Madam Is An All-round Big Boss

C564 Cooperation

C564 Cooperation

The rescue team was still searching for Chung Rann, but there were still no clues. Fenng Moye sent more people to call Xiao Kun's people over. After all, the rescue team could not search 24 hours a day.    


But he did not have time to let these people rest. He could not delay a minute or a second.    


When Xiao Kun came over, he first ordered his men to follow him. Then he walked to Fenng Moye. Seeing his dejected face, he knew that he was worried.    


In all these years, he had never seen such an expression on Fenng Moye's face. He was really affected by it.    


He patted Fenng Moye's shoulder. "I don't want to say anything else. Let nature take its course. We will do our best to find him."    


"I know." Fenng Moye nodded. He could not control this kind of thing. At most, he could only ask the rescue team to try their best. After all, it was hard to say whether they would live or die.    


But he believed that with his wife's survival desire, she would definitely survive.    


A large number of rescue teams started looking for work again. It was already night, but it was as bright as day. Che Jin had already ordered people to set up tents next to them. They were a little tired, at least they could still rest.    


Ho Chuan and the others had already transported food and drinks over.    


Ho Chuan and the others had been guarding for a long time. They even had to participate in it personally. They were not afraid of those dirty, tired, and heavy things. Now, they just wanted their boss to be safe and sound.    


Che Jin brought over his lunchbox at this time and saw Fenng Moye staring at the rescue team in front of him.    


"Director Fenng, let's eat first."    


"I can't eat it." He hadn't found a wife yet, so how could he have the time to eat now?    


"But you can't drag your own body down. If you don't find your wife by that time, you will drag your body down first."    


Che Jin still insisted on opening the box and handed it to Fenng Moye.    


Xiao Kun walked over and said, "If you want to find someone, you still need to eat. Don't fall yourself before you find the person. At that time, Chung Rann will have to worry about you."    


When he heard Chung Rann's name, Fenng Moye's dull eyes had a trace of vitality.    


In the end, he still picked up the chopsticks and ate. Although he did not eat much, at least he was not hungry.    


At this time, Duan Wenji and the others walked over from not far away. They saw that Fenng Moye and the others were already eating. Duan Wenji was extremely hungry. He had been searching for the whole day, but still didn't find any clues about Duan Youlin.    


He was about to go crazy looking for ___.    


Especially since Duan Guogang's side was urging him to. He had made more than ten phone calls that day.    


He was about to take a break when Duan Guogang called again. Duan Wenji had no choice but to answer.    


He placed the phone beside his ear. "I'm already looking for him, but this Third Master is too cunning. I don't have any clues at all. Besides, it's already dark. Where do you want me to find him?"    


Duan Guogang came up with an idea for him.    


"Go and find Fenng Moye and the others to help. They should hate Third Master very much now. If it wasn't for Third Master, Chung Rann wouldn't have gone there. There wouldn't have been an earthquake and nothing would have happened to her."    


However, he wasn't worried at all. Of course, it was impossible. After all, this girl was his daughter. Although he had never met her in so many years, once something happened... This bloodline connection would more or less have a lot of impact.    


Of course, he was not willing to admit it, and it was just a little bit of worry. It could be ignored.    


Duan Wenji naturally didn't know what his father was thinking. He only knew that he had just fought with Fenng Moye, and Duan Guogang still wanted him to ask Fenng Moye for help. Did he not want face?    


Immediately, Duan Wenji objected. "Dad, you clearly know that I have always been incompatible with Fenng Moye. Now that you want me to look for him to cooperate with you, where is my face?"    


"Is it time for you to pay attention to your face? Isn't your brother's life the most important thing at this time?"    


If Duan Wenji wasn't in front of him right now, he would slap this kid in the face for the truth. What was he thinking all day long?    


At this time, Duan Youlin's life was the most important thing. Everything else had to be put aside for the time being.    


Duan Wenji could only agree to Duan Guogang's sudden scolding.    


"Alright, I got it. I will go and find Fenng Moye now."    


"Hurry up. I don't care what method you use, you have to catch that Third Master. Otherwise, your brother will be dead. Your mother is so anxious at home."    


"Got it." Duan Wenji hung up the phone. After a while, he walked towards Fenng Moye.    


Ho Chuan got angry when he saw Duan Wenji. "What? Haven't you found Little Master of Duan family yet?"    


Duan Wenji was too lazy to talk to Ho Chuan. He just asked Fenng Moye.    


"Have you found Third Master San over there?"    


Due to the Duan family's attitude towards her wife, Fenng Moye didn't have a good attitude towards Duan Wenji. In any case, the two families had never interfered with each other's business. There was no need for such formalities.    


He replied coldly, "Whether we found Third Master San or not seems to have nothing to do with you."    


Duan Wenji saw the cold and arrogant look on Fenng Moye's face. He really wanted to turn around and leave. Although the Fenng family had been doing well in the past few years, they wouldn't be so arrogant.    


Fine, it was more important to find Duan Youlin now. Otherwise, his father would definitely eat him alive.    


Duan Wenji patiently threw an olive branch at Fenng Moye.    


"Look, you want to find Third Master now because Chung Rann's initial goal was to get Third Master to bring justice to her. Now that Duan Youlin is also in Third Master's hands, I think we can work together. We have a lot of people on both sides. If we want to find Third Master... At least, it won't be that difficult."    


Fenng Moye refused without even thinking, "No need."    


Did Duan Wenji think he did not know what he was planning? He just wanted to borrow Duan Youlin's strength and find him.    


Third Master, he would find him sooner or later. Now, it wasn't the time to worry about Duan Youlin, but his wife.    


Duan Wenji didn't expect Fenng Moye to reject him without even thinking about it.    


Actually, he didn't want to look for Fenng Moye anymore, but what could he do? Duan Guogang had given her a death order. If anything happened to Duan Youlin, he would definitely kill him.    


He could only continue to talk to Fenng Moye patiently and patiently.    


"Director Fenng, don't you think Chung Rann wants to find Third Master too? Find Third Master as soon as possible. If Chung Rann is really safe and sound, once she wakes up, she will know that you have already followed the law of Third Master. She was very happy in her heart. Besides, this Miss Su also took such a huge risk to reveal the secret to you. Now, she didn't even know whether her grandmother was alive or dead. Director Fenng... You can imagine if this matter was replaced by Chung Rann. What would she do?"    


Of course Fenng Moye knew. With his wife's personality, she would definitely help Su Yexuan find Third Master at this time to confirm if her grandmother was alright.    


However, he did not want to care about anyone right now. He wanted to care about his wife's life now.    


His attitude was still very firm. "You don't need to provoke me with these things. Since the people of Duan family want to find Duan Youlin, you can go and find him yourself. Right now, no one is more important than my wife's life."    


At this moment, Su Yexuan suddenly knelt on the ground. "Director Fenng, I beg of you. Please help me. My grandmother is so old. That crazy Third Master might do something to my grandmother."    


At this time, Duan Wenji still wanted to praise this girl. She was quite cooperative.    


He continued, "Yes. You see, Miss Su exposed herself to inform you guys. You guys can't ignore it now, right?"    


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