Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C531 How dare You Touch Her

C531 How dare You Touch Her

"She's from the Fenng family. Think about it, can you touch her?"    


In the entire City Y, as long as one was in the business circle, they would know the status of the Fenng family in the City Y. They couldn't be underestimated. As long as they spoke, the entire City Y would tremble. Offending them was the same as courting death.    


When the man heard this, he still didn't believe it.    


"You didn't lie to me?"    


"If you don't believe me, you can investigate it yourself. Even if she isn't from the Fenng family, since she came to find me, I have to be responsible for her safety. So, don't even think about touching her."    


At this moment, Duan Youlin put away his carefree attitude. His handsome brows were tightly knitted, and his serious expression was frightening.    


That man was still a little afraid. If something were to happen to him, he would really have to bear the consequences.    


"I'm just joking. I'm just teasing the little girl. Don't take it too seriously. Everyone knows that your Duan family's Little Master is famous for having a sense of justice."    


Fenng Yanfei, who was standing at the side, said in an underestimation, "No matter what he is, he will definitely be more righteous than you."    




That person said and wanted to go up and scold Fenng Yanfei. Fenng Yanfei hurriedly hid behind Duan Youlin.    


The main reason was because there were too many people on his side and she was not familiar with the place. If she really caused trouble, she would not even be able to call him brother.    


It was better for a practical person to be an outstanding talent. She would just say a few words and forget about it.    


Duan Youlin stood in front of Fenng Yanfei and was as steady as Mount Tai. At this moment, Fenng Yanfei suddenly realized that Duan Youlin was really handsome. He was like a man. In the past, she felt that he was just a small boy, the kind that was worse than her.    


In her impression, didn't these Little Master only know how to spend money and drink? Did he not know how to spend money like flowing water? He treated women as if they were changing clothes. He probably did not even know how to respect women.    


Now, it seemed like Duan Youlin was different from those people.    


Duan Youlin turned around and pulled Fenng Yanfei's hand. "Let's go out and talk."    


Fenng Yanfei was stunned and then nodded. " Yes."    


Duan Youlin pulled Fenng Yanfei out and a few people behind them discussed.    


"Could it be that Little Master from the Duan family wants to take this girl down?"    


"That's right. For so many years, I have never seen him get so close to any of the opposite sex. Sometimes, this kid was too innocent. Five hundred meters away... I don't see any opposite sex, nor did I hear him talk about girlfriends. He's either driving or fiddling with his app all the time. I don't think he's succeeded until now. "    


"I think the two of them are quite compatible. They're both pretty."    


After Duan Youlin and Fenng Yanfei went out, he let go of her hand and put his hands back in his pocket. His face was still a little serious.    


"Don't come to this kind of place in the future. They are all men."    


Fenng Yanfei raised her eyebrows. "So what if all of you are men? It is just that the men here are too low. It is like they have never seen a woman before."    


Duan Youlin snorted. "Who asked you to be good-looking? Usually, there are very few girls who go to that place. You are young, so of course you will be targeted."    


"I did not expect such a thing to happen. I just wanted to come and find you."    


Duan Youlin lowered his head and fumbled around for a cigarette in his pocket. He was about to light it when he saw Fenng Yanfei standing in front of him and asked.    


"You don't mind, do you?"    


Fenng Yanfei hurriedly waved her hand. "It's fine, it's fine. You can smoke it."    


She suddenly asked her a question, and her impression of Duan Youlin improved a lot. She had never thought that Duan Youlin would be like this before, but now she suddenly realized that Duan Youlin was actually quite a good person.    


Duan Youlin did not stand on ceremony. He lit the cigarette and narrowed his eyes. "What do you want from me?"    


Fenng Yanfei realized that if Duan Youlin was not in front of her sister-in-law, he would still look very mature. If he was in front of her sister-in-law, he would look like a husky.    


But thinking about it, it was normal. She was also very obedient in front of her sister-in-law. But if she was at work, she would be very serious. The streamers under her would not dare to provoke her easily.    


Only then did Fenng Yanfei remember her real purpose of finding Duan Youlin.    


"Didn't you want to go to sister-in-law's luxurious garage to take a look? I can take you there."    


When Duan Youlin heard about the luxurious garage, he thought, Wow, his sister is so rich. It's fine if she's a garage, but she's still a luxury garage.    


He didn't quite believe it, especially when it came from Fenng Yanfei's mouth.    


"Do you know where my sister's luxury garage is?"    


"Won't you know after you call and ask? My sister-in-law pampers me so much. She will definitely let me go."    


When Fenng Yanfei said this, she was still a little smug.    


Duan Youlin had long wanted to see what his sister's garage was like. Seeing Fenng Yanfei say it so magically, he naturally wanted to go and take a look even more.    


"Alright, let's go now."    


Fenng Yanfei heard this and was pleasantly surprised in her heart. She first tricked Duan Youlin over. The rest of the problems could be solved when the time came. As long as they reached sister-in-law's garage, perhaps he would like to see which car he wanted. She would mention it to him when the time came. It would definitely be easier for him to agree.    


She began to feel proud of her little scheme.    


"Okay, wait for me to call sister-in-law first."    


Fenng Yanfei quickly gave Chung Rann a call.    


