Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C421 I'm Ready to Fight

C421 I'm Ready to Fight

Shen Wenyuan received a call. When he heard that something big had happened at home recently, he agreed to quickly put down the things at hand and rush back.    


Zhuo Mulan heaved a sigh of relief. It was fortunate that she had given birth to a few more sons. Otherwise, with her current status as a woman, there was really nothing she could do.    


Fenng Siqi saw that the time was about right and what should be said had already been said to Zhuo Mulan.    


"Since that is the case, then all of you should start to plan properly. This time should not drag on for too long. It will not be beneficial to all of us."    


The longer it dragged on, the more she could not afford to waste the Duan Corporation's time.    


Zhuo Mulan was also very angry with Chung Rann in her heart, "Don't worry. As long as you sincerely want to help us, Chung Rann's good days will come to an end."    


"That's good." Fenng Siqi should not stay in Duan family for too long. If Fenng Moye and the others started to suspect her, she would not be able to explain even if she jumped into the Yellow River.    


After Fenng Siqi left, Zhuo Mulan's expression became more and more gloomy.    


"Tell Second Young Master to come back tonight. We can't delay any longer. We must make a preemptive strike before they snatch the project away."    


This project was originally selected by me, Duan Wenji, after half a month of running around. After a lot of investigations, we have prepared to let the company begin implementing it during this period of free time. Who would have thought that there would be a Chung Rann on the way?    


It was one thing that the wretched girl caused her son to be unable to get out of bed for three days, but now she even wanted to snatch away four of their company's projects. She was simply crazy.    


If he had known that there would be such a disaster, he reckoned that Duan Guogang would have wanted to strangle this girl back then.    


Duan Wenyuan received the news and rushed back very quickly. He did not care whether he had things to do or not. Seeing Zhuo Mulan, he went up and gave her a hug.    


"Mom, you called me back in a hurry. What happened? Where's big brother?"    


"Don't mention it. Your big brother was pricked by an injection. He will be lying in bed for three days and will not be able to get up. He cannot say anything. Your father is so angry that he is still in the hospital."    


As she spoke, Zhuo Mulan's tears started to flow out continuously. She looked wronged and wished that she could pour out all the bitter water in her stomach at this moment.    


Duan Wenyuan did not expect that so many things would happen when he was not at home for a while. He supported Zhuo Mulan to sit down and ordered the servants to make her a cup of ginseng tea.    


The maid made the ginseng tea and passed it to Duan Wenyuan. Duan Wenyuan carefully blew on Zhuo Mulan's face.    


"Mom, drink some water first. If there is anything, tell me slowly."    


Among all the sons, she liked the eldest and second brother the most. The second brother was meticulous. Although the eldest brother was strong and cold, he had been managing the company well for so many years, which made her worry.    


Only Duan Youlin, the youngest one, was the most worried. He spent every day outside drinking and drinking, his mind only thinking about eating and drinking, and he even treated his family's enemies as family. He talked about Chung Rann all day long.    


She saw that Duan Youlin had been bewitched by her. It was almost as if he had been bewitched by her.    


After Zhuo Mulan drank some water and recovered, she told Duan Wenyuan about what had happened during this period of time. After she finished speaking, she could not help but sigh.    


"I didn't intend to tell you. I know you are very busy outside, but I have no choice. If it wasn't for that woman who made your brother suffer, we wouldn't have..."    


"Mom, if there is anything you need to discuss, you can talk about it properly. Why did you drug someone else? If this matter is spread out, it will affect the reputation of Duan family. It's not like you don't know that businessmen are very important to this reputation. "    


They were all interested in the reputation. If the reputation of Duan family was ruined, who would still work with them in the future?    


Zhuo Mulan also knew in her heart, but she still couldn't help but cry.    


"Isn't that because of Chung Rann, this wretched girl? If she had nothing to do, why would she look for her biological father? Originally, we wouldn't even be able to get along with them."    


Duan Wenyuan really did not know that the matter had become so troublesome. From Zhuo Mulan's description, this Chung Rann was described as mystical. It did not feel like she was a person, but more like a god.    


He expressed his doubt. "Mom, is this girl really as powerful as you say?"    


"If she is not powerful, she can make your brother still lie in bed. She didn't move at all and couldn't even speak. If she didn't have the ability... In just one night, she was able to find out about the four projects of the Duan family... She was already preparing for it. If we were a little late... I wonder if we would lose all four projects."    


She had heard from Duan Wenji that if all four projects were taken down... The profit of one project was 100 million, and some were even hundreds of millions. She had to admit that Chung Rann was really good at picking. She picked the ones that the Duan Corporation valued the most.    


Duan Wenyuan was really curious about this so-called sister. He decided to meet her and see who exactly she was.    


He asked Zhuo Mulan, "Mom, do you have her contact information?"    


Zhuo Mulan saw that her son was in high spirits and had a bad feeling in her heart.    


"What do you mean? Don't tell me you still want to find her."    


"In the end, I still need to see her. As the saying goes, know yourself and know your enemy. Only then can you win a hundred battles."    


