Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C422 I Agree with You

C422 I Agree with You

"How can I say I'm here to hold you responsible? I just want to see my sister. Is that not okay? "    


Duan Wenyuan still tried to persuade her, but he also had his own ideas. He just wanted to be polite first and then attack later. If Chung Rann agreed first, then he would not have to worry about what would happen later.    


Chung Rann knew why Duan Wenyuan wanted to see her.    


"You want to persuade me to quit this business, I know, but it's too late to talk about this now."    


She didn't plan to quit, but the Duan family only had themselves to blame. They were too suspicious, and she had never thought about fighting with them. It was just that they were too cautious, and so many things happened after that.    


The thing that made her the most disappointed was that Duan Wenji had drugged her, and he was able to use such a despicable method.    


Duan Wenji quickly denied it. "I didn't mean for you to quit. In the business world? It was normal to have competitors, even without you. There will be others. It's better to be family. As the saying goes, fertilizer is not left for outsiders. "    


Chung Rann suddenly realized that this Duan Wenyuan was not as gentle and refined as he thought. He might not be much different from Duan Wenji. Other than Duan Youlin, their family was a little more innocent. The others were all wolves in sheep's clothing.    


Before she even started to do anything, the people of Duan family started to be frightened.    


However, it sounded like Duan Wenyuan was a little more reasonable than Zhuo Mulan and Duan Wenji, so she agreed.    


"You set the location. Send me the location when the time comes, but I have something to do here, so I will have to delay it by two or three hours."    


"No problem. I will wait for you no matter how late it is."    


Duan Wenyuan agreed readily.    


Chung Rann did not reply and hung up the phone. Fenng Moye walked out and saw that Chung Rann's face did not look good.    


"Who called?"    


"Duan Wenyuan, Second Young Master of Duan family."    


Fenng Moye heard him and laughed in a low voice, "The people from the Duan family are going to catch you and not let you go."    


"Who knows?"    


"See you?"    


"See? Why not? This one is much better than the others," Wang Yao said.    


He just didn't know what his real face was like.    


"I'll accompany you?"    




Chung Rann felt that if something were to happen at that time, it would be much better with Fenng Moye by her side.    


The two of them drove to the secret base first. This was the first time Chung Rann told this place to others. It was enough to see how much she trusted Fenng Moye.    


Fenng Moye really did not expect his wife to have such a place. From the outside, it looked like a factory. He could not guess what it would be like inside.    


The real thing was that there was a workshop inside. It was quite wide and had everything.    


He tilted his head and asked Chung Rann, "Wife, did you spend a lot of money to renovate this place?"    


"Yes, quite a lot."    


From inside to outside, it was her own design. It was also to make it convenient for her to come back to work in the future. She paid more attention to the environment. If the environment was not good, it would affect her efficiency.    


Fenng Moye clicked his tongue and said, "I actually didn't know that my wife was so rich. It seems that our Fenng family didn't recognize Mount Tai."    


Previously, he thought that Chung Rann was a girl from the countryside who didn't know anything. Who knew that she simply disdained to expose her identity. "    


Chung Rann smiled without saying anything. Everyone had their own secrets. It wasn't that they really wanted to hide it from someone, but they had their own reasons.    


When Ho Chuan, Cheng and the others saw Fenng Moye, they were very enthusiastic.    


"Mr. Feng, you have finally met him in person."    


Ho Chuan was the one who couldn't wait to get close to Fenng Moye. He reached out his hand to grab Fenng Moye, but was slapped away by Chung Rann.    


"Move aside."    


"Boss, you can't be so petty. You have been occupying it for a long time. We just want to shake hands. Don't be so stingy. This is not your style."    


Cheng was half-joking at the side.    


"What do you know? We Ms Rann have fallen in love. Of course we don't allow anyone to touch her husband."    


Pingkai also came down from the second floor with a cup in his hand.    


"Ms Rann, you are back."    


"Yes, come down and introduce someone to you."    


Almost all the people Chung Rann usually trusted were here. As for the ordinary subordinates, she arranged them to be somewhere else.    


Wait. After everyone gathered, she introduced, "This is Fenng Moye, my husband."    


"These are my brothers who have been through life and death with me. This is Cheng, Pingkai, Lih Sheng, and Ho Chuan. He is the most naughty one."    


Ho Chuan scratched his head awkwardly. "Don't listen to our boss's nonsense. I usually do things very reliable."    


Lih Sheng immediately broke the table. "Come on, you are the only one who is reliable. You have caused so many troubles for our boss, and you still have the nerve to say that you are reliable."    


"Why am I not reliable? Don't talk nonsense."    


The few of them were laughing and laughing, and the atmosphere was harmonious.    


Fenng Moye's expression was calm. He did not show any enthusiasm towards Chung Rann's friends, but he also restrained his usual coldness.    


"Thank you all for taking care of my wife. If you need any help in the future, feel free to tell me."    


Ho Chuan was surprised. He could not help but exclaim, "Really? Director Fenng was really generous. No wonder our boss was like a treasure. He only let us see you after such a long time."    


Fenng Moye actually had some impression of Ho Chuan. He remembered that once, the backstage system of Fenng's Corporation had been invaded. At that time, he had asked Che Jin to look for him, and the person he met was Ho Chuan. Now, it seemed like it wasn't a coincidence.    


In front of Ho Chuan, he also said, "You and your boss once invaded the backstage system of our company, right? Then you helped her cover it up, right?"    


Ho Chuan did not expect Fenng Moye to have such a good impression of him. It had been so long, and he still remembered it.    


He nodded awkwardly. "Yes, my boss was hidden under my table at that time."    


Fenng Moye thought about it and said, "I see. If I had known earlier, I would have let your assistant look at him more. Your boss might not have been able to hide it from me for long."    


"Director Fenng, it's not easy to find out who our boss is, right?"    


When he said this, Ho Chuan still had a little tsundere look on his face, because these were all planned by him behind the scenes. Hiding the identity of the boss, she had put in a lot of effort.    


Fenng Moye had to admit this point. "It's not easy to find out. I also found a lot of people before, but I only found a little bit."    


Fenng Moye also very frankly admitted this matter.    


Ho Chuan raised his chin proudly. "Of course. I spent a whole month. Can anyone find out? Besides, I have an anti-detection device here. As long as you are investigating the boss... I will receive the news on my side. When the soldiers come, they will block the water. When the water comes, the earth will block."    


Fenng Moye's ink-black eyes revealed a praising look.    


"As expected of your boss's subordinates."    


Ho Chuan's small eyes made him feel like he was about to fly into the sky. Chung Rann said to Fenng Moye.    


"You should stop praising him. He doesn't even know his own surname."    


Ho Chuan did not admit it. "I am not that kind of proud and arrogant person. I am very modest, okay?"    


Chung Rann saw that it was not early and the small talk was about time. She clapped her hands and went back to the main topic.    


"We should get to the main topic. Let's have a meeting first. Did you find the person I asked you to find?"    


"I found it. Boss, you can assign the task first."    


Cheng had always paid attention to efficiency when doing things. He did not like to joke around like Ho Chuan. Just looking at his appearance made him feel at ease.    


After the meeting, they distributed their tasks. Ho Chuan and the others had also seen Fenng Moye's professionalism. In the end, Lih Sheng could not help but applaud for Fenng Moye.    


"As expected of the leading company in the industry. They have their own views on business. They are a perfect match for us, Ms Rann."    


He even felt that there was no one in the world who could match Ms Rann.    


Fenng Moye smiled. "I agree with that."    


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