Chung Rann was currently in the hospital with Fenng Moye to make arrangements. When she received Fenng Yanfei's phone, she roughly understood what she wanted to do.    


But Duan Youlin probably wouldn't agree so quickly, so she guessed that Fenng Yanfei definitely wanted to lead Duan Youlin to the garage first.    


"Hello, sister-in-law. Sister-in-law, quickly give me the key to your garage."    


"I don't have the key to my garage."    


Fenng Yanfei was stunned. "No key. Sister-in-law, you must be joking with me. How can you not have a key? If you don't have a key, can you just leave it there and not move it?"    


"Mine is an electronic lock. You can just enter the password directly."    


"D * mn, you already have an electronic lock. It seems that the car inside is very expensive. Hurry up and send me the address and password. I will go with Duan Youlin now."    


"I sent you my phone."    


Fenng Yanfei was shocked again. "So fast? Sister-in-law, are you the worm in my stomach? I haven't even said anything and you are already talking like this."    


" Isn't your purpose of calling very obvious? "She didn't need to ask at all.    


Fenng Yanfei laughed mischievously, "Alright, then sister-in-law, I will go with Duan Youlin first."    


"Yes, be careful on the road."    


Then, she hung up the phone.    


Fenng Yanfei received the message and waved at Duan Youlin who was beside her.    


"Let's go."    


The two of them drove to the garage and shocked the two of them.    


Fenng Yanfei looked at the huge garage. It could not be called a garage. It should be called a car exhibition. Moreover, the decoration was very luxurious. Sure enough, she got it right. It was a luxury garage. There was nothing wrong with it.    


Duan Youlin was also shocked. He looked around, afraid that he would miss a place.    


"Damn, my sister is so rich."    


"I didn't expect my sister-in-law to be the real rich woman. My brother is really good friends with her."    


"Of course. I wonder whose sister she is."    


Duan Youlin started to show off again.    


Fenng Yanfei cast a sidelong glance at him. "Stop it. Do you still need me to list out what your Duan family did to my sister-in-law?"    


Duan Youlin felt a little embarrassed when he mentioned this, but he couldn't be blamed for it.    


"I want to help my sister. It's not like you didn't see it. I can't do anything to those people in my family who listen to me."    


Regarding Chung Rann's matter, he felt that he had already done his best. He couldn't really not interact with the Duan family.    


Fenng Yanfei knew that Duan Youlin was very protective of Chung Rann. From the fact that his car was confiscated, it was already very obvious. But he definitely wouldn't be able to do it alone.    


However, there was indeed no other way. The people of the Duan family were too persistent. Sometimes, they really couldn't do anything about it.    


"Alright, then I won't blame you."    


"You, on the other hand, why did you suddenly think of looking for me? Why did you bring me to tour my sister's luxurious garage?"    


Duan Youlin had always felt that Fenng Yanfei was a strange girl. If she suddenly invited him, there must be something strange about it.    


Fenng Yanfei pointed at the numerous luxury cars in front of her. "You can drive whichever you like."    


Duan Youlin saw Fenng Yanfei's rich look and raised his eyebrows.    


"You have to figure it out. This is my sister's garage, not yours. If you want to give it to me, just give it to me. Can you make the decision?"    


Although his sister had indeed promised him that she would compensate him with a car and let him choose anything in her garage, now that Fenng Yanfei was here again, he had a bad feeling about it.    


"Just say what you want. You and I are not the kind of people who beat around the bush."    


Fenng Yanfei smiled awkwardly, "You can see that."    




"I actually have something to talk to you about. I heard that you recently booked a good car. Do you want to change it with me? "    


Fenng Yanfei carefully looked at Duan Youlin.    


Duan Youlin looked at Fenng Yanfei in shock. "You want me to change the car with you? Third Miss of the Fenng family, is there water in your brain or is there water in my brain? Since you want that car, you should know very well. It is definitely not easy to get that car. I have put in a lot of effort. That's why I took it off. Now you want me to exchange it with you. It's still using my sister's car to exchange. Your business isn't at a loss."    


Fenng Yanfei also knew that letting Duan Youlin exchange cars with her was a bit difficult. After all, they all liked cars. When they saw good cars, they could not help but make a move.    


This time, her attitude towards Duan Youlin was also unprecedentedly good.    


"You see, my sincerity is also very good. Why don't you force it and agree to me?"    


Fenng Yanfei put her palms together and looked at Duan Youlin eagerly. Her small mouth pouted and her voice sounded even more aggrieved.    


Duan Youlin clenched his fists tightly and turned his eyes to the side. He snorted coldly.    


"Don't use this move with me. It's useless to use this move with me."    


This girl usually looked fierce, but when she suddenly became gentle, it was strange that people were not used to it.    


Fenng Yanfei winked at Duan Youlin. "Then what kind do you prefer? Tell me, I'll try."    


Duan Youlin,... ""    


It was not that he liked which one, but he would not give her the car. It was not easy for him to get this car. How could he give it to someone else so easily?    


Fenng Yanfei did not give up and went forward. She pulled Duan Youlin's sleeve and said, "Just promise me. There are so many cars here. Don't tell me you don't like them? Could it be that the cars in my sister-in-law's garage are not as good as yours?"    


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