Urban Hardened All-area System

C1210 Black Centipede Blue Toad Green Scorpion

C1210 Black Centipede Blue Toad Green Scorpion

Lu Dan'er's mother might have been too pleased, but she actually fell into a deep sleep.    


Lu Dan'er and her daughter saw Ye Hong's ugly expression and thought that the problem was difficult for Ye Hong. They could not help but ask worriedly, "Mr Ye, what's the problem?"    


Ye Hong shook his head and temporarily put the matter of Southern Frontier aside. He focused on treating Lu's Mother.    


After all, this matter in Southern Frontier was too strange. For a time, due to the lack of clues, they could not find it clearly. It was better to wait until later to observe.    


The most important thing right now was to treat Lu's Mother's illness.    


Although Ye Hong did not bring twelve golden needles with him this time in Linzhou City, due to his previous two treatment experiences, he quickly locked onto the location of the poison with ease.    


When the Qi circulated to Lu's Mother's heart, Ye Hong's eyes instantly focused and his attention was focused to the extreme.    


He used his Qi to temporarily seal off the entrances and exits near Lu's Mother's heart at an extremely fast speed.    


The abnormality of the heart made Lu's Mother, who was sleeping, frown in pain.    


Seeing this, Lu Dan'er and her daughter's faces were full of worry.    


Fortunately, this kind of seal disappeared very quickly because their aura had already captured that little thing!    


Ye Hong quickly came behind Lu's Mother and struck her back with a powerful force.    


"Get out of the way!"    




Lu's Mother sat up and spat out a green object from her mouth.    


Lu Dan'er and her daughter were shocked and quickly moved aside.    


Along with a disgusting green liquid, everyone found that it was actually a green scorpion.    


The Five Poisons of Southern Frontier were respectively centipedes, poisonous snakes, scorpions, gecko and toads.    


Among them, centipedes were the main body of the poison, toads were the main body of the cold poison, and this green scorpion in front of them was the main body of the poison.    


The little scorpion was just about to escape when it was vaporized into ashes by Ye Hong's Xiyang Palm.    


Ding! Healing the poison in Southern Frontier, healing ability + Current progress : 99 / 100, current level: proficient-level.    


As the scorpion died, a foul stench instantly filled the air.    


Although Lu Dan'er and her daughter were frowning and covering their noses, the joy in their eyes could not be concealed.    


Just because the scorpion was forced out of Lu's Mother's body, her face actually recovered its luster and normal redness at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


"Mr Ye, my mom, is she...?"    


Lu Dan'er asked happily and nervously, afraid that she would hear the words that made people despair from Ye Hong's mouth.    


Ye Hong helped Lu's Mother back to the bed and nodded. "Yes, the poison has been forced out. You just need to take care of yourself."    


"That's great!"    


Lu Dan'er instantly cried tears of joy. She choked and said, "Mr Ye, I really don't know how to thank you..."    


She was moved and kept wiping her tears. She felt that the haze that had accumulated over the years in her heart had disappeared in an instant.    


All these years of grievance, depression, fear, despair towards the future. All of them disappeared at the moment Lu's Mother was cured by Ye Hong.    


She found that not only did Ye Hong's shadow in her heart not fade away, but it also became deeper and deeper. ...    


Lu's Father, who was beside her, nervously whispered into her lover's ear, "How do you feel now?"    


Lu's Mother blinked and felt that the dizziness that had once been buried deep in her body was no longer there.    


The world in front of her had become unprecedentedly clear and normal.    


"I really don't feel dizzy anymore!    


You really are a godly doctor!"    


She struggled to get up and thank Ye Hong, but was stopped by Ye Hong. "Forget about these formalities. You have just recovered. Take a good rest. It is not suitable for you to move."    


Lu Dan'er and her daughter thanked him profusely. Ye Hong smiled bitterly when he heard Ye Hong's praise.    


"If you really want to thank me, help me do one thing."    


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