The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3849 Peking University Expert

C3849 Peking University Expert

"Why did they start fighting? What's the reason? Who attacked first? Where is Liu Chuanfeng? Where is Peanut Bean Milk Sugar? Did he appear? "A series of questions popped up in Dongfang Qingyu's mind.    


"I'm not sure yet. I only know that the fight was very fierce. The Happiness Inn has almost been torn down. Liu Chuanfeng hasn't appeared yet, and I haven't seen Peanut Bean Milk Sugar either. However, I think he will appear soon." Wang Feiyan said.    


"The defense of the Happiness Inn is at the level of a'Mighty Forbidden Spell'. It seems that the fight is indeed quite fierce." Dongfang Qingyu was all smiles as he said, "Do you have time to go and take a look? This place is not very lively. I hope that only I can hold on for a little longer in the middle of ten thousand people."    


"Why not drink the River of Forgetfulness for a little longer?" Wang Feiyan was curious.    


"The location is Dream City." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"It's my fault." Wang Feiyan immediately realized and continued, "Weren't you going to find your dream lover?" Dongfang Qingyu did not know why she wanted to go to Second City of Qingsha.    


"Wait a moment. We'll talk about it after we watch the show." Dongfang Qingyu glared at her. How dare he make such a big joke? She had to find a chance to teach him a lesson.    


By the time Dongfang Qingyu and Wang Feiyan arrived at Dream City, the battle had already expanded. The Happiness Inn had disappeared, leaving only ruins behind, and the number of people who participated in the battle was not only the only one who was the commander in the middle of the ten thousand people. There were also soldiers from Dream City as well as the students from the north. They happened to be nearby, and when they heard that only I was the commander in the middle of the ten thousand people was being bullied, they rushed over to help. Just like that, the battlefield expanded step by step.    


"Kill all of them. Anyone who dares to cause trouble in the Dream City must be punished, and not a single person will be spared." The drinking Forgetful River shouted loudly.    


"Yes!" The law enforcement team, the patrol team, and the guards team gathered together, and their figures could be seen everywhere on the street, on the roofs, and in the houses.    


Out of the ten thousand people, I'm the only one in charge, and there's no geographical advantage. People keep falling down, and screams can be heard everywhere.    




The thief who was preparing to sneak up on the River of Forgetfulness suddenly saw a hole in the wall. A crossbow arrow shot out from the hole and struck his back. This was a fatal attack, clearing out his HP and killing him in an instant. Before the Thief died, he turned his head around and saw the closed cave. He was filled with regret, but he didn't have the chance to turn the tide.    


"I'm coming!" The Berserker was wearing a thick and heavy armor. When he ran, his footsteps were like thunder, and the momentum was terrifying. The huge blade that was even bigger than the door began to glow. When his speed reached its peak, the brightness of the blade also reached its peak. The Berserker's eyes were like lightning, and the muscles on his arms bulged up. Just as he was about to unleash a fatal blow, the ground suddenly emptied.    


"I..." The domineering word kill that was just about to come out of his mouth immediately turned into a popular word on the internet. This time it was too sudden. All of the Berserker's strength was under his feet, and the explosion was on his hands. However, his feet were the foundation, and his strength fell. He fell down like a meteor, and before he could react, his body was pierced by the sharp spikes. No one knew what level the spikes were. His armor was a Dark Gold Ware, but there was no obstruction at all as it instantly pierced from his butt to the top of his head.    


..." Your sister!" The Berserker only remembered to say these two words before he spat out a mouthful of blood and died.    


"Activate the arrow!"    


Suddenly, the roof of a high-rise building split open, revealing an Arrow Tower. The north students who were rushing over were scared out of their wits. The sharp arrows had already arrived in front of them. Thieves, assassins, and hunters dodged one after another. The Warrior and Berserker provided the defense. However, the Arrow Tower appeared at the side a little too late, and the arrows had already arrived in front of them before they could defend. There were many flaws, and the Warriors only had time to protect themselves, but the Mage behind them did not have time to care about them. Amidst the miserable cries, seven or eight of them died, and five or six of them were seriously injured. The only two Reverends were also dead. One of them had his eye socket pierced, and the other had his throat pierced through by an arrow. They were all killed in an instant, and they didn't even have the time to scream.    


"Do you think our Peking University is so easy to bully?" A tornado was moving towards them from afar. They could not see anyone clearly, but they could see the tornado clearly. As the tornado moved, large and small Wind Blades were constantly being shot out. Every single Wind Blade could hit a member of Rream City, and it could either instantly kill, heavily injure, or force him to retreat. The attacks aimed at the tornado were all deflected.    


"Who is this person? I don't seem to have heard of him before." Dongfang Qingyu looked at the tornado that was whistling towards her. No one could stop it, and her eyes revealed admiration. This kind of attack method was very popular in the chaotic battle.    


"He is the wall that has no wind in the world." Wang Feiyan said.    


"So it's him." Dongfang Qingyu immediately had an impression of him. He had heard of this person before, but he had never seen him. Previously, when the Black Tortoise Group was looking for experts, they had extended an olive branch to this person, but he had mercilessly rejected them. The reason for his rejection was that he was a man like the wind. How could he be bound by gangs and groups?    


"There is no impenetrable wall in the world! These days, I have been helping you deal with the Scarlet Flame Green Mud Ball Ant in the Dream City." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Due to duty?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Yes, there is no charge. Dream City only needs to provide him with food and medicine to replenish his energy and repair tools." Wang Feiyan said.    


