Abandoned Son-in-law

C706 Jin's First Leg

C706 Jin's First Leg

President Sun didn't even dare to breathe heavily, for fear of disturbing Lin Muyun.    


Only now did he know that Lin Muyun was the real Cultivator, and the spiritual qi in his body was circulating in his body.    


The Martial Arts Association that he had organized could at most only practice inner strength, but Lin Muyun's current level had exceeded the mortal body. It was a level that they would never be able to reach in their entire lives.    


However, President Sun still broke out in a cold sweat.    


Because he had seen Lin Muyun's current cultivation condition in Kim Haonan, and it was even stronger!    


He had accidentally passed by the lounge and saw that Kim Haonan was also like Lin Muyun, cultivating with his legs crossed. The room was filled with white fog, and a faint light surrounded his body.    


Time passed minute by minute, and Lin Muyun was still cultivating with his eyes closed.    


The spiritual qi had already circulated in his body for two small cycles. Although he had closed his eyes, everything that had happened in the outside world was clearly transmitted to his brain.    


The reception desk was filled with excited cheers. It was obvious that the competition had reached its climax.    


The host shouted at the top of his voice. The applause from the audience raised the atmosphere of the entire arena to its highest point.    


". . . Yang Cheng Wing Chun Sect lost! Kim Family's Kim Haonan won!"    


"Kim Clan's Kim Haonan! He has won against the Cloud River Yi Form Fist!"    


"Ha Cheng's Taiji Palm Master has been defeated and he has left the stage! Kim Haonan of Kim Clan has advanced!"    


. . .    


Lin Muyun slowly opened his eyes and asked the host.    


"How is the situation outside now?"    


Chairman Sun, who was beside him, heaved a sigh of relief and quickly went forward to report.    


"Right now, the Kim Clan has the upper hand. Most of the Yan Xia Martial Arts Groups were defeated by the Kim Family. Only a few teams are still struggling to hold on. "    


After saying that, he smiled bitterly and sighed. He shook his head and said, "Master Lin, it is also our Yan Xia's fault that our martial arts development is too weak. Now, we actually let a tiny Lily have the upper hand and blow up the entire scene. "    


Lin Muyun stood up and said, "Let's go out and take a look. "    


After saying that, he strode out of the VIP hall.    


President Sun quickly followed him. He felt extremely unpleasant in his heart.    


A few decades of summer martial arts enjoyed an extremely high status in the world. There were also many martial arts stars who went overseas and occupied a place in Hollywood. They even caused a global martial arts frenzy.    


But now, Yanxia Martial Arts had gradually declined. The economy had developed, but as a national study of Yanxia Martial Arts, because it did not bring much economic benefits, it was less and less valued by people.    


Even if he wanted to develop and strengthen Yan Xia Martial Arts, But this kind of thing that did not earn money, there were not many people who invested in it, not to mention the students who came to learn Yan Xia Martial Arts.    


Now, the streets were filled with taekwondo and Qi Gathering Dojo. . . Everyone was rushing the trend, and instead threw the old ancestor's national studies to the side.    


Now, a Korean Taekwondo family dared to be so arrogant that they came to Yan Xia to challenge him!    


President Sun felt a wave of sadness in his heart.    


Could it be that the martial arts of Yan Xia that had been popular for thousands of years were really going to become weaker and weaker like this?    


. . .    


Lin Muyun arrived at the arena. The competition was in full swing.    


A tall man wearing a white Daoist robe stood on the arena. He had a scar on his face, and his facial expression was fierce and gloomy. He was the Kim Haonan who was known as the "First Leg of Kim Family"!    


His current opponent was the descendant of the Hainan Luohan Fist!    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    


Kim Haonan kicked out with lightning speed, forcing his opponent to retreat continuously. He did not have the strength to retaliate at all!    


The heir of the Luohan Fist retreated to a corner and was beaten to a pulp. He raised his hand in panic and made a "admit defeat" gesture.    


