The Super Universe Leveling Game

C512 Huge Insurance Policy

C512 Huge Insurance Policy

After Unforgettable Night, there was a round of lucky draw, a 10 lucky guests, and the prize was a $288 thermos packaged beautifully, looking grand.    


The 10 lucky guests immediately went up to the stage happily to receive the prize, and they took a photo together as a memento. The value of the prize was not mentioned, but once on stage, it would give people a very deep sense of participation. After the guests walked down from the stage, the smile on their faces clearly increased a little.    


The second program was a small show. 'Bodymaking Case' was a combination of modern lines and popular language. It made everyone laugh loudly and the atmosphere was enthusiastic.    


The third program was dance, a famous clan dance. It was rare that these dancing people were all employees of the insurance company, although they were not very professional. However, when the curtain call came, everyone still gave a loud round of applause. After all, that graceful figure was still very attractive.    


And then there was the lucky draw. It was also the lucky guest. This time, the prize was written by the famous person on the scene. A relatively famous calligraphy artist would be able to buy five to six hundred yuan for just a random calligraphy piece. And in such an occasion, the price of the calligraphy was obvious. The price of a single calligraphy was around 680 yuan. This sort of gift was clearly more in line with the mentality of an entrepreneur. The atmosphere once again heated up.    


The fourth program was singing, Li Jian's Wind, Wind, and Wheat.    


"Sigh!" Wang Hou suddenly sighed.    


"Why is Director Wang sighing? It's such a happy night. He should be smiling." Li Xian smiled.    


"I think of my classmates and my schoolmates from Peking University. I promised to meet them once a year, but they got busy. It's been three years, and I haven't gone back once." Wang Hou shook his head.    


"Chief Wang is actually a top student from Peking University!" Li Xian was filled with respect, and the others also revealed expressions of admiration. Peking University was the most famous university in the country. Those who could enter this school were all proud sons of heaven.    


"If you don't enter Peking University, you can't say that you've seen geniuses. I was originally a proud person. However, after entering Peking University, I realized that there was no genius. There were only even more geniuses. Geniuses could be seen everywhere, and there was no lack of monstrous geniuses among them. There were four people in the dorm, and senior basically did not attend classes. He basically got full marks for the exam, and started his business in his second year. When he graduated in his fourth year, his net worth was over 30 million. He had already opened five chain stores. second brother was a genius in computer science. After he graduated, he was sponsored by his family. After entering the anime industry, he contacted me once in October. He received the attention of a large venture capital company and invested 120 million USD. Old Fourth was the youngest, a memory genius, and won a medal in the World Record of Venice. He took over the family business for the second year and went to the US for the stock exchange. He was now the CEO of a listed company. I'm the worst. " Wang Hou shook his head.    


Everyone looked at Wang Hou as if he was a freak. What kind of people did they know? If it wasn't a family business, then it was a listed company. Even a student earned more money than he did in his entire life.    


Is this Peking University? Everyone felt a strong sense of respect for Peking University in their hearts.    


"Mr Dongfang started his business at such a young age. Which famous school did he graduate from?" Wang Hou asked modestly.    


"I'm not a university student." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


" Oh!" Wang Hou nodded.    


Dongfang Qingyu realized that after he said this, the people around him started to look at him differently. Although it wasn't very obvious, he was basically excluded from the conversation.    


The show on the stage continued. The guests chatted, ate, and watched the show. It was very uncomfortable. The TV would cut in advertisements, and the insurance company's program would naturally cut in the insurance products.    


This was a financial product, and the profit was 5%. It also gave a gold account. Calculating the interest daily and monthly, the profits will roll 12 times a year to calculate the profit. As time passed, the profit became bigger and bigger like a snowball.    


Here was an example. Two jobs, 30 days. One job was $10,000 a day, and the other was $1 cent on the first day. Two cents on the second day, and four cents on the third day. 8 cents on the fourth day... Every day after that was several times more than the previous days. When the first job ended in 30 days, he received a salary of 300,000. The salary of the second job in 30 days reached a terrifying 20 million yuan.    


Those who did this were not idiots. Naturally, they knew that the second method would yield more benefits. However, as for the exact amount, they did not have a bottom line before they saw the number. Therefore, when they saw the salary of 20 million, many people gasped.    


Einstein had once said that the recovery rate was much more powerful than an atomic bomb.    


The compound interest was very attractive, but the people sitting were all elites. They also saw the flaws of this product. The income within ten years was only about the same as the bank's. The true power was produced after 10 years. For investors, the 10-year cycle was too long.    


What attracted people more was the second characteristic of financial products, avoiding debts and avoiding taxes. Divorce is not divided, this is a personal wealth. Being protected by the law, even if it was a crime, this money would not be frozen by the court. It is the best way to inherit wealth.    


"If you sign the receipt at the scene, as long as it exceeds 200,000 yuan, you will be given a pure gold badge worth 188,800,000 yuan." The female host was full of temptation.    


"Now, we can freely communicate for ten minutes. After ten minutes, even more exciting programs will be waiting for everyone!" The male host said.    


"This product is really good. The previous contract only had 2.5% profit. It's just as good as inflation by 2. 25% is a little higher. I have been in the industry for more than five years, and this is the first time I have seen such a high standard profit. " Wang Ling looked at Wang Hou with hope.    


