The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3848 They Started Fighting

C3848 They Started Fighting

With a flash of light, L Yancheng was revived. As expected of Liu Chuanfeng's cousin, he had a lot of good stuff with him. He even had a passive resurrection item.    


After he came back to life, Lu Yan Cheng saw Shui Wang Chuan He as if he had seen his savior, and his angry expression became anxious. He shouted to Shui Wang Chuan He, "Shui Wang Chuan He, you've come at just the right time. Kill him, kill him for me, if there's any problem, I'll answer for it. You must kill him for me. This bastard dared to attack me, I must tear him to pieces."    


The junior brothers and sisters took out their weapons at the same time. Their expressions were solemn as they stared at the Water Forgetting River. Among the ten thousand people, only I am the most handsome one. He didn't move. He just squinted his eyes and stared at the water drinking Forgetting River. There was a smile on his face, but there was no warmth at all.    


"Don't get excited. Everyone, don't get excited. If you have something to say to me, just say it. Listen to me, alright?" Pomegranate Lotus made into a scallion pancake and bowed to both sides, hoping that both sides would calm down.    


In the middle of the crowd, only I, the Commander-in-Chief, and River of Forgetfulness were calm. The only thing that was noisy was Lu Yan Cheng making a big fuss. He looked like he wouldn't give up until he tore the Commander-in-Chief into pieces. After the three seconds of weakness, he jumped up and was about to rush over. Luckily, he was stopped by River of Forgetfulness.    


"Forgetting River, you should know that my cousin grew up with me and I was killed. If you don't do anything, think about what the consequences will be." After Lu Yan Cheng was pulled by the River of Forgetfulness, he calmed down. He realized that he was not a match for the only handsome man in the middle of ten thousand men, so he was less excited.    


"Listen to my orders - -" The voice of the River of Forgetfulness was not loud, but it traveled far, and in the next second, the sound of footsteps came from all directions, surrounding the whole of Pleasant Arrival Inn, and the din of the Pleasant Arrival Inn receded like a tide, and the diners, noticing the anomaly, looked out of the window at the black mass of the army, bewildered.    


"Forgetting River of Water, this is the" Pleasant Arrival Inn ! Pomegranate Lotus made into scallion pancakes and shouted.    


" You even know that this is Pleasant Arrival Inn? " The River of Forgetfulness stared at the Pomegranate Lotus made into a pancake and said coldly," The people who died tragically in Pleasant Arrival Inn believed in Pleasant Arrival Inn."    


The Pleasant Arrival Tavern had made a promise to the customers on the first day it was set up. Eating in the Tavern could guarantee absolute safety. As long as something went wrong in the Tavern, the Tavern would be responsible for it. Except for natural disasters, earthquakes and meteorites, the Tavern couldn't be blamed.    


Now that someone had died, the River of Forgetfulness naturally had a reason not to trust the Pleasant Arrival Inn.    


"Well, I can explain that it was these people who broke into our private room, and we were having a good meal when these people suddenly broke in. According to the rules of Dream City, we have the right to do so, don't we?" The girl said.    


"Yes, we have the right to act, but we didn't ask you to kill anyone." The drinking Forgetting River was not to be trifled with. He was the one in charge of public security, so no one could beat him when it came to finding loopholes.    


"When we fight, who will show mercy? Of course, we will do our best." The junior brother said firmly.    


"No matter how you speak, it won't change the fact that you killed people with malicious intent. There are so many lives here, how can you deny it?" The drinking Forgetting River's tone was cold.    


"Don't say so much. Don't ever try to communicate with a pig with human thoughts. It's a very stupid thing to do. " Among the ten thousand people, only I am the most handsome one who stopped his junior brothers and sisters. The drinking Forgetting River obviously wanted to make a move. He didn't say anything. At this moment, it was more reasonable to use his fists.    


"What did you say?" Drinking Forgetting River showed killing intent in his eyes. He couldn't stand it anymore.    


"Don't do it..." The durian made into scallion pancakes and turned pale with fear.    