"He really has a personality." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"His girlfriend's family is in business, and they are very rich. He doesn't lack money." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Is he also a Northern University student?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Yes, I was the only one who was more handsome than the rest of them. It was said that when he was a boy, his dream was to be a pig-slaughterer. After he graduated from college, he went home to raise pigs, but he was unlucky. He kept raising pigs for two years, and for two years he suffered from swine fever. He lost all his money and owed a huge debt. If it weren't for his girlfriend helping him pay off his debts, he would probably have been listed as a credit breaker. After that, he calculated his own fate. He was the reincarnation of the Canopy Marshal in his previous life and was not suitable for raising pigs. After being a teacher for a few years, he entered the Cosmos." Wang Feiyan said.    


"For myself to divine my own fortune? Become a pig?" Dongfang Qingyu was shocked. It was an iron law that the person who divined his fortune could divine his own fortune. There was no wall in the world that could keep secrets, and there was really a personality. What was even more unique was that he actually thought that she was a pig. As expected, a person with a high IQ would have a different mindset.    


"I don't know if it's true or not. In any case, this is the popular version. A reporter interviewed him before, but he didn't deny it." Wang Feiyan said.    


"I'm coming!"    


A loud shout was like a bolt out of the blue, causing everyone's ears to hum. On the battlefield, a huge man appeared. He was a Berserker, and his height was 2.4 meters. Although he could not compare to some of the pets summoned by players, he was definitely a crane in a flock of chickens among the players.    


With a golden armor, light shot out in all directions, and his entire person was like a shining sun. He held a shield in his left hand and a dragon-shaped scimitar in his right. He was 2 meters long. Forty-eight meters, and the blade's weight was at least 200 kilograms. The Berserker held the blade with one hand, as light as a feather.    


The shield was wider than the door frame, like a thick wall. All attacks were blocked, and the shield even reflected 20% of the damage. All the players who attacked the Berserker would first injure themselves before injuring the enemy.    


The Berserker took large strides and advanced from the edge of the battlefield to the center of the battlefield. One man and one shield, and no one could stop him. His blade was not gaudy, and it was completely suppressed by his strength. Any enemy who blocked in front of him was sent flying by his blade, and the players who were sent flying bled from their seven orifices. Basically, they were all killed in an instant. There were very few who could survive.    


In an attempt to stop the Berserker's advance, a Mage erected three walls in front of him, each of which was more than 50 centimeters thick. They were reinforced with solid magic, so even a Knight would not be able to break through them.    




When the Berserker saw this, he suddenly accelerated and let out a roar that shook the surroundings. Bang! The three cob walls were broken in an instant. The Berserker shook his head and threw away the dust and dirt that had fallen on his hair. He suddenly slashed out with his blade, and the blade light bloomed for more than thirty meters before disappearing in a flash. A line of blood slowly flowed out from between the Earth Magician's eyebrows, and the Earth Magician froze. The light released by the magic staff that he raised was suddenly extinguished. With a bang, the Earth Magician fell to the ground and died.    


"Am I out of touch? There was someone he did not know." Dongfang Qingyu tried his best to think about it, but he could not find a name that could match this person. He looked at Wang Feiyan doubtfully. Logically speaking, it was impossible for him not to know about someone with such obvious characteristics of Berserker. He had seen such a person once, and he would not forget him.    


"His ID is that his umbrella can't cover his big head, and people give him the nickname Big Head." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Did he just appear? Or is he an Old Player?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"It's Old Player, but he used to be very weak and not very famous. Recently, he had eaten a lot of ant eggs and his strength had increased dramatically. His strength had increased all of a sudden, and the blade techniques and shield techniques he practiced relied on his strength. The stronger his strength, the stronger his strength would be. In the past, his strength was too weak, so he was just a rookie." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Why didn't I know that someone had obtained so many ant eggs." Dongfang Qingyu was puzzled. Judging from how the umbrella was unable to cover up the majority of the eggs, he must have eaten at least 30,000 ant eggs. There didn't seem to be many players who had obtained so many ant eggs, and he even knew a few lucky players.    


"His strength has increased explosively, and originally, he wasn't this strong. It was the Student Union of the North who saw his potential and thought that he was a talent that could be nurtured. They also gave him a lot of ant eggs and other medicinal pills and treasures that could increase his strength. That's why he is what he is today." Wang Feiyan explained.    


"That makes sense." Dongfang Qingyu nodded. Ants' eggs could not be eaten as much as they wanted. Even if there was an endless amount, it would depend on one's own digestive and absorption ability. His digestive and absorption ability should be the strongest, but he could not keep eating ant's eggs. Single ant's egg could not make the umbrella unable to cover the majority of what he had accomplished.    


"He's tall, but he's not from the northeast." Wang Feiyan said.    


"He can't be from the south, right?" Dongfang Qingyu was interested. Such a tall figure was very rare in the south. It could be said that it was as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns. He had been in Guangzhou for a few years, but he had never seen such a tall person.    


"He's from Guangxi." Wang Feiyan said.    


"It's a bit unscientific for such a big guy to be able to get admitted to Peking University." Dongfang Qingyu said. A tall person would always give people the illusion that he had developed four limbs and a simple mind.    


"Many people think that he got into Peking University by relying on his specialities in sports and boxing. However, everyone's guess is wrong. He got into Peking University by relying on his results without any exaggeration." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Awesome!" Dongfang Qingyu said. Suddenly, her eyes paused, and a strange player appeared in her field of vision.    


Chapter 39 - An Exclusive Player    


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