The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3940 The Road in front of the Hill Opened

C3940 The Road in front of the Hill Opened



"Tu Tu!"    


The two of them gave each other a big hug, their faces filled with excitement and joy, as if they were best friends who had reunited after so many years.    


"How is Sanya?" Lin Huo asked.    


"I've already prepared the strategy for it. I'm just waiting for you guys to come, I guarantee that I won't forget it." Tu Tu said.    


"The temperature is so comfortable." Lin Huo said.    


"That's right, I told you guys to hurry up." Tu Tu said.    


Dongfang Qingyu was dumbstruck. When did the two of them become so familiar? He remembered the first time they met, at Ye Yaoyao's birthday banquet, Lin Huo had a colorful afro and brought a group of non-mainstream younger brothers and sisters to cause trouble. He and Tu Tu were two guests, and at that time, he only felt that Lin Huohuo was unruly, but at that time, he was very sure that Tu Tu didn't know Lin Huohuo. Dongfang Qingyu was a little confused.    


"Sister Qian'er!" Tu Tu hugged Lin Qian'er passionately, and Lin Qian'er responded enthusiastically. Dongfang Qingyu looked at her in a daze. Lin Qian'er and Tu Tu seemed to be of the same age, who was older? He had forgotten about Lin Qian'er's birthday.    


"This is Yang Qiuyu, Sister Yang!" Lin Qian'er introduced.    


"Hello, Sister Yang, Sister Yang is so beautiful." Tu Tu's mouth was very sweet.    


"You're the one who's pretty, your skin is so good, it's enviable." Yang Qiuyu was slightly reserved, it could be seen that she didn't know Tu Tu.    


This was more normal. When Dongfang Qingyu was waiting for Tu Tu to come and hug him, Tu Tu's attention was attracted by Jian Jia, who was in his arms.    


"Little Jian Jia, do you still remember me? I am Aunt Tu. "Tu Tu's words immediately made Dongfang Qingyu understand something. They had met before.    


"Aunt - -" Jian Jia could not express it very well. She opened her small hands and wanted to hug him. Kids wouldn't lie.    


"You guys ..." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Let's get in the car first, we'll talk in the car." Tu Tu picked up Jian Jia, and Jian Jia did not resist her.    


Xiao Yu drove a seven-seater family car outside to wait. After the group of people got into the car, Dongfang Qingyu finally asked the question in her heart.    


"What's going on?"    


"Are you guys very surprised?" Tu chuckled.    


"It's too much of a surprise, it's about to turn into a fright." Dongfang Qingyu glanced at Lin Huo and Lin Huo snorted lightly.    


"Qian'er, you tell me." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


The matter was not complicated, and in the first half of the year, Lin Huo had a connection with Tu Tu. After that, if there was nothing else, they would gather together and get familiar with each other.    


Dongfang Qingyu had been online for a long time, and most of the time, he would not go offline for a few days, Lin Huo was bored, and Tu Tu was bored as well. The two of them knew Dongfang Qingyu's heart well and were mentally prepared, so they got along well and had a lot of common topics, and Lin Qian'er would sometimes join in as well.    


This time, when Tu Tu arrived at Sanya, she had immediately called Lin Huo, and only Dongfang Qingyu was in the dark.    


"You guys really ..." Dongfang Qingyu's heart sank back into his stomach. The thing he was most worried about had been resolved, and his entire body relaxed.    


When Tu Tu said that he would bring Lin Huo to Sanya, he was very happy and agreed without even thinking about it. Only when he said that he would bring Lin Huo to Sanya, did he suddenly realize that it might not be a good thing to have so many people, but it might also be a disaster. If Lin Huo and Tu Huo started fighting, he would not know how to end it.    


On the plane, he confessed to Lin Huo, but Lin Huo did not say anything, so in reality, he was still very guilty, so he did not dare to tell Tu Tu that he had come.    


"Where is the first stop?" Lin Qian'er asked.    