Hum -    


The air started to tremble, and the box started to shatter. Pieces of it started to fly in the air. The durian made into a scallion pancake looked on helplessly as a black spear pierced through Lu Yan Cheng's chest. Lu Yan Cheng's mouth was wide open and his expression was complicated. Shock, fear, anger, despair... In the end, everything was shattered into pieces.    


The moment the spear was pulled out, Lu Yancheng's body turned into a mist of blood.    


"How dare you..." The Water Forgetting River was extremely angry. When a blade was about to hit the middle of ten thousand people's necks, it was blocked by the spearhead. No one could see when the spearhead returned.    


Dang -    


Out of the ten thousand people, only I am the most handsome. He took a step back. He was shocked and shocked. With a flick of his wrist, he created thousands of blade lights. The blade lights surrounded the ten thousand people. At the same time, a shiny short knife appeared in his left hand. The edge of the knife was blood red and reeked of blood. He had drunk the blood of countless people.    


"They're fighting, they're fighting!"    


The guest of Pleasant Arrival Inn was scared and ran to the gate in a hurry. He bumped into the law enforcement team who rushed in. One side wanted to go out and the other side wanted to come in, but the waiter tried to stop them and they got into a mess.    


"They are fighting with each other!"    


The title of 'The Only Commander-in-Chief' was only spread in the north. In the Pugilistic World, it was not even as popular as a more powerful internet celebrity. The name of the Forgetting River was only limited to The Dream City, so a fight between the two of them would not attract the attention of many players. However, the situation was different when it came to Pleasant Arrival Tavern.    


Since the establishment of the Pleasant Arrival Inn, there had only been a few fights. When they heard that someone had a big fight in the Pleasant Arrival Inn and even broke down the private room, the onlookers were all very excited and started to ask around.    


"Watering Forgetful River? What the hell? What do you do? "I've never heard of it. Under the roof of the steamed bun shop, a hunter and a blacksmith were chatting. The hunter's strength was relatively high, but he was obviously not well-informed.    


"What the hell? Are you still from'Dream City'? I've never heard of drinking the River of Forgetfulness. He is a big shot whose combat strength is close to the ceiling, and he is also the leader of public security. He is someone who can shake the ground with a stomp of his foot in'Dream City'." Although the blacksmith was a work occupation player, he had stayed in the city for a long time, so the relationship between him and the 'Dream City' was very clear.    


"Hiss, so it's him. I thought this name sounded familiar, but I couldn't remember it. My bad, my bad. Then, who is the only commander in the middle of ten thousand people? How dare he fight with the River of Forgetfulness when it's drinking water? " The hunter humbly asked for guidance. He and the hunter discovered that after entering the game, the two of them took different paths. He liked to tour the mountains and rivers and was naturally carefree. The blacksmith had no ambitions and was only willing to live a stable life and chose the most stable profession, blacksmith.    


"In the midst of ten thousand people, only I am the most handsome, and I am one of the top students of Peking University. It can be said that I am one of the representative figures. If he dies, the countless students of Peking University behind him will avenge him." The blacksmith said.    


"What the f * ck, both of them are so strong. With these two people together, it's no wonder that the Pleasant Arrival Inn has so many problems and can't control the situation." The hunter said. It was not that conflicts could not happen in the Pleasant Arrival Inn, but they would settle down very soon. With the appearance of Pleasant Arrival Inn, a few players dared not to give them any face. Unfortunately, two people who did not need to watch the color of Pleasant Arrival Inn came today. The usual solution of the Pleasant Arrival Inn was no longer effective. They had no idea what to do and could only stare.    


"They are fighting!"    


The news quickly spread out, and everyone knew about Black Tortoise City now. Wang Feiyan was the first to report to Dongfang Qingyu.    


"What do you mean they are fighting? Who is fighting with who?" Dongfang Qingyu was confused.    


"In the middle of the ten thousand people, only I am the only one who is the most handsome and has fought with the drinking Forgetting River. In the Pleasant Coming Inn, the drinking Forgetting River is the number one security officer in the Dream City." Wang Feiyan explained.    


"Why are they fighting?" Dongfang Qingyu was stunned for a moment and then laughed. He immediately said, "Well fought, well fought."    


Chapter 9 - The God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War, the God of War    


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