The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3951 Robot Rescue Team

C3951 Robot Rescue Team

... "Help, help me, I'm dying -" On a tree at the edge of the river, clinging to a grown man, he was screaming at the top of his lungs. He was screaming as hard as he could, but he couldn't hear himself.    




A woman in a red business suit was clinging to a suspension in a parking lot. Her whole body was soaked with rain, she was cold, hungry, sleepy, and scared, and she could feel her strength fading with the temperature. She had given up screaming, the wind was louder than thunder, her voice could not be louder than the wind, no one could hear her, and even if they could, no one would risk saving her in this weather. She did not want to die, she wanted to live.    




In the old village, the family was crowded in the attic on the third floor. The water on the first floor was more than a meter deep, and the windows on the second floor were broken by the wind because they couldn't close them in time. The floor, the bed, the quilt, the cabinet... were wet beyond recognition. The family of five had to squeeze into the attic. It was originally a storage room. In order to prevent rats from entering, there were no windows.    


"Dad, I'm cold," the four-year-old boy said, his lips blue.    


Adults could bear it, but little children couldn't. When they came rushing up from downstairs, although they tried to avoid it, part of their clothes were actually wet, and it was awful to wear wet clothes when they couldn't keep warm.    


"Pot, pot, just hold on for a while longer. Someone will come for us." The middle-aged man squeezed out a smile and comforted the child. He tried his best to hold the child in his arms, but his body temperature was decreasing bit by bit. If he could warm the child...    


"Mom, I'm hungry. I want to eat something." The boy's big bright eyes looked expectantly at his mother, who was dressed in cheap street clothes and whose face had long since lost the shine of her teenage years. She was in her twenties, and she looked ten years older than her actual age.    


"Be a good girl and sleep. You won't be hungry when you sleep." The woman looked at her husband. In the dim light, her husband's face was full of guilt. She couldn't say the words of reproach.    


The husband had worked so hard that he couldn't be blamed for not giving the family better conditions. He didn't drink, he quit smoking, he went to work during the day, he worked part-time after work, he came home at ten-thirty every day, he helped with the housework, sometimes the children didn't sleep, he had to put them to sleep, he hadn't bought new clothes in two years, he liked to travel before he got married, he hadn't been out in more than three years, he had done enough.    


Life had not improved, and there was no telling how long the typhoon would last, and where the family would go. He had been holding the phone tightly in his hand, but there was no signal. He couldn't find anyone who wanted to see him. Suddenly, he felt that something was wrong with his son.    


"Hubby, my son has a fever." The woman was terrified.    


"You guys stay here. I'll go get the medicine. Even if the pharmacy is ruined, I have to bring back the anti-fever medicine." He was two kilometers from the nearest pharmacy, and five or six kilometers from the nearest hospital, and he doubted that he would be able to make it, let alone come back.    


"Hubby -" The woman was helpless. She wanted her husband to bring her fever medicine, but she didn't want to see him risk it.    


"People in the attic, come out. I'm here to save you. Don't worry, I have the ability to save you."    




Each robot was equipped with a search and rescue scanning system, which was complex and comprehensive, but it was clear that the actual situation was more complicated. There were a lot of people on the system, and those who really needed help had to be manually screened.    


It would be a great service to save even one person. Robots don't get tired, but the people who operate them get tired.    


A man saved by a robot uploaded the video to the Internet, which immediately attracted the attention of a large number of keyboard warriors. The number of views on the video broke through ten million in a very short period of time, and the robot became a star.    


"Is the range of activity only in the Pearl Sea? Why don't we have it here? There are many people in our city who need help."    


"If we had robots here, I wouldn't have to take the risk and I wouldn't be injured. 100 days of injuries, I would have to lie in bed for at least three months. Just thinking about it makes me shiver."    


"Pearl Sea? I have a classmate trapped in a parking lot at the intersection of Liberation Road and Red Flag Avenue, in the parking lot next to the Avenida Hair Market. Come on, she's been out of touch for three hours, and I don't know how she's doing."    




The government had been alerted by the robot rescue, and the local firemen had taken over command of the robot for the time being. It was only when the firemen were fully informed that they knew where the people needed help the most. Time was life, and sometimes a minute saved a life.    


Dongfang Qingyu asked the 1989 Future Technology to speed up the production of robots, but it was obviously too late. It would take at least two months to produce a robot, and that was under the condition that nothing went wrong.    


Fortunately, two of the automatons that had been produced were ready to test new systems, but instead of testing them now, they were installed with the old ones and used. The two that had been sent out had returned, and there were seventeen functional automatons.    


"How many robot companies like this are there?" Dongfang Qingyu asked Wang Feiyan who came back to report.    


"A lot." Wang Feiyan thought for a few seconds and said, "But the routes are different. Some are for the AI, some are for maintenance, some are for large buildings, and some are for Transformers."    


"There are so many technology companies, but only one?" Dongfang Qingyu did not believe it.    


"There are three more, but their technology is not mature enough, so it's hard for them to walk." Wang Feiyan said.    


"I'm quite disappointed." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Technological research and development is expensive. Most of the companies are actually just labs, and a lot of them are part-timers, and a lot of them are hung up by schools for students to practice. There are a lot of gadgets, but -" Wang Feiyan paused for a second. "There aren't many big ones."    


"So you don't have money?" Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Yes, capital is a reality. Only when there's profit to be made will you invest money. There are very few people who want to get an investment just by relying on a few PowerPoint presentation." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Where did the money for 1989 Future Technology come from?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Lottery." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Hmm?" Dongfang Qingyu looked at her.    


"The founder of 1989 Future Technology started the idea because he won 80 million in the lottery," Wang Feiyan said.    


"80 million isn't enough, right?" Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"When he had no money, he bought it again. This time, he won 240 million yuan. Because of this, he became the first person in the hearts of the people in Cai, the idol of countless people," Wang Feiyan said.    


"What does he have to do with the lottery company?" Dongfang Qingyu was extremely surprised.    


"Thanks to two lottery tickets, he's made a name for himself. He's got some contests, endorsements, and all that." Wang Feiyan said.    


"Is there a third time to buy the lottery ticket?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"No, I didn't win," Wang Feiyan said.    


"That makes sense." Dongfang Qingyu heaved a sigh of relief. If he won every time, then what kind of business was he going to run? He could just keep buying lottery tickets.    


"How are you doing in Hainan?" Wang Feiyan's face revealed concern.    


"The house is in good shape, and you're lucky you didn't get any bean curd work, so be careful when you're alone at home. Although the wind's a little weaker here in Guangzhou, you can't afford to be careless." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"I will take good care of myself. You guys have to be careful as well." Wang Feiyan said.    


"After the typhoon, arrange a time for me to meet the boss of 1989 Future Technology. He's the one who saved so many people." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"The one who should be grateful is the boss." Wang Feiyan did not agree.    


"Oh right, what has Duan Jiuyin been doing recently?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"I don't see him. He shouldn't be online. I wonder what he's busy with." Wang Feiyan shook her head. Online, she was pretty well-informed, but offline, the power of the Black Tortoise City Group was very low.    


"You can count the group employees, coastal ones, who have suffered considerable damage to their lives because of this typhoon, and you can offer them some financial compensation." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Yes, boss." Wang Feiyan wrote it down in her notebook.    


"It's about time. I'm going offline now. You keep an eye on the robots. You can save them, but don't let our people take too much risk." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"Yes, boss!" Wang Feiyan replied.    


- - Content from [Mi Gu Reading]    


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