The Sacred Gate

C490 Advance disaster

C490 Advance disaster

This cave was very big. It was around ten meters in diameter and straight down, it was very similar to the sealed array entrance that Chen Mo had seen before. It was completely dark below and from time to time, a group of ghosts would come floating up with a sinister smile.    


The surrounding people were all sword wielding experts, their strengths were all above Guiyuan Realm, once ghosts floated up, they would fight with all their might.    


"Hehehehehe ?"    


When Chen Mo arrived, he coincidentally heard a sharp and piercing sound of ghosts. Dozens of pitch black ghost shadow floated up, and their shadows were very thick, thicker than anything Chen Mo had ever seen before.    




One of the cultivators shouted, dozens of experts flew over, the longsword was constantly slashing at the ghost shadow.    


Before those ghost shadow s were hit, their bodies emitted a black smoke. Only when they had been slashed more than ten times, would their bodies become even fainter and fall, but they did not die!    


On the other hand, those cultivators were extremely tired.    


Chen Mo saw that they were all cultivators from the Ghost Gate, not a single one of them was an expert from the outside.    


Chen Mo asked: "Ghost Gate Lord, where are the experts from Kunlun Sect? How come only your people are busy? "    


The Sect Leader of the Ghost sect shook his head and laughed bitterly: "Kunlun Sect and the rest, they are not worth mentioning. Send a few on behalf of s over, all of them are here to play, all of them are standing at the back chatting, and there are not many experts here!"    


"These beasts!"    


Chen Mo could not help but curse.    


"Little Chen Mo, this is the entrance to the Celestial Ghosts' Grottoes, the real ghosts are all down there, but there are too many of them down there, so we can't stand guard there anymore, we can only guard at the entrance!"    


"Every five minutes, dozens of ghosts will float up, and I have to force my way through. Otherwise, if I injure or let them float away, the consequences will be unimaginable!"    


The Sect Leader of the Ghost sect explained a few things to Chen Mo.    


Chen Mo said: "There shouldn't be a problem for the Gui Zhen Realm experts to go down right?"    


The Sect Leader of the Ghost sect shook his head and said, "There are too many ghosts down there. Once we go down, we will be surrounded and attacked by them.    


"However, you absolutely must not be injured. Even if it's just a small cut, you will become a ghost corpse and the stronger you become, the stronger you become!"    


Chen Mo said: "Let's go down and take a look!"    


"Alright, everyone be careful ?"    


Sect Leader of the Ghost sect brought a dozen or so Gui Zhen Realm experts with him, Chen Mo brought Shen Bingyan, Herb Sect and the other Gui Zhen Realm experts with him as they flew down.    


Once they went in, they encountered a wave of ghosts.    


Chen Mo and the rest did not even make a move, they immediately attacked and caused the ghosts s to quickly dim, and then floated down.    


After 10 minutes or so, everyone flew to the bottom of the Celestial Ghosts' Grottoes. The bottom of the mountain was extremely spacious and bright, with no end in sight.    


Seeing Chen Mo and the others, countless ghosts rushed over.    


ghost corpse s were even more terrifying than ghosts s. After beheading them, they would continue to attack, chopping them into pieces. They would even squirm on the ground like earthworms, not completely dying at all.    


Shen Bingyan and the others were all killing ghosts, so Chen Mo did not make a move. Instead, he stood in the middle and observed the situation.    


He discovered that every hundred meters, there was an enormous black sphere. Countless ghosts surrounded the black sphere, and each one of them went up to take a bite, then moved aside.    


That black sphere was emitting a faint light, just like the Soul Tomb he had gotten from the branch in Ghost Gate.    


Sect Leader of the Ghost sect stood by Chen Mo's side and explained to him, "Little Chen Mo, these huge sphere are the Soul Tomb. They used to be the residences of these ghosts. Just cut a piece off and make it into a Soul Tomb. Then it can be placed inside the ghosts and it can be controlled! "    


"Soul Tomb is a spongy structure, after it is chopped down, it will grow back on its own, endlessly!"    


"Right now, all the ghosts are eating the Soul Tomb. Once eaten, it would be like an undying and indestructible beast that can't be killed at all. Its attacking power would be even stronger!"    


Chen Mo nodded his head, looking at the ghosts, it was basically the same, but they were all just human figures, and he couldn't tell who was who at all.    


In this situation, how could it be easy to find the Herb Sect's cultivators?    


Chen Mo said: "You two wait here for me, I will take all the Soul Tomb s!"    


In the next moment, Chen Mo was protected by five-colored flames, and all the ghosts that saw it screamed miserably as they dodged, not daring to attack Chen Mo at all.    


Chen Mo put the first huge black sphere into the Sacred Gate. As the black sphere had a diameter of ten meters, he had to stick his head on it in order to store it.    


As one gigantic Soul Tomb after another was taken away, those ghosts stopped moving and looked in Chen Mo's direction.    


This shocked Sect Leader of the Ghost sect and the rest. Where could Chen Mo take such a big Soul Tomb?    


There were simply too many Soul Tomb s. Chen Mo collected tens of minutes, collected several hundred, and even lost track of their figures a long time ago.    


All the ghosts stood in place without moving, not moving at all from the moment Chen Mo took away the Soul Tomb.    


This was extremely strange.    


Sect Leader of the Ghost sect and the others went over, but the ghosts and the other ghost corpse did not move.    


No one could explain why.    


In the blink of an eye, three days had passed and Chen Mo still had not returned.    


And Chen Mo, received tens of thousands of Soul Tomb s.    


"God, how do we find the Herb Sect's dead ghosts?"    


Chen Mo did not forget to ask this question.    


The gentle and beautiful voice said, "Scour their corpses out. As long as you have not eaten the Soul Tomb, they will be able to sense that you have come looking for them!"    


All the ghosts were at a loss of what to do, but when they had the power to pull, or when they felt the aura of their own corpses, they would move.    


"These ghosts s don't seem to be able to move?" Chen Mo was suspicious.    


For three days, all the ghosts were motionless, which was extremely strange.    


The gentle and beautiful voice said: "The Soul Tomb is a being that has the same brain as them, and is the key to control the ghosts. Now that you have accepted them, the ghosts naturally will not move, because it is at a loss of what to do!"    


"If you want it, then quickly finish it. If you can't finish it within nine days, the rest of the Soul Tomb will explode. For every Soul Tomb, there will be a corresponding ghosts expert, and when the Soul Tomb explodes, the ghosts experts will appear, and lead the ghosts! "    


"At this time, it is also a good chance to kill ghosts s, but there are too many of them. Every second, there will be at least two new ghosts s.    


Chen Mo was shocked.    


In other words, the reason he accepted the Soul Tomb was to let disaster befall him!    


But he had no choice, he did not accept it, the ghosts ate the Soul Tomb everyday, not only did it increase their strength, the recovery of the Soul Tomb also had a limit.    


Once they reached their limit, they would also explode, and there would be many ghosts experts appearing as well.    


Chen Mo took the Soul Tomb along one direction and returned. Two days later, he arrived at the place they were at.    


"Shixiong Xiao Mo!"    


Seeing Chen Mo, Shen Bingyan and the others were finally relieved.    


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