Wang Hou was the guest she had brought, and she thought highly of this young and rich CEO Wang. However, Wang Hou did not seem to be optimistic about this product. He only smiled faintly and did not respond.    


Another salesperson, Li Zisu, was also recommending to a few customers. However, these customers were all watching. From their expressions, it could be seen that the recognition rate was not very high.    


Around five minutes later, the host suddenly went on stage and announced in an excited tone.    


"Mr. XX bought 200,000 yuan. Congratulations to this gentleman for choosing the sensible way to keep the money. Congratulations!"    


"Mister XX bought 100,000 yuan. Congratulations, Mister XX. In ten or twenty years, you will definitely be proud of your choice at this moment!"    


"Congratulations, Mr. XX bought 300,000 yuan. Women are half the sky of their families. I believe that this woman must have made this decision after careful consideration. Congratulations!"    




"Why didn't you recommend it for me?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at Huang Yanmei strangely. All the deacons were busy trying to make the best use of their time to recommend this rare product. Only Huang Yanmei was quiet.    


"I only brought you to eat." Yes, Huang Yanmei said.    


"You are not professional!" Dongfang Qingyu said with a smile.    


"If it was a life insurance policy, I would recommend my friend to buy it, because I don't want to see my friend suffer. If it was financial products, I wouldn't be in such a hurry. At most, I would start from scratch." Huang Yanmei said.    


"Is this product really that good?" Dongfang Qingyu put down his chopsticks.    


"I can't guarantee other financial products. But as long as you buy a safe financial product, you won't regret it. However, in terms of profit, this is the most profitable product in the last ten years after the economic deceleration in China. " Huang Yanmei paused, "I bought 500,000 for myself."    


"I bought 1 million." Wang Hou suddenly shouted.    


Everyone at the table looked at Wang Hou in surprise. Among them, Wang Ling was ecstatic. Wang Hou looked at Huang Yanmei in a reserved manner and said lightly, "After eating, you can't just leave after slapping your butt. At least let the person who brought me here gain something."    


This sentence made the other guests a little unnatural. Wang Ling's movements were very fast. She ran over to get a purchase order and got Wang Hou to sign it.    


Wang Ling took a lot of purchase orders, and no one sent a single one. Dongfang Qingyu also took one. He thought for a while. He wrote a few numbers and the staff member who collected the shopping books happened to pass by. He handed over the books.    


"I'll also buy 100,000." Li Xian wrote down the amount and his name.    


Wang Ling was very happy. Li Xian and Wang Hou were both her customers. Li Zisu was anxious, but he could only smile. Ten minutes passed quickly. However, the host seemed to have forgotten this time and was still reading the name of the customer.    


"Mr. Wang Hou, purchase one million - -"    


A wave of exclamations sounded in the lobby, although the people who came here were all elites in the workplace. After all, it was not an entrepreneurship forum. There would definitely be many people with a net worth of more than one million. However, there might not be many who could take out a million in one go. Hence, a million was still very attractive.    


Wang Hou sat straight and had a reserved smile on his face. Everyone in the hall gave Wang Hou a round of applause. The host put in a lot of good words before changing to the next one.    


"500 - no, 50 million!" The host's voice suddenly rose, and then he said apologetically to everyone, "Forgive my excitement. My God, Mr. Dongfang Qingyu wants 50 million! I almost got a zero. "    


Wang Hou's smile instantly became stiff. Everyone at the table looked at Dongfang Qingyu. It was as if they had seen a ghost. In their hearts, they all believed that Dongfang Qingyu was the kind of person who would become well-off. He was not on the same level as them, so they did not value him. Who would have thought that he would silently give everyone such a big surprise?    


"You... Where did you get the money?" Huang Yanmei was momentarily lost in thought.    


"I have mines at home." Dongfang Qingyu said with a smile.    


Huang Yanmei's face twitched, but she did not expose him.    


"Who is Mr. Dongfang Qingyu? Can you stand up and let everyone know each other?" The host said impatiently. Dongfang Qingyu naturally did not want to be treated like a monkey. He just drank the soup.    


"All big shots like to keep a low profile, it's my recklessness." The host said a few words and joined the program at the end.    


This was a hybrid performance of magic and juggernaut, invited by a famous juggernaut team in China. The performance was very interesting, but Dongfang Qingyu's table was tasteless. Especially Wang Hou. His gaze would always pass Dongfang Qingyu, whether intentionally or unintentionally. No matter how he looked at it, he did not look like a rich person, but he just hit him with a Sap. It even made him speechless. This feeling made him, who had been proud since he was young, proud. It was extremely uncomfortable.    


Unknowingly, the banquet was nearing its end. It was the final draw. Dongfang Qingyu was extremely lucky to have won the special prize. It was worth 2 points. A set of commemorative RMB with numbers of 880,000. This was unknown RMB that had stopped distributing. As time passed, its value would continue to rise, and it would be very valuable to keep.    


"I'm going back!" After the transfer was successful, Dongfang Qingyu carried the gift and Huang Yanmei and left Grand Cloud Sky. The forms were all operated by mobile phones. It was very convenient. It was done in ten minutes. Wang Hou, whose face was pale, was left behind. He still had hope in his heart. He thought that Dongfang Qingyu was just pretending to be thick-skinned. However, the series of numbers could not be faked.    


"I'll be going back first." Wang Hou was still in high spirits. He had originally planned to sing, but now he had no mood to do so.    


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