CEO's Sudden Proposal

C78 Lack of Training

C78 Lack of Training

He Qiaoyan silently rolled his eyes. He found out that this woman's brain circuit was really extraordinary. He couldn't even use normal thinking to evaluate her.    


Wasn't it too strange to call her ex-boyfriend in front of him?    


Qin Yiyue rubbed her face and continued, "At that time, it was the greatest crisis I faced. How outstanding was I in the past? Her grades were good and she was also beautiful. She could be the campus belle any minute. But I was blind and liked a scumbag man. I gave him such a precious opportunity to go abroad. She even gave him a bank card of $200,000 that my parents gave me when I was twenty. In the end, he kicked me as soon as he left the country, crushing my maiden heart. You don't even know how uncomfortable I was at that time. Although my parents didn't blame me, but the relatives, classmates, friends and teachers around me all thought that I was an idiot and chatted behind my back every day. Later on, when I got angry, I went overseas to ask for an explanation from him. "    


When Qin Yiyue said this, her eyes suddenly heated up.    


Qin Yiyue reached out and covered her eyes, "He actually did not dare to see me and let Ye Qing come out to deal with it. How blind did I have to be to fall in love with such a scumbag man?"    


"This is the reason why you did not fall in love these few years? Is it also because of Zhou Ziyang that you refused my proposal to you? "    


"Zhou Ziyang has crushed more than half of my trust in people. I once doubted my judgment of people." Qin Yiyue's thoughts were interrupted by He Qiaoyan's words. She was pulled out of her self-pity. She sniffed and said, "Besides, I am just a little citizen who has just finished eating. The most famous tycoon in the Qin City proposed to me. How can I not run?"    


"In the end, I still couldn't run away."    


Qin Yiyue chuckled twice. Her head was no longer as painful as before. "Rich man, what about you? Do you have any special ex-girlfriends? A person like you must have many ex-girlfriends, right? How did I get rid of those ex-girlfriends and succeed in getting promoted? "    


" Who told you that I have a lot of ex-girlfriends? "    


"Those second-generation rich kids with average looks are all a bunch of girlfriends, how can you not have one?"    


"What's the correlation between these two? There are a lot of nouveau riche and brawls among the second-generation rich kids. I want to get involved too?"    


"Uh, you're right."    


He Qiaoyan reached out and patted her furry head. "Sleep for a while. I'll call you when we get home."    


"Okay." Qin Yiyue responded with her nasal voice. She felt that her body was about to be finished.    


"Is your New Year holiday three days ago?"    


"No. All the doctors had returned to work. The doctors who were on duty during the new year could rest at any time, "said Wang Yao.    


" Then rest well tomorrow. Don't go to work. "    


"Okay." Qin Yiyue answered in a low voice and closed her eyes.    


Sure enough, Qin Yiyue caught a cold and had a fever that night. She felt a sharp pain in her head and her throat was dry. She felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to cry.    


Just as she wanted to turn to the side, her forehead was covered by a wide palm. "Don't move. You still have a fever."    


Qin Yiyue nodded.    


He Qiaoyan saw that she was uncomfortable and sat on the bed. He helped her up and fed her some water.    


The warm water slid down her throat and Qin Yiyue only felt a little more comfortable. Seeing that the sky was already bright, she asked in a hoarse voice, "Where is Xiaobao?"    


"He is in the study studying."    


"Oh, oh. Where's my parents? They should be back today. "    


" My mother-in-law is calling you. I'll answer. She said she'll come back later"    


"Then I'm finished, I'll be ridiculed"    


He Qiaoyan touched her sweaty little face." Even if you are sick, you still need to be said? "    


"You do not know Ms. Luo who has a sharp tongue but a soft heart." Qin Yiyue moved her arm and found that it was sore and weak.    


"Drink some porridge first. It is not easy to have an empty stomach."    


Qin Yiyue nodded and took the bowl of porridge that He Qiaoyan handed over. She drank it up bit by bit.    


He Qiaoyan looked at her pale face and felt very soft in his heart.    


This little girl was getting more and more influential to Xiaobao and him.    


Qin Yiyue was drinking porridge when she heard a woman drinking explosively, "Qin Yiyue!"    


Qin Yiyue almost threw the bowl of porridge away and answered weakly, "I'm upstairs!"    


Not long later, footsteps came from downstairs.    


Luo Mingmei ran in and touched her forehead worriedly. Seeing that she did not have a fever, she let out a sigh of relief, "You child, can you take good care of yourself?"    


"Just having an illness occasionally. It's fine. Mom, I haven't seen you for a few days and you are becoming more and more beautiful."    


"Don't flatter me. If you want to eat something, I'll make it for you."    


"Thank you, Mom. Just cook your signature dishes once."    


"It's so beautiful." Luo Mingmei poked her head in annoyance. "Take care of your illness quickly. Don't spread it to me, Young grandson."    


"Mom, you should go to the kitchen. I can't stand you hitting me like that."    


"Keep pretending." Luo Mingmei snorted a few times and went downstairs.    


He Qiaoyan looked at their interaction with amusement.    


Qin Yiyue saw her mother go out and moved her soft and weak arms, "I want to take a bath."    


"Dr. Qin, do you remember that people with fever can't take a shower?"    


"But I have the smell of alcohol on me."    


"I already helped you wipe it last night."    


"Oh." Qin Yiyue thought about it and realized that something was not right. She said with a trembling voice, "You, you helped me wipe it? You actually took advantage of me being drunk to peek at my sexy figure?!"    


"Your flat body is still sexy." He Qiaoyan was speechless.    


Qin Yiyue hugged the blanket and looked at He Qiaoyan for a moment, feeling wronged. She buried her face under the blanket and said, "I don't want to live anymore."    


He Qiaoyan was speechless."    


He Qiaoyan felt that if he spent more time with this woman, his IQ would drop drastically.    


Qin Yiyue heard He Qiaoyan's footsteps go far away. She stuck her head out of the blanket and secretly looked at her pajamas. She then touched her small chest with a wretched expression.    


Then she got up with a face full of regret and called Yang Ruowei to ask about her situation.    


From the sound, she did not hear that Yang Ruowei had a cold or was not feeling well. Instead, she was a little more energetic than yesterday.    


Qin Yiyue changed into a house uniform and went downstairs. Luo Mingmei and Aunt Liu had already placed the dishes on the table.    


There was also a mini cake in front of each table.    


"Mom, I love you."    


"Damn, I get annoyed when I hear you call me mom" Luo Mingmei roared fiercely.    


Qin Yiyue immediately turned her head to look for Qin Qiuyang.    


Qin Qiuyang and He Qiaoyan were chatting quietly in the living room. Seeing her walk over, he reached out and touched her forehead, "It's still a little hot."    


"Dad, your precious daughter's physical fitness has decreased."    


"You lack exercise. Later, wake up early to exercise with Qiaoyan and Xiaobao."    


"Yes, yes." Qin Yiyue lazily rested her head on Qin Qiuyang's shoulder. "Dad, did anything fun happen during the new year?"    


"It's nothing. It's just that there are more people. It's more lively than before. Yaer has already confirmed that she will be entering Qiaoyan's company for her internship."    


"Hubby, Yaer won't make things difficult for you if she works in the company, right?"    


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