Rich Daddy's Three Cuties

C849 Lucky Draw! She Won a House!

C849 Lucky Draw! She Won a House!

Loong Jiaojiao rubbed her fists excitedly.    


The little bun who had received the news of the event was chatting.    


"Did you hear? The first prize is a house!"    


"There are still a lot of celebrities below. Look, is that Zhao Qiye?"    


"Xiaomeng, that is the famous Zhao Qiye!"    


Jiang Xiaomeng also saw Teacher Qiye.    


He had one hand in his pocket and seemed to be absent-minded. His cold eyes seemed to be searching for something in the crowd.    


"Teacher Qiye!"    


It was only when Jiang Xiaomeng's clear voice sounded.    


Zhao Qiye, who was in the middle of the stage, raised his head and smiled at the camera.    


In the camera.    


Teacher Qiye raised his head and instantly hit the hearts of thousands of girls.    


On the other hand, Jiang Xiaomeng's soft and tender smile was on the corridor.    


It seemed like even the gloomy clouds had warmed up.    


Zhao Qiye waved his hand at Jiang Xiaomeng.    


Director Jing, who was filming the scene, was stunned.    


So this was the reason why the famous Zhao Qiye came to their variety show?    


Zhao Qiye smiled.    


He didn't care about the expression of the director.    


The little bun was happy.    




The little buns' group quickly welcomed their own recording!    


Because this season of the variety show was a combination of an ordinary person and a celebrity. At the same time, the special guests worked hard to complete the mission in order to give the little buns' group a chance to win the lottery.    


"The guests have successfully completed their tasks. Let's look forward to which child will get the final prize?"    


The camera then moved to the faces of the little buns' eager faces.    


One of the directors who was taking the photos was even more direct to the fans' hearts. He started to take pictures of Jiang Xiaomeng's flawless face.    


Jiang Xiaomeng winked at the camera playfully.    


"Ahhhh, Xiaomeng is so excited. Everyone, do you think Xiaomeng will get the big prize?"    


Loong Jiaojiao, who was beside her, heard Jiang Xiaomeng's words and felt sour again.    


How infuriating!    


She had been in the pose for a long time and her throat was dry. Why didn't the camera take a picture of her?    


She was angry when she saw that the stinky girl Jiang Xiaomeng actually had an exclusive camera!    


Along with that, Ding Ji, who was standing beside Jiang Xiaomeng, also appeared in the camera several times!    


"Hmph, I will definitely get the first place!"    


At that time, she would definitely appear in the camera.    


The more Loong Jiaojiao thought about it, the happier she felt. It was time to turn the tables and prove that her luck was better than Jiang Xiaomeng's!    


"I will definitely get that suite!"    


Every little kid had gotten a piece of paper that belonged to them.    


Loong Jiaojiao was full of confidence. This Son of Heaven was definitely her.    


However, Jiang Xiaomeng and Ye Huanyu, who were in the camera, winked at each other.    


They almost cried out in surprise!    


The other side was actually Uncle Lie Huanyu of the Dark Night!    


The other children did not see it, but they did. When Ding Ji went to draw the lottery, Uncle Lie Huanyu deliberately shook the lottery box.    


The two little balls curled their lips.    


So it was Xiaozhan's idea.    


This was Xiaozhan's way of not letting Ding Ji notice that he was helping Ding Ji.    


Jiang Xiaomeng opened her little paper ball and said in a childish voice.    


"One car."    


Ye Huanyu also opened his own paper ball and said with a smile.    


"One computer."    


It was Ding Ji's turn.    


Ding Ji nervously squeezed his palm.    


"It's a big house!"    


Before Ding Ji could speak, the little balls next to him exploded!    


"It's a big house!"    


Loong Jiaojiao's expression changed drastically.    


Ding Ji seemed to be in disbelief. His voice was trembling.    


"This, this is real?"    


The staff pretending to be Lie Huanyu on the other side smiled and nodded.    


"It's true. After school, you can bring your family to register and receive the prize."    


Ding Ji's eyes lit up.    


They... They had a house to live in?    


On the side, the children were also cheering happily.    


"My is a mecha dinosaur!"    


"My is a princess dress."    


"My is a mecha. It's so cool!"    


Loong Jiaojiao gritted her teeth in anger. She thought that the big prize should be hers. She hurriedly opened her little paper ball and her voice became sharp.    


"A roll of toilet paper?!"    


Loong Ru'ao looked helplessly at the paper ball in his hand and shrugged his shoulders.    


"I'm also holding a roll of toilet paper."    


Eh, the worst two small paper balls were both drawn by them!    


Seeing that Xiaomeng and Ding Ji had drawn good things, Loong Jiaojiao was so angry that her heart was in pain.    


Tsk tsk tsk tsk! Loong Jiaojiao was so angry that she exploded.    


Loong Jiaojiao threw the toilet paper in her hand behind her back.    




Suddenly, a huge pile of bird poo fell on her head.    


This luck …    




Loong Jiaojiao's earth-shattering scream sounded in the school.    


She needed paper now!    


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