Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C507 There Is No Room for Negotiation

C507 There Is No Room for Negotiation

Fenng Moye looked at the time and said to Chung Rann, "Wife, let's take him away first. If Third Master comes later, it will be very troublesome for us to leave."    


Now, they could still leave before Third Master's men were found.    


Chung Rann raised her hand towards Cheng and said, "Let's take him away first."    


"Got it, Ms Rann."    


Chung Xinyue who was at the side saw Chung Rann's posture and was almost frightened.    


"Chung Rann, what do you want to do now? Why do you always come and ruin my good things?"    


Chung Rann cast a sidelong glance at Chung Xinyue, "Is your brain flooded or short-circuited? Liang Yifan is basically cheating you of money. I think you should know better than me what you are going to the hospital today."    


Chung Xinyue straightened her neck and roared at Chung Rann, "I am pregnant with his child now. He wants to take me for an examination. What, is this also hindering you?"    


"You are not hindering me. I am not looking for you."    


Fenng Moye quickly understood Chung Rann's meaning and directly instructed Che Jin.    


"Che Jin, send him back to Chung family."    


"Why? Why do you want me to go back? I'm not going back. I want to be with Yifan. He said that he wants to take me overseas. We can be together forever."    


Chung Xinyue felt like she was dreaming. She had already discussed everything with Liang Yifan. Why would Chung Rann suddenly appear and bring so many people with her?    


Chung Rann's eyes were like a torch as she looked at Liang Yifan.    


"I can't tell that you are quite good at lying to the little girl. Now that even she has been deceived by you like this, won't you have a little guilt in your heart? Chung Xinyue even swiped her card for you. You are treating her like this?"    


There was not a trace of guilt on Liang Yifan's face. There was only coldness.    


Even though Chung Xinyue was here, he did not show any mercy.    


"So what? Everything was voluntary of her. I have already told her that even if I am with her, I may not necessarily like her."    


It was because Chung Xinyue was Chung Rann's younger sister. Although she was not her biological sister, she felt that as long as something happened to Chung Xinyue, the people of Chung family would definitely seek Chung Rann's help. This was his chance.    


However, he did not expect Chung Rann to bring so many people with her.    


Chung Xinyue's face turned pale but there was nothing she could do. Who asked her to like Liang Yifan?    


Chung Rann could not be bothered to talk so much nonsense with these two people.    


"Chung Xinyue, your parents are so anxious that they are going crazy. You are still here as if nothing has happened. Life does not mean love, but there are other things that are worth us to cherish."    


Fenng Moye saw that Chung Xinyue probably wouldn't listen to him now, so he urged Che Jin.    


"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and take him away!"    


Only then did Che Jin quickly step forward and directly picked Chung Xinyue up. Without any explanation, he brought her out.    


Chung Xinyue struggled like she had gone crazy and shouted at the airport.    


"You guys let go of me, let go of me! I want to be with Yifan! If you do this, I want to call the police!"    


Che Jin lowered his head and said to Chung Xinyue, "If you still want to be with Liang Yifan, you better shut up now. Otherwise, you will lose your life at that time."    


Chung Xinyue was startled when she heard this. She looked at Che Jin in fear.    


"What do you mean? What's wrong with him? Did he offend someone? I heard him say that he owes others money outside."    


Che Jin felt like laughing. "Did he say that to you?"    


"Yes, he seemed to have done something for that Third Master. He must have made a mistake. I don't know what happened. Then, he said that he had lost a lot of money. Now, those people are asking him for money. He can't do anything about it."    


" So, you're helping him find money? " Che Jin was really convinced. Was Second Miss from the Chung family brainless? She did not even know to find someone to verify it and just helped him for nothing? "    


At this moment, Fenng Moye called him, and Che Jin pressed the answer button.    


"Director Fenng, what orders do you have?"    


"Tell Chung Xinyue about the matter and let her understand it herself."    


"I understand. I am talking to her right now."    


Che Jin hung up the phone and said to Chung Xinyue, "You may not know about what happened to Liang Yifan. Liang Yifan does not owe Third Master money. He only wants to cheat you of money."    


Chung Xinyue could not believe it. "Impossible. How could it be? Yifan would not lie to me."    


Liang Yifan was so good to her. When she was at her lowest point, Liang Yifan had accompanied her and not anyone else. Of course, she believed in Liang Yifan.    


Che Jin was wondering if Liang Yifan had drugged Chung Xinyue. How could she be so infatuated with him? Even though his words were full of loopholes, he was still willing to believe him.    


In the past, the young madam seemed to have been fooled by Liang Yifan. It could be seen that this Liang Yifan indeed had some extraordinary qualities. But with his appearance, it was indeed very easy for others to be deceived. He looked like a little milk dog, but he didn't look very reliable.    


First it was the young mistress, and now it was Chung Xinyue. This Liang Yifan must have intentionally poked the Chung family sisters' nest.    


