The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3957 New Car Press Conference

C3957 New Car Press Conference

... "The two biggest enemies of the new energy vehicles, endurance and speed, are two problems we can't say we've solved, but we've made great improvements and upgrades, and the data we've written on the warranty is a thousand kilometers..."    


"The second problem that concerns everyone is the effect of the temperature on the battery, which is the effect of winter on the sustainability of the battery. There must be an effect, and you all know the reason. Even air conditioners consume a lot more electricity in extremely cold weather."    


"I know I don't like to play games. The four models today are all of the South Gate series. 880 thousand. The second one is from the Heavenly King Guang Wu, which is 38. 880,000. The third one is 88,000. 880,000. The fourth price was 288,888,000. Don't be too excited. There will be a discount for the car within three days... "    




The press conference had caused a huge sensation in the entire city. The press conference lasted for two hours. After it ended, the entire city was discussing the Southern Sky Gate series.    


"Wow, 288.888 million. This is going to compete with foreign brands. In the past, millions of luxury cars were all foreign brands, but Peaches of Immortality went straight up to 288.88 million. It must have hit more than 3 million." In the tea house, a man wearing an archer's equipment and a scholar's headscarf exclaimed.    


"At first, I thought so too, but after looking at the specs, I felt that it was well deserved. Although I couldn't afford it, I must say that for a car of the same price, I would have chosen the King of the Kingdom. Seventy percent of the money is spent on the brand, and seventy percent on the quality of the King of the Kingdom." The big man sitting across from him had a full forehead and a deep voice.    


"That's right. If it were me, I would choose the King of Country too. Not to mention the two hundred thousand discount. That is unprecedented." The tea in front of the thief had not been touched, but the peanuts seemed to have entered his stomach.    


"What discount?" The archer's face was full of curiosity.    


"Didn't you go to the press conference?" The Thief asked.    


"No, I just happened to have something to do and will be taking care of it at the company," the Archer revealed a regretful expression.    


"It's like this, Immortality Peach Tree encourages everyone to help the disaster caused by the typhoon. 880 thousand as an example. If you donate 20 thousand, when you buy a car, Immortality Peach Tree will give you double the discount, so you only need 12 to buy a Heavenly King Duo Wen. Eight hundred and eighty thousand." The thief said.    


"What if I donate more than 80,000 yuan? Does that mean I can directly pick up the car?" The archer was surprised and happy. He had planned to buy a car a year ago. If the typhoon had not delayed him for a few days, he would have already picked up the car. His budget was 150,000 yuan. If he could buy it for more than 80,000 yuan, it would save him half the money.    


"That's impossible. Immortality Peach Tree isn't that stupid. There's a limit to giving it away for free. If you want to donate, the King of Duo Wen can give you a discount of forty thousand. The King of Guangmu gets sixty thousand. The King of Growth gets eighty thousand." The big man said.    


"It's a pity that there is no limit." The archer was regretful.    


"Be content. Forty thousand is already great enough." The big man said.    


"It can't be called a discount of 40,000. Actually, it's only 20,000. The donation also cost 20,000." The Thief said.    


"That's also a good reputation," the burly man said.    


"What about the King of the Kingdom? How much is the highest discount?" the Archer asked.    


"150 thousand," the man replied.    


"Wow, you can even buy one of those." The archer exclaimed.    


"Yeah, that's right. Otherwise, it would be the same as buying cabbages for the rich," the Thief said.    


"From what you're saying, there are other policies apart from donations?" the Archer asked.    


"Yes, and there are two demerits. One is to replace the old with the new, depending on how much you get out of the car, and the other is to register as a resident of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, and Hainan." The big man said.    


"Immortality Peach Tree is really generous and cool this time." The archer laughed. What a coincidence, he was from Shaoguans and Shaoguans was at the northernmost part of Guangdong. The typhoon this time didn't affect Shaoguans.    


"You're lucky." The thief was a bit jealous. He was from Hunan.    


"My treat." The archer quickly said.    


"A cup of tea won't do." The Thief said.    


"After I pick up the cart, I'll spar with Toad Hall." The Archer immediately said.    


"We'll wait for your good news," the big man said.    




The Immortality Peach Tree press conference was on the front page, and anyone who liked it or hated it had to give a thumbs-up and say, Good.    


When one side was in trouble, the other side would come to their aid. It had always been the tradition of the country. When there was money, there was money, and when there was strength, there was strength.    


Then there was the King of the Country, priced at 2888,800,000 yuan. This meant that domestic cars had officially hit the top of luxury cars. In the past, there had been a few domestic cars that had sold around two million yuan, but the sales were low and they all ended in failure. No one had dared to challenge them for many years. It could be said that this price was no less than the price of Apple in the high-end phone market back then.    


The layman could not see through it. He only felt that it was expensive, but the insiders understood the meaning of this action. They opened their eyes wide and watched. The reaction of the market was very important. If the sales ideal of the National King proved that the people of the country had changed their minds and no longer believed that only foreign things were good, then other cars would follow and enter the high-end models, and if not many people bought them, it meant that the time was not ripe and that they had to wait.    


Dongfang Qingyu was also paying attention to the pre-sale situation. He had invested tens of billions in Immortality Peach Tree, and the sales figures of the Southern Sky Gate series were directly related to his dividends.    


Usually, when hot events appeared, the forums would be the most lively place. Dongfang Qingyu often liked to hang around the forums when he had nothing to do. The same thing, with more people participating, could be seen from many different angles, some of which couldn't even be imagined. It was very interesting.    


The forum was filled with an unimaginable number of talents and gurus. Within two hours of the release of the Southern Sky Gate series's four models, all sorts of video introductions were released, many of the details of which were probably unknown to the sales staff.    


A blogger called 'Eternal Power' focused on analyzing the King of the Kingdom. It was unknown where he got the data, but the introduction to performance and safety made people's blood boil. From the number of fans he had, he was a god of car critics, who knew all the data of major car companies and models like the back of his hand. When he explained, there were some comparisons between the data. After listening to his analysis, Dongfang Qingyu, who was not going to buy a car anymore, had the urge to buy one.    


"Is this' Eternal Power 'charged?" Dongfang Qingyu asked Luo Bingfei.    


"Let me ask." Luo Bingfei was not sure either. The Black Tortoise City Group was only a platform, and the specific promotional work was done by the Immortality Peach Tree itself.    


"No, Eternal Power is a very neutral man. He never takes money from a car company, and he never goes against his conscience. Good is good, bad is bad." Luo Bingfei hung up the phone and answered Dongfang Qingyu.    


"This person's setting is quite good," Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"CEO Li Jinfu asked if you have time and wants to meet you," Luo Bingfei asked.    


"When?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"Eight o'clock tonight." Luo Bingfei said.    


"No time." Dongfang Qingyu immediately shook his head. He had to bathe Jian Jia at eight o'clock.    


"Then I'll reply to CEO Li." Luo Bingfei said.    


"How's the arrangement for the annual gathering going?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"I'm not too sure about this. It's mainly the responsibility of the commoners." Luo Bingfei shook her head.    


"What are the benefits for the employees of the company this year?" Dongfang Qingyu asked.    


"If you give out money or other things, there will always be people who are not satisfied. Money is more convenient. If you want anything, buy it yourself." Luo Bing Fei replied.    


"It's not good. We can change it." Dongfang Qingyu said.    


"A car?!" Luo Bing Fei immediately reacted.    


"I think Li Jinfu is looking for me because of this." Dongfang Qingyu smiled.    


Chapter 15 - Li Jinfu    


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