"It's almost lunchtime. The first stop is to go to a restaurant and eat seafood." Lin Huo said.    


"Sanya is surrounded by the sea on all four sides, but the price of seafood is not cheap at all, but it's fresh, and the taste is indeed good. Tu Tu and I have already tried it, and it's definitely worth it." Xiao Yu introduced.    


"We'll just follow, you guys make the arrangements." Lin Huo said.    


When the car stopped at the entrance, it only took the next person's effort to get the security to point out the direction of the carpark. At the same time, a Rolls-Royce stopped at the place directly opposite the entrance, but the security did not dare to say anything.    


"When you're outside, you still need to get a luxury car. It can save you a lot of trouble," Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"The people these days are too pragmatic." Tu Tu said. She thought that she wouldn't be driving this family car for long, so she didn't buy anything too expensive. She didn't expect that she would be looked down upon by the security guards.    


Walking into the hotel, from the decorations, one could guess that the price would not be cheap. When Tu Tu ordered, Dongfang Qingyu did not ask about it, but when the seafood was served one after another, he was shocked.    


The king crab was even bigger than a washbasin. Lobster that was as large as an adult's thigh, sea cucumber, big yellow fish, molybdenum... Most of them couldn't be called out. The hotel's service was very thorough, and there were chefs who would introduce how to eat on the spot, and at the same time, help with the processing, such as taking out the crab meat, processing the squid, and so on.    


The lobsters and crabs were too big. At first, Dongfang Qingyu was worried that the meat would be too old, but after taking a bite, he was relieved. The chef had used some unknown method to deal with it. The meat was fresh and tender, and there was almost no fishy smell. This made Dongfang Qingyu very impressed.    


Usually, he would also eat seafood, so there was more or less a fishy smell. They were all women. Without any wine, Dongfang Qingyu didn't want to drink alone.    


Lin Qian'er especially liked to eat crabs. Other than the king crabs, there were also super shuttle crabs, green crabs, red crabs, and hermit crabs that she didn't refuse. There was even a chef who specially prepared them for her.    


Yang Qiuyu preferred to drink soup, so Dongfang Qingyu tried to drink a mouthful. The taste was special, different from the soup he usually drank. He still wanted to drink it, but he held it in. He drank the soup at the beginning, so it would easily swell his stomach, and then he wouldn't be able to eat anymore.    


Tu Tu was an omnivorous creature, which was very similar to Dongfang Qingyu. She ate everything and did not choose anything. Xiao Yu ate very politely, mainly targeting the small-headed seafood, such as moles, base prawns, clams, and toads.    


Because they considered that they would have to eat a big meal after they got off the plane, the few of them did not eat anything on the plane. They ate a big table of seafood, and ate more than forty thousand yuan in one meal.    


"Go back and rest, then go to the beach. The wind in the evening is blowing on your body, it's so cool and comfortable." Tu Tu said.    


"Not far?" Lin Huo asked.    


"If you drive from the place you live to the beach, it will take about thirty minutes. Walking will be a bit too far." Tu Tu said.    


"Why don't you live a little closer? After eating, isn't it good to walk? "Lin Qian'er was puzzled.    


"I was going to buy a villa near the beach, but it's not that we're short of money, it's that we've talked to experts, it's humid here, and it's bad when you come back to the South Sky. Most of the time the year is going back to the South Sky, so we've decided to buy a villa farther away, or else when the house is empty, it won't be long before it starts to mold." Tu Tu said.    


"I didn't think of that." Lin Qian'er said.    


"We were also deceived by the guides online at the beginning, and only after we figure it out ourselves do we have the right to speak." Xiao Yu interrupted, she was still the one driving.    


The few of them chatted about how to play and how to play for the next few days. All of them were very excited. Suddenly, a broadcast sounded: The tourists from Guang University's Sanya pay attention to this. There will be a typhoon approaching at around 10:30 tomorrow. Everyone pay attention to your safety and don't go out.    


Chapter 15 - Mixture    


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