me through a long corridor before opening the door to a secret room. From within, countless sounds of wailing and wailing could be heard.    


There were actually iron cages inside, one after the other. Countless men and women were locked up like livestock.    


I was taken aback. I didn't expect there to be such a hellhole in this building.    


Fortunately, I'm wearing a mask, so Ling Yue didn't notice anything from my expression. Ling Yue asked me: "It's the turn of the week when those people go out to do business?"    


"Huh?" I was stunned. I couldn't understand what he was saying.    


He turned to me and said, "What are you talking about? Don't you have plans for this week?"    


I looked at so many iron cages, the people inside with their hair all disheveled and stinking, tortured to the point of losing their dignity, like animals, whining at the sight of people, like pigs in a pigsty waiting to be fed.    


"One day, you will face the same end as me. When he gets tired of you, you'll end up like me. " An eerie voice came from above my head.    


It was a woman's voice. The voice was pleasant to hear, but it carried a chill.    


I looked up and saw that the woman lived in the attic above, which was barred like a cell. The only difference was that the interior was relatively clean and tidy, with beds, cabinets, and so on.    


That woman was wearing a white dress and long hair. She had a beautiful face and when she was in this place all the time, she could still put on makeup and put on a layer of bright red lipstick.    


"Who is she?" I asked Ling Yue.    


Ling Yue raised his head and looked at the top. The woman instantly took off all of his white gauze, causing the countless men in the iron cage below to become excited.    


There was no difference between this and an animal.    


This inhumane place made me shiver all over.    


I realized that I had said the wrong thing. It was true that Lin Sexi would not ask that question, so I quickly added, "Brother, I've already forgotten her name."    


"She's Wan. She used to be my pet. "Now that I have Xu Shubei, I don't like her anymore." Ling Yue said.    


I felt a chill in my heart.    


The woman from above laughed desolately, she said Ling Yue's name in a plaintive voice, "Yue, do you really not want me anymore? I've been following you since I was very young. Do you really not want me anymore? "    


A layer of goosebumps appeared on my skin.    


This place made me feel an indescribable discomfort.    


I didn't expect Ling Yue to be so dark and evil in the dark. Then, I saw Xu Changsheng in one of the cages.    


He had white hair and a long beard, and his face was smeared with dirt. He kept pointing at me and couldn't speak for a long time.    


His body was dirty and he looked extremely disgusting. After hesitating for a while, he finally pointed at me and said, "Xu …" "Xu …"    


Afraid that his words would arouse Ling Yue's suspicion, I shouted at him: "What are you talking about! Shut up! You're counting on your niece Xu Shubei to save you! Dream on! "    


Ling Yue directly kicked his face, causing him to be badly mangled and fall backwards.    


"Brother, let's go back. What are you doing here?" I said automatically.    


"I have an extremely bad premonition …" Ling Yue said slowly, "I've raised these people for so long, it's time for them to do something for me. Lin Sexi, go call that doctor over here for me. "    


"Oh, okay." I turned and hurried out, not wanting to stay a second longer.    


"Wait!" Ling Yue suddenly called out to me again. I turned around at a loss and asked, "What's wrong, Bro?"    


There was a flicker of suspicion in his eyes, and then he said, "You're in such a hurry to leave that you act as if you know where he is."    


"If you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten. Where is he, brother?" I chuckled.    


"Forget it, there's no need for you to go. I'll go by myself." He took back his words and walked with me out of that hair-raising place.    


All the hairs on my body stood up. I wanted to find Tai Ziqian and ask him what the situation was like here.    


"Master will come later. Go to your room and prepare first." Master might spend the night here, so you should stay with him. " Ling Yue said.    


"I... I'm with him? " I was surprised again.    


"What, now that I have a pet, I don't want to be with you anymore?" Don't forget, your master is the real man, "Ling Yue turned his head and looked at me as he said coldly," I don't want to have a falling out with you, so show me how you can.    


"Ling Yue!" Why are you doing this to me? I'm not your subordinate! Don't forget, Tian Hong's capital belongs to me! " At that moment, I opened my mouth and tried to use words to probe the relationship between Ling Yue and Lin Sexi.    


"You are just in name, I am the real shareholder behind this. Lin Sexi, I have to remind you, master is old, don't fight with me. "Because, you can't beat me …" Ling Yue looked at me coldly. The cold glint in his eyes made me shudder.    


He had always been warm and gentle and without temper in front of me. I didn't expect him to be so ferocious behind his back.    


At this moment, we heard an extremely strange sound. When Ling Yue heard this sound, his expression changed and he said, "I didn't expect that old fogey would arrive so soon …"    




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