Peerless Martial God

C42 Xiaoxiao Night Rain

C42 Xiaoxiao Night Rain

Lin Feng, who released his Martial Soul, might not even have realized how calm and confident he was right now. This feeling that he could control everything made him only tilt his head slightly when the arrows shot towards him. How could a person act like this if he wasn’t confident and calm enough?    


Stepping out and applying Floating Light and Floating Shadow, Lin Feng's body instantly appeared in front of the crowd. The arrows of his opponents were of no use.    


Lin Feng swung the long sword towards one of the Martial Cultivators. Just as the Cultivator wanted to dodge, he discovered that a sword from outer space was swung towards him. There was no way to dodge. The sword was swung with such precision that the Martial Cultivator was killed at once.    


"Release your Martial Souls and kill him." Nalan Hai shouted while he was actually retreating urgently. When Lin Feng appeared in front of him, he actually felt the fear from the bottom of his heart especially when he saw that pair of extremely calm eyes. Nalan Hai felt as if his soul was trembling.    


Hearing Nalan Hai's words, all of them immediately came to their senses and released all kinds of Martial Souls. The dark night suddenly became bright.    


The person behind Lin Feng had a vine martial soul, a plant type. This kind of martial soul could make the person’s body incomparably soft and flexible. When the martial soul became more powerful, it could be substantialized and the cultivator could even release it to wrap the enemy and his body would be soft enough to transform as he wished.    


This person stretched out his hand without any sound, like a vine spreading in the air without even a trace. Seeing that his hand was about to reach Lin Feng, he gave a sinister smile.    


Just as he was triumphant, a blinding light dazzled his eyes, and then engulfed his life.    


The sword was at the extreme speed with the extreme precision and ruthlessness. Lin Feng killed him in an instant without any unnecessary movements.    


After that, Lin Feng did not stop. The light of sword streaked across the darkness. As blood splashed, another person fell down in the darkness.    


Currently, the martial cultivators at the Eighth and the Ninth Level of Qi Martial Stage were unable to withstand a single move of Lin Feng's sword. The precision and speed of Lin Feng's sword made it impossible for them to dodge.    


"Got him!" A bola whizzed over from Lin Feng's back and headed straight for his head. If Lin Feng was struck, he would at least no longer be able to fight even if he did not die.    


"You want to hide?"    


Just as Lin Feng was preparing to turn around, a long spear thrust in front of him through the air. It was extremely powerful. Lin Feng was attacked from both front and back at almost the same time. They did seize the opportunity in an impeccable way and Lin Feng was sure to die now.    


"Kill him!"    


Lin Feng bellowed as the long sword flew out of his hand and stabbed into the chest of the person in front of him.    


This person was stunned on the spot, blankly staring at the sword in his chest. Never in his wildest dreams would he imagine that Lin Feng would actually dare to throw away his sword at this moment.    


They were all at the Ninth Level of Spiritual Martial Stage. Although Lin Feng was stronger than them, they were stronger in numbers. As long as one of them hit Lin Feng, Lin Feng would definitely be heavily injured. The price of getting injured was death. Under such circumstances, this man could never imagine that Lin Feng would throw away the sword.    


He stared at Lin Feng fiercely for he wanted to see how Lin Feng was struck by the bola before he died.    




An overwhelming sound of explosion blasted out, the sword light was even more resplendent than just now. Before the bola came closer, the head of the person who used the bola had already flown up, while the Soft Sword in Lin Feng's hand was stained with blood.    


"So that's how it is." The man closed his eyes and fell down directly.    


At this moment, the head had just fallen from the sky. The crowd actually stopped their attacks. They had seen that resplendent strike and none of them thought anyone of them could withstand it.    


Sword Drawing Arts. When the sword was drawn out, it must drink vast blood. How could a person at the Ninth Level of Qi Martial Stage be strong enough to withstand it?    


The crowd were too stunned to attack, but Lin Feng would never stop. Rays of resplendent light blasted out one after another. As each ray of light blasted out, fresh blood blasted. He didn’t swing the sword mistakenly even once. Every time he swung the sword, he applied the strongest strength.    


At this moment, Lin Feng had already put away his kindness. In his heart, other than calmness, there was only indifference.    


Nalan Hai witnessed the experts fall down one by one with his body trembling. These people were all experts at either the Eighth or the Ninth Level of Qi Martial Stage. Even in the city master's mansion, they were non-negligible force. However, at this moment, they were puny like straw, allowing Lin Feng to put down as he wished. He killed one person with each step.    


What caused Lin Feng's sword to be so deadly? Moreover, Lin Feng's eyes were so calm that Nalan Hai was terrified. Lin Feng, who was immersed in the massacre, seemed to have become another person who was completely different.    


The sound of his swinging the sword grew louder and louder even surpassed the sound of the rain. In the space ahead only remained the strips of sword light, nothing more. Besides, the sword light was even getting more and more powerful.    


"Flee away."    


Nalan Hai came to his senses from shock and the only thing left in his mind was to run away from this demon.    


Without any hesitation, Nalan Hai turned around and was about to left.    


"Don't you think it's too late to leave now?" The mocking voice was especially ear-piercing in the dark night as the sound of swinging sword suddenly stopped. Only Lin Feng's footsteps could be heard. He stepped on the puddles.    


Nalan Hai's feet were stiff as he faced Lin Feng and forced out a smile that was even uglier than crying.    


"Lin Feng, you know that this has nothing to do with me. It is Princess Nalan who wants to kill you, I am only following her orders."    


"I know." Lin Feng nodded his head, which made Nalan Hai relieved a little bit in his heart as if he had seen hope.    


"Therefore, you are just a dog of her. It doesn't matter if I kill a dog. Nobody will feel sorry for you." Lin Feng's words caused Nalan Hai's body to stiffen. After that, Nalan Hai saw the last light in his life, the light that swallowed him up.    


Looking at Nalan Hai who fell down, Lin Feng was expressionless. As he turned around to look at the corpses on the ground, Lin Feng lifted his foot and gradually walked into the distance.    


"Nalan Feng."    


A low voice came from afar and floated in the rain.    


Lin Feng did not know how long he had been walking for until he arrived in a dark wilderness. He sat cross-legged on the ground, the white glow constantly flowing in and out. The Elemental Qi of Universe on Lin Feng's body turned into a substantial glow that circulated around his body. Lin Feng knew right from the moment when his Dark Martial Soul throbbed that he was about to break through.    


Martial Souls were said to be a part of a cultivator's soul. They could communicate with the mind. And when the martial soul was about to awaken, the cultivator himself could feel it.    


Lin Feng, who was sitting on the ground, frowned deeply. At this moment, he had a very peculiar feeling. It was indescribable just as if something was summoning him.    


Moments later, a tearing pain made Lin Feng nervous in his heart for he knew that the most dangerous moment was coming.    


Only those with strong willpower would be able to undergo the Innate Awakening of Martial Soul. This was a well-established truth in the world. No one doubted that those people with weak willpower would never be able to undergo the Innate Awakening.    


The tearing pain gradually intensified and Lin Feng felt as if someone was tearing his soul apart, tearing his entire soul into pieces. The pain of his soul being torn apart caused Lin Feng to instantly bite his lips, and dark red blood seeped out from his lips.    


"It hurts! Why is it so painful?" Lin Feng still underestimated the pain he had to endure when his martial soul was about to awaken. Compared with the pain he suffered now, all his wounds in his two lives were not worth mentioning. The pain of the soul being torn apart could not be imagined if one didn’t experience himself.    


The rain gradually stopped and Lin Feng's body was still wet. He could not tell if it was rain or his sweat. At this moment, he couldn’t notice anything but withstand the pain with all his heart.    


"Ah…" A hoarse voice came out from Lin Feng's mouth. Before the pain could subside, an even more terrifying pain hit his soul, which made him even wish that he could die to end it up.    


“If I can't withstand the pain and my martial soul can't undergo the innate awakening, I will still be bullied by others in this life, just the same as my father and I were kicked out of the family, those people like Lin Qian and Nalan could kill me if they wanted. If I have to live in such a humiliating way again, I would rather that I was not reborn.”    


Lin Feng gritted his teeth and persevered. His firm faith defeated the pain. No one could change his determination to become stronger, not even the God.    


The pain was unable to erode Lin Feng's strong will. It seemed as if it could subside at any time. Lin Feng's tensed heart also relieved a little. The innate awakening of his martial soul should be hopeful.    




An extremely miserable voice rang out. Lin Feng's entire body suddenly trembled and another tearing pain that was several times stronger than before blasted out. Lin Feng shut his eyes in pain as blood flowed out from his eyes, nose, mouths and ears.    


"Damn it, I…Damn!" A few words escaped from Lin Feng's mouth as his body trembled, before he directly fell to the ground unconsciously.    


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