Logically speaking, once the opponent made such a gesture, it meant that the match had ended and the attacker should stop.    


However, Kim Haonan acted as if he did not see it. When the opponent made the gesture of admitting defeat, he still jumped into the air and sent out a scissor kick, hitting the opposing side.    


The heir of the Luohan Fist suddenly screamed in pain. He tilted his head backwards, and blood splashed out.    


His head was knocked down and he fell down from the stage like a falling onion. He fell off the stage with a bang and passed out.    


Kim Haonan arrogantly retracted his leg and sneered.    




The entire competition ended in a few minutes. The Jin Family members who were watching from below the stage immediately cheered as if they were injected with stimulants.    


"Korea Invincible! Our Kim Clan is number one under the heavens!"    


"Sick Man Yan Xia! Kneel down and admit defeat to our Kim Clan!"    


"The Kim Family is the strongest, Yan Xia can't even withstand a single blow. "    


A group of Jin Family members were cheering loudly, and they were incomparably arrogant.    


Many of the people present were furious when they heard this, but they had no way to fight back.    


This was Yan Xia's home ground, but he had been defeated by a girl from the Kim Clan, a girl from Korea. She was extremely arrogant.    


Lin Muyun glanced around and saw that many of the people below the stage were wounded. Some of them had blood all over their faces, some had their arms and legs broken, and some of them even had bruises all over their faces. They looked like they were on the verge of tears.    


President Sun explained with a bitter smile, "Master Lin, they were all defeated by Kim Haonan. They can only blame us for developing our martial arts too slowly and not being valued at all. Therefore, many of our descendants were not willing to learn martial arts at all. Instead, they went to do business. As a result, in the competition, the martial arts of Yan Xia became weaker and weaker, forming a vicious cycle. "    


As they were talking, Kim Haonan defeated another Fighters with Five Bird Fighters!    


Although the other party cupped his hands and begged for mercy, he still kicked the other party to the ground and shouted arrogantly to the audience below the stage.    


"Your Yan Xia's national skills are no longer good. Our Korea's Taekwondo is the best in the world! Admit defeat. Admit that your Yan Xia martial arts are trash. Actually, your so-called martial arts. . . Your so-called Dragon Boat Festival, Living Character Print, and Feng Shui metaphysics. All of them are ours, and they have already been applied to the world! According to the rules, You still have to kneel down and acknowledge us as your master!"    


Kim Haonan's arrogant attitude instantly aroused the public's anger.    


Many Yan Xia martial arts groups stood up from their seats and roared with red eyes.    


"The Yanxia technique is the essence passed down in our country for thousands of years, and it was invented by your Korea? Get lost! "    


"F * ck off! The Dragon Boat Festival left behind by our ancestors also became your family's property? Why didn't you say that the universe is also yours?"    


"Too arrogant, get out of Yan Xia. "    


There were roars from the seats, and the crowd was furious.    


A group of people from the Kim Clan also stood up and started a verbal battle with the crowd.    


This was a live broadcast, and such a thing had actually happened. This had made Secretary-General Zhao extremely anxious.    


However, he was also very dissatisfied in his heart. Obviously, Kim Haonan was taking advantage of the live broadcast to trample the Yanxia!    


Facing the angry denouncement of the crowd, Kim Haonan stood on the stage and was incomparably arrogant. He openly pointed his middle finger at the camera.    


"A bunch of sick men, they dare not admit that our Lily is stronger than you all. I can only say that you have brought disgrace upon yourselves!"    


The crowd below the stage was filled with rage, but it was only limited to verbal abuse.    


After all, they had seen Kim Haonan's terrifying strength just now. No one in the audience could last more than five minutes under his leg. Those who were lightly injured would have fractures, and those who were heavily injured would be kicked into a concussion. Even if they were treated in the future, there would still be repercussions.    


At this moment, a cold voice was heard.    


"Bullshit! I'm going to teach you a lesson today!"    


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