Che Jin saw that he was really captivated by Liang Yifan.    


"I don't know how to tell you either. In short, if you don't believe me, you can take a look at what happened next. Let's see what Liang Yifan did with the money. He wants to go abroad. He wanted to get rid of you. As for your child... Then the whole situation will be an accident. Don't expect a scumbag to be responsible for you. "    


"He's not a scumbag, you all misunderstood him, he must have something to hide"    


Chung Xinyue still had a look of disbelief. She would rather believe that Liang Yifan was redemption than the abyss. It was not easy for her to see hope.    


Che Jin wanted to scold someone, but because the other party was a pregnant woman, it was not easy to say it.    


He opened the car door. "I'll send you back first. Your parents are anxious to death."    


Chung Xinyue looked at Che Jin in disbelief. "You want me to go back?! No, I can't go back. If I go back, my parents will beat me to death."    


"How could they beat you to death? They just want to know that you are safe. Just listen to your parents. Liang Yifan is not a good person. If you keep following him, you won't end up well in the future. "    


Che Jin said as he pushed Chung Xinyue inside. Just like that, Chung Xinyue was brought into the car by Che Jin.    


Chung Rann and Fenng Moye were about to leave with Liang Yifan when they were blocked by a group of people the moment they stepped out of the airport. One didn't need to look to know who it was. It must be Third Master's men. What shocked her was that even the Third Master came personally this time. It could be seen how much information Liang Yifan had on him.    


Chung Rann and Fenng Moye took a venomous oath. Both of them knew each other very well.    


Third Master looked at Liang Yifan as if he wanted to eat someone.    


"Liang Yifan, after running away for so long, aren't you tired?"    


Liang Yifan sneered. He no longer treated Third Master as respectfully as before.    


"Third Master, I'm tired. How can I not be tired? I have to escape from you every day, but what can I do? If I am caught by you, I will lose my life."    


Third Master didn't have any sympathy for him. "When you lied to me and betrayed me, you should have thought of this day. I will not allow a person like you to continue to threaten me in this world. You and Leng have been following me for many years. You should know what kind of temperament I have. Since you know, you shouldn't make mistakes. You must bear responsibility for your mistakes. This is an unchanging law. No one can break it."    


Liang Yifan knew that even if he wanted to follow Third Master, Chung Rann would not let him go. For the time being, he was safe.    


He said to Third Master," But Leng found me first. Third Master, you might need to wait a little longer."    


Third Master Ye sneered disdainfully, "Wait? I have made such a big detour. Do you think I am here to wait for you? Today, even if Leng does not release him, she still has to release him. There are no conditions to speak of."    


Chung Rann pulled Liang Yifan behind her. Her eyes were soul-stirring as she directly spoke.    


"Third Master, you should know that if it wasn't for me saving him last time... He might have already died in your hands, but unfortunately... He actually lied to me in the end. Do you think I can let him go? "    


She didn't say that it was because of Liang Yifan's hands. She said that the last time she saved Liang Yifan, Liang Yifan lied to her and escaped by himself.    


This way, regardless of whether Third Master knew or not, at least he would not be able to confirm it at the moment. This would also bring her hope.    


After all, it would be best if they could resolve the matter without fighting. However, if they had to fight, she wouldn't mind.    


Anyway, she had already shed all pretenses of cordiality with Third Master. There was nothing for her to be afraid of.    


Third Master knew what Chung Rann meant, "Since that's the case, why don't you hand the person over to me and I will avenge you. We will write off all the grudges between us, alright?"    


The most important thing for him right now was to quickly get rid of Liang Yifan, this scourge, so that he wouldn't have to worry about too much trouble.    


"Third Master, you also know that I am this person. Liang Yifan has already lied to me more than once. I definitely won't let it go just like that. Third Master, please give me some face."    


Chung Rann replied politely with a fake smile on her face. It was as if the two of them were playing Tai Chi. No one was willing to cause any conflict in this place. After all, at the airport. If both sides fought, it would not be good for them. Especially San Ye.    


After all, he was involved in the grey area. If he was really investigated, then things would be different. It was very likely that he would fall into his own trap.    


How could Third Master Ye not understand what Chung Rann meant? She clearly did not want to let him go.    


"If you say so, then there is no room for negotiation between us?"    


"That's more or less the case. After all, in order to find him, I have to travel through mountains and rivers. Furthermore, he even made my sister pregnant. No matter what, I have to bring her back to give an explanation."    


Third Master's attitude turned cold and his entire body was filled with dignity.    


"Then according to what you said, there is no room for negotiation between us?"    


Chung Rann's attitude was also very strong, "Yes, that's right. Liang Yifan, I will not let him go easily."    


"Then don't blame me. Come, the few of you, bring Liang Yifan into the car!"    


With a command from Third Master, the few people under him started to move. They all wanted to walk towards Chung Rann and the others.    


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