Zhuo Mulan saw Duan Guogang and Duan Wenji, and they were both somewhat worried about Duan Wenyuan.    


"Mom advised you not to go. If this woman set you up, I'm afraid..."    


"No way. No matter how powerful she is, she has to be reasonable."    


Zhuo Mulan suddenly felt that she had placed her hopes on the wrong person.    


"Son, do you think that woman is easy to deal with?"    


"No, I'm just curious. I want to see what kind of woman can cause so many people from the Duan family to be overwhelmed."    


It had been a long time since he saw someone who could anger his mother to such an extent.    


Zhuo Mulan had no other choice but to do so for the time being.    


"Then find a time to ask her out."    


"Okay, got it."    


Chung Rann still did not know until now. Zhuo Mulan also found someone and was ready to persuade her again.    


After she was done with her work, she stayed up all night again.    


Fenng Moye looked at her yawning and said, "Why don't you go and sleep first?"    


"It's fine. I asked Ho Chuan and the others out this morning to see if they know anyone there."    


They were not very proficient in this aspect, but she was interested.    


Fenng Moye finished reading the last document, closed it, and raised his hand to rub between his eyebrows.    


"I'll go with you."    


"No need, I can go alone."    


Chung Rann wanted to let Fenng Moye go and rest after he was done with his work.    


Fenng Moye insisted, "I am worried about you going alone. You did not sleep the whole night yesterday. What if something happened to your car?"    


He got up and walked to the bathroom. "Wait for me for a few minutes. I'll come after I pack up."    




Before Chung Rann could finish speaking, Fenng Moye had already walked in. She shrugged helplessly and called Ho Chuan.    


Ho Chuan was very surprised when he received it. "Boss, don't tell me you are already here."    


"No, I just want to tell you that Fenng Moye will come with me later."    


"What the hell? Really? Can we show our faces to the people this time?"    


Ho Chuan was really excited when he heard that Fenng Moye was coming.    


Chung Rann heard his scream and almost broke her eardrums. She frowned.    


"Can you be a little more reserved? Don't act like you haven't seen a man before."    


Those who didn't know would think that they were going to see the love bean they liked.    


"Why wouldn't I be reserved? This is Boss's husband. We never thought that you would be able to marry out and even live with someone else for so long."    


With their boss's personality, it was already a miracle that he didn't destroy the roof of Fenng family. They couldn't count on anything else. They had no idea how much suffering the young master of Fenng family had suffered during this period of time. He felt that it was necessary for them to comfort others.    


What if one day, someone couldn't bear the temper of their boss and dumped her?    


When Chung Rann heard this, she wanted to beat Ho Chuan even more. She gritted her teeth.    


"Just you wait. See if I will teach you a lesson later."    


"Boss, I was wrong." Ho Chuan immediately understood the situation and begged for mercy.    


"It's too late."    


After saying that, Chung Rann hung up the phone.    


She also changed into a simple set of clothes. She had just finished tidying up when Fenng Moye walked out from inside.    


He threw the car keys to her and said, "Wait for me in the car first."    




Chung Rann thought about going to the car to look at the documents. This was how she was. As long as she worked, there would be no end to it. Her mind was full of work.    


She sat in the car and was about to open the documents when her phone started vibrating. She saw that it was an unfamiliar phone and hung up.    


The other party did not give up and called a few more times. Chung Rann's eyes were full of irritation and finally dragged it into the blacklist.    


She originally thought that it would be over just like that. Who knew that later on, there was another phone call that did not get through. It completely angered Chung Rann. She slid down the answer button and the sound was as cold as an ice cellar.    


"You better look for me if you have something important. Otherwise, I can only make your phone never get out."    


"I didn't think that our younger sister's temper would be so violent."    


A gentle and gentle voice with a teasing tone came through the phone receiver. Chung Rann could not help but be startled.    


This was not Duan Wenji. Duan Wenji was probably still lying on the bed and could not get out. He could not even open his mouth, let alone Duan Youlin. The Duan family had three sons. She had already seen the eldest and youngest son. The only one she hadn't seen was the younger brother, Duan Wenyuan.    


Her eyes became even colder, "What do you want from me?"    


"A little. Big brother is now lying on the bed and unable to move. Father is so angry with you that he has not come out of the hospital yet. Younger sister, this joke, isn't it a little too big?"    


It was clearly a joke, but her voice was also quite pleasant. But Chung Rann felt that it was more like a warning to him. Some people were like this. What she saw on the surface might not be true, but people knew how to disguise themselves. She had also walked over from that step.    


Even if it was Duan Wenyuan, she didn't want to give him any face.    


"Can you people from the Duan family stop disturbing me? Are you all free?"    


"I don't really want to disturb you, but our Duan family hasn't had a younger sister for so many years. Now that we have one, I don't want to meet her."    


Duan Wenyuan's temper could be considered good, but since he wanted to meet Chung Rann, he must have a good attitude. If he came up to her as if he had just eaten a bomb, he might not even be able to see her.    


Chung Rann was not moved at all when faced with Duan Wenyuan's candied shell.    


"No, but if you want to take responsibility, I will accompany you at